
Build a strong line of defense for safe production! The "Safety Production Month" District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is → in action

author:Qingbaijiang Housing Construction
Build a strong line of defense for safe production! The "Safety Production Month" District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is → in action

June this year is the 23rd "Safety Production Month" in the country

The theme is

"Everyone talks about safety, and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies

- Smooth the passage of life"

Build a strong line of defense for safe production! The "Safety Production Month" District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is → in action
Build a strong line of defense for safe production! The "Safety Production Month" District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is → in action

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions and important instructions on production safety, and firmly establish the concept of "people first, life first" safety development, in recent days, the District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau has carefully deployed and solidly promoted a series of activities in various forms, with prominent points and closely related to the theme of "Safety Production Month". Let's take a look with Zhujianjun!

Build a strong line of defense for safe production! The "Safety Production Month" District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is → in action

Publicity and education

Move it

Build a strong line of defense for safe production! The "Safety Production Month" District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is → in action
Build a strong line of defense for safe production! The "Safety Production Month" District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is → in action

1. The District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau organizes cadres and workers to conscientiously study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions and important instructions on production safety, carry out safety production training and "safety commitment fulfillment" activities for the relevant persons in charge of property services and projects under construction in our district, publicize relevant laws and regulations on safety production, popularize knowledge of limited space operations, fire safety, flood prevention and drought relief, and effectively consolidate the main responsibilities of each project and unit.

2. At the site of the safety publicity and consultation day in our district, the District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau publicized safety production laws and regulations to the general public through the distribution of publicity materials, on-site consulting services, publicity display boards, etc., and popularized relevant knowledge such as construction safety, termite control, and housing structure safety. Vigorously create a strong atmosphere of concern for safety and care for life, strengthen the concept of safe production, and improve the safety quality of the whole people.

3. Continue to promote the "five advances" of safety publicity, carry out safety publicity and education activities in enterprises, promote enterprises to implement the main responsibility of safety production, and improve the safety production management system. Walk into the community to popularize the knowledge of electric bicycle charging safety, gas safety, electricity safety and other aspects to residents. Effectively enhance the safety awareness and safety quality of the whole society, and build a safety protection system with the participation of the whole people.

Scenario simulation

Practice it

Build a strong line of defense for safe production! The "Safety Production Month" District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is → in action
Build a strong line of defense for safe production! The "Safety Production Month" District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is → in action
Build a strong line of defense for safe production! The "Safety Production Month" District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is → in action
Build a strong line of defense for safe production! The "Safety Production Month" District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau is → in action

The District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau focused on the theme of "unimpeded life channel", and actively organized more than 100 emergency drills for various projects under construction around property fire protection, building construction, self-built houses, geological disaster prevention, etc., through theoretical teaching, actual combat drills, self-help and mutual rescue, etc., deepened the understanding of front-line operators on the urgency and importance of safety production, and improved everyone's emergency response ability and unity and cooperation ability of emergency rescue.

Concentrate on observation


Actively organize personnel to participate in the centralized observation and publicity activities organized by the province and the city, and learn from advanced experience through on-site visits and on-site exchanges, which opens up the ideas of the housing and construction people in our district on safety management and control efficiency, quality management and quality improvement, and intelligent management and control empowerment, which helps to improve the management level of construction site safety protection measures, personnel safety awareness, emergency rescue capabilities, etc., and further promotes the high-quality development of the housing and construction field to a new level.

There is no "off-season" for safe production

No "holidays" for safety control

The District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau will always tighten the safety strings

Further strengthen industry supervision, publicity and education, etc

Provide a solid security guarantee for the high-quality development of Qingbaijiang

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