
My eldest sister said to give me 10,000 yuan and put her son at my house for two months during the summer vacation, but I decisively refused

author:I'm a March Fish


"Xiaoting! Your school is about to end its summer vacation, too! I'd like to discuss something with you? ”

Before the eldest sister could finish speaking, I guessed what she was going to say next.

"Eldest sister, if you want to put Chenchen at my house for the summer vacation, then don't talk about it." I said it directly.

"In this way, I will give you 5,000 yuan a month, how about it? Anyway, one child is also taught, and two children are also taught, can you still have more income at home during the holidays? After all, your family's mortgage is thousands of dollars a month! ”

The eldest sister looked like she was thinking about me.

"That's not good, eldest sister, you also know that one of our children is used to being quiet. Suddenly, there were multiple children, and I was afraid that my heart would not be able to stand it. "I try to make excuses from my physical condition.

It's not that I can't take my two children, it's that her son is too noisy, and I'm afraid of an accident.

"You can really make excuses, you can handle 40 or 50 children in a class at school. Now that there is one more child in the family, you are uncomfortable and unhappy. You just say directly, my son is not good at anything, and he can't get into your eyes, so he will get it! ”

The eldest sister scolded me so much in one breath.

To be honest, it's not me who is hypocritical. Watching one child at home is completely different from teaching dozens of children at school.

Children in school only need you to be responsible for others for 45 minutes in class. As for my own children, it is on call 24 hours a day.

My eldest sister said to give me 10,000 yuan and put her son at my house for two months during the summer vacation, but I decisively refused


In fact, my eldest sister sent her family to my house for two months last summer.

At that time, the little guy had just entered the first grade, and he didn't have any qualitative qualities, and he was either running up or down in my house.

More excessively, he often enjoys a challenge.

One day, I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. Before leaving, he told him to watch TV obediently in the living room. When I returned, they had already climbed out of the window to the downstairs neighbor's protective net.

My family lives on the sixth floor, nearly 20 meters high, in case of an accident, how can I explain to my eldest sister?

"Mom, I tried my best to pull Brother Chenchen, but I didn't hold it." My son is a year older than Chenchen, and his lips are white with fright.

My son was afraid that we would blame him.

"It's okay, son, it's not your fault." I comforted.

When I thought that because Chenchen was at my house, I made chickens and dogs jump all day long, and my son couldn't even be quiet when he was studying. I feel stupid, why do I take on this kind of work for the sake of face?

Chenchen is a boy born to the eldest sister after fighting for three children, and it's okay if nothing happens at my house, just in case ......

It's scary to think about.


What's worse is that this kid has no memory at all.

I told Chenchen not to put any toys or items in your mouth except food. The little guy doesn't seem to have ears.

Once, after dinner, our family was sitting on the couch watching TV while he was fiddling with his toys on the balcony.

Suddenly, I heard a constant cough coming from the balcony.

At first, I thought it was Chenchen coughing again, and I hurriedly went to the drawer to help him find medicine, and was about to open his mouth to drink a glass of water.

Only then did he find that the little guy's face was swollen purple at this time, and he swallowed the lid of a mineral water bottle in his mouth. And it's the façade that puts it in.

My husband and I tried all kinds of ways, but we couldn't get it out, his mouth was small, and the bottle cap was just stuck in the upper and lower chambers of the mouth.

"Quick, husband, we have to go to the hospital quickly." Professional people, do professional things.

My husband and I didn't even have time to change our shoes, so we went to the hospital wearing slippers and holding Chenchen.

At the same time, on the way, I informed my eldest sister and his wife.

The doctor used tweezers and other special tools to cooperate, and after a while, the bottle cap was taken out of Chenchen's mouth.

When the eldest sister arrived, the doctor was educating us husband and wife: "You parents are really big-hearted, and you let your children play with everything." ”

My eldest sister said to give me 10,000 yuan and put her son at my house for two months during the summer vacation, but I decisively refused


I was just about to explain that Chenchen is often taught this education at home.

Who knew that the eldest sister followed and said: "It's not because it's not because it's not my own child, so I don't care about it!" ”

The brother-in-law also has a black old face.

If it weren't for my husband's presence, I would have liked to give each of them a slap in the face.

Conscience of heaven and earth!

The child puts everything in his mouth, and this thing is not formed in a day or two, right?

My own children did not develop good habits, and it became the responsibility of others when something happened.

I'm a teacher, and I'm the best at verbal preaching. I can't wait to say it 80 times a day at home.

The point is, Chenchen, this kid doesn't listen to me!

I want to get started with education, but I'm afraid that living in my house for so many dozens of days will suddenly break off the relationship with my eldest sister.

That kind of entanglement, no one can understand.

So, after leaving in the morning during the summer vacation last year. I made up my mind that our family would never accept this child again.

It's hard to carve a stone, it's hard to become a darling, even if it tires me to death, he's still like that.

My eldest sister said to give me 10,000 yuan and put her son at my house for two months during the summer vacation, but I decisively refused


"Xiaoting, you are still a teacher, why are you so ignorant? When did my sister beg you, I was just busy with business at home, and I couldn't get out.

Besides, if it weren't for the family's face, I could have paid 5,000 yuan a month to support your family? The eldest sister questioned me in a loud voice.

It seems that without the 10,000 yuan she gave this summer, my family's life would not be able to go on.

"Eldest sister, I understand your feelings, but taking care of children is also a responsibility, and I can't afford this responsibility!" I'll be honest.

After those events last year, what I am most afraid of now is the kidnapping of my family, but the accident of my child.

In the evening, when my husband came home, I told him that his sister was going to send Chenchen to my house again.

"Wife, we can't do this anymore. My sister's two spoiled children have no bottom line, and our family can't let go of this living ancestor. ”

My husband also feels that even if he is a relative, he can help some things and some things he can't.

After dinner, my husband received a call from his sister. In front of me, he said, "Sister, Xiaoting is right, I don't welcome your family to come to my house in the morning." Chenchen is lawless in your house, even if the roof is lifted, but children who have no rules and are ignorant are not welcome in my family. ”

After all, my husband and eldest sister are sisters and brothers, so it doesn't matter if I speak sharply.

But the eldest sister still persevered, "Chenchen is one year older this year, and she is much more sensible than last year......"

The husband still refused.

My eldest sister is now calling us every day to beg us, and I don't dare to let go, because after all, it is easy to invite a Buddha and it is difficult to send a Buddha.

Relatives also need a sense of boundaries, especially when it comes to children.

Anyway, from now on, I won't be kidnapped by family affection again. If something happens, the gains outweigh the losses.