
Zhong Nanshan's latest response

author:Hanjiang News
Zhong Nanshan's latest response
Zhong Nanshan's latest response

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On the morning of June 28, Guangzhou Medical University held the 2024 graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony, attended by Zhong Nanshan, winner of the "Medal of the Republic", academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and director of Guangzhou National Laboratory.

Zhong Nanshan's latest response

Academician Zhong Nanshan delivered a speech. Screenshot of the live stream

Regarding the rumors of leg and foot inconvenience a few days ago, Zhong Nanshan responded that he is currently suffering from gout, and his heart, liver, brain, lungs and kidneys are still normal, and there is nothing serious. "I have been serving the health of my motherland for 64 years, and I hope to serve the health of the country for a minimum of 70 years."

Zhong Nanshan's latest response

Guangzhou Medical University held the 2024 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Conferment Ceremony. Screenshot of the live stream

In his speech at the graduation ceremony, Zhong Nanshan humorously said that he used to have the slogan "work for the health of the motherland for 50 years", but now he has worked for 64 years, which is exceeded. To do this, the mindset is important, to stay calm, in addition to that, it is also important to eat, sleep, exercise. Even if you're busy, you'll be active when you get home. Exercising is like saving money, the more money you save, the more your body will return to us with interest in the future. He advised students to maintain good physical fitness, enjoy work, enjoy life, enjoy family happiness, and contribute more to their families and society.

Zhong Nanshan also encouraged young people to have confidence in the future. "We must not only have ideals, but also dreams; Not only to have requirements, but also to have pursuits; Not only must we have ambition, but also we must be ambitious; Not only to be enthusiastic, but also to be passionate. ”

Source: The Paper, Southern Metropolis Daily