
Practitioner & Practitioner & Unity of Knowledge and Action & Cause and Effect & Retribution for Good and Evil

author:Triangular center

Spread mindfulness and abandon illusion

Today's topic is important for everyone's daily life. It's a big topic, and I've wanted to write about it for a long time, but I can't find where to put it from nowhere, so it's been brewing. Browsing through the headlines this morning, I read an article that immediately aroused the urge to finish this article.

Let's first read the article of this @在水一一友:

Practitioner & Practitioner & Unity of Knowledge and Action & Cause and Effect & Retribution for Good and Evil

In the article, the friend talked about one of his own bewilderments and gave an example of "Ruda". Let's start with Ruda.

The author believes that Ruda is "equal to bad karma", which is wrong and a serious misunderstanding of Ruda. Lu Zhishen is one of the characters with the best ending in "Water Margin". He not only ranked thirteenth among the one hundred and eight generals in Liangshanbo, but also won widespread respect for his noble personality and pure self-deedness. Lu Zhishen not only punched the town of Guanxi, made trouble in Wutai Mountain and uprooted the weeping willows, but also became famous for the nickname of "Flower Monk". Although he became a monk, he still drank wine and ate meat, and was not bound by anyone, including Song Jiang and Huizong. In the end, after the conquest of Fang La, Lu Zhishen lived in Liuhe Temple, and after hearing the Qiantang River tide letter, according to the prophecy of the master Elder Zhizhen, he burned incense and sat away, and got a good death.

Practitioner & Practitioner & Unity of Knowledge and Action & Cause and Effect & Retribution for Good and Evil

Flower monk Lu Zhishen

The author believes that the "evil" that Ruda did was all "good deeds". Let's take another example of "Wu Song" with a better ending in "Water Margin": Wu Song is known as a "walker", who once killed a tiger after drinking and became a hero sung by the folk. After that, he killed his sister-in-law and killed his mother-in-law and killed Simon. When Liangshanbo and Song Jiang fought together, Wu Song made great achievements. Although he was plotted to lose his left arm in the battle against Fang La, he chose to become a monk at the Liuhe Temple and died at the age of eighty, which may have been the most perfect ending for him. He not only ended his life of killing, but also took care of Lin Chong until his death, and was named the patriarch of Qingzhong, becoming the longest-lived of the heroes of Liangshan.

Practitioner & Practitioner & Unity of Knowledge and Action & Cause and Effect & Retribution for Good and Evil

Walker Wu Song

Wu Song and Lu Zhishen have one thing in common, that is, "killing people like hemp". This seems to be a "wicked person", but in fact it is not, because they also have one thing in common, that is, "jealousy is like hatred". These two points are unified, not separate. Speaking of which, we will introduce another well-known character - Monkey King. Sun Wukong, Luda and Wu Song, belong to the same category of people. We don't need to tell more about the story of Sun Wukong, the reason why Sun Wukong was introduced is because Sun Wukong and Wu Song have a common name, called "Walker". Killing people like hemp, jealousy and hatred, what does it have to do with "walkers"? Talk about my understanding.

My understanding: "practitioner" is "practitioner". From Wu Song and Sun Wukong, we can understand what a real "cultivator" is-

A true practitioner is one who knows what to do and what not to do; If you know what to do, you will do it, even if it is murder and arson; If you know what you shouldn't do, you resolutely don't do it, even if the beauty sits on your arms.

The above is my superficial definition, which is superficial but precise. Let's compare the stories of Wu Song and Sun Wukong, they vividly embodied the concept of "walkers" - "cultivators" - "unity of knowledge and action", and all of them have achieved positive results and become models admired and praised by future generations.

Good or doing good must include the cognition of evil, the rejection of evil, and the deterrence of evil. Evil or evil deeds must include tolerance of evil, ignorance of evil, and connivance at evil.

In "Water Margin", most of the heroes of Liangshan represented by Song Jiang are actually people who put interests first and do not distinguish between good and evil.

Those who preach that "cultivation" is the elimination of duality and the all-encompassing idea is a complete bastard logic.

Practitioner & Practitioner & Unity of Knowledge and Action & Cause and Effect & Retribution for Good and Evil

There is no use for burning incense and reciting scriptures

When we know the true meaning of "practitioner", we will practice in our lives. To practice in life is to achieve the unity of knowledge and action. If we misinterpret "practice", we will make a fuss about the appearance and go around in circles (i.e., repentance, good deeds, generosity, liberation, etc.). After a lifetime of going around and around, in the end it is nothing. Recently, I often brush up on the Internet two girls who don't know whether they are cultivating the Tao or cultivating Buddhism, and they are making a gesture, so they are charming, which is nothing in my opinion; There are also some so-called "cultivators" who wear bracelets and monk's robes and robes, talking about cause and effect, but they don't know what cause and effect are.

This brings us to "cause and effect." So what is "cause and effect"? We also look for answers from practitioners such as Luda, Wu Song, and Sun Wukong, and I think:

Cause and effect is the retribution of the present life, not the retribution of the afterlife.

I say unceremoniously that anyone who talks about "retribution in the afterlife" is a lie. Like the article quoted at the beginning of the article from a netizen [on the water side], this netizen is too deeply poisoned. Why is it said that the afterlife is deceiving, because what is the afterlife like? Where is the afterlife? No one knows that this is painting bread to satisfy hunger, and it is a wish-making pyramid scheme. Furthermore, if you believe in retribution in the afterlife, you will not be a good "practitioner" in this life, you will not distinguish between good and evil, you will see good and do nothing, you will see evil without anger, and you will not be angry when you see evil.

There are too many examples of the present world newspaper in life, and this is not superstition, there is a scientific truth in it. Lao Tzu said that "the opposite is the movement of the Tao", and the "anti" here is the meaning of reflection and feedback (I firmly believe that the "anti" I understand is right, and the so-called opposite, cyclical theory is to cover the whole with partiality, although it makes sense, but it is not a universal truth). Take good and evil cause and effect as an example, if you don't have a correct reflection or feedback on good and evil, retribution (which is actually the feedback of society on your perception of good and evil) will come immediately. For example, the story of Mr. Dongpo and the wolf, the story of the farmer and the snake, which are well known to women and children, is reflected in real life to talk about those who do not distinguish between good and evil, and the "Present World Newspaper" will come in minutes.

So, escaping reality is actually doing evil.

If you meet a bad old man bullying a little girl on the subway, you don't practice by saying "Amitabha", but if you go up and slap that bad old man, that's the real practice.

Practitioner & Practitioner & Unity of Knowledge and Action & Cause and Effect & Retribution for Good and Evil

Defending good and evil and upholding justice is the practice

At this point in the article, I think many people should understand and summarize the following points:

A person with qualified cognition, first of all, understands good and evil, this is called knowing, and after understanding good and evil, he will do good and eliminate evil, this is practice, and practice is the unity of knowledge and action. If you can argue between good and evil, and unite knowledge and action, you will be rewarded in this world, which is what Lao Tzu said, "Since you think that you have more, you will have more with others." We don't practice for the "afterlife", practice is to give feedback to society correctly, and karma is to get feedback from society; If there is an afterlife, the next life needs the practice of the next life, and in this life, you just need to do a good job in the practice of this life.