
Take precautions! Rainy with short-term thunderstorms and strong winds next week......

author:Qinzhou release
Take precautions! Rainy with short-term thunderstorms and strong winds next week......

Since June

Alternation of rain and sunshine

Blue sky and white clouds ~ clear sky

Sudden storm......

Sunny Sky ~ 阴天 ~ Rainy Weather ~

Take precautions! Rainy with short-term thunderstorms and strong winds next week......

The weather is hot during the day

It's hard to find cool at night

Take precautions! Rainy with short-term thunderstorms and strong winds next week......

Expected in the coming week

There is still a lot of rainy weather in our city


July 1-3

Heavy rainfall accompanied by short-term thunderstorms and strong winds

Take precautions! Rainy with short-term thunderstorms and strong winds next week......

Specific weather forecasts

From June 29th to 30th, there was moderate rain and local heavy rain accompanied by short-term thunderstorms and strong winds in the western and coastal areas of the city, and cloudy with showers or thunderstorms and localized heavy rain to heavy rain accompanied by short-term thunderstorms and strong winds in other areas; southerly gusts of 5~7 in the afternoon; The temperature is 26~33°C.

On July 1, light to moderate rain, locally heavy to heavy rain accompanied by short-term thunderstorms and strong winds; southerly gusts of 5~7 in the afternoon; The temperature is 27~33°C.

On July 2, moderate to heavy rain, local heavy rain to heavy rain accompanied by short-term thunderstorms and strong winds, the temperature was 27~31 °C.

On July 3, moderate rain turned to showers, local heavy rain accompanied by short-term thunderstorms and strong winds, and the temperature was 27~32 °C.

On July 4-5, it was cloudy with showers or thunderstorms, local heavy rain, and the temperature was 27~33 °C.

The sea surface of the Gulf of Tonkin

On June 29, it was cloudy with showers or thunderstorms, local heavy rain accompanied by short-term thunderstorms and strong winds, southerly winds of 5~6 and gusts of 7~8.

From June 30 to July 2, moderate to heavy rain, local heavy rain to heavy rain accompanied by short-term thunderstorms and strong winds, southerly winds of level 6 and gusts of level 8.

On July 3, it was cloudy with showers or thunderstorms, southerly wind level 5 and gusts of 6~7.

On July 4-5, it was cloudy with showers or thunderstorms, southerly winds of 4~5 and gusts of 6.

Concerns and suggestions

1. Next week, there will still be more rainy weather in our city, July 1-3 rainfall is strong and accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds, please all relevant departments, along the Pinglu Canal, etc., to prevent heavy rainfall and its possible flash floods, geological disasters, small and medium-sized river floods, urban and rural waterlogging and other disasters; Approaching the peak season of summer travel, it is necessary to strengthen the safety management of transportation and tourist attractions.

2. Outdoor and sea-related activities should be protected from strong winds and pay attention to safety.

3. The temperature is high during some periods, and the weather is hot and sultry, so you need to pay attention to heatstroke and sun protection, and do a good job of drowning prevention.

Source丨Qinzhou Weather

Editor丨Wu Denghan

Proofreading丨Yan Xing

Audit丨Luo Libin

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