
"Time is just right": It turns out that he is the person who lives the most transparently in the play

author:Yan Yifan



"Time is just right": It turns out that he is the person who lives the most transparently in the play

In the hit drama "Time is Just right", Zhou Yao and Yu Hai's views on remarriage in the play are simply sober in life.

Yu Hai still hasn't figured out why Chen Wanzhen divorced him.

As Zhou Yao said, don't think that remarriage is such a simple thing as getting a certificate.

No matter what you do, everything must be based on interests.

After the divorce, Chen Wanzhen was reborn and looked really good in her career.

I do what I love and am good at every day, why go back to the days when I was disliked before.

Once when Yu Hai went to talk about cooperation, Chen Wanzhen told him that she had a colleague named Zhou Yao.

Before she finished speaking, Yu Hai interrupted her impatiently, you have been a housewife for so many years, who still remembers you.

Yu Hai thought from the bottom of his heart that Chen Wanzhen had no ability and resources, even if the other party really remembered her, people would not bring him any resources.

I look down on my wife from the bottom of my heart, and I am busy outside all day long.

Even if he knew that Huang Sisi around him was interesting to him, as a married man, he didn't wear a wedding ring, and he didn't shy away from suspicion.


"Time is just right": It turns out that he is the person who lives the most transparently in the play

Human nature is so greedy, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot.

When Chen Wanzhen asked him for an explanation, he didn't bother to explain, he just thought that his wife was making trouble.

When his wife filed for divorce from him regardless of the question, he immediately did not reflect on himself, but thought that his wife was losing her temper with him.

is also arrogant that as long as his wife has enough trouble, he will not divorce him.

It wasn't until Chen Wanzhen moved away with the children that Yu Hai found out that she was determined to divorce.

People are often like this, they don't know how to cherish when they have it, and they don't know how to regret it after they lose it.

There is no regret medicine in the world, and good horses don't eat back grass.

No one will always be the protagonist, and others will always revolve around you.

You're not that important, when I care about you, you're a treasure in my hands.

But when the disappointment is enough, they will leave without hesitation or looking back.

How affectionate it was back then, how ruthless it is now, this is human nature.


"Time is just right": It turns out that he is the person who lives the most transparently in the play

Zhou Yao is the chosen person in the investment community, and as a qualified investor, he pays attention to interests in everything.

Talking about interests will not only not offend people, but also make the cooperation continue well.

Zhou Yao, whether it is for work or family, he is the most sober person.

He doesn't want to get married, even if there are suitors around him, he will reject people thousands of miles away.

Although he admires Chen Wanzhen very much, Chen Wanzhen is also the white moonlight in his mind.

However, he appreciates Chen Wanzhen's ability to work and invest in talent more.

Rather than letting Chen Wanzhen be his wife, he is more willing to have Chen Wanzhen as his business partner.

Zhou Yao clearly knew that Chen Wanzhen was more suitable to be his investment partner.

I don't know the true face of Lushan, only because I am in this mountain.

The sooner a person can see the truth of life, the more he will see things and live more transparently.


"Time is just right": It turns out that he is the person who lives the most transparently in the play

Between husband and wife, there is no perfect score for individuals.

If everyone has 50 points, then the family will be happy.

Don't look down on her just because she is a housewife.

Don't underestimate him just because the other party is a wage earner.

If you have something to say, don't go over old accounts.

No one dislikes anyone, and don't complain when you encounter something.

Husband and wife, work together and work together.

Grow and achieve each other.

A person's life is constantly making choices and making trade-offs.

Sugar cane is not sweet at both ends, and marriage is the same.

It is very important not to have both, but to make the right trade-offs.

I wish all couples in the world can be happy and smile.