
Regarding hot topics such as summer travel, this conference was very informative!

author:Fangchenggang cultural tourism

On June 27, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism held a regular press conference for the second quarter of 2024 to introduce the national summer cultural and tourism consumption season, the "Salute to the New Era" red story publicity activity, the National College Student Red Tourism Creative Planning Competition, the update of equipment in the field of culture and tourism, and the release of flood season and summer travel tips.

Regarding hot topics such as summer travel, this conference was very informative!


Li Xiaoliang

Deputy Director and Moderator of the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Ladies and gentlemen, friends of the media: Good afternoon. Welcome to the regular press conference of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the second quarter.

In order to meet the needs of the public, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will launch a series of tourism products and theme routes to enrich the summer supply. At the same time, the summer cultural and tourism consumption season will be deployed across the country to increase consumption to benefit the people. On the eve of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism held two key activities: the "Salute to the New Era" red story presentation and the National College Student Red Tourism Creative Planning Competition. Today, we have invited responsible comrades of relevant departments and bureaus to brief you on the relevant situation and answer questions from reporters. I would like to introduce the presenters who attended today's press conference, they are Ms. Wang Heyun, first-level inspector of the Department of Resource Development, Mr. Fu Hanxiao, deputy director of the Department of Industrial Development, and I am Li Xiaoliang of the General Office. First of all, we would like to invite Mr. Fu Hanxiao to introduce the situation of the national summer cultural and tourism consumption season.

Fu Hanxiao

Deputy Director-General of the Department of Industrial Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

In order to implement the central government's decision-making and deployment on promoting the continuous expansion of consumption, actively cultivating new consumption growth points such as cultural and entertainment tourism, and implementing the spirit of the National Tourism Development Conference, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will organize and carry out the 2024 national cultural and tourism consumption promotion activities, focusing on traditional festivals, statutory holidays and summer and other peak tourism seasons, and holding a series of consumption promotion activities with rich content and various forms throughout the year. During this year's "May Day", we held the national "May Day" Cultural and Tourism Consumption Week, and cultural and tourism activities with different characteristics have become hot spots for holiday consumption. Summer is a long time span of the tourist season in the year, primary and secondary school students have holidays, the annual leave of employees is also more concentrated, and the people's cultural and tourism consumption demand is strong. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism thoroughly implements the requirements of the central government, adheres to the efforts of both supply and demand, improves the supply quality of cultural and tourism products, optimizes the cultural and tourism consumption environment, and further releases the potential of cultural and tourism consumption, so as to stimulate the overall consumption and promote economic development to play a greater comprehensive role, and better serve the needs of the people for a better life. Focusing on the upcoming summer tourism season, we will focus on the following tasks:

The first is to hold the main event of the 2024 National Summer Cultural and Tourism Consumption Season. According to the overall arrangement of the annual cultural and tourism consumption promotion activities, we will hold the main event of the 2024 National Summer Cultural and Tourism Consumption Season in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in mid-July, and release nationwide activities and high-quality products for the people. The General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China will release the "Travel with the Event" summer event catalog, and the relevant supporting units will release the "Good Places to Escape the Summer Summer", "Travel with the Performance" and "Travel with Delicious Food" summer tourism online areas and measures to benefit the people; Sinopec will launch a package of self-driving travel measures to benefit the people, including refueling/charging discounts, shopping discounts, free car washes, and post station services.

The second is to organize a series of summer consumption promotion activities in various places. From July to August, various localities will launch a series of characteristic cultural and tourism activities, new consumption scenarios and measures to benefit the people to enrich the people's summer cultural and tourism life. According to preliminary statistics, more than 4,000 cultural and tourism consumption activities of about 37,000 times will be held in the summer, and measures to benefit the people such as the issuance of consumption vouchers, ticket price discounts, consumption reductions, and discount packages will be launched. For example, Zhejiang Province will hold the 2024 provincial summer cultural and tourism consumption season of "Colorful Summer and Fun in Zhejiang", carry out activities such as Qingyun Market, literary flash mob, and summer cool and elegant gathering, and cultivate "micro brands" of cultural and tourism consumption such as "Hundred Counties and Thousand Bowls", "Zhejiang Rhyme Thousand Accommodations", "Zhejiang School Gifts", "Zhejiang Performing Arts" and "Zhejiang Thousand Episodes", and create diversified cultural and tourism consumption "micro scenes". Shaanxi Province will hold the 2024 Shaanxi Summer Cultural Tourism Consumption Season of "Sanqin Four Seasons and Joyful Travel", focusing on the themes of enjoying the cool, summer vacation, water, summer food, night tours, etc., and launching the "Cool Summer Plan" and preferential measures. Chengdu City, Sichuan Province will issue 30 million yuan of "Summer to Chengdu and Pleasure in Tianfu" cultural tourism consumption vouchers through relevant platforms.

The third is to integrate the resources of all parties and increase consumption to benefit the people. Implement the 2024 "100 Cities and 100 Districts" cultural and tourism consumption action plan, organize China UnionPay, cooperative banks, etc. to strengthen communication and cooperation with various localities, and focus on six aspects, including enriching consumption measures to benefit the people, carrying out consumption promotion activities, improving product supply capacity, improving consumption convenience, promoting regional consumption linkage, and strengthening publicity and promotion, and promote the marketing funds and high-quality resources of various institutions to support the cultural and tourism fields, and introduce measures such as consumption subsidies, consumption full reductions, ticket price discounts, and point reward exchanges. For example, China CITIC Bank will launch a series of activities called "Happy Summer Vacation Real Reduction" to invest consumer equity coupons on relevant platforms to provide cardholders with instant consumption discounts. On the basis of the random one-point tour activity, ICBC launched the "Aigou Hotel" plan, and you can enjoy preferential discounts through UnionPay payment in the hotel scene. It is hoped that the wonderful activities of the national summer cultural and tourism consumption season can add color and fun to everyone's summer travel, so that everyone can enjoy the beauty of history, mountains and rivers, and culture, and spend a happy, fulfilling and beautiful summer.

Li Xiaoliang

Deputy Director and Moderator of the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Thank you, Mr. Fu Hanxiao. Next, I would like to invite Ms. Wang Heyun to introduce the "Salute to the New Era" red story publicity activity and the National College Student Red Tourism Creative Planning Competition.

Wang Heyun

First-class inspector of the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Friends from the media, good afternoon! Thank you for your long-term support for our work. Let me introduce to you the "Salute to the New Era" red story publicity activity and the National College Student Red Tourism Creative Planning Competition.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to make good use of the party's red resources, so that the cadres and the masses can personally feel the arduous process, great changes, and brilliant achievements; He stressed the need to take the world-renowned achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the content support, and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture as the foundation of strength, and explain the truth in depth and thoroughly. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and implement the requirements of the National Tourism Development Conference, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism organized the "Salute to the New Era" red story publicity activity from June to October.

Since 2018, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has focused on the function of red tourism education, and jointly with the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, has held four consecutive national red story explainer competitions. From "the taste of truth" to "glorious history", from "paying tribute to national monuments" to "paying tribute to the new era and telling new stories", a number of touching red stories have been launched. This red story preaching activity is to make full use of the results of the 4th National Red Story Explainer Competition, closely focus on the theme of "Salute to the New Era", select 10 commentators from the winners and the five good commentators of national red tourism, focus on the great achievements made in the new era, and show the great picture of the new journey of the people of all ethnic groups in the new era with the small stories that happen around the people. For example, "Waiting for Me" tells the story of Wenchuan earthquake survivors who are grateful to serve the country, "Horn" tells the story of four generations of a family in Xinxian County, Henan Province inheriting the red gene, "Wings of a Strong Country" tells the story behind the domestic large aircraft C919 that people are concerned about, and "Burning Danxin" and "Uncle Party Emblem" are stories that netizens have sent to social media platforms after being filmed. These stories are all vivid cases that happen around us, which are easy to arouse emotional resonance and value recognition, and can be said to be the contemporary expression of red genes and red blood.

The publicity activity was officially launched on June 17 at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Subsequently, the propaganda group was invited to visit Beijing Second Foreign Chinese College, Beijing Bayi School, Tsinghua University High School Guanghua School and other universities, primary and secondary schools, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National People's Congress and other ministries and commissions, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the Air Force Communications Force, the National Defense University and other enterprises, troops and military academies, a total of 12 propaganda activities were carried out, and nearly 4,000 party and government cadres, young students, officers and soldiers of the army, and employees of enterprises and institutions listened to the lectures. According to the overall deployment, during the event, all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities will organize outstanding commentators in their respective regions to simultaneously carry out the "Salute to the New Era" red story publicity activities in combination with their respective actual conditions.

Let's introduce the situation of the college students' red tourism creative planning competition. In order to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions of "inheriting the red gene and continuing the red blood", the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, together with the Ministry of Education, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the All-China Women's Federation, and the Customs Working Committee, jointly issued the "Action Plan for Making Good Use of Red Resources, Cultivating New Talents of the Times, and Promoting Soul Casting and Education through Red Tourism (2023-2025)", aiming to fully implement the "New Talents of the Times Soul Casting Project" and educate and guide the majority of young people to cultivate the feelings of loving the party, the country and socialism. The National College Student Red Tourism Creative Planning Competition is one of the key tasks of the three-year action plan, and it is the largest red tourism event with the largest number of participants for college students across the country. Over the past 13 years, through the guidance of the competition, nearly 1,150 colleges, nearly 25,000 teams, and nearly 140,000 college students have entered the old revolutionary areas in Shaanxi, Henan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Fujian, Anhui and other places.

This year's competition is the 14th edition, and the final will be held in Shihezi City, Xinjiang from July 8 to 11. The finalists will focus on the red history of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, dig deep into the red connotation of the Corps and the development achievements of the Corps, and create in route design, product creation, cultural and creative development, etc. All award-winning works will be provided to the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps free of charge for further development of red tourism products and promotion. Please pay attention to the media.

Li Xiaoliang

Deputy Director and Moderator of the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Thank you, Ms. Wang Heyun. Now let's enter the question session, if you have any questions that you are interested in, you can communicate with our publisher on the spot. As is customary, please inform your media organization before asking questions. Now I invite you to raise your hands and ask questions.

Q&A with reporters

Q: Reporter from China Central Radio and Television

The summer vacation is coming, and it will usher in the peak of people's travel, what measures does the Ministry of Culture and Tourism take to enrich the supply of holidays and prosper the summer market?

Wang Heyun

First-class inspector of the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

For a long time, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has been based on providing rich and high-quality tourism products to the majority of tourists, and constantly improving the quality of tourism products such as tourist attractions, tourist resorts, tourism and leisure blocks, red tourism classic scenic spots, rural tourism key tourist villages and towns, industrial tourism and sports tourism demonstration bases, so as to meet the diversified tourism needs of tourists. Not long ago, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced a new batch of 22 national tourist resorts, so far there are 339 national 5A-level tourist attractions in the mainland, 85 national tourist resorts, 1,399 national rural tourism key villages, 198 key towns, and 300 red tourism classic scenic spots. We are also concerned that food is an important attraction for people to go to a place, and guide China Tourism News to carry out the "Taste of Beautiful China, Taste of Mountains and Rivers" national 24 solar terms tourism food and route combing, not long ago we announced 368 summer solar terms tourism food and 84 routes, providing a reference for the majority of tourists to taste the special food of the destination in the summer.

In the next step, we will guide all kinds of scenic spots to further enrich their products and improve their quality, and at the same time, we will further increase publicity and promotion, and link up with various places to release summer culture and tourism routes to provide more choices for tourists. On June 29, we will hold a promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Traveling in China" Chinese culture theme tourism route in Huanggang, Hubei Province, at which time the Su Shi theme route will be released to the whole country and relevant travel locations will be promoted, so that tourists can feel the profound and eternal charm of Chinese culture in tourism activities. We will also release the second phase of the 2024 "Four Seasons of Good Scenery in the Countryside" rural tourism route with the theme of ancient architecture, leading tourists to appreciate the beauty of ancient Chinese architecture; We will also strengthen cooperation with the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, the National Film Administration and other departments to guide the general public to travel with short dramas, TV dramas and movies.

Q: Xinhua News Agency

Summer is a period of time for people to travel intensively, just now the publisher introduced a wealth of tourism products in the summer, large-scale travel will also produce a large amount of consumption, what are the measures of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in promoting cultural and tourism consumption?

Fu Hanxiao

Deputy Director-General of the Department of Industrial Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

A few days ago, we jointly issued the "Measures on Creating New Consumption Scenarios and Cultivating New Growth Points of Consumption" with the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments, proposing four measures to deepen the integration and innovation of tourism formats, promote the quality and efficiency of urban and rural cultural tourism, improve the convenience level of inbound tourism, and expand the consumption space of cultural and sports in order to cultivate new scenarios of cultural tourism and sports consumption. In the summer, we will guide all localities to adapt to the new changes and trends of mass consumption, and take multiple measures to promote cultural and tourism consumption.

The first is to expand the supply of summer cultural tourism products in combination with the characteristics of summer. Guide all localities to enrich the supply of products such as coastal areas, water sports, performances, theater festivals, music festivals, concerts, exhibitions, food and summer, and theme markets around consumption hotspots such as summer vacation, parent-child, research, and nighttime, so as to meet the summer cultural and tourism consumption needs of residents and tourists. Give full play to the characteristics of long summer vacations, so that people can better walk into the vast world of the outdoors, feel the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and enjoy a better life. Focus on new outdoor formats such as outdoor sports, off-road, adventure, RV, camping, starry sky, and performing arts, and promote the innovation and development of outdoor cultural tourism consumption scenarios.

The second is to cultivate new forms of culture and tourism and innovate consumption scenarios. Promote the in-depth integration of culture, tourism and sports, commerce, film and television, health care and other related fields, develop immersive, interactive and digital consumer products, and better meet the people's quality, diversification and personalized consumption needs. "Cultural tourism + film and television" goes to rejuvenate in both directions, and the tourist check-in route of the filming location of "My Altay" leads people to explore the poetry and picturesqueness of snow-capped mountains and grasslands. Sports events have become a new type of tourist attraction, and the traditional horse racing, wrestling, archery and other competitive events in Naadam in Inner Mongolia are splendid, creating a festival event for all ethnic groups to share and enjoy.

The third is to enhance the cultural and tourism consumption experience. Guide all localities to carefully plan activity plans in combination with actual conditions, improve the quality of product supply and service levels, and implement various consumption measures to benefit the people, so that residents and tourists can have a sense of gain and happiness. Coordinate the promotion of consumption and the construction of civilization, conscientiously implement the responsibility system for safe production, and ensure the safety of tourists and the stable and orderly market. Adhere to the sharing of hosts and guests, advocate civilized tourism, welcome tourists from all over the world with warmth and friendliness, highlight the regional charm with civilized quality, and realize the consumption experience of near and far, and feel at home.

Q: Reporter of Economic Daily

Summer is also a season of strong nighttime consumption, what are the work considerations of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in developing the nighttime cultural tourism economy and better meeting the needs of the masses for nighttime consumption?

Fu Hanxiao

Deputy Director-General of the Department of Industrial Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism attaches great importance to the development of the nighttime cultural tourism economy, and launched the construction of national-level nighttime cultural and tourism consumption clusters in 2021, and has successively selected three batches of 345 clusters. The "Guidelines for the Construction of National Night Culture and Tourism Consumption Clusters" were issued to strengthen guidance and support for the construction of agglomeration areas, guide agglomeration areas to organically implant cultural and tourism formats with diverse forms and rich connotations based on their own culture, history, humanistic customs, regional characteristics, etc., optimize the supporting environment such as transportation, catering, shopping, and accommodation, and hold characteristic cultural and tourism activities according to local conditions, so as to create cultural experience places and tourist destinations with cultural charm and shared by hosts and guests. The agglomeration area has gradually become the most active area for cultural and tourism consumption, a new growth point for the local economy, and a new engine to enhance the vitality of the city and form a strong domestic market. According to data monitoring, during this year's "May Day" holiday, the night passenger flow of 345 agglomeration areas reached 72.5758 million, a year-on-year increase of 6.9%, of which the night passenger flow of Nanjing Confucius Temple-Qinhuai River Scenery Belt, Xi'an Datang Sleepless City and other agglomeration areas exceeded 1 million people. Summer vacation is approaching, and visiting night scenes, watching performances, and cooling off have become more and more people's choices for summer recreation. In order to better meet the needs of the masses, we will focus on the following tasks:

The first is to guide relevant institutions to issue guidelines for nighttime culture and tourism consumption, promote national-level nighttime culture and tourism consumption clusters, and provide residents and tourists with comfortable nighttime culture and tourism destination choices.

The second is to support the agglomeration area to hold themed and characteristic consumption promotion activities such as national style and national tide, art and fashion, performance and exhibition, and food and summer according to its own type characteristics. For example, Menglangfang Drama Park in Langfang City, Hebei Province will carry out activities such as the 2024 Water Cloud Midsummer Night and the theme market. The small park opening area of Shantou City, Guangdong Province will carry out the "Happy Summer, Old Town Gifts" summer happy shopping action, and cooperate with brand merchants in the core block of the small park to launch exclusive summer discount packages, and link banks to carry out credit card consumption discount activities.

The third is to guide the agglomeration area to enrich the supply of cultural and tourism products, cultivate new business formats, innovate consumption scenarios, improve public services, improve the connotation and taste, promote the quality and upgrading of the agglomeration area, light up the bright lights, and enjoy a better life.

The fourth is to organize various localities to enrich nighttime cultural tourism products and carry out consumption activities to benefit the people. For example, Jiangsu Province will hold the 2024 "Water Charm Jiangsu, Bright Summer Night" theme activity, linking various cities and nighttime cultural and tourism consumption clusters, enriching performing arts, exhibitions, light shows, food and other products, and launching a series of measures to benefit the people. Yantai City, Shandong Province, held the "Carnival Season of Guanhai Night Market" and "Yantai International Coastal Life Season" to further enrich activities such as night dining, food, music and art.

Q: Reporter from China Youth Daily

For the red story to be deeply told, the role of the narrator is crucial. What kind of work has the Ministry of Culture and Tourism carried out in terms of the training of docents?

Wang Heyun

First-class inspector of the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

The high-quality development of red tourism, the inheritance of red culture and the dissemination of red stories are inseparable from an excellent team of commentators. In recent years, the team of commentators has become an important link in improving the quality of red tourism services and promoting the high-quality development of red tourism, and it is also an important window to tell the story of the Communist Party of China, tell the story of China and show the image of China. In 2020, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism officially launched the National Red Tourism Five Good Commentator Training Project. These five good things are good political ideology, good knowledge reserves, good explanation services, good demonstration and leadership, and good social influence. As of June 2024, a total of 4 batches of more than 400 outstanding docents have been selected for the project. The project aims to focus on support and cultivation through training and promotion, publicity and exchange, practical exercise, project support and other ways, and cultivate a group of national red tourism five good commentators into firm inheritors of red genes, wonderful tellers of red stories, vivid interpreters of red spirit, loyal disseminators of red culture, and strong leaders of red fashion, so as to inject strong impetus into telling Chinese stories, promoting China's image, and promoting the innovation and development of the industry. Exemplary and leading role for society. As I mentioned earlier, various localities have also continuously held regional red story narrator competitions in accordance with the requirements to select outstanding commentators for the national competition. Through this way of training by competition, the quality of the national red tourism interpreter team has been significantly improved, and the red tourism interpreter has become an indispensable part of the important work such as telling the red history, showing the local image, and carrying out party spirit education.

At present, various localities are organizing and carrying out the "Salute to the New Era" red story publicity activities. Excellent red tourism commentators from all over the country will actively participate in this work, and their ability to "tell Chinese stories well" will be further improved by entering campuses, institutions, and enterprises.

Q: Reporter from CCTV

The National College Students' Red Tourism Creative Planning Contest has been held for 14 consecutive years, what results have been shown in the red education function? What are the highlights of this year's competition?

Wang Heyun

First-class inspector of the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Over the years, the competition has always adhered to the practice of exploration, innovation in practice, and development in innovation, and has developed a unique new model of red education.

The first is to change "one place, one school, one activity" to "national ideological and political education of thousands of schools". From 1 school and 28 teams in the first competition, it has grown to 676 colleges and universities and more than 4,000 teams in 2023, becoming the largest red tourism event in the country and a high-quality project of ideological and political work for college students in the Ministry of Education.

The second is to change "single passive education" to "active learning, thinking, and practice". The competition follows the characteristics and laws of college students' growth, uses the methods that contemporary college students like to see, adheres to the competition to promote teaching, competition, understanding, and innovation, and through the four-month participatory and immersive competition, college students can consciously learn and understand the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture, strengthen their ideals and beliefs in learning, thinking and practice, gain experience and wisdom in the competition, and improve their comprehensive ability in solving practical problems.

The third is to change "ivory tower book learning" to "big social innovation practice". Over the past 13 years, we have insisted on guiding young people to practice through competitions, leading college students to go into a number of old revolutionary areas such as Tongchuan, Shaanxi, Lankao, Henan, Zunyi, Guizhou, Nanchong, Sichuan and other old revolutionary areas to create competitions, forming a red education and training system for college students with the "competition" as the leader, the "red theory courses" of major colleges and universities as the basis, and the red tourist attractions in various places as the practice carrier, so that the participating college students can move from theory to practice, from books to life, from the classroom to the society, and interpret the mission with actual creation.

In this competition, since the announcement was issued in April 2024, colleges and universities across the country have actively signed up to participate. In terms of the types of works, we have set up six categories: "Red Tourism Route Design", "Red Tourism Marketing Program Design", "Red Tourism Cultural and Creative Product Design", "Red Footprint Micro Video", "Red Spirit Micro Explanation" and "Red Story Micro Comics". More than 6,700 teams have signed up so far. As of the submission date, more than 5,800 works were finally received. Among them: more than 2,700 lines, more than 480 cultural and creative products, more than 860 marketing products, more than 890 micro video categories, more than 680 micro explanations, and more than 170 micro comics, and the overall number has increased compared with last year.

This competition has several characteristics: First, the scale of participation is large. There are more than 40,000 contestants from 1,119 colleges and universities across the country. Second, in terms of coverage and participation, the participation of universities has increased year by year. Universities from Hong Kong and Macao made a breakthrough in the competition, with 1 university from Hong Kong and 3 universities from Macao participating in the competition. This year, for the first time, a team of all doctors appeared, which was jointly participated by doctoral students from five universities, including East China Normal University, Nankai University, Fuzhou University, Tianjin University and Fujian Normal University. It can be said that this competition has reached a new high in terms of the number of participants, teams, schools and works, and its influence is increasing day by day, and the brand effect of this competition as a well-known national ideological and political activity is becoming increasingly prominent. The majors of the students participating in the competition have evolved from a single major in tourism management to cover 12 disciplines. The universities participating in the competition range from Beijing municipal universities to current ministry, provincial and "double first-class" construction universities.

Q: Reporter from China Daily

Recently, the State Council issued the "Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Trade-in of Consumer Goods" in seven major areas, clearly improving the level of cultural and tourism equipment. How will the Ministry of Culture and Tourism move forward with this work?

Fu Hanxiao

Deputy Director-General of the Department of Industrial Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have focused on the overall situation of high-quality economic and social development, and made major arrangements to promote large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has taken active actions to seize policy opportunities to promote the inclusion of cultural tourism in the seven major areas specified in the "Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Trade-in of Consumer Goods" (Guo Fa [2024] No. 7) issued by the State Council, and deploy and promote the renewal and upgrading of cultural and tourism equipment such as sightseeing, amusement and amusement, performing arts, and digital intelligence. In order to do a good job in this work, in May this year, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other six departments jointly formulated and issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Renewal of Equipment in the Field of Culture and Tourism" (Development and Reform Society [2024] No. 701), proposing to adhere to the coordination of the cause and industry, adhere to the synchronous improvement of equipment level and service level, insist on doing their best and doing what they can, and strive to guide and promote the national cultural and tourism field to update a number of facilities and equipment by 2027, and maintain the continuous and stable growth of relevant investment scale. Comprehensively improve service quality and promote the high-quality development of culture and tourism. Eight major actions will be implemented, covering culture, tourism, cultural relics, radio and television and other fields. They are the renewal and upgrading of sightseeing facilities, the renewal and promotion of amusement facilities, the renewal and promotion of performing arts equipment, the transformation and promotion of smart cultural tourism, and the improvement of cultural relics protection and utilization capabilities. At present, this work is already in full swing. We will work with relevant departments to continue to sort out and reserve qualified equipment renewal projects in the field of culture and tourism, promote the inclusion of eligible key projects in the scope of financial support such as ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, give full play to the financial effect, form a joint work force, promote the implementation of equipment renewal tasks in the field of culture and tourism, and strive to provide a better cultural and tourism experience for the people.

Q: Reporter of Hong Kong Economic Herald

We have noticed that the immersive experience project of smart tourism has attracted more and more attention from tourists. Can you tell us about the work of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in promoting the development of smart tourism?

Wang Heyun

First-class inspector of the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Smart tourism is the result of the continuous integration of digital technology and traditional tourism, and is an important embodiment of new quality productivity in tourism development, with a very broad development space. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has actively strengthened policy guidance and practical guidance, promoted the improvement of the smart tourism system, and provided new momentum for the high-quality development of the tourism industry.

In May this year, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, together with the Cyberspace Administration of the People's Republic of China, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Data Bureau and other departments, issued the "Smart Tourism Innovation and Development Action Plan", proposing 8 major actions and 20 tasks such as smart tourism infrastructure improvement, service efficiency improvement, management level improvement, marketing efficiency improvement, product format cultivation, tourism data resource utilization, tourism digital transformation improvement, and innovative talent cultivation, so as to accelerate the promotion of digitalization, networking, Innovative development of smart tourism characterized by intelligence. This is the first document jointly issued by several ministries and commissions with the theme of smart tourism, which responds to the needs of the times for the development of smart tourism, deploys the key tasks of smart tourism development, and provides guidance for the innovative development of smart tourism.

In recent years, we have made breakthroughs in project cultivation to guide the industry to embrace technological innovation and promote innovation in tourism products. In November 2023, we organized a smart tourism development conference and demonstration event in Nanjing, which built a communication platform for the development of the industry and promoted the transformation of smart tourism achievements, at which the first batch of 30 "5G + smart tourism" application pilot projects were launched with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In February 2024, together with the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, we will launch the first batch of 42 pilot projects for cultivating new spaces for immersive experience in smart tourism. Relying on traditional tourist attractions, resorts, leisure blocks, industrial heritage, museums and other cultural and tourism venues, these projects create new tourism products and new consumption scenarios through the integration of culture and tourism, virtual and real combinations, etc., which are widely welcomed by tourists. It is worth mentioning that in late May this year, 100 overseas travel agents who participated in the Sino-US Tourism High-level Dialogue and the Shanghai International Tourism Trade Expo were invited to visit the selected new space for immersive experience of smart tourism - Shougang Park SOREAL Science Fiction Park and Beijing Liangma River Cruise, and the travel agents spoke highly of these smart tourism projects. It can be seen that these projects have not only become Internet celebrity check-in places for domestic tourism, but also gradually become a new choice for inbound tourists, praised by international tourists, and become a vivid carrier for telling Chinese stories in the new era. Smart tourism is an important area for the deep integration of digital economy and tourism, and it is also an important way to improve the quality and upgrade of the tourism industry. From the supply side, digital technology has innovated the way of cultural and tourism integration and increased the content of tourism products; From the demand side, smart tourism makes tourism activities more convenient, makes the tourism experience richer, and meets the diversified and personalized tourism needs of tourists. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism will take the release of the Action Plan as an opportunity to continue to promote the cultivation of smart tourism projects, promote the docking of new supply and demand for smart tourism, and make scientific and technological achievements better empower tourism development and better meet the needs of tourists.

Li Xiaoliang

Deputy Director and Moderator of the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Thank you for your questions. Due to time constraints, this is the end of the Q&A session.

As the summer vacation approaches, as the mainland fully enters the main flood season, extreme weather is prone to frequent occurrence, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism reminds tourists:

1. Pay attention to safety during the flood season. Pay close attention to the weather conditions at the destination and along the way, understand the opening situation of tourist attractions in advance, and plan your itinerary reasonably. Adjust the itinerary in time according to meteorological and geological warning information and local safety tips. When visiting mountainous areas, river valleys and other areas, pay attention to the safety risks caused by natural disasters such as landslides, rockfalls, mudslides, and flash floods.

2. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling. Prepare for heatstroke, lightning and rain during summer travel, and do not go to undeveloped and unopened areas that lack safety guarantees. Prepare sunshade and heatstroke prevention items and medicines in advance, replenish water in time, scientifically adjust the rest time, and avoid outdoor activities for a long time when the temperature is high. Outdoor tourism should pay attention to fire prevention and disaster avoidance.

3. Improve the awareness of safety precautions. When traveling in a motor vehicle or public transport, wear your seatbelt at all times. Check the condition of your car when traveling by road to avoid fatigue driving and drunk driving. When taking a sightseeing cruise, wear a life jacket according to the regulations, and do not take a sightseeing cruise that is not equipped with necessary life-saving equipment. Strictly abide by the fire protection and various safety management regulations of the site, and take the initiative to understand the emergency evacuation route.

Fourth, pay attention to the safety of water-related activities. Don't play in unsafe waters. Be cautious about participating in water-wading activities such as boating, rafting, snorkeling, and deep diving, as well as high-risk, high-speed, and adventure tourism projects, and do what you can according to your physical condition. Familiarize yourself with safety tips in advance, follow the guidance of professionals, and do not take actions that may endanger the safety of yourself and others.

5. Healthy, civilized and orderly travel. Respect the customs and habits of the destination and comply with local laws and regulations. Take care of the ecological environment, protect cultural relics and historic sites, cherish public facilities, and abide by public order. In case of emergencies or special circumstances, follow the command and arrangement of the staff to evacuate in an orderly manner.

Thank you for your continued interest and support for culture and tourism. This concludes today's press conference. Thank you.

▍Content source: official website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

▍Copyright Notice: We respect originality. The copyright of the text and video materials belongs to the original author. Some articles cannot be contacted by the original author due to various reasons, if copyright issues are involved, please contact us for immediate processing.

Regarding hot topics such as summer travel, this conference was very informative!

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