
The small pot of tea apologized for the "masterpiece", the high-price speculation miscalculated, and the impact of affiliated enterprises was geometric?

author:Financial Investment News

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Financial Investment News reporter He Menglu

In Huangshan, Anhui Province, the "famous tea capital" in the misty and rainy sky, the small pot of tea, an Internet celebrity tea company, was pushed to the hot search because of a press conference. A few days ago, in the small pot of tea Huangshan Super Factory, the founder of the brand, Du Guoying, apologized to the public for the controversy caused by the promotion of the "masterpiece", which caused heated discussions. In fact, this is not only a marketing and public relations action of the brand, but also a deep reflection on the evolution of the development path of the tea industry.

The small pot of tea apologized for the "masterpiece", the high-price speculation miscalculated, and the impact of affiliated enterprises was geometric?

Apologies for the "masterpiece".

On June 25, Du Guoying said at the press conference that the publicity method of "masterpiece" has indeed caused trouble to consumers, and expressed his deep apologies to consumers. At the same time, he announced that the small pot of tea will no longer emphasize the promotion of "masterpieces", but will devote more energy to the quality improvement and service optimization of the product itself. Success is also Xiao He, defeat is also Xiao He. After the advent of small pots of tea, it quickly became popular due to the label of "small pots of tea, masterpieces", and public information shows that its annual sales exceeded 2 billion yuan in 2018. But I never thought that it was this high-profile statement that triggered an unprecedented crisis of public opinion in small pots of tea. Some netizens pointed out that according to its sales of more than 2 billion, the eight tea masters in the advertisement have to fry at least 1,466 catties of fresh tea every day. You must know that ordinary hand-fried tea masters can only fry about 30 catties of fresh tea leaves a day. For a time, the situation changed abruptly. The small pot of tea, which was accused of being inflated and the identity of the "master" was a mystery, suddenly fell from the halo of the Internet celebrity brand and gradually lost its luster. As a result, the above scene appeared, and Du Guoying bowed down to apologize for the publicity method of "masterpiece" in the live broadcast of the press conference. In addition, Du Guoying also said at the press conference that the 135 tea-making patents of small pots of tea were officially opened to the society on the same day, and notarization was introduced for the first time in the tea industry, realizing the traceability notarization and fidelity of the whole product line of the three major brands of small pot tea garden, small pot tea and year traces, safety fidelity, mountain fidelity and year fidelity. It is worth mentioning that the first "patent granting partner" selected by the small pot of tea is the Bawang Tea Lady, which has a lot of origin. In fact, Du Guoying has publicly expressed many times that the biggest competitor of small pots of tea is not in the industry, but in other segments, such as coffee and milk tea. Obviously, this time it borrows from the head tea brand, or reveals its ambition to span multiple fields.

The small pot of tea apologized for the "masterpiece", the high-price speculation miscalculated, and the impact of affiliated enterprises was geometric?

Towards parity

According to the enterprise investigation, the affiliated company of small pot tea is Beijing small pot tea industry Co., Ltd. Founded in December 2014, it is jointly held by 12 shareholders, including Du Guoying, Gongqingcheng Ziming Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), and Beijing Jiankun Investment Group Co., Ltd. According to foreign investment information, the company holds shares in 14 companies, of which 13 are in existence, including its companies in Beijing, Anhui, Fujian, Yunnan and other places. It is worth mentioning that or due to the influence of long-term public opinion, the expansion and development of small pots of tea offline stores has not been smooth. Third-party data shows that in the past 90 days, 33 new stores have been opened and 59 new stores have been closed; The total number of stores has fallen from 1,002 in December last year to 626 currently. A reporter from the Financial Investment News logged in to the official flagship store of small pots of tea and found that the most cost-effective "one can and one bubble" series of gift boxes, including 18 cans, is priced at 299 yuan, and roughly calculated at this price, for consumers, the cost of a cup of tea is as high as 16.11 yuan. Therefore, small pots of tea can no longer look up to the positive returns brought by high-end product lines, and are forced to choose to lower their stature and actively embrace the mass tea market with higher consumption frequency. Therefore, Du Guoying said at the above press conference that he will vigorously develop the affordable product line "small pot tea garden". Its selling price is 100 yuan - 300 yuan / catty, and the cost of a brew of tea is controlled at 1.5 yuan. Do tea companies sell packaging or tea? Shen Meng, director of Xiangsong Capital, told the Financial Investment News reporter that "the deep-seated problem of tea companies failing to gather and form a competitive industry is that they only change the external packaging, but the brand value has been ignored for a long time." ”

The small pot of tea apologized for the "masterpiece", the high-price speculation miscalculated, and the impact of affiliated enterprises was geometric?

Tea industry: opportunities and challenges coexist

According to the enterprise survey, as of June this year, there are 1,656,300 tea-related enterprises in the mainland, and their registration volume has shown an overall growth trend in the past ten years, with 310,400 registered in 2020, a year-on-year increase of 4.44%, reaching the peak of registration in the past decade. Since then, the number of registrations of related enterprises has declined for two consecutive years, with a decrease of no more than 30%. Consumption will pick up in 2023, with 214,900 tea-related enterprises registered throughout the year, a year-on-year increase of 7.34%. So far, 77,200 have been registered this year. From the perspective of registered capital, the enterprise survey shows that enterprises with a registered capital of more than 50 million yuan account for less than 2%. Enterprises with less than 1 million yuan accounted for the largest proportion, at 48%. followed by enterprises with 1 million yuan to 2 million yuan, accounting for 21%. It is not difficult to see from the registered capital of tea enterprises that in the face of the rapid growth of the market, it has formed the industrial characteristics of small scale, low degree of standardization, and "there are categories and no brands" of tea enterprises.

The small pot of tea apologized for the "masterpiece", the high-price speculation miscalculated, and the impact of affiliated enterprises was geometric?

There are many tea brands on the market, photography: Li Li "2024-2029 Tea Industry Status and Future Development Trend Analysis Report" shows that the current trend of younger tea consumer groups in the mainland has emerged, and the demand attributes are becoming more and more abundant, and operators will continue to innovate products in order to meet the diversified and differentiated needs of consumers, not only the innovation of tea itself, but also from the form, raw materials, functions, consumption scenarios and other directions of tea products, and the richness of product categories will also increase. Showing the trend of segmented development, "cooking tea around the hearth" is just the beginning, and the domestic tea consumption scene will be more diversified in the future.

The small pot of tea apologized for the "masterpiece", the high-price speculation miscalculated, and the impact of affiliated enterprises was geometric?

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