
Douluo: A wisp of Electrolux's divine consciousness suddenly appeared, who noticed the 700,000-year-old Snow Emperor? Becoming a fan girl in seconds

author:ACG Sorry Mr.

#头条创作挑战赛#在斗罗大陆动画绝世唐门中, the Ontology Sect attacked Mingde Hall, and Mingde Hall suffered heavy losses. Not only that, the 700,000-year-old Snow Emperor finally broke the Fengshentai, which is also thanks to Huo Yuhao, after all, it was Huo Yuhao who cosed the poisonous immortal and exposed the stuffing, and in the process of fighting with the people of the Ontology Sect, it led to the destruction of the Fengshentai. The Snow Emperor inside finally has a chance to escape. However, at this time, the Snow Emperor had hated human beings to the extreme, and she could only take the method of self-detonation, and the power of the self-explosion of the 700,000-year soul beast was comparable to that of a tenth-level soul guide.

Douluo: A wisp of Electrolux's divine consciousness suddenly appeared, who noticed the 700,000-year-old Snow Emperor? Becoming a fan girl in seconds

After the Snow Emperor blew himself up, her spiritual origin came to Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, but the situation of the Snow Emperor was very bad, she couldn't hold on at all, once it exploded, it would be a huge threat to the Ice Emperor, the Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm, and Huo Yuhao. Originally, it was a "god-making plan", but I didn't expect everyone to go to Huangquan together! Fortunately, at the critical moment, Electrolux appeared. Electrolux also lives in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, and the Snow Emperor has made such a big move, Electrolux will definitely come out to help.

Douluo: A wisp of Electrolux's divine consciousness suddenly appeared, who noticed the 700,000-year-old Snow Emperor? Becoming a fan girl in seconds

When Electrolux saw the Snow Emperor, he felt that this little girl was not simple, she was clear and jade, out of the mud and not stained, it was the illusion of heaven and earth. Electrolux felt that the Snow Emperor should not go to the end, otherwise it would be a pity, I have to say that Electrolux is really good to the Snow Emperor, not only helped the Snow Emperor stabilize his soul, but also turned the Snow Emperor into a soul, and every time he saved the Snow Emperor at the most critical moment, Electrolux is really the Snow Emperor's great benefactor and her savior. So, what was Snow Emperor's reaction to Electrolux?

Douluo: A wisp of Electrolux's divine consciousness suddenly appeared, who noticed the 700,000-year-old Snow Emperor? Becoming a fan girl in seconds

At the moment of seeing Electrolux, Snow Emperor also became a fan in seconds. The Snow Emperor has cultivated for so many years, and his desire to survive is undoubtedly very strong, including the Ice Emperor and the Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm, all of which also hope to become gods. And Electrolux is the god of necromancy, his wisp of divine consciousness is already terrifying, although Electrolux shows that he is a human who does not want to become a god, but his plane is indeed the level of a god, and this kind of divine breath makes the Snow Emperor can't help but admire. Unexpectedly, the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor both became Electrolux's fan sisters.

Douluo: A wisp of Electrolux's divine consciousness suddenly appeared, who noticed the 700,000-year-old Snow Emperor? Becoming a fan girl in seconds

Finally, the Snow Emperor also became a member of Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, and the four of them could just get together a table of mahjong, and they would not be bored in the days to come. The addition of the Snow Emperor also made the Ice Emperor happy, the relationship between the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor is actually very special, they actually love each other, but this will definitely not be reflected in the animation. I have to say that Huo Yuhao is really lucky, the 700,000-year-old Snow Emperor has lived in the Sea of Spirit, and Huo Yuhao's future is really promising.

Douluo: A wisp of Electrolux's divine consciousness suddenly appeared, who noticed the 700,000-year-old Snow Emperor? Becoming a fan girl in seconds

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