
3 people won national awards! Teachers and students of Yangtze Middle School affiliated to Nanjing Normal University shared the secret of winning the English National Competition

author:Modern Express

The national competition shows its style, and the heroes show their edge. A few days ago, the winners of the 20th "Foreign Language Research Society Cup" National Foreign Language Literacy Competition for Middle School Students were announced. Three students from Yangzi Middle School affiliated to Nanjing Normal University won national awards, 28 students won provincial awards, and 12 teachers including Gao Hui won the Outstanding Instructor Award in the Jiangsu Regional Finals of the competition. As soon as the good news was released, the school's official website immediately attracted many comments from students and parents. What is the secret of the school's success in national competitions? The award-winning teachers and students gave the answers.

Think of the competition as a journey of creative expression

Ruan Shencheng and Ma Zirui, both of whom are in the second (8th) class of high school, won the first prize in the national finals of the 20th "Foreign Language Research Society Cup" National Foreign Language Literacy Competition for Middle School Students. Ma Zirui regards this competition as a journey of depth and innovative expression. From in-depth research to meticulously constructed discourse, he strives to show infinite thinking in a limited discourse. From every practice to the polishing of the content, he pursues to condense his ideas to the ground.

3 people won national awards! Teachers and students of Yangtze Middle School affiliated to Nanjing Normal University shared the secret of winning the English National Competition

What are the challenges of sprinting for the first prize in the national competition? "The challenge of speaking is how to stand out from the crowd." Talking about the solution, Ma Zirui said: "Through my unique perspective and powerful examples, I make the speech not only a message transmission, but also a collision of sparks of ideas and stimulate the resonance of the audience. For him, the honor is not only a victory of skill and hard work, but also an affirmation of a deep understanding and creative interpretation of the speech. The second prize winner of the competition is Xu Minyang, a student from the second (11th) class of high school. Through this competition, he deeply realized the importance of spoken English. English speech is not only a form of language communication, but also a form of artistic expression. Speakers should not only convey a message, but also infect the audience and inspire empathy.

3 people won national awards! Teachers and students of Yangtze Middle School affiliated to Nanjing Normal University shared the secret of winning the English National Competition

Create opportunities to protect students' passions and interests

The instructor of the first prize winner of the national competition is Gao Hui, an English teacher from the second (8th) class of high school. She said that the common characteristics of Ruan Shencheng and Ma Zirui are active thinking, extensive knowledge and a strong interest in English. As their English teacher, Gao will say that what she does is create opportunities for students to perform and protect their passion and interest in English. In class, the teachers ask the students to be "little teachers" and adopt a conversational teaching format, by throwing questions to encourage students to express themselves. In addition, the school's English teaching and research team will also set up platforms such as Youth talk speech contests to give students opportunities to showcase, invite outstanding students to share their English learning experience and methods, and share them with more students through the school's radio station and official account, so as to build their self-confidence.

3 people won national awards! Teachers and students of Yangtze Middle School affiliated to Nanjing Normal University shared the secret of winning the English National Competition

Gao Fang, a teacher who has guided Wang Yuxuan, the first prize student in the national finals of the 19th "Foreign Language Research Society Cup" National Foreign Language Literacy Competition for Middle School Students, believes that the reason for the school's frequent awards is inseparable from the strong English atmosphere. Gao Fang introduced that the school has maintained close exchange and cooperation relations with Australian secondary schools, and won the title of "Jiangsu Province's 'Basic Education Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Key Project'". In order to improve students' English ability, in addition to the English club, the school will also hold a two-month speech contest after the winter vacation every year to promote learning. Students who are promoted will receive professional training in voice, posture, shape and appearance provided by the school, and will also be awarded the title of "Youth Exchange Ambassador of Yangtze Middle School" to participate in international exchange activities such as the reception of Australian exchange students on behalf of the school.

It is understood that the "Foreign Language Research Society Cup" National Foreign Language Literacy Competition for Middle School Students is a foreign language competition on the list of national competitions for primary and secondary school students of the Ministry of Education. The competition is diverse, authoritative and influential, and it is a national track of English discipline alongside the five science competitions, namely mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and information. In the general category and special specialty category of comprehensive evaluation enrollment of colleges and universities, the certificate of "Foreign Research Society" cup at or above the provincial level can be used as extra material for the preliminary examination and interview, and the winners can be exempted from the preliminary examination or apply for the examination with reduced conditions.

Correspondent: Sun Xu, Modern Express/Hyundai+ Reporter Dai Mingyi

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