
"Ice Road Journey - Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition" was held at the National Museum

author:iNatural omnimedia

On June 28, the "Ice Road Journey - Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition" jointly organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Xinhua News Agency and the National Museum was officially opened to the public at the National Museum. The purpose of this exhibition is to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on polar work and the spirit of the important congratulatory letter to the completion and operation of the Qinling Station in Antarctica, and conscientiously summarize the valuable experience of the 40th anniversary of polar exploration, and solemnly present it to the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The exhibition will run until October 21.

"Ice Road Journey - Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition" was held at the National Museum
"Ice Road Journey - Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition" was held at the National Museum

Since the first Antarctic expedition was launched by the mainland in 1984, China's polar expedition has gone through a glorious course of 40 years and achieved fruitful results. The exhibition is divided into four parts: "Leadership Care", "Struggle", "Brilliant Achievements" and "Ice and Snow Glory", aiming to comprehensively show the glorious history of the mainland's polar cause under the leadership of the party; Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the major achievements and valuable experience of the mainland's polar work have been prominently reflected; It highlights the successful practice of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on international cooperation and governance in the polar regions, and fully demonstrates the important contributions made by the mainland to the international governance of the polar regions; It vividly reproduces the spiritual outlook of generations of polar workers who bravely fight the extreme cold, persevere, work hard, dedicate, be rigorous and realistic, and benefit mankind, and further inherit and carry forward the fine traditions and styles of polar work; Widely publicize the mainland's noble value pursuit of understanding, protecting and using the polar regions for the benefit of mankind and promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

"Ice Road Journey - Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition" was held at the National Museum
"Ice Road Journey - Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition" was held at the National Museum

There are three main highlights of this exhibition. First, the content of the exhibition for the first time systematically sorts out the development process and historical achievements of China's polar expeditions over the past 40 years, and displays the comprehensive expedition support capabilities, scientific expedition results, polar international governance and international cooperation, polar environment and biodiversity conservation, polar science popularization and culture, etc. Second, there are a large number of exhibits, many high-quality products, all kinds of polar expedition support facilities, scientific research equipment, precious specimens, historical witnesses, etc., supplemented by a large number of pictures and video materials, which are exhibited to the public for the first time. Third, the exhibition design is magnificent and the polar characteristics are distinct. In the central exhibition area, the visually striking ice field is used as a booth, and the research ship, the research station and the polar expedition three-dimensional observation and monitoring system are displayed in turn.

"Ice Road Journey - Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition" was held at the National Museum
"Ice Road Journey - Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition" was held at the National Museum

↓On-site picture↓

It is understood that during the exhibition period, the Ministry of Natural Resources will also organize a number of polar science education and cultural publicity activities, and the scientists, expedition captains, expedition station masters, and builders involved in the polar expedition will introduce the development history and brilliant achievements of the polar expedition in the past 40 years, and the veteran members of the polar expedition, the front-line expedition members, and journalists will share the experience and insights of polar work and life. Through the holding of relevant activities, we will continue to popularize polar scientific knowledge, publicize polar expeditions, strengthen the public's awareness of polar regions, and enhance the enthusiasm of all sectors of society to pay attention to, support and participate in polar work.

Please indicate the source for reprinting: Zhao Jiandong, Chen Ye, Cui Yuchen

New Media Editor: Qu Bingjie

"Ice Road Journey - Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition" was held at the National Museum
"Ice Road Journey - Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition" was held at the National Museum
"Ice Road Journey - Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of China's Polar Expedition" was held at the National Museum

iNatural omnimedia

Please mark the source in a conspicuous position for reprinting: iNature All Media

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