
The political wisdom ranking of the famous generals in history - five grades and eighty-six generals! (Medium)

author:The white horse passed through the gap and snapped between the fingers

Only political wisdom will be discussed, and nothing else:

After talking about 4 people including Guo Ziyi at the demon level, 21 people including Wang Jian at the level of ease, and 4 people including Han Shizhong at the decent level, let's talk about it again:

Decent level (27 people in total):

30. Li Guang

Li Guang's emotional intelligence is not high, but it is not low. When he was captured, escaped from his horse, and was dismissed from his post for questioning, he also knew how to use his family wealth to atone for his crimes, and he was not a pedantic person.

When he faced the rise of Wei Huo, who was much younger than him, although he was depressed in his heart, he did not do anything harmful to the country, let alone make a bad thing behind his back.

In addition, he can also rely on his qualifications and prestige to make Emperor Wu unable to ignore his request for a striker, which shows that he is still registered in the emperor's heart.

The political wisdom ranking of the famous generals in history - five grades and eighty-six generals! (Medium)

However, in the end, he still couldn't bear the humiliation of being interrogated by the officials, and committed suicide in anger, which seemed too angry.

XXXI. Goshuhan

Politics and business are decent, and his life is more of a last resort.

When Wang Zhonghei was deprived of office and imprisoned for defending Xuanzong, he was willing to give his life to him, first, he could show the emperor that he was a grateful person; The second is that Wang Zhongsi has great prestige in the army, and interceding for him can win the hearts of soldiers.

When An Lushan was strong, he confronted it, because he understood that although An Lushan was favored by the emperor, the emperor needed balance more, so An Lushan was promoted, and he was also promoted to the rank of knight.

During the Anshi Rebellion, guarding Tongguan for Gao Xianzhi, it was a last resort, he deduced that he was sick and did not want to go to the post, the emperor insisted, he had to take command of the expedition, but he still handed over the affairs of the military to the emperor's cronies Tian Liangqiu, Wang Sili and others, and he only made a puppet with a seal.

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But when Li Longji forcibly ordered him to go out of the customs and fight with the enemy, he still insisted on disobeying, because he knew that this was looking for death, he repeatedly wrote to Chen to explain the reason, but unfortunately Xuanzong had been carried away by the victory, and forced him to go out of the customs.

Thirty-two, Zhao Chongguo

Zhao Chongguo was one of the heroes who supported Emperor Xuan, and thus won the emperor's unconditional trust.

Therefore, in the face of the edict of the all-out slaughter of the Qiang people, he was able to argue on the basis of reason, and finally forced Emperor Xuan to "accept the strategy", although the results proved that his strategy of treating the Qiang tribes differently was correct, but his refusal to obey the edict undoubtedly proved that his political business was not high.

It's just that he met Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, and he was finally able to "land safely".

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Thirty-three, Regular Spring

Chang Yuchun has been high-profile and domineering all his life. When he first met Lao Zhu, he bluntly wanted to be a pioneer, Zhu Yuanzhang ridiculed him: "You are just here to beg for food, and it is uncertain whether you stay or not", not only was he not discouraged, but also insisted on asking again and again until Lao Zhu agreed.

Zhu Yuanzhang once praised him: "When you are a million people, you are as good as a deputy general", and he also responded domineeringly, as long as he gave 100,000 soldiers and horses, he could run rampant in the world.

Chang Yuchun is good at killing, when he captured Chizhou, he wanted to kill all 30,000 Chen troops, the commander Xu Da said that he would decide after asking for instructions, and Lao Zhu also said that he could not kill and surrender, but before the order arrived, he had already cut off and killed only 300 prisoners! And this is still used by Chang Yuchun to pass the word to Chen Youliang.

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For this reason, Zhu Yuanzhang criticized him a lot, but every time it was thunder and rain, and there was no substantive punishment.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of his upright and high-profile appearance, not hiding, and the stain of "killing and surrendering" that Zhu Yuanzhang is so relieved and has never been suspicious.

I just don't know if he made it on purpose, or if his character is like this. If it is the former, then the politics and business are high.

Thirty-four, Murong Ke

With Murong Ke's military exploits and prestige, he had enough opportunities and abilities to become a powerful minister, but he gave up, especially during the period of assisting the young lord Murong Wei, Murong persuaded him to kill Mu Yugen, the master who was also assisting the government, and he sternly refused, and later Mu Yugen falsely accused him of rebellion, and he did not have a seizure, until Mu Yugen wanted to coerce the queen mother and the young lord to return to his hometown in Longcheng, so he couldn't bear it anymore and killed him. The history books call him: "The assistant young master, the Zhou Gong of the king, and the Huo Guang of Emperor Xuan!" ”

This is also the fundamental reason why he and Murong Chui have completely different endings. With his loyalty and generosity, he won the trust of the Manchu civil and military forces and even the emperor.

The political wisdom ranking of the famous generals in history - five grades and eighty-six generals! (Medium)

Thirty-five, Sun Bin

Sun Bin's strategy didn't say that the limit of escape can endure; besieged Wei twice to save Zhao, and the ability to grasp people's hearts is enough to be demonic.

But to say how high his political and business is, it is not necessarily.

Tian Ji raced horses, although Sun Bin won King Qi Wei, who was still a son at the time, against the horse, but he picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelons, and the gains outweighed the losses.

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At that time, the horse racing scene was extremely spectacular, and many people were full of praise for Tian Ji's way of horse racing, but the prince who was aiming for the throne lost face because of Qi.

Therefore, after King Wei came to power, he began to find Tian Ji's sore feet and retaliated by "wearing small shoes".

Tian Ji is the prime minister of the country, and King Wei is the son who has the best chance to inherit the heir, for a few hundred gold, or in order to be famous, Sun Bin made a big enmity for his master, and his vision can be described as short-sighted.

Later, Tian Ji was really jealous, and Sun Bin persuaded him to arrange in advance, so that the soldiers could "make light chariots and ride to Yongmen" in order to grasp the power of Qi State.

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You must know that at that time, the national power of Qi was at its peak, and King Qi Wei was in power, and rebellion was equivalent to suicide. Thanks to Tian Ji not listening to him, although he died in the Chu State, he finally returned to the Qi State after the death of King Qi Wei.

The history books do not record Sun Bin's ending, but it is nothing more than dismissal or secret execution, as the mastermind of Tian Ji, and there is a persuasion to rebel, and returning to the mountains and forests is his best ending.

Thirty-six, Tian Sui Tho

Tian Sui Tho only fought one battle in his life, that is, the Battle of Dushui, which thwarted the Jinyan coalition army.

Before leaving the division, for the sake of the military law, Tian Sui Tho first beheaded the late Jing Gong's favored ministers and supervising the army Zhuang Jia, and then killed the coachman who galloped into the army with the talisman Jie.

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So, the sick begged to act, the soldiers begged to fight, the Jin master heard it, and he left, and the Yan master heard it and solved it. Tian Sui Tho's move can be described as a soldier who surrendered without a fight.

But this is also not to give the king face, although at that time Jing Gong was due to a lack of talents, the situation was critical, and he was not dealt with, but later he still found a reason to dismiss him from office, and Tian Sui Tho also died of depression.

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Thirty-seven, Han Baohu

The uncle of the god of war Li Jing, who once conducted a sand table deduction with Li Jing when he was young, called his nephew: "can talk about Sun and Wu's sorcerers". In addition, he is also the only deity of the king of Yama recorded in the official history.

Maybe it's because Han Baohu has a vicious appearance, no king's appearance, or indulges in the kidnapping of soldiers, and has a stain, and throughout his life, he has never been suspicious of Yang Jian, and he is very gracious. Han Baohu served as the governor of Liangzhou for four years, and he was in charge of the strong army outside, but every time he returned to the court, Yang Jian would set up a banquet in the inner hall to entertain him, without any suspicion.

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Thirty-eighth, Tian Dan

After Tian Dan recovered the lost territory, he welcomed back Tian Fazhang, the son of King Min, and established him as the king, and he himself was named Anping Jun because of his great contribution to the restoration of the country.

In the following years, under the leadership of Tian Dan and Mink Bo, the state of Qi implemented the strategy of recuperating and befriending the princes, and the national strength was quickly restored.

But at this time, the king of Qi Xiang was afraid that Tian Dan's tail would not fall, so he listened to slander, and repeatedly embarrassed Tian Dan, Mink Bo saw this, and warned King Xiang that he should not destroy the Great Wall, and the king of Qi was also afraid that Tian Dan and Mink Bo would abolish themselves, so he killed several villains who entered the slander and added the title of Tian Dan.

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Later, Tian Dan pacified Di Ji again, and the Qi State was already worry-free, so King Qi Xiang alienated Tian Dan and Mink Bo, Tian Dan quickly lost power, and became a courtier who ran for diplomatic relations.

And Tian Dan also knew that his merits were high, and he was afraid of killing himself if he stayed in Qi State, so when Zhao Guo proposed to exchange the city for himself to serve in Zhao State, he happily went and became a "Zhao General".

King Zhao was thirsty for talent, and King Qi let him go, which was inseparable from Tian Dan's long-sleeved dance.

The political wisdom ranking of the famous generals in history - five grades and eighty-six generals! (Medium)

Thirty-nine, Deng Qiang

There is more than integrity, but not enough sleekness.

Deng Qiang served in Qin for more than 30 years in his life, never had two hearts, even if he was almost killed by Fu Sheng because of his loyalty and daring to admonish, he never thought of rebellion, and later followed Fu Jian to die before Yan, destroy the dynasty, level and merge the state, and thwart the Northern Expedition of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

In the history books, it is said that he is "indomitable", daring to make a direct admonition, as a military general, this is also the character of a martial artist, the emperor will consider this point when he is jealous, but when he cooperates with Wang Meng to rectify the rule of officials, within a few decades, it is unwise to execute more than 20 people who are lawless and powerful. If it weren't for Fu Jian, this would be the way to die.

The political wisdom ranking of the famous generals in history - five grades and eighty-six generals! (Medium)

Forty, Murong Chui

The most legendary generation of famous generals in history, who was suspicious of his brother Murong Jun in the early stage, regarded him as a confidant, thanks to Murong Ke's protection; Later, he was jealous of his nephew Murong Wei, and although he made great contributions to protecting the country, he was still forced to go into exile in Qianqin.

After entering Qin, he was framed by Wang Meng's "Golden Knife Scheme", thanks to Fu Jian being a master who "convinces people with virtue", although Murong Ling, the eldest son of Xiaoyong, died unexpectedly, he was able to be saved. Before the Battle of Weishui, Fu Jian was strongly advocated to go on an expedition, but the former Qin army was defeated, and Murong Chui took the opportunity to go east to Fuyan. The rear soldiers besieged Yecheng, lured the enemy to defeat Liu Gaozhi in depth, and annexed Xiyan in the Battle of Taibi to dominate the Central Plains. In his twilight years, Murong Bao was defeated and forced to go on an expedition by veterans, and died of illness on the way.

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Before Murong Chui became independent, he was suspected by almost all the lords, which was related to his outstanding military talent, and also related to his sharp edge, not knowing the way of humility and self-preservation.

Forty-one - fifty-two, Deng Yu, Geng Yi, Feng Yi, Geng Chun, Chen Jun, Jian Rong, Ma Wu, Ren Guang, Li Zhong, Pi Tong, Cho Period, Zang Gong

Yuntai 28 will be the most low-key founding hero in history, and it is also the luckiest and the most politically high.

said that they were the luckiest because they met Liu Xiu, and Liu Xiu could even gently bring Zhu Kun, the mastermind who killed his brother, needless to say that they had a good relationship with the founding heroes.

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After the unification of the world, out of the need to centralize power, although Liu Xiu had to relieve some of the founding heroes of the country from military power with Gaojue Houlu, he never forgot them. Once, Liu Xiu feasted the ministers, and asked each other during the banquet: "If you don't fight the world with me, what can you do?" Deng Yu replied: "I can be a doctor of literature." Ma Wu said, "I can be a thief hunter." ”

Liu Xiu said euphemistically that their current treatment is already very good, although they have lost their military power, at least they have no worries about food and clothing. And they are also very knowledgeable, and they said that they are very satisfied now.

The political wisdom ranking of the famous generals in history - five grades and eighty-six generals! (Medium)

Among the 28 generals of Yuntai, except for Cen Peng and Liu Zhi, who died on the battlefield, the others all died well. And the reason why they are not suspicious, in addition to Liu Xiu's benevolence, is that they are self-aware and act in a low-key manner.

For example, Deng Yu, Geng Yi, Feng Yi, etc. all consciously handed over military power, and then Geng Chun, Chen Jun, Jian Rong, Ren Guang, Li Zhong, Pi Tong, etc., after the founding of the People's Republic of China, they all turned to civilian positions, or entered the dynasty as a minister, or pastorized one side, and even most of them also made outstanding political achievements, such as Li Zhong, who was appointed as the Taishou of Danyang, was rated as the first in governance. Therefore, the 28th Yuntai General is also nicknamed the hero with the highest "academic qualifications".

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Liu Xiu doesn't have to worry that they have nothing to do without military power, and they will cause trouble, so that the monarch and the ministers will naturally be at peace.

Panic level (26 people in total)

Fifty-three, Li Guangyu

Extremely high IQ and low EQ. In terms of fame and merit, he will surpass Guo Ziyi, but he can't catch up with one Guo Ziyi in terms of politics and business.

Li Guangbi is serious, short-tempered, suspicious by nature, and narrow-minded. When Guo Ziyi was his superior, he always thought that Guo would take a knife on him, and he was afraid all day long. How do you know that Guo Fei not only did not harm him, but also guaranteed him to be the envoy of the Hedong Festival, with 10,000 people under his command.

When he went to Taiyuan to serve as the envoy of the festival, the imperial history Cui Zhong was in the hands of the military power in the hand and did not go, he took advantage of his unpreparedness to detain it, Li Heng sent eunuchs to come, Jin Cui Zhong was the imperial history of the Cheng, but he openly said to the eunuch of the decree: "I will only cut the imperial history, if the edict is declared, then behead the prime minister, if the order is the prime minister, then the prime minister", not to give the emperor face.

The political wisdom ranking of the famous generals in history - five grades and eighty-six generals! (Medium)

Before the Battle of Heyang, Li Guangbi took Guo Ziyi as the commander, and in the face of the unruly Shuofang army, he once again sacrificed the means of "cutting the general and establishing authority", and cut the sacrificial flag of Zhang Yongji, the general of the Shuofang army and Guo Ziyi's ironcore, regardless of the feelings of the old boss.

After the Anshi Rebellion was pacified, in the face of the emperor's repeated calls, he was afraid that he would be framed for too many enemies, and insisted on refusing to enter the court, causing his subordinates to lose trust in him, and finally died of depression.

The political wisdom ranking of the famous generals in history - five grades and eighty-six generals! (Medium)

Fifty-four, Xiang Yu

The brave warriors of the overlords, the unique ones through the ages, the battle of the giant deer, the cauldron and the ship; In the battle of Pengcheng, with 30,000 soldiers, 500,000 allied troops were defeated in half a day.

However, his political wisdom is really anxious, at the Hongmen banquet, he had the best chance to kill Liu Bang, but he was dazed by a few flattering words and let Liu Bang go in vain.

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Later, he successively made strategic mistakes of killing the righteous emperor and building the capital for four battles.

Even so, he still had the strength to fight Liu Bang, but because of Chen Ping's naïve counter-strategy, he folded his arms and drove Fan Zeng away, and finally got out of control.

A generation of heroes, at the end of the road, slaughtered the Wujiang River, leaving a sigh in vain.

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Fifty-five, Guan Yu

Guan Erye's politics and business are quite low.

When Xiapi attacked Lu Bu, he seized the opportunity to ask Cao Cao for Du's family, and when Cao Cao took Du for himself, he was "not at ease", and he was just lustful, regardless of the occasion.

The political wisdom ranking of the famous generals in history - five grades and eighty-six generals! (Medium)

Guan Yu's personality is somewhat similar to Xiang Yu, he is rigid and self-conscious, but Xiang Yu is more arrogant and arrogant, and Guan Erye simply looks down on people. Historical records say that Xiang Yu is "benevolent and loves people" and has special respect for people, but Guan Yu is, to his colleagues, he is a "yellow-mouthed old man", "the eldest husband will never be with the old man", and he directly scolded the leaders of the allied countries: "The tiger girl can marry a dog", so that under the good situation of the battle of Xiangfan, Elfang and Shiren backstabbed (blamed but not arrested), and finally lost Maicheng and were in a different place.

Therefore, Bajun Taishou Liao Li commented on his "bravery and courageous reputation", and Lu Meng said that he was "quite conceited and domineering." ”

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Fifty-six, Takasenshiba

Defeat the Tibetans and outwit the little Bolu; In the first battle of Talas, he was outnumbered and almost defeated as a victory. One of the five great generals of the Tang Dynasty.

However, he attacked the stone country without authorization and filled his own pockets; In the Anshi Rebellion, he held Tongguan steadily, but was slandered by Bian Lingcheng and died in front of the two armies. Political wisdom is worrisome.

The political wisdom ranking of the famous generals in history - five grades and eighty-six generals! (Medium)

Fifty-seven, Wang Zhen evil

Although Wang Zhenwei is the grandson of Wang Meng, he has not inherited any political wisdom from his grandfather.

In history, Wang Zhen's vicious attacks violated his life, and he even dared to call him by his nickname. During the Northern Expedition, because Liu Yu could not transport grain, he dared to shout in front of the envoy: "I am dishonest when I send slaves!" I blame him for Liu Jinu mistaking me! ”

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The generals under Liu Yu, except for Wang Zhenevil, are all southerners. The people of Shiguanzhong still remember their ancestors, and they have a natural affection for this grandson who returned to his hometown. Therefore, when Wang Zhenwei took the lead in attacking Chang'an, the people greeted him, saying that he had the style of an ancestor.

People with a little political sense know that this is not a good thing, but Wang Zhenwei not only did not take vigilance, but did not know how to avoid suspicion, and accepted the surrender of Later Qin Junchen without waiting for Liu Yu's arrival, although it was in the limelight, it also aroused Liu Yu's suspicion.

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When Liu Yu entered Chang'an, Wang Zhen evil to meet him, he said that he was good, but when he heard that he was hiding the evil and secretly hiding the emperor's chariot, he suspected that he had different aspirations, so that people could observe it, and he knew that he would remove the gold and silver on it, and abandon it as if he was a slippery, so he was temporarily relieved.

However, when Liu Yunan retreated, he still left Shen Tianzi, Fu Hongzhi and others who were at odds with him, and finally laid the groundwork for Wang Zhenwei to be killed.

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Fifty-eight, Meng Tian

Meng Tian's situation is similar to Li Mu's.

After the "change of the sand dunes", Hu Hai sent an envoy to Fu Su to die, and after Fu Su cried, he resolutely went to die. In the end, Hu Hai listened to Zhao Gao's words and killed the Montessori brothers.

Before his death, Meng Tian said: "Today's ministers have more than 300,000 soldiers, although they are imprisoned, their strength is enough to double, but those who know that they will die and keep righteousness do not dare to insult the teachings of their ancestors, and they will not forget the ancestors and ......."

Although the righteousness is awe-inspiring, it is indisputable and pedantic to the extreme.

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Fifty-nine, Huo Qu's disease

Although Huo Qubing is full of military talent, he lacks political acumen. If he hadn't met Emperor Wu, who greatly appreciated him, he wouldn't have ended up better than Han Xin.

His political naivety is mainly reflected in arrogance, and it is not enough for the subordinates, and the same is true for the emperor, when Emperor Wu proposed to teach him the art of war, he not only refused, but also bluntly said that fighting a war is not a dead study; When the emperor gave him a new house, he also disdained it - "If you don't destroy the Huns, you can't make a home." ”

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That is, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, if it is placed on any other emperor, I am afraid that it will be slapped twice.

Huo Quzhi is not only arrogant in speech, but even more unruly in behavior. Just because Li dared to complain about his father and beat Wei Qing, he dared to shoot him in broad daylight.

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If it weren't for Emperor Wu still using him to fight against the Huns, this alone would make him unable to eat and walk around, no wonder Taishi Gong had a lot of complaints about him.

If a person like Huo Quzhi is unruly and wanton and flamboyant, if he does not die early and has been in a high position for a long time, I am afraid it will be difficult to have a good death.

Sixty, Li Mu

Being separated by the Qin State, Li Mu may not necessarily die, but out of concern for the future of the Zhao State, he refused to hand over the military power, and it was difficult to be spared.

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Sixty-one, Tan Daoji

Liu Yuhou and Wei Ruiqian, the first generals of the Southern Dynasties, and the author of "Thirty-six Strategies", have left examples such as "excellent prisoners and good pawns", "singing chips and measuring sand" and famous sayings such as "self-destruction of the Great Wall" and "walking for the top".

Before Tan Daoji was killed, Emperor Wen was seriously ill, and Liu Yikang, the ruling king of Pengcheng, was worried that he would do it again, so he privately summoned him back to Jiankang, and his family and generals advised him not to go, but he did not realize the danger and insisted on going, and was finally killed by Jiao Zhao.

As Liu Yu's trusted minister, Tan Daoji participated in the Jingping Palace Rebellion, killed the young emperor, was unwise, and later betrayed the "alliance" and took refuge in Emperor Wen, which deepened his capricious impression, such a person, whether it is the emperor or the minister, will not rest assured that he is alive in the world.

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From the very beginning of his involvement in the royal battle, he was destined to die a bad death.

Sixty-two, Lu Xun

He commanded the military and political affairs of Wu for more than ten years, and won the weight of Sun Quan, although he was far-sighted, he was upright and pedantic, and was involved in the dispute over the heir, and was questioned by Sun Quan, and died of anger.

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Sixty-three, Wang Zhongji

The last famous general of the Tang Dynasty, but because he didn't understand politics, he was almost killed by Li Longji.

Wang Zhongji is actually Li Longji's adopted son, when he was 8 years old, because his father died in the Battle of Songzhou, he was adopted in the palace by Xuanzong, who lost his beloved general.

may have been too close to the emperor, but Wang Zhonghei lost his respect.

In the twenty-ninth year of Kaiyuan, Tubo used a beautiful surprise attack to recapture Shibao City again after a lapse of thirteen years. In this regard, Xuanzong said that he could not accept it, and ordered Wang Zhonghei to recover Shibao City at any cost.

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However, Wang Zhongsi had a different opinion, and he believed that in order to consolidate the border defense, it was not necessarily necessary to get Shibao City. So regardless of the edict, he launched the Battle of Jishi Mountain, and although he severely damaged Tubo, he did not recover Shibao City.

Li Longji was furious when he heard the news and recalled him to blame, but Wang Zhongji also committed bullish energy, relying on himself to grow up in the palace, and insisted on being hard in front of him.

Although his unbending spirit is admirable, he forgot that the most important thing in the Tang Dynasty is the generals, and Xuanzong, who felt offended, gave an order to remove him from his military position, put him on death row, and replaced him with another general, Ge Shuhan, and finally Ge Shuhan took Shibao City at the cost of 30,000 casualties.

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Wang Zhonghe's death on the issue of Shibao City not only did not reduce the losses of the Tang army, but also ended up depressed, and it cannot be said that he had little political wisdom.

Due to the length of the article, this article is divided into three parts, which will cause you inconvenience in reading, please forgive me.

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