
English speaks the word strain

author:Xunchi foreign language xinchi

strain xinchi外语

English [streɪn] 美 [streɪn]

n. Anxiety, nervousness; burden, stress; tension, pressure; injuries, sprains; varieties, types; temperament, personality traits; melodies, tunes; tone, tone; (physical) strain, coercion; Blood; Difficult, burdensome

v. strains, sprains; taut, pull hard; Strive, strenched; Filtration; Make it unbearable, make it nervous; Push (or pull) hard, pull tight


[ 复数 strains 第三人称单数 strains 现在分词 straining 过去式 strained 过去分词 strained ]

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1 Concept and basic principles of strain and strain rate imaging 1.1 Strain (ε) is a physical term that refers to the reaction of the deformation ability of an object after being stressed. Myocardial strain refers to the degree to which myocardial tissue is deformed relative to its original shape during myocardial contraction at a given time.

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Strain gauge ; Strain gauges ; Strain gauge ; Strain gauges

The Andromeda Strain 人间大浩劫 ; 天外来菌 ; 仙女座菌株 ; 天外病菌

strain theory ; Strain theory ; Zhang Li said ; Stress Theory

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Collins English-Chinese Dictionary

strain /streɪn/ CET4 TEM4 ( straining, strained, strains )

1. N-VAR If strain is put on an organization or system, it has to do more than it is able to do. 压力

例:The prison service is already under considerable strain.

The prison system has come under great pressure.

2. V-T To strain something means to make it do more than it is able to do. 使受到压力

例:The volume of scheduled flights is straining the air traffic control system.

The number of scheduled flights puts air traffic control systems under strain.

3. N-UNCOUNT Strain is a state of worry and tension caused by a difficult situation. 压力 [also N in pl]

例:She was tired and under great strain.

She was tired and under a lot of stress.

4. N-SING If you say that a situation is a strain, you mean that it makes you worried and tense. 负担

例:I sometimes find it a strain to be responsible for the mortgage.

I sometimes find it a burden to pay off my mortgage.

5. N-UNCOUNT Strain is a force that pushes, pulls, or stretches something in a way that may damage it. 压力

例:Place your hands under your buttocks to take some of the strain off your back.

Place your hands under your hips to relieve some back pressure.

6. N-VAR Strain is an injury to a muscle in your body, caused by using the muscle too much or twisting it. 损伤; 扭伤

例:Avoid muscle strain by warming up with slow jogging.

Warm up with jogging to avoid muscle damage.

7. V-T If you strain a muscle, you injure it by using it too much or twisting it. 损伤; 扭伤

例:He strained his back during a practice session.

He sprained his back during a practice session.

8. V-T If you strain to do something, you make a great effort to do it when it is difficult to do. 努力做

例:I had to strain to hear.

我不得不努力地听。 9. V-T When you strain food, you separate the liquid part of it from the solid parts. 过滤

例:Strain the stock and put it back into the pan.

Strain out the original broth and return it to the pan.

10. N-COUNT A strain of a germ, plant, or other organism is a particular type of it. 类型; 品种

例:Every year new strains of influenza develop.

Every year, new types of influenza emerge.


strain rate 应变速率;应变率;变形速度

strain energy 应变能

strain at something ◎使劲拉某物;使劲做某事;努力争取 , ◎对某事觉得难以接受,对某事顾虑重重

plane strain 平面应变;平面变形

strain distribution 应变分布

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The rope broke under the strain.

The rope was broken.

Oxford Dictionary

The wall collapsed under the strain.

The walls collapsed because they couldn't bear the weight.

Oxford Dictionary

I had to strain to hear.

I had to listen hard.

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