
US congressmen said that there was a "misunderstanding" in the United States, thinking that China would become like the United States, but it backfired

author:Sun Xuwen

On June 27, the U.S.-China Strategic Competition Committee, a subsidiary of the U.S. House of Representatives, held a hearing to prepare for the next round of sanctions against China, the Observer reported.

According to US media, the new chairman of the Sino-US Strategic Competition Commission, Mulenard, said that China is "subsidizing" many industries to make these industries dominant in the global market to increase the ability to threaten the United States in a crisis. Therefore, the United States should not rely on China in some key areas and technologies.

However, Mulenard's statement is not new, and it is not a matter of a day or two for the United States to suppress the Chinese industry, and it is not surprising that these suppression policies have been proposed.

US congressmen said that there was a "misunderstanding" in the United States, thinking that China would become like the United States, but it backfired


It is worth paying attention to Mulenal's "attack" on the Chinese system. He said there is a widespread "misconception" among Americans that China will become more and more like the United States in the future, but now that "things have backfired." Therefore, in order to win the strategic competition between China and the United States, the United States should go all out in its confrontation with China.

Mulenal's statement is actually very similar to a statement made by US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in 2021. He said at the time that the United States would "coexist" with China, that the United States would not seek to wage a new Cold War against China, and that the Biden administration had no intention of changing China's system. Instead, seek to create a new international environment that will bring China into that national environment and make it more conducive to the values and interests of the United States and its allies, rather than transforming China into a "democratic" and "free" country.

However, Sullivan's statement does not mean that the United States will stop its containment strategy against China, but that in the process, it will no longer emphasize the importance of "ideology" and seek a more pragmatic way to maintain the international order dominated by the United States and the West. In the process, the United States has continuously strengthened its technological and military capabilities to ensure its future superiority in competition with China.

US congressmen said that there was a "misunderstanding" in the United States, thinking that China would become like the United States, but it backfired


Therefore, whether it is Sullivan or Mullenard's statement, it shows the same problem, the United States is no longer seeking to change China. An important reason why the United States does not seek a peaceful evolution of China in the ideological field is actually what Mullenard mentioned, after more than 30 years of ideological infiltration, China has not only not changed, but has become stronger.

This change in the United States is markedly different from the US strategy toward China after the Cold War. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States applied the same methods used to deal with the Soviet Union to China, carried out ideological infiltration into China, and let China embark on the road of "democracy" and "freedom" planned by the United States, and become a leek field for the United States. In addition to taking on the economic risks in the United States, it also plays the role of a "manufacturing factory" for the high-welfare society of Western countries.

Therefore, the United States and its allies have continuously strengthened the concept of "democracy", simplified the concept of democracy, shaped China out of place with the rest of the world, and used it to smear and vilify China's system, and then cultivated pro-American forces in China through a large number of NGOs. In the process, a large number of online public knowledge appeared in China, deliberately creating antagonistic sentiments within China, singing praises for Western "universal values", and belittleing the Chinese nation's history and culture for thousands of years to nothing.

US congressmen said that there was a "misunderstanding" in the United States, thinking that China would become like the United States, but it backfired

China and the United States

And the purpose is to make us the next Soviet Union, in order to continue to maintain the "global order" with the West at its core.

However, although the ideological infiltration of the United States has caused us certain troubles for a period of time, such as the crowd of public knowledge, which has made the entire network a miasma, it still failed to succeed in the end. In essence, China's success under the path of socialism with its characteristics has surpassed that of the United States and the West.

On economic issues, China's economy has surpassed that of the United States in terms of purchasing power parity; The world's largest single market, the world's largest industrial country, and the world's largest power generation country; The number of the middle class has surpassed the total population of the United States, it has caught up with the world's first echelon in science and technology, the rapid iteration of weapons and equipment, the rapid rise of military capabilities, and the significant increase in international influence. In the United States during the same period, in addition to endless partisanship and aggression against other countries, the superiority of the American system was an out-and-out joke, and more and more people around the world no longer believed in the United States as a "beacon".

US congressmen said that there was a "misunderstanding" in the United States, thinking that China would become like the United States, but it backfired

Of course, this also raises a new question. All these phenomena show that under the "rules of the game" of the United States, the United States is no longer able to compete with China, and if it continues to develop in this way, it is only a matter of time before the United States loses its throne as the world's number one. Therefore, both Trump and Biden will use all available means to suppress China.

Interestingly, however, in the process of building its advantage over China, the United States has become more and more like China. Biden and Trump have both mentioned the "big infrastructure" policy, and Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act" itself is strengthening the government's investment and involvement in economic development, so is the United States trying to change China, or is the United States recognizing that China is on the right path and is trying to learn?

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