
Why is the genius girl Jiang Ping questioned? Could it be that ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to excel?

author:Pure water is like a heart

To be honest, I'm math illiterate and have been confused about numbers since I was a child. As soon as I saw the numbers, my head was big, and I didn't know how to start. Therefore, I dare not say much about how Jiang Ping got the twelfth place in the mathematics competition.

But I understand one thing. Over the past few decades, all industries in China have formed a fixed circle. All circles are a big piece of cake. There is a sign hanging at the door: No one without a background is allowed to enter. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. As soon as you go in, it means that you have to cut a piece of the cake, and the person waiting to divide the cake inside will eat one less piece. This is something that these people around the cake will not allow to happen.

Why is the genius girl Jiang Ping questioned? Could it be that ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to excel?

Let's say a simple truth. A piece of cake is monopolized by one person, no need to cut it, and all of it is in the pocket, which may be hundreds of billions. If a cake is divided into a hundred people, everyone will get a small piece. It is this small piece converted into RMB, which may be hundreds of millions, billions, billions, billions, billions. Think about it, with such a large amount of wealth, who would want more and more people to share the cake?

How do I understand these things? It was born out of a special experience.

I was born in a rural village with excellent feng shui in the eastern suburbs of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. For decades, there have often been high-ranking officials at or above the department level, and there are countless section chiefs. The village is surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side. When I was a child, there were many Mongolian cemeteries in the village. I heard the old people say that the Mongols were considered nobles in the Qing Dynasty and could intermarry with the Manchus. Therefore, there is an ancestral tomb of a Mongolian family in the village, and the buried grandmother of this Mongolian family is said to be the aunt of Emperor Kangxi. The people here are simple, the land is fertile, and the large black soil has nourished the farmers here for generations.

Why is the genius girl Jiang Ping questioned? Could it be that ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to excel?

During the Anti-Japanese War, a landlord in the village relied on his own militia to take on the responsibility of fighting the Japanese invaders. There is also a unit formed at the level of the Eighth Route Army in the local area, which is engaged in guerrilla warfare. The troops of the Eighth Route Army were short of ammunition, so the landlords' armed forces took out their own ammunition supplies to fund the Eighth Route Army. Over time, this landlords' militia and the Eighth Route Army established a very harmonious relationship. They fought against Japan outside the village together and had a party in the village together. After the political commissar of the Eighth Route Army and the sister of the head of the landlord's militia got married, the two units became closer and jointly composed a story of resisting Japan and saving the country.

Later, the head of the local militia regiment, because he only had a good relationship with his brother-in-law, the Eighth Route Army, was extremely vicious to other Eighth Route Army troops, killing and wounding many Eighth Route officers and soldiers, and was suppressed during the land reform. This political commissar of the Eighth Route Army, after liberation, served as the leader of the local power company, became a model worker, and was also received by Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and others many times.

I've always wanted to write this story, but I've been too busy with various things to get started. In 2007, after joining a state-owned enterprise investment company and managing the assessment work, I had a lot of idle time, so I wanted to interpret this story as it was. I went to work and wrote at the same time, and after six years, I finally finished writing a rough outline of the story. Let many relatives and friends who like novels read it, they think it is very good, and a friend of the Writers Association suggested that I adapt it into a TV drama script, saying that it may be easier to make a move. I tinkered with it for another two years and adapted it into a 60-episode TV script. The original title of the novel was "The Strategist", but a friend later suggested that it might be better to change it to "The Jedi Alone".

Why is the genius girl Jiang Ping questioned? Could it be that ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to excel?

At this time, I met the CEO of a local animation company, and their company does post-editing and synthesis for many film and television companies. He introduced me to several domestic directors who specialized in filming anti-Japanese war film and television dramas.

In a WeChat chat with a director, I learned some unspoken rules of the film and television industry. The director told me that their company could spend money on my scripts, but that my name would never appear on the list of writers. I asked why, and he told me that it was an internal rule of the industry. For a TV series, if you make your name a screenwriter, many cakes in the film and television industry will be diverted, which is absolutely not allowed in this industry. "You become famous overnight, and a lot of money that you would never have imagined will go into your pocket, and the income of many people in our industry will suffer," he said. It's a rule of the trade, and I have to follow it. Unless you have a strong background, or are able to pull in investment. Otherwise, you'll have to sell us the script. ”

Why is the genius girl Jiang Ping questioned? Could it be that ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to excel?

I asked, "If you buy my script, how much can you give?" He said, "You don't have a reputation, I can't give you much money." If you are a celebrity, we will give you tens of thousands of dollars per episode, you are an ordinary person, we can't give you much. It would be nice to give you a total of tens of thousands of dollars at most. It's like buying groceries and breaking the pile. Almost all the TV drama scripts we use now are derived in this way. Our film and television company has a royal screenwriter. No matter who wrote these scripts in the first place, we spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy them back and let our royal screenwriters adapt them and shoot them. Don't think it's unreasonable, that's what all industries are doing right now. This is a circle, and outsiders can't get in. Unless it's an insider's immediate family, such as a son and daughter, this is of course unavoidable. If outsiders want to get in, they dare not say that it is more difficult than climbing to the sky, it is almost the same. ”

From this point of view, most of the screenwriters of the film and television dramas released now are written by unknown little people. They are not qualified and have no right to be signed by film and television dramas.

Why is the genius girl Jiang Ping questioned? Could it be that ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to excel?

Now, back to the beginning. Why is Jiang Ping questioned by so many people? It is most likely because the society we live in has formed a lot of fixed circles, and outsiders are not allowed to intrude at will.

First, the circle culture, which has already been said a lot, will not be repeated.

Second, social logic

Our society, in the past few decades, has formed an inherent logic, the theory of academic qualifications. The higher the academic qualifications, the more power to speak. If you graduated from a local university, you are not as good as graduating from Peking University and Tsinghua University. If you graduated from a domestic university, you are not as good as a graduate from a foreign university. If you are a college student, you might as well have graduated with a master's degree; If you graduated with a master's degree, you might as well graduate with a doctorate.

In a word, academic qualifications are equal to ability, and academic qualifications can determine everything about you.

Third, the mechanism for selecting and selecting talents has been solidified

For the government, you Jiang Ping has made such great achievements as a secondary school student, what criteria should we follow to select talents in the future?

Why is the genius girl Jiang Ping questioned? Could it be that ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to excel?

For those highly educated people, you Jiang Ping, a secondary school student, have such great achievements, how can we be embarrassed by master's, doctoral, expert professors? Are we highly educated people not as good as you as a secondary school student? This is simply a great insult to us.

If Jiang Ping's excellence is recognized, it will be a complete subversion of many current selection and employment mechanisms. It has been proved that these personnel selection and employment mechanisms are wrong. How is this possible?

In a word, you Jiang Ping broke all the equilibrium that had been formed. This will never be tolerated!

If you don't believe it, go and filter it, who is applauding Jiang Ping? Who is the person who questioned Jiang Ping's exam fraud? Isn't it all understood? The class has been solidified, the class has been solidified, you a low-educated person wants to enter our high-educated industry? Want to have a seat in the voice? Uncle can bear it, sister-in-law can't bear it, there is no door! This is our current social reality! In our society, it's really hard to get those big people who are high up to admit that others are good. Little people want to go to heaven? It's really harder than climbing to the sky. The solidified mainstream thinking of society has blocked the way for all ordinary people to get ahead.