
Bodhi preached in the territory of Nyolai, why did Nyolai sit idly by? Look at who Bodhi's other identity is

author:Academy of Literature and History

The Bodhi Patriarch in the original Journey to the West is not as low-key as in film and television dramas.

In the first episode of the original work, Sun Wukong traveled all over the world to find famous teachers to learn art, came to Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, and met a woodcutter who was chopping wood. The woodcutter told Sun Wukong that there was a three-star cave with a slanting moon nearby, and there was an old immortal with great powers in the cave, who was the Bodhi Patriarch, and now there were thirty or forty people who followed him to practice, and Sun Wukong could go to worship him as a teacher.

The Bodhi Patriarch's mana is unfathomable, and there are only a handful of great gods in the Three Realms who can compete with him, but he has only accepted thirty or forty disciples, and at first glance, he is too low-key.

But in fact, these thirty or forty people are just one generation of disciples of Patriarch Bodhi, and Patriarch Bodhi has taught ten generations of disciples.

Bodhi preached in the territory of Nyolai, why did Nyolai sit idly by? Look at who Bodhi's other identity is

According to the guidance of the woodcutter, Sun Wukong found the three-star cave of the slanting moon and worshiped the Bodhi Patriarch as his teacher. When the Bodhi Patriarch accepted Sun Wukong as an apprentice, he mentioned that there are twelve characters in his disciples, which are Guang, Da, Zhi, Hui, Zhen, Ru, Xing, Hai, Ying, Wu, Yuan, Jue, and Sun Wukong is his tenth generation of disciples.

Therefore, the number of disciples taught by the Bodhi Patriarch should reach three or four hundred. A master who can cultivate three or four hundred talented immortal cultivators can definitely be regarded as peach and plum all over the world.

We know that the Bodhi Patriarch's dojo Xieyue Cave is in Xiniu Hezhou, and Xiniu Hezhou is the territory of Rulai, in other words, the Bodhi Patriarch is vigorously preaching and accepting disciples on the territory of Rulai, but what is strange is that Rulai actually sat back and let Bodhi Patriarch expand his strength on his territory.

Speaking of which, everyone must be very curious, why did Patriarch Bodhi preach on the territory of Rulai, why did Rulai sit idly by?

I am afraid that this is related to another identity of the Bodhi Patriarch. Who is the other identity of Patriarch Bodhi? Before answering this question, we might as well take a look at how the original book introduces Patriarch Bodhi.

Bodhi preached in the territory of Nyolai, why did Nyolai sit idly by? Look at who Bodhi's other identity is

In the first time of the original work, Sun Wukong came to the three-star cave of the oblique moon, "Follow the boy into the depths of the cave to watch: layer by layer of deep pavilion Qionglou, as soon as you enter the Pearl Palace Beique, you can't say that the quiet room is secluded, until under the Yaotai, I saw that the Bodhi Patriarch was sitting on the platform, and there were thirty little immortals standing under the stage on both sides, and it was really "——

Dajue Jin Xian has no dirty posture, and the Western Miao Xiang Ancestor Bodhi; The three or three elements are immortal, full of energy, all gods, and all compassion. Emptiness naturally changes, as nature does; With the solemn body of the same life as the sky, the great mage of the bright heart has been tribulated.

According to the original work of Journey to the West, the Bodhi Patriarch cultivated into the Great Awakening Golden Immortal, and cultivated to reach the realm of "immortality and immortality, true as nature can do it", which can be called the great mage of the heart of the tribulation.

It is worth mentioning that in the world of gods, there is a heavenly saint who is very similar to the Bodhi Patriarch, who has also cultivated the Great Awakening Golden Immortal, and has also reached the realm of "immortality and immortality of the three elements, true as nature can do it", and he is also the great mage of the Ming Heart of the Tribulation, this person is the quasi-Daoist person.

Bodhi preached in the territory of Nyolai, why did Nyolai sit idly by? Look at who Bodhi's other identity is

There are very few top-level gods in the mythological world who have cultivated the Great Awakening Golden Immortal, and the Bodhi Patriarch and the Quasi-Ti Daoist are still so similar, so it is very likely that the two are the same person. It is true that the Quasi-Ti Daoist is a character in the world of the gods, but it is not excluded that the author of the Feng Shen took the Bodhi Patriarch as the prototype and created the role of the Quasi-Ti Daoist.

Not only does the Quasi-Ti Daoist have unfathomable mana cultivation, but he also has an extremely prominent identity, which is the leader of the Western Sect. The so-called Western religion is the predecessor of the Lingshan Group, which was founded by reorganizing the Western religion after becoming a Buddha in the past year. Before the establishment of the Lingshan Group, it was the Western Sect that ruled Xiniu Hezhou, in other words, the Zhun Ti Dao was the former head of Xiniu Hezhou.

Since the other identity of the Bodhi Patriarch is the quasi-Daoist, then, we can also say that the Bodhi Patriarch is the former head of Xiniu Hezhou, if he succeeds him as the head of Xiniu Hezhou, although he has retreated to the second line, but the authority and influence of the year are still there, he preached and accepted disciples in the three-star cave of the oblique moon, of course, Rulai will not interfere. What do you think?