
【Five Rhythmic Poems】Peach Blossom Rain (Seven Laws)

author:Peninsula Literature
Author: Qingfeng
【Five Rhythmic Poems】Peach Blossom Rain (Seven Laws)

The peach blossoms are scorching and reflect the spring light, and the drizzle is moist and fragrant.

Falling red dust is like a dream, and the sky and earth are like a glow.

The mountains and rivers are intoxicated by the poems, and the streams play the piano elegantly.

The green willows add beautiful colors, and the tea garden laughs with the sunset.

Summer Solstice (Seven Uniques)

Author: Wen & Bow
【Five Rhythmic Poems】Peach Blossom Rain (Seven Laws)

Guarding the summer lotus in May, not fighting for spring and not mud.

The green rue pieces are blue and blue, indifferent and fresh according to the water.

Idle Song (Five Uniques, Flat Water Rhyme)

Author: Ninety-Seven Visitor
【Five Rhythmic Poems】Peach Blossom Rain (Seven Laws)


The bus is busy in the morning, and the vegetable market is fragrant.

The price is called silver light, and the poor card is one.


In front of Chongji's face, colorful and colorful.

The love is infatuated, and the ordinary things are connected.


Selling frequently along the street, dumping the goods is real.

The store is unsustainable, when will it be revived.

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