
The history of Ruyang Beida Temple

author:Chu Jianming
The history of Ruyang Beida Temple

Beidasi is located in Beidaping, Gushi Village, Wangping Township, Ruyang County, as a thousand-year-old temple in the deep mountains, it has survived the war, but fortunately it has not been destroyed by the war. Moreover, the special feature of Beida Temple is that it is related to Liu Xiu and has become the only county-level cultural relics protection unit in Wangping Township.

The history of Ruyang Beida Temple

As a cultural relics protection volunteer, I was really disappointed when I saw the Beida Temple for the first time in 1993, because the gate and wall of the temple were not repaired as the old, but repaired with red bricks, without the sense of ancient vicissitudes, which was too modern. However, a closer look at the stone tablets and the remaining Han bricks and other cultural relics in the temple shows that the Dabei Temple is not simple, and it was built by the order of Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The history of Ruyang Beida Temple

According to legend, at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang established a new dynasty, Liu Xiu rebelled in Nanyang, and Wang Mang was angry and led his troops out of Luoyang to chase and kill Liu Xiu. Liu Xiu's army was defeated, and he fled to his hometown in Nanyang. One day, when Liu Xiu arrived at Qingliangzhai Mountain in Manzhong County, Wang Mang chased after him closely, and Liu Xiu had to hide in the old forest in the deep mountains in the northwest along the Baofeng Ditch at the foot of the mountain. Liu Xiu fled to the mountainside of Qingliangzhai, tired and dry, unable to flee again. But behind Wang Mang's cavalry, they were only a hundred meters away from Liu Xiu. If it weren't for the steep mountain, Liu Xiu would have been captured by Wang Mang. When Liu Xiu was cornered, he suddenly saw a flat in front of him and a small hill temple in the middle.

The history of Ruyang Beida Temple

Liu Xiu was in a hurry, so he ran towards the mountain temple. This mountain temple is the size of a room, and it is dilapidated, and there is no temple gate. The door was tightly covered by a large spider web, Liu Xiu broke in in a panic, and the spider web was poked into a big hole. Liu Xiu entered the temple and looked back to see that the spider web had been broken, and sighed sadly: "God will kill me!" When the thief saw that the cobwebs had been broken, he must have known that I was in the temple, and that I could not escape this fate. Liu Xiu turned his head, knelt down in front of the statue of the mountain god and said, "Mountain god, Liu Xiu was killed today, come to you to hide." The god of Wangshan sheltered and saved Liu Xiu's life. When I have the world, I will build a temple for you and shape a golden body. After Liu Xiu's words, the cobwebs at the door were closed as before, covering the door more and more tightly. And Liu Xiu's whole body was also covered with dense spider webs. Liu Xiu knew that the mountain god had appeared, so he squatted at the feet of the mountain god and held his breath.

The history of Ruyang Beida Temple

Wang Mang led his pursuers to the broken temple, and found that Liu Xiu was gone, so he must have hid in the broken temple, so he ordered a search. But when Wang Mang walked to the gate of the temple, he found that the cobwebs at the entrance of the temple were densely knotted, and the temple was full of cobwebs except for the statues of the gods. Moreover, Wang Mang also saw that there were still a few spiders crawling around and weaving webs, and there was indeed no sign that no one had entered. Wang Mang is full of suspicions, where can Liu Xiu, who is close at hand, escape. Wang Mang looked around, then looked inside the temple, and wanted to pick up the cobwebs and enter the temple to search for himself. Suddenly, a soldier reported that Liu Xiu had fled to the mountains in the ancient grove in front of him. Wang Mang rode his horse and led the soldiers to chase after the old forest on the mountain, and Liu Xiu escaped a killing disaster. When Liu Xiu left the mountain temple and was about to go down the mountain, he met a woodcutter who was collecting firewood. Liu Xiu asked the woodcutter what the mountain temple was, and the woodcutter told him that it was Beidaping.

The history of Ruyang Beida Temple

Later, Liu Xiu won the world and became the emperor in Luoyang, and one day remembered that he was killed in the broken temple in Beidaping, and the mountain god appeared to save his life, and he also made a wish to the mountain god. Therefore, Liu Xiu issued a holy decree to personally enshrine the Beidapingshan Temple and call it the Beidamiao. And sent the general Liu Long to Beidaping, Manzhong County to rebuild the mountain temple, built a large hall for the mountain god, reshaped the golden body, and made the Beidamiao incense prosperous.

The history of Ruyang Beida Temple
The history of Ruyang Beida Temple

Later, people also enshrined a statue of Liu Xiu in the temple. In the Tang Dynasty, the people who opened mines in Qingliangzhai Mountain paid tribute to Laojun in the temple. In the Song Dynasty, the famous monk Shi Jingchun traveled here, watching the floating clouds on the mountainside come and go freely, floating uncertainly, sometimes in the afterglow of the sunset, it seems to be strange and magical, sometimes it floats back and forth in the mountains and forests, and changes rapidly. Let him feel the coolness, greenery, and tranquility in the mountains and forests, which is a good place for self-cultivation and spending the rest of his life in peace, so he stayed as the host and changed the Peking University Temple to the Peking University Temple. During Shi Jingchun's tenure as the abbot of Beida Temple, he composed two poems of "Mountain Dwelling": "The roof frame has several rafters near the water stone, and the door leads to a path to hang vines. Since the fate of this place is suitable for old age, it is better to let Xiyun pass sooner or later. "You only have a cane with you, and you can only fold your feet to fill your belly." Where is it good to be idle a few times, and walk in the sound of water and mountains. "The Jin soldiers went south, and the Beida Temple encountered the soldiers. After the rebuilding of the Ming Dynasty, the incense continued until the Qing Dynasty. During the Republic of China, in order to resist the Japanese army, the 15th Army of the Kuomintang stationed in Baofenggou, classified the Beida Temple into a military restricted area, demolished the temple, and transported bricks and wood to the top of the mountain to build fortifications.

The history of Ruyang Beida Temple

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, people spontaneously repaired the North Temple. However, at the time of dispelling riddles and advocating science, the Peking University Temple has always been in a state of depression and extinction. After the reform and opening up, a hundred flowers bloomed, freedom of belief, and people have been thinking about the monument of Peking University Temple in their hearts. The Wangping Township Government planned the Beida Temple and the fairy kiln as a scenic spot, and renovated and preserved the Big Buddha Palace, the Patriarch Palace, the Pusa Palace, the Dragon King Palace, etc. The red wall and green tiles, solemn and solemn, the traces of the years can still be seen from the civil structure, among them, the big Buddha hall sits north to south, it is a single-eaves porch hard mountain type wooden structure, the ancestor hall is a single eaves hard mountain type wooden structure, these buildings all carry a heavy historical culture. In 1997, Beida Temple was listed as a cultural relics protection unit by the Ruyang County People's Government.

The thousand-year-old temple Beida Temple is not only a place of Buddhist faith, but also a precious heritage of Ruyang's history and culture.

The history of Ruyang Beida Temple
The history of Ruyang Beida Temple
The history of Ruyang Beida Temple