
Glory of Kings: Only one day after the start of the S36 season, the winning rate of Baili Shou has risen sharply, the son of the true version!

author:The game world of the elves

The Glory of Kings S36 season officially opened on the 27th, and this new season update, almost all heroes have been adjusted, and Baili Shou has finally ushered in a redo, and only one day after the S36 season opened, the win rate of Baili Shou has risen sharply, the win rate has come to 53.2%, and the appearance rate is as high as 34.3%, and the ban rate has also come to 21.2%. So in the new season, what adjustments have been made to Baili Shou Covenant? Let's take a look.

Glory of Kings: Only one day after the start of the S36 season, the winning rate of Baili Shou has risen sharply, the son of the true version!

First of all, the basic stats: basic attack range, movement speed, attack speed, base health, physical attack, physical defense, and spell defense have all been improved. This is followed by the adjustment of skills:

Glory of Kings: Only one day after the start of the S36 season, the winning rate of Baili Shou has risen sharply, the son of the true version!

Passive: Aim

New Effect: After 2 seconds of non-attack, Hundred Miles Covenant gains Physical Penetration and Precision, and the number of stacks no longer affects the buff value, but affects the duration. The increase in attack speed not only shortens the time it takes to regain passives, but also gives a direct bonus to critical strike chance to primary skill damage, encouraging players to stack attack speed and critical hits to increase output efficiency.

Glory of Kings: Only one day after the start of the S36 season, the winning rate of Baili Shou has risen sharply, the son of the true version!

1. Skill: Quiet Eye

Passive Adjustments: Added stealth effects in non-combat situations, including movement speed and attack speed bonuses, to further enhance his wandering and sneak attack abilities. The attack speed bonus after breaking the concealment also increases the short-term explosiveness.

Skill Adjustments: Greatly reduced the preparation and cast time of skills, making it faster and more flexible to place vision and trigger passives.

Glory of Kings: Only one day after the start of the S36 season, the winning rate of Baili Shou has risen sharply, the son of the true version!

Second skill: Breath of the Wind

Aiming Time Adjustment: The originally fixed aiming time has been changed to be affected by attack speed, the faster the attack speed, the shorter the aiming time, which enhances the direct impact of attack speed equipment on the skill casting speed and improves the smoothness of operation.

Gun retraction time adjustment: It is also affected by attack speed and decreases, and improves the ability to release continuous skills.

New Effect: Basic attack hits reduce the recharge time, encourage players to intersperse basic attacks between skills, and increase the strategy in battle.

Damage & Charge Adjustments: Base damage has been slightly increased, and the charge time has been reduced, making skills more frequent.

Glory of Kings: Only one day after the start of the S36 season, the winning rate of Baili Shou has risen sharply, the son of the true version!

Three skills: escape

Cooldown & Storage Adjustments: Sharing energy storage with the 2 ability means players will need to use both skills more strategically, increasing flexibility and tactical options.

Range & Damage Adjustments: The base range has been increased at low levels, but the growth has decreased, and the base damage has been reduced but the attack damage bonus ratio has been adjusted, and it may be stronger in the early stage and slightly weaker in the late stage.

Glory of Kings: Only one day after the start of the S36 season, the winning rate of Baili Shou has risen sharply, the son of the true version!

Displacement and Acceleration/Deceleration Adjustments: The displacement distance is reduced, but the acceleration effect increases with the level, and the deceleration effect is also adjusted with the level, which requires the player to be more precise in timing the ability release, especially in the late game.

To sum up, this adjustment makes Baili Shoujo more reliant on attack speed and critical hit attributes, improves his wandering support and continuous output ability, and also requires players to make a finer balance between skill use and basic attacks, increasing the hero's operation ceiling and strategy depth.

Anyway, friends, what do you think of the redone 100-mile covenant? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!