
Xuecheng District held the first meeting of the Law Enforcement Coordination Group of the District Committee for Comprehensive Rule of Law in 2024

author:Rule of law Zaozhuang
Xuecheng District held the first meeting of the Law Enforcement Coordination Group of the District Committee for Comprehensive Rule of Law in 2024

On June 26, the first meeting of the Law Enforcement Coordination Group of the Xuecheng District Committee of the Communist Party of China Committee for Comprehensive Rule of Law was held in 2024. Zhang En, head of the law enforcement coordination group of the District Committee for Comprehensive Rule of Law, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, deputy head of Xuecheng District, and director of the District Public Security Bureau, attended and delivered a speech. Chu Fugang, deputy head of the Law Enforcement Coordination Group, deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the District Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the District Judicial Bureau, presided over the meeting.

Xuecheng District held the first meeting of the Law Enforcement Coordination Group of the District Committee for Comprehensive Rule of Law in 2024

The meeting listened to the report on the administrative law enforcement work of the District Ecological Environment Bureau, the District Emergency Management Bureau, and the District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, and issued the "Special Rectification Work Plan for Outstanding Problems in Administrative Law Enforcement of Enterprises in Xuecheng District" and "Notice on Further Improving the Special Rectification of Outstanding Problems in Administrative Law Enforcement of Enterprises in the District".

The meeting pointed out that carrying out special rectification of administrative law enforcement issues related to enterprises is a powerful measure to implement Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, respond to the concerns of the people, and optimize the business environment. All law enforcement departments should pay close attention to the special rectification work with a high degree of ideological consciousness, political consciousness, and action consciousness, effectively solve the problems of administrative law enforcement that the masses have strongly resented, and promote the special rectification work in the field of administrative law enforcement to go deeper and more practical and achieve practical results.

Xuecheng District held the first meeting of the Law Enforcement Coordination Group of the District Committee for Comprehensive Rule of Law in 2024

The meeting required that all law enforcement departments should grasp the key nodes and promote the key work of special rectification with high quality. Highlight key areas and industries, especially departments in key areas such as ecology and environment, emergency management, and market supervision, and comprehensively carry out investigation and rectification of outstanding problems in law enforcement involving enterprises. Establish a list of problems, rectify the sales number on schedule, immediately correct and deal with the individual problems found, strengthen research and demonstration of common problems, and formulate targeted rectification measures. Give full play to the role of the "jujube enterprise e-code pass" platform to carry out sunshine law enforcement supervision related to enterprises. Strictly implement the management system for administrative law enforcement personnel to hold certificates and qualifications, and strictly control the entry of administrative law enforcement qualifications. Incorporate Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, Party rules and Party discipline, and norms of conduct for administrative law enforcement into the learning content to improve the theoretical level of administrative law enforcement personnel. It is necessary to persist in making overall efforts to ensure that the special rectification work achieves practical results. The special rectification work will be included in the annual key tasks, and firmly establish the idea of "a game of chess", not only to perform their own duties and responsibilities, but also to cooperate closely and work together to form a joint work force. Establish a coordination mechanism between administrative law enforcement supervision and government supervision, and promote problem resolution through the transfer of problem clues, joint supervision and research, etc. Widely carry out the activities of popularizing the law into enterprises, deepen the special action of "serving the real economy, law and enterprises working hand in hand", and help enterprises prevent and resolve the risk of administrative violations.

Members of the Law Enforcement Coordination Group of the District Committee for Comprehensively Administering the District in accordance with the Law of the District Committee and the main responsible comrades of the relevant departments (units) of the towns (streets) and district governments attended the meeting.

Source: Xuecheng District Bureau of Justice

Xuecheng District held the first meeting of the Law Enforcement Coordination Group of the District Committee for Comprehensive Rule of Law in 2024