
Consumer Insurance "2024 618 Consumer Complaint Data Report Released", who is the king of e-commerce giant complaints?

author:Consumer electronics

It has been 10 days since 618, one of the hot e-commerce carnival shopping festivals every year, compared with the sales volume of previous years, spelling "achievements", "good news" and other follow-ups, this year's 618 seems to be different. Entries such as "high return rate", "can't sell", "what's wrong with 618" frequently rush to the hot search.

Recently, the Consumer Insurance Data Research Institute released the "2024 618 Consumer Complaint Data Report", which analyzes and interprets from multiple dimensions such as major e-commerce platforms, main consumer complaint issues, and complaint regions to see how 618 is different this year?

First, the overall situation

The "2024 618 Consumer Complaint Data Report" intercepts the number of complaints received by the consumer insurance platform on each platform during the period from May 27, 2024 to June 26, 2024 (the period from the start of the promotion to the basic end of the promotion of merchants on major platforms) for analysis.

Consumer Insurance "2024 618 Consumer Complaint Data Report Released", who is the king of e-commerce giant complaints?

According to the data, complaints against online shopping platforms during the 618 period reached significant highs on June 1, June 4 and June 18, which coincided with the opening of the first wave of consumption vouchers on May 31 and the last wave of promotions on June 15 this year. The proportion of complaints from shopping platforms on the overall platform increased by 17.23% month-on-month.

2. Analysis of the details of the complaint


The online shopping platform with the most complaints -

According to the latest data from the consumer insurance platform, among the top 10 online shopping platforms in terms of complaints, topped the list with 14,228 complaints, accounting for 23.55% of the total number of complaints. This was followed by Taobao (9,950) and Pinduoduo (9,947) in second and third place, respectively.

The number of complaints from major online shopping platforms

Consumer Insurance "2024 618 Consumer Complaint Data Report Released", who is the king of e-commerce giant complaints?


The most complained about problem - after-sales service

During the 618 shopping festival, consumers' complaints about shopping platforms mainly focused on inadequate after-sales service, false publicity, refund disputes, and product quality problems.

Consumer Insurance "2024 618 Consumer Complaint Data Report Released", who is the king of e-commerce giant complaints?

Many consumers reported that during the promotion period promised by the merchant,

In addition, some consumers encounter the problem of not being able to place orders normally after receiving large coupons or meeting the full reduction conditions, and can only choose to buy at the original price or place multiple orders separately, and some orders are even canceled by merchants for no reason. In addition, activities such as free orders and flash sales launched by individual merchants have also been questioned for listing fraud, which has seriously affected the shopping experience of consumers.

Typical complaint case 1

Douyin Hualing air conditioner 618 price reduction during the event

Ms. Guo complained on the consumer insurance platform that she placed an order for Hualing air conditioner in the Douyin live broadcast room on May 31, the model is N8HA1IIpro, and the actual payment price was 4,799 yuan, and the transaction was completed on June 7.

On June 17, a price reduction was found in the live broadcast room, and the actual price of the same model was 3975 yuan. May 31 and June 17 are both Douyin Mall 618 activities, during the event price reduction of 824 yuan, 17% of the original price, far exceeding the normal price fluctuation.

"Although the store has a one-month price insurance agreement, the activities of each time period are different between the Douyin platform and the Hualing commodity store during 618, whether the activity is adjusted according to the sales volume, and the large coupons issued in the later stage of the activity due to unsatisfactory sales to attract consumers are suspected of deceiving consumers." Ms. Guo said that she refunded the entire price difference.

Typical complaint case 2

Roborock's self-operated flagship store price protection false publicity

Ms. Zhang complained on the consumer insurance platform that she spent 4,220 yuan on June 3 to buy a stone sweeping robot, and suddenly reduced the price to 3,300 on June 15, 2024.

"It shows that the price is insured for 30 days, and promises to buy it for 30 days to make up the difference, so I bought it. However, less than 30 days after the purchase of my goods, the price of the JD platform was reduced, which damaged my interests. The insurance rules are to ensure that different consumers can buy the same goods at the same price in the short term, which is a reflection of fairness, coupons are just a form of price reduction, but Jingdong merchants have formulated unreasonable rules to refuse to protect the price on this ground, which belongs to the overlord clause, causing me a very poor shopping experience, and infringing on my right to insurance price. Ms. Zhang did not understand this.


The most complained about claim - refund

During the 618 shopping festival, consumer demands mainly involve refunds, service improvements, compensation, compensation, reissuance/delivery, etc. Among them, 31,076 requests for refunds were filed; Requests for service improvement were the next highest, with 19,718 related requests. Compensation ranked third, with 17,647 claims.

Consumer Insurance "2024 618 Consumer Complaint Data Report Released", who is the king of e-commerce giant complaints?


The city with the most complaints - Guangzhou

According to the data, Guangzhou ranks first in the number of user complaints in the industry, accounting for 5.30% of the total complaints. It was followed by Beijing (5.10%), followed by Shanghai with 3.52%, and the remaining cities in the top 10 were Shenzhen, Dongguan, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing, Jinan and Chongqing.

Consumer Insurance "2024 618 Consumer Complaint Data Report Released", who is the king of e-commerce giant complaints?

As a consumer service guarantee platform invested by the China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, consumer insurance relies on Internet big data technology and consumer service analysis to build a one-stop consumer security service from purchase, after-sales to recycling, and serves consumers, enterprises and governments through consumer insurance membership services, consumer insurance after-sales management SaaS software, consumer insurance convenience services, consumer public opinion monitoring and big data analysis. Through the analysis of consumer services, consumer insurance digitally empowers the government to build a safe consumption environment, enterprise after-sales service management, and consumer rights and interests protection, helping to build a safe consumption environment, so that consumers dare to consume and are willing to consume.

At present, Consumer Insurance has served more than 17 million users, and has solved consumer disputes online for more than 13.56 billion yuan

Text | Luo Wen

Edit | Friday