
Walk with the wise and open a new chapter in life!



The distance of the journey often depends on the footsteps of the companions; The height of success reflects the brilliance of the partner.

Those who respect others are like a breeze, courteous, humble and gentle, and bring peace and comfort to the shore of the soul.

Positive people, like the warm winter sun, blazing and powerful, their presence inspires the souls around them, dispels the gloom and leads to the light.

People who are emotionally stable are like mountain hot springs, flowing peacefully, not snorting or notching, nourishing the hearts around them, and seeing far-reaching in the long stream of fine water.

Therefore, choosing the right people and walking side by side with the right people is an important topic in the journey of life.

Walk with the wise, and the road will suddenly be opened; Only by being in the company of excellence can we cross a more distant journey.

Walk with the wise and open a new chapter in life!

Surround yourself with people who treat you with respect

The ancients said: "Those who respect others will always respect them." ”

This statement speaks to the true meaning of interpersonal communication: the degree of respect to an individual essentially reflects his attitude of respect for others.

In a diverse social structure, there are differences in vision, knowledge, and experience among individuals. The key to good interpersonal interaction is how to reconcile these inconsistencies, and "respect" is the golden key that opens the heart to the heart, which can reduce the distance between the heart and increase understanding.

A person who knows how to respect will always treat others with courtesy, and this courtesy is like an echo, and others will respond with courtesy. Working together in an atmosphere of mutual respect not only allows for smooth interpersonal interactions, but also allows each other to grow together in the process.

The well-known scholar Ji Xianlin once shared his experience with Lao She, a giant in the literary world, in his writings, vividly illustrating the power of respect. Young Ji Xianlin, before meeting Lao She for the first time, was apprehensive, worried that the identity of the academic leader would cause estrangement in communication.

However, Mr. Lao She's approachability completely dispelled his concerns.

Lao She does not have the slightest scholarly frame, and shows his deep respect for people with his gentle conversation and pure Beijing flavor.

Especially in the 50s of the 20th century, at a conference on the standardization of Chinese language, Lao She invited friends to taste authentic Beijing cuisine, and he made a wide range of friends, from literati to restaurant employees, all of whom were regarded as close friends.

Ji Xianlin still remembers this meal, thinking that it is not only the enjoyment of food, but also the baptism of the soul, and the personality charm of Lao She is fully revealed in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Lao She's life is the most vivid practice of the word "respect". He not only respects everyone, but also accepts all things in the world with a broad mind. Getting along with Lao She is like the warm sun of spring, which makes people feel comfortable and nourished their souls.

In this complex world, the individual's philosophy and mentality are like a mirror, reflecting his essence and shaping the unique experience of interacting with him.

A Triple Perspective on Interpersonal Cognition:

  • He who looks up is often humbled. They are too low, they are panicked, they lose their position.
  • Those who look down are more arrogant. Standing on a high place, his eyes are empty, and it is difficult to get close.
  • The one who is level up shows wisdom. They hold the golden mean, do not flatter or despise, and associate with people with kindness.

As the ancient sage Xunzi said: "The benevolent will respect people with courtesy." ”

A person who has truly attained the realm of a sage has a peaceful vision and a humble mentality, and has respect in his bones.

Walk side by side with those who give you respect, and you too will learn the wisdom of eye level.

No matter where you are, this wisdom enables you to know yourself accurately, to understand the world deeply, to live a transparent and comfortable life without arrogance or self-indulgence.

Walk with the wise and open a new chapter in life!

Engage with people with a positive mindset

The core of life's journey lies in mentality. Your attitude towards life directly shapes the landscape of your life.

On rainy days, there are different mentalities: some people are annoyed by the wet shoes on the road, while others are happy with the cool and fresh air brought by the rain.

In the face of challenges, mindset plays a key role. Negative people are prone to indulge in self-pity and spread negative energy; People with a positive mindset are good at self-motivation and looking for new solutions. It's important to note that the mindset is contagious. Walk with optimists, even if the dark clouds cover the sun, the sun is shining in the heart, and the flowers of hope can bloom in the difficult situation.

Shi Tiesheng's emotion in "Me and the Altar of Earth" profoundly reflects this: "On my twenty-one-year-old tail, my legs have turned away from me, and my life has not ended, all supported by friendship. "Youth was suddenly hit by disability, the wheelchair became legs, and when the darkness was shrouded, it was Yu Hua's existence like light.

As the world often says: "The friendship between Yu Hua and Shi Tiesheng interprets the true meaning of friendship." ”

While Stetson's family shunned his disability, Yu Hua encouraged him in a special way – inviting him to play football and making him a goalkeeper. "He seems to have forgotten that I am disabled, or that I am a person who needs special attention," said Stetson humorously. ”

Yu Hua also did not forget to remind his partners: "Be merciful at your feet, he can't withstand a fierce kick." This respect and trust in Shi Tiesheng as a sound person greatly lifted his spirits. Shi Tiesheng felt very fortunate to have a friend who accompanied him.

Yu Hua, who created "Alive", knows that life is not easy, but chooses to continue to move forward with Shi Tiesheng with an optimistic attitude.

Life is like a kaleidoscope, unpredictable, as unpredictable as the weather – the sun shines in an instant, and lightning and thunder in the blink of an eye, and there are unknown surprises and challenges everywhere.

In this ever-changing journey, the negative person often feels anxious and apprehensive; Positive people have an open-minded attitude, have the courage to face them, and respond flexibly to every variable.

Choosing positive people is of great significance. It means building an impregnable castle of the mind, defying the storm and always open to the warm sun.

Walk side by side with optimists, and you will transform into an indomitable brave man, never bowing his head in the face of difficulties, never giving up, and never indulging in useless complaints.

You will continue to live towards the sun with incomparable tenacity and strive to climb the peak of life.

Walk with the wise and open a new chapter in life!

Spend time with people who are in a good mood

Hofland once said, "Of all the factors that are not conducive to success, excessive emotions are often the greatest stumbling block." ”

Wise men know the secrets of emotional stability, and they are surrounded by an energy that nourishes every heart that approaches them.

Surviving with people who are emotionally calm is like laying a solid foundation for personal growth.

Li Bai, a literary giant, is known for his uninhibited poetic style, while his best friend Meng Haoran is known for his quiet and natural idyllic style. Moving and quiet, the personalities are very different, but the friendship is deep.

Li Bai was disappointed in the imperial examination by chance, and his heart was uneasy.

Meng Haoran did not persuade him to rush for quick success, but invited him to swim in the mountains and rivers together, ease his mood with the joy of nature, and drink poems among the mountains and rivers to help him relieve his worries.

This trip not only relieved Li Bai, but also inspired him to leave many masterpieces.

Meng Haoran's peaceful and indifferent philosophy of life had a profound positive impact on Li Bai.

Gong Tingxian, a physician in the Ming Dynasty, said: "Conform to all things, and be at peace afterwards, this is the way to maintain health." ”

A truly strong person, in the face of adversity, can always show extraordinary patience, be at peace with the situation, and face the wind and rain of the world with a peaceful heart.

No matter how big or small, what is important to the heart, then suffering will follow; If the heart is relaxed, the road will be wide.

Life is like a long cultivation, and we need to temper our minds in the midst of many experiences, laugh at cause and effect, and cultivate compassion.

Walk with the wise and open a new chapter in life!

Zeng Guofan said: "The gains and losses of a person's life actually depend on whether the choice of friends is wise." ”

Whoever you want to become, you should be with whomever you want.

Those who accompany the phoenix to soar will be handsome; Stand side by side with the exceptional, and be extraordinary.

The journey of life is not to meet all people to make deep friends, and to choose friends is to choose one's own future.

Like and follow, and be close to those who can nourish your soul, this is the supremacy of making friends.