
Waiting for you to "check in"! This anti-drug theme park is not ordinary~

author:Released by the Kunming police

June 27th

It is located in Lotus Pond Park, Wuhua District, Kunming City

Anti-drug theme park

It was used by People's Daily, CCTV News, etc

A number of media "named" praise

Waiting for you to "check in"! This anti-drug theme park is not ordinary~
Waiting for you to "check in"! This anti-drug theme park is not ordinary~
Waiting for you to "check in"! This anti-drug theme park is not ordinary~

This was reported by the media one after another

and the "anti-drug hut" that likes it

What kind of charm is it?

An article takes you on a quest

A new anti-drug classroom in the sea of science and technology

Waiting for you to "check in"! This anti-drug theme park is not ordinary~

On June 26th, Lotus Pond Park turned into a sea of flowers, and giant flowers bloomed in the sun, like a splendid picture of life. And in the depths of this sea of flowers, an unusual "classroom" is quietly opening - this is the high-tech immersive experience area of the Wuhua District Anti-drug Theme Park, which is also the province's first high-tech immersive experience anti-drug theme park.

Walking into the park, an anti-drug hut weighing 3 tons and made of three layers of steel plates comes into view, which is like a huge window, through which visitors can gain insight into the harm of drugs and feel the beauty of life. This hut is not only a place for anti-drug education, but also a symbol of a firm will to fight drugs.

Waiting for you to "check in"! This anti-drug theme park is not ordinary~

Next to the hut, there was a crowd of people in front of the VR simulation equipment. Tourists are putting on VR goggles to experience the dangers of drug driving firsthand. Blurred vision and unresponsiveness...... The realistic simulation scene makes the experiencer deeply feel the destruction of drugs on driving ability, so as to strengthen the determination to stay away from drugs.

Waiting for you to "check in"! This anti-drug theme park is not ordinary~

At the anti-drug oath platform, visitors can solemnly swear to join the ranks of anti-drug volunteers. The video of their oath will be preserved forever as a glorious testimony to their participation in the fight against drugs. In addition, by scanning the QR code to enter the mini program, tourists can also easily obtain anti-drug knowledge, participate in check-in challenges, and win rich prizes.

Waiting for you to "check in"! This anti-drug theme park is not ordinary~

In the park, the red retro phone booth has become a popular check-in spot. These phone booths feature a variety of anti-drug themed games, allowing visitors to learn about anti-drug knowledge while also having a chance to win small prizes. The anti-drug bear and police dog dolls on the red bench attracted many tourists to stop and take photos with their cute and cute images.

It is worth mentioning that the park has also set up a "Love Help Corner" to launch the "A Little Red Flower Warms a Home" love activity. The leaders of the Wuhua District Narcotics Control Committee took the lead in purchasing handicrafts and expressed their love and support for drug rehabilitation families with practical actions.

Waiting for you to "check in"! This anti-drug theme park is not ordinary~

The high-tech innovation measures of the Wuhua District Anti-drug Theme Park not only allow visitors to learn anti-drug knowledge in an immersive experience, but also create a good atmosphere for the whole society to actively participate in the anti-drug struggle. This new model of anti-drug propaganda with entertaining education, science and technology assistance, and the participation of the whole people has injected new impetus into the anti-drug work in Wuhua District, and also provided experience for other regions to learn from.