
After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany: In a woman's life, these 3 types of men must not marry

After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany: In a woman's life, these 3 types of men must not marry

CCTV's hit new drama "The Story of Rose" has exploded.

Related topics have repeatedly appeared on hot searches, and various platforms have been swiped across the network.

This drama vividly shows the growth of women, life choices, and emotional trade-offs.

Some people jokingly call it a must-see "marriage pit avoidance guide" for women.

Indeed, choose the right person and be happy for a lifetime; Choose the wrong person, and you will be in the bag for a lifetime.

After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany, looking for a partner, the following 3 types of men can't want.

After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany: In a woman's life, these 3 types of men must not marry

Men who are too egotistical can't have it

When Rose was in her 20s, she regarded love as sacred, and in her heart, love was above all else.

When Zhuang Guodong, who was both handsome and talented, came into view, she felt that this was the Prince Charming she was looking for.

When Zhuang Guodong met her, he also hit it off at first sight, and the two soon fell in love.

But her boyfriend is a self-centered person who does things without considering her feelings.

When I received the news that I was going to work in France, I didn't share it with her, but hid it from her.

According to common sense, for such a major event, most people will tell their lovers as soon as possible, but Zhuang Guodong is covering it.

After Rose learned about it, Zhuang Guodong not only did not explain patiently, but also complained that she didn't understand herself, and even resorted to cold violence.

After arriving in France, Zhuang Guodong decided to apply for permanent residence.

In order to meet her boyfriend in France, Rose gave up the important project arranged by her boss.

After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany: In a woman's life, these 3 types of men must not marry

She also knew that the project was important, but she only wanted to see her boyfriend, fearing that her boss would not allow her to take leave, and she also prepared a resignation letter.

The boss reminded her: Don't bury your future for a few days of sweetness.

But she still went to Paris without hesitation, but what she didn't expect was that her boyfriend was full of work and didn't care about her feelings at all.

After seeing her boyfriend's character flaw of not knowing how to empathize, she was completely chilled, and she reluctantly said goodbye and returned to Beijing alone.

The two have since parted ways.

In fact, Zhuang Guodong does not love roses, but the way of love is wrong, and the fault is too much of himself.

Marriage is a matter for two people, and you can't do whatever you want.

It has been said that too much ego is a nuclear weapon that destroys intimacy.

People who are too self-conscious only start from themselves in everything and do not know how to take care of the hearts of others.

After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany: In a woman's life, these 3 types of men must not marry

In their eyes, no matter what they choose, the other party should cooperate unconditionally. When others have different opinions, they will vent their emotions to the other person.

As everyone knows, living too much self is actually a disaster.

It is important to know that any relationship cannot withstand too much self-harm, and over time, it will only accelerate the breakdown of the relationship.

Therefore, women should keep their eyes open and stay away from men who are too egotistical.

After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany: In a woman's life, these 3 types of men must not marry

A man with a strong desire for control can't ask for it

After Rose broke up with Zhuang Guodong, Fang Xiewen entered her life.

In the initial stage, Fang Xiewen's performance was remarkable, and the packaging was very successful, and he won the heart of roses.

Rose has just been freed from her last wounded marriage, so she has infinite expectations for this marriage.

However, the vision is beautiful, but the reality is very slap in the face, and she has fallen into the cage of Fang Xiewen's perverted desire for control, which makes her miserable.

After she became pregnant, Fang Xiewen made the decision without her consent and went to her work unit to go through the resignation procedures, depriving her of the right to pursue her career.

Fang Xiewen also asked her mother to monitor her everywhere, and if she wanted to go out for a walk, her freedom would also be restricted.

bought a bouquet of flowers on the side of the road, and Fang's mother accused her of not being able to live and spending money indiscriminately, which made Rose almost depressed.

When she was pregnant, the pain was unbearable, but Fang Xiewen resolutely disagreed with the anesthetic, and the reason given was that "it is not good for the child".

Rose wanted to go back to Beijing to visit her parents, but Fang Xiewen strongly objected: "You are a mother, can't you stay at home in a down-to-earth manner?" What does it mean to go to Beijing? ”

After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany: In a woman's life, these 3 types of men must not marry

After giving birth, take care of the child while reading and recharging.

Fang Xiewen scoffed: "Housewife, just take care of the children, what's the use of reading?" ”

When the child is older, she goes to find a job.

Fang Xiewen said again: I can afford to support you, why do I have to work?

finally found a job he wanted, and Fang Xiewen went to the employer again to stir up the yellow.

The other party's Xiewen's control was unbearable, and Rose finally chose to break up.

After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany: In a woman's life, these 3 types of men must not marry

You find that no, people who like to control let you go west, can say countless reasons; If you are asked to go east, you can name countless reasons.

If the woman is willing to cooperate, then there is nothing to do; If you don't comply, there will be conflicts.

Although a person who likes to control will eventually be hurt by control, there is no need for a woman to participate in his boring and wasteful game of youth.

After all, no one wants to be someone else's marionette, and no one's life wants to be controlled by others.

A man's control is like making you wear a wet cotton jacket, take off the cold, and put it on uncomfortably.

Therefore, when you meet a man with a strong desire to control, leaving in time is the right way.

After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany: In a woman's life, these 3 types of men must not marry

Irresponsible men can't want

Zhou Shihui is greasy and crooked, and he is playing with the idea of roses.

Zhou Shihui fell in love with roses because of his work.

This is understandable, but what is outrageous is that he has been in a relationship with his girlfriend for seven years, and he gave up lightly when he said to give up.

At the beginning, Zhou Shihui had a very good girlfriend Guan Zhizhi, but at the last moment when he was about to get a marriage certificate, he regretted his marriage.

After regretting the marriage, I felt that I had to be with Rose, but Rose didn't pay attention to this kind of irresponsible man at all.

After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany: In a woman's life, these 3 types of men must not marry

Because of the uproar caused by the repentance incident, he lost face and could not continue to work in his original unit, so he had to choose to sell the house and return to his hometown, and then marry a wife and have children in his hometown.

A few years later, housing prices in first-tier cities have skyrocketed, and the value of the Beijing house he sold may have risen to tens of millions.

But Zhou Shihui can only survive with a meager salary in his hometown.

Looking at his original girlfriend Guan Zhizhi, she has become a legal person of a company, and her career is thriving.

Just imagine, if Zhou Shihui hadn't repented of marrying Guan Zhizhi for the sake of roses, his life would have been very nourishing.

An irresponsible man is destined to be a tragedy.

Zhou Shihui got along with Rose only because he worked for three months.

In his mind, he regarded Rose as the object of pursuit, and Rose only regarded him as a master.

He invites Rose to dinner, and Rose thinks it's just a work relationship, but he thinks Rose likes him too.

So on the day he got the marriage certificate with Guan Zhizhi, he ran away regardless of leaving his fiancée.

When you meet such a man who is extremely irresponsible for his feelings, do you dare to do it?

After watching "The Story of Rose", I had an epiphany: In a woman's life, these 3 types of men must not marry

Eating in the bowl, but also thinking about the pot, seeing different thoughts, active thoughts do not know where to return.

This kind of person, looking at the west mountain high, has endless long-looking Shu, and has no responsibility in his heart, and some are just cranky.

There is a good saying: a man without responsibility is unreliable, and an unreliable man cannot be wanted.

Responsibility is the foundation of a man's life in the world. Losing one's responsibilities is like an empty bag, and it's hard to stand up in the world.

Therefore, when you meet a man who has no responsibility, you must stay away.

It has been said that choosing a partner is an important investment in life.

If a woman wants to live a happy life, she must think carefully and avoid the minefield in order to walk safely.

Stay away from men who are too self-conscious, controlling, and irresponsible, and you can live a smooth life every day in the future.

May all women marry love.

Author | Ziqiao Huang He Shui Qing, senior accountant. Turn words into lights and accompany you forward.