
An interactive game of decryption of national style welfare

author:A novice who loves games

HELLO~ Hello everyone, here is the recommended time for Xiaobai's daily visit. There are thousands of games in the world, and many fun games are not well known by the majority of players due to lack of publicity. Here, Xiaobai will recommend a highly rated but not well-known game for everyone every day~

An interactive game of decryption of national style welfare

"Yihong Courtyard" is a decryption interactive novel,—— spring breeze is proud, one day to see all the Chang'an flowers, here there is an eternal story of talented and beautiful women! Players will play the role of a scholar who enters Beijing to take the exam, and meets a beautiful woman, with a lingering and interesting story.

An interactive game of decryption of national style welfare

This is an interactive game of decryption of national style welfare. The spring breeze is proud, and you can see all the Chang'an flowers in one day, There is an eternal story of talented and beautiful people here! Players will play the role of a scholar who enters Beijing to take the exam, and meets a beautiful woman, with a lingering and interesting story.

An interactive game of decryption of national style welfare

The game is a typical puzzle-solving interactive AVG game, with a Chinese element background, Yihong Courtyard, just listen to the name and know that it is fireworks Willow Lane, a romantic place, so the game contains a lot of welfare content, and players can have wonderful emotional stories with girls of various styles. In addition to text dialogue, the game is also interspersed with various types of mini-games, which complement the plot and combine them to experience the fun of the game while being passionate.

An interactive game of decryption of national style welfare

Overall,This is a welfare text adventure game with a national style theme,It has a good painting style,Interesting plot content,Multiple characters can be raided,Character design is plump,The gameplay is also strong,So that players can follow the climax of the plot to play。 Recommended for those who like story games. The game supports Chinese Simplified Chinese, and the price on Steam is 28RMB.

An interactive game of decryption of national style welfare
An interactive game of decryption of national style welfare
An interactive game of decryption of national style welfare

Okay,That's all for today's game recommendation.,Xiaobai still has a lot of fun games here.,Let's continue in the next issue.。

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