
From January to April, the sales of O2O drugs exceeded 3.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 31% (with download)

author:New Kangjie

Zhongkang CMH China Pharmaceutical Out-of-Hospital Retail Market Analysis - O2O Channel, April 2024 Data Newly Released!

(Pay attention to the new health sector and reply to [O2O April] to get the full report)

From January to April, the sales of O2O drugs exceeded 3.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 31% (with download)

As of April 2024, the market size of Zhongkang CMH monitoring O2O direct delivery stores exceeded 3.3 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 31%, and the importance of O2O direct delivery stores in offline retail pharmacy channels increased year-on-year, accounting for 4.2%.

From January to April, the sales of O2O drugs exceeded 3.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 31% (with download)

As of April 2024, in the O2O direct delivery store drug market, the year-on-year growth rate of OTC and Rx drugs is similar, of which the sales scale of OTC drugs accounts for 59.3%; Among the OTC drugs, the market performance of the "four types of drugs" is outstanding, and the growth of antibacterial and cold drugs in Rx drugs is relatively fast.

From January to April, the sales of O2O drugs exceeded 3.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 31% (with download)

As of April 2024, the sales of the top 10 O2O direct delivery stores accounted for 64.2%, an increase of 0.9% compared with the same period last year. Among the top 10 chains, the rankings of Dashenlin, Quanyuantang, and Yixintang have improved, and the market size of Quanyuantang has increased by 62% year-on-year. (Only TOP5 data is displayed here, and the full form will reply to "O2O April" to view)

From January to April, the sales of O2O drugs exceeded 3.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 31% (with download)

As of April 2024, the proportion of sales of direct delivery stores in the top 10 cities has declined to 49.8%, and the importance of the top 31-50 waist and tail cities such as Yantai and Zhuhai has increased. From the perspective of the top 10 cities of direct delivery stores, first-tier cities rank among the top four in the O2O drug market, and Chongqing, Suzhou, and Shenyang have improved their rankings.

From January to April, the sales of O2O drugs exceeded 3.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 31% (with download)

As of April 2024, the "four types of drugs" in the O2O drug market are growing rapidly. Cold and cough medicines led the drug market, among which cough suppressants increased by 127% year-on-year, mainly driven by honey refining Sichuan shellfish loquat and Suhuang cough suppressant.

From January to April, the sales of O2O drugs exceeded 3.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 31% (with download)

As of April 2024, the sales scale of sildenafil, oseltamivir, and azithromycin ranks among the top three in the prescription drug market. In April, the demand for influenza drug oseltamivir fell, and the scale declined significantly; The scale of respiratory system drugs budesonide, ambroterol, montelukast, etc. is growing rapidly.

From January to April, the sales of O2O drugs exceeded 3.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 31% (with download)

As of April 2024, ibuprofen, cold spirit, and levonorgestrel rank among the top three in the OTC market; In April, the demand for cold and pain relievers weakened, and the scale of ibuprofen, cold spirit, and honey refining Chuanbei loquat declined; The anti-allergic drug loratadine increased by double digits year-on-year.

Pay attention to the new health sector and reply to [O2O April] to get the full text of the report