
Really powerful people have developed a "high-energy physique"



The Harvard Business School case study chronicles the story of Steve, a partner at an accounting firm, who was burdened with 12 to 14 hours of work.

He was exhausted by the long hours of intense labor, and his family time became boring, and he suffered from insomnia at night.

In order to reverse this predicament, Steve developed a comprehensive life adjustment strategy.

First and foremost, he said goodbye to the habit of drinking before bed, and then he added his morning workout to his schedule.

After returning from morning workout, the time to share breakfast with the family becomes especially precious.

Even if his work is like a mountain, he does not forget to take a few minutes out every day to go outdoors to feel the freshness of nature, so that his soul can be released for a short time.

Two months passed quietly, but changes quietly took place.

Steve felt more energized than ever, and his family relationship became more harmonious and welcoming.

This reminds us of the wise words of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: "In the torrent of life, it is a vital task to discover and harness one's own energy." ”

An individual's energy level actually directly affects the quality and depth of life.

Those who are truly outstanding all possess a "high-energy physique", which is an extraordinary ability to continuously accumulate and release energy through self-management and improvement.

Really powerful people have developed a "high-energy physique"

Emotions are full of positive energy

In the face of criticism from the outside world, Yu Hua responded to's inquiry with a smile, showing his inner tenacity: "Maybe it's because of my tenacious nature, or maybe the criticism has become the norm over the years, and they haven't bothered me." How can the road of creation come to an abrupt end with a few criticisms? ”

After completing "Alive" and "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood", Yu Huazhi made a huge production.

"Brothers" came into being, thinking that it would be sought after, but unexpectedly encountered a flood of negative reviews, and fellow readers were harsh.

Looking back on his literary career, he has forged ahead in controversy and criticism, and even if his works are best-sellers, the cusp of public opinion is still inevitable.

For the praise and disapproval, Yu Hua handled it calmly, unmoved, and netizens praised his open-mindedness: "Teacher Yu Hua's state of mind is admirable, a strong person with emotional energy, and his life is naturally comfortable." ”

In our daily lives, we may all have experienced this:

  • The unintentional actions of others are infinitely amplified in the heart, causing self-entanglement and emotional internal friction;
  • The slightest criticism will be like a haze, and the mood will be low all day;
  • There is a slight discomfort in the surroundings, negative emotions quickly invade, happiness dissipates instantly, and the inner world is clouded.

The world is full of ups and downs, everyone is moving forward under heavy pressure, life is not easy, and work is heavy. The journey of life is inevitably full of ups and downs, and if you break down emotionally because of a moment of adversity or harsh words, it will undoubtedly add another burden to a difficult life.

Therefore, it is very important to improve emotional resilience and build a spiritual line of defense.

Do not let the external noise and negative emotions penetrate, and maintain the peace and tranquility of the heart, in order to keep the original color of life.

The depth of life lies in the control of emotional energy.

Maintain this inner strength in order to be fearless of the turbulent waves of life; Only by cultivating the "shielding technique" of emotions can you be comfortable in the complicated world and enjoy the peace and indifference of your heart.

Really powerful people have developed a "high-energy physique"

Positive mindset and high energy

The "self-fulfilling prophecy effect" in the field of psychology reveals a profound phenomenon: if individuals continue to give themselves positive psychological cues and firmly believe that things are developing for the better, they often get what people want and gradually get on the right track;

Conversely, if you are full of pessimistic expectations, the likelihood of unfortunate things happening will also increase.

Pole vault legend Bubka is a vivid example of this effect.

He broke the world record 35 times in his career, the first 6-metre pole vault. However, behind the brilliance, there is also its confusion and struggle.

On the eve of his fame, Bubka frequently challenged his limits, only to be frustrated. During that dark time, he was shrouded in self-doubt, and even had the idea of giving up.

The turning point came on a regular training day. Facing the crossbar, he was full of fear and confided in his coach about his powerlessness.

The coach suddenly responded harshly: "Bubka, close your eyes and let your will cross that pole first!" If the heart has surrendered, there is no way to cross reality! ”

These words were like a morning bell and a dusk drum, awakening Bubka's inner strength. He began to meditate on it, convinced that success was within reach.

Miraculously, the long-term bottleneck was broken, and the subsequent achievements reached new highs, establishing his immortal position in the history of high jump.

When asked about the secret to success, Bubka replied succinctly: Before each leap, let the mind jump over the obstacles.

Although this statement seems mysterious, it is actually philosophical. Those who move forward on the journey of life are not particularly gifted by fate, but they have forged a tenacious and optimistic heart.

No matter what kind of predicament they find themselves in, they can always look up at the starry sky, and even if they are faltering, they still have a longing for the distance in their hearts.

As Shi Tiesheng said: "Now that you have reached the edge of the cliff, why not sit and watch the clouds rise, and sing songs to give the passing year." ”

Master the mystery of mentality, and you will be far ahead on the track of life.

The magnetic field of positive energy is an indispensable navigation to victory.

Really powerful people have developed a "high-energy physique"

High-energy social

In a hot discussion on the Internet, someone asked such a question:

When do you choose to distance yourself from your friends?

Among the answers that received the most recognition, there were a few scenarios that resonated in particular:

  • After the party, I felt that my soul was quietly withdrawn, and my energy seemed to be completely drained, and it was difficult to regain my former vitality for a few days;
  • When communicating, there are always endless rebuttals, dialogue becomes a debate field, and exhaustion becomes the norm;
  • When we get together, I unconsciously become a shelter for negative emotions, and the continuous complaints of my friends also cast a haze over my soul, and after the party, the depression lingers for a long time.

Indeed, the differences between people are so significant.

Some people, like a charging station in life, a moment together is enough to make you full of energy and brave to face all difficulties in the world; Others, on the other hand, are invisible energy straws that can drain your inner peace and strength with a little conversation.

Mao Lihua, a professor of psychology at Peking University, profoundly pointed out in a speech that the quality and breadth of the social environment directly affect an individual's mental health and well-being. A high-quality social circle is a fertile soil for the soul and promotes the growth and progress of individuals; On the contrary, the inferior social environment is like an energy black hole, quietly squeezing out all your vitality.

Remember the Wang Yuheng in "The Strongest Brain" who can identify the difference in 520 glasses of water just by looking at it?

He revealed that communicating with too many people was a process of great vitality for him. Behind the bustle and bustle, what is hidden is his great consumption of energy.

After every social event, he has to be alone, even if it's just listening to the water and watching the greenery, and this tranquility is how he regains his energy and finds himself.

As writer Ma De said: A truly refreshing social circle is often extremely simple, and three or two confidants are enough.

Once the circle is large and complex, impurities are difficult to avoid. To maintain positive energy in your social interactions, it's important to learn to streamline your social circle.

Stay away from the people who consume you, and let go of the things that affect your progress. Reaching out to people and things that nourish your soul is the best way to boost your social energy.

Really powerful people have developed a "high-energy physique"

Liang Ning, the famous product manager, once profoundly pointed out that it is difficult to overcome difficulties in essence, because our internal energy has not yet reached the level of breaking the game.

An individual's energy level is closely linked to the ups and downs of his life, like the dance of a ship and the sea, which is inseparable.

Building strong noise reduction and shielding capabilities is a strong shield to protect emotional energy.

In this chaotic world, it ensures that our state of mind is not disturbed by the noise of the outside world, and that our pace is steady, and our mood is like water, and we are not moved.

Positive psychological cues are a magnet for good luck.

By instilling positive thinking, we can overcome the obstacles in our life and make every step of the way full of strength and hope.

Choose your social circle wisely, stay close to those relationships that nourish your soul, and stay away from negative consumption.

Life is finite, and it deserves to walk with those who can raise their glasses and share the joy and walk side by side through the storm. This is not only a respect for time, but also a value for one's own life.

Click [Follow] and let's work together to become an individual with full energy.

In this abundance, we are able to explore the broader boundaries of life, embrace every wonderful moment that awaits tomorrow, and make life more brilliant because of our existence.