
AI Creative Conception - AI Creative Design

author:BM Xiaowei

Hello friends, I believe that there are still many friends who don't know much about how to play AI intelligent writing and what are the related issues of AI artificial intelligence writing tools, it doesn't matter, today I will share with you how to play AI intelligent writing, what are the AI artificial intelligence writing tools, the article may be a bit long, I hope it can help you, let's take a look!

What are 1.AI writing tools?

1. Recently, I want to buy an automatic AI writing tool test it out, and I also want to enrich the content of the website. After searching for some reviews, it was found that there is no such tool. So I'll make a list of all the tools and make a safe choice. I understand that AI can't do all my work, but it can simplify some of my work and reduce the procrastination I now have due to limited thinking and inefficiency.

2. First of all, I will write a preliminary summary of my personal ten software, basically I like No. 2 and No. 8 to assist me in content operation, and then the real business direction is to try No. 6, other options can be selected according to personal needs:

3. If the Zyro free ticket is really useless, you can try the Gowild mode, generate some ideas, and then rewrite it.

4. SassbookAIWriter is priced at $30+ USD/mo, which seems similar to the expected Rytr?

5. AIWriter is said to be very high-end, but it is still a toy for the bigwigs, not open to the public, don't touch it for the time being.

6. Writer costs $11 per month, which is quite reasonable compared to other tools, and the pro version of other tools all starts at $30 per month. It's a pity that it's a collaborative writing tool for teams that seems to lack automatic content generation.

7. WordAI costs nearly $50 per month and focuses on rephrasing, making it a great tool for "plagiarism goes undetected".

2. How to identify if an article was written by AI

1. Confirm the source of the article: Many machine learning models can automatically generate articles, but they are all generated through specific software or application actions. If the article is coming from an undisputed machine-generated platform, it will almost certainly be generated using AI.

2. Check whether the article conforms to grammar rules: Although AI writing software has a grammar checking function, if there are a large number of grammatical errors in the article, then it is likely to be an attempt at machine language.

3. Check the brevity of the text: AI-written articles usually have a small error rate and are often trained on a specific data set, so they are usually simple and have a less complex plot.

4. Check the article for logical errors: Although AI writing software can generate articles, it usually ignores the logical structure of the article, so there may be logical contradictions or simple logical errors in the article.

To sum up, it is often possible to tell if an article was written by an AI by looking at the source code of the article as well as the actual logic, grammar, and linguistic expression.

3. Creative ideas for artificial intelligence

In 2016, AI created a sitcom comparable to David Lynch. Andy Hurd, a software developer and cartoonist, wanted to see what would happen if he used artificial intelligence to create an episode of the sitcom Friends. Hurd leveraged TensorFlow, Google's open-source machine learning toolkit, to feed all of the scripts from the past nine seasons into the system. While most of the end results are close to gibberish, Hurd also separates some "scenes" from them.

21st Century Fox used IBM's Watson supercomputer to create a trailer for the AI thriller Morgan. It started out as a publicity stunt, but eventually became a modern, authentic movie trailer. IBM researchers trained Watson with more than 1,000 movie trailers, helping it learn the general style and rhythm of a successful trailer. Watson then processed the entire film and chose a six-minute clip for the trailer.

In August, a project was launched on Kickstarter in an attempt to raise funds for the world's first feature film co-written by artificial intelligence. A mathematician designed a neural network that dismantled thousands of successful horror movies around the world and analyzed the box office data for each film. The system then creates an outline, and the human screenwriter writes the script based on the outline. The AI then made a teaser to show its concept. The crowdfunding campaign was a success, and the team is currently working with two Hollywood production houses to begin filming the film in early 2017.

4. How to Write Attractive AI Copy

To write attractive AI copy, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Highlight the advantages of artificial intelligence, such as intelligence, efficiency, and accuracy.

2. Cite data and cases to demonstrate the achievements and effects of artificial intelligence in practical applications.

3. Use clear and concise language and avoid overly technical jargon so that readers can easily understand.

4. Emphasize the future development prospects and application scenarios of artificial intelligence, so that readers can feel its importance and necessity.

5. Combine current hot topics and trends, such as smart home, smart medical, etc., to increase the timeliness and attractiveness of copywriting.

5. How to Write Copy for AI Snaps

When writing AI copy, there are a few things to consider:

1. Highlight the theme: The copywriter should closely focus on the theme of AI photography, so that readers can clearly understand the characteristics and advantages of this new photography method.

2. Emphasize the function: The biggest feature of AI Snap is that it can automatically take photos, so the copywriter needs to highlight this function and explain the technical principles and implementation methods behind it.

3. Get interested: To get readers interested in AI snapshots, you can add some engaging descriptions and examples to your copy, such as "make your photos more beautiful", "make your trip more interesting", etc.

4. Provide value: In addition to highlighting functions and arousing interest, copywriting also needs to provide practical value to readers, such as "AI Snap can help you easily record beautiful moments", "using AI Snap can save time and energy in post-processing", etc.

Want to capture life's best moments? Now there's a new way to take photos - AI Snap! It can automatically take pictures and make your life more interesting and beautiful.

The biggest feature of AI Snap is that it can automatically recognize the scene and automatically adjust the shooting parameters according to the ambient light and background, making your photos more natural and realistic. It also supports a variety of shooting modes, including night scene, sports, landscape, etc., to make your photos more diverse.

Using AI Snap saves time and effort in post-processing, allowing you to focus on enjoying life's beautiful moments. In addition, it supports cloud storage and sharing features, so that your photos can be viewed and shared anytime, anywhere.

If you want to record the best moments in your life, why not give AI Snap a try!

The above is an introduction to AI intelligent writing methods and AI artificial intelligence writing tools, I hope it will be helpful to you.

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