
After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

author:Girl who will buy it
After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

Have you ever struggled between an ordinary toilet and a smart toilet when you are decorating? Seeing the opinions of online bloggers, most of them are recommending smart toilets, but are smart toilets really that good?

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

As a person who has come before, I changed the toilet four times before and after, and finally found one I liked. In this article, I will summarize the different advantages and disadvantages of ordinary toilets and smart toilets, and then tell you how to choose the right one for you:

1. Three advantages of ordinary toilets

(1) The price is affordable

Compared with the price of smart toilets, which are often three or four thousand, ordinary toilets are quite affordable. At present, the price of ordinary toilets of well-known bathroom brands on the market is basically not more than 1,000 yuan, and the average price is about 600 or 700 to buy a good ordinary toilet.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

(2) Easy to take care of

Ordinary toilet is easier to take care of in daily use, as long as you don't throw garbage into it, it will not be blocked, and you don't have to wipe it after flushing, and the water will be clean when it dries up, and it is very worry-free to take care of.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

(3) The leather is durable

Ordinary toilets are very durable, and they can be used for one or two decades under normal circumstances. And it is very durable in daily use, the child stands on the toilet lid to change clothes when taking a bath, and after washing, he stands on it to wipe his body, basically he will not worry about breaking it, even if it is broken, he will not feel distressed.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

2. Two advantages of smart toilets

(1) Better user experience

The biggest advantage of smart toilets is that they can significantly improve the toilet experience, and among the various functions of smart toilets, the following three functions are recognized as easy to use:

One is the heating of the seat. Presumably, everyone has a deep understanding of the cold sitting feeling of ordinary toilets, especially in winter, the cold toilet is really uncomfortable.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

At this time, the seat heating function of the smart toilet is too intimate, giving you a warm experience, which is simply a must for friends in the north.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

The second is automatic flushing. When you get up after going to the toilet, the toilet will sense the action and start the automatic flush, saving you from bending down to press the flush valve.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

This is convenient for most people, especially the elderly, children and other people with physical disabilities.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

The third is warm buttock washing. Automatic washing and care is also an important part of the smart toilet to improve the toilet experience, the water spout automatically sprays warm water to clean the poop, which is much more clean than using a paper towel, and the buttock wash can wash off more than 90% of the poop and residue, and finally it can be wiped clean with a paper towel.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

The buttock wash function is very friendly to people with constipation and "hemorrhoids", and it is also very practical for children, so adults don't have to worry about the problem that children are not wiped clean after entering the toilet, which is the best function of the smart toilet in my opinion.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

(2) Enhance the sense of home technology and luxury

At a time when smart home is becoming more and more concerned and accepted by everyone, more smart home products are entering our lives in home decoration. Among them, the smart toilet has been on the market for several years, and the technology is a relatively mature product. Therefore, in the decoration of many people, they will choose smart toilets, and bathrooms equipped with smart toilets can significantly enhance the overall sense of technology and luxury of home decoration.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

3. The three major slots of the smart toilet

(1) The cost is expensive

Compared with the price of a few hundred yuan for an ordinary toilet, the price of a good smart toilet is not cheap. In my opinion, the quality of smart toilets on the market is guaranteed at least 3,000 yuan, and the average price is usually several times that of ordinary toilets of the same brand.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

In addition, the smart toilet also needs to transform the power supply in advance, and the foaming agent needs to be added in use, and it is easy to fail, and the service life is not as good as that of ordinary toilets.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

Therefore, smart toilets are not only expensive, but also significantly higher in the later stage.

(2) Difficult to take care of

Compared with ordinary toilets, the maintenance of smart toilets is not as simple as imagined. Although most smart toilets are IPX4 waterproof and can be drenched with a small amount of water, they cannot be flushed directly with a shower or spray gun.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

Therefore, when you need to clean it every day, you can only wipe it with wet wipes, inside and outside the barrel, and up and down the seat, which is much more troublesome than ordinary toilets.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

(3) The experience is not perfect

Although smart toilets can significantly improve the toilet experience, in my opinion, the more expensive and well-evaluated smart toilets on the market have not yet been perfected.

First, the automatic flip cover sensing is not sensitive and timely. Whether you use infrared foot feeling, laser foot feeling or microwave radar foot feeling, it is impossible to make accurate judgments, and it is easy to missensing, such as usually just passing in front of the toilet, but the toilet lid is opened; In addition, people have three urgencies, and when you are particularly anxious to use the toilet, the automatic flip cover function may behave slowly and drive you crazy.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

The second is that the foam shield foams slowly, showing chicken ribs. Most of the foam shield foam of the smart toilet needs more than half a point to achieve the use effect, if you are in a special hurry to go to the toilet, this speed is obviously not able to keep up with the requirements. In addition, the external foam shield will occupy the bathroom space and be messy, and the built-in one is easy to forget to add foaming liquid, which has some imperfections.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

4. How to choose between ordinary toilet and smart toilet?

When you see this, do you still have questions - how to choose between an ordinary toilet and a smart toilet? In fact, the answer is already obvious: ordinary toilets and smart toilets belong to completely different design directions, and they are used by two different groups of people.

Group 1: People who pursue affordability, don't like to change habits, and want the bathroom to be durable and easy to take care of - choose an ordinary toilet.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

Group 2: People who pursue comfort, want to pursue a better toilet experience, have a more abundant budget, and are willing to take care of hygiene every day - choose a smart toilet.

After changing the toilet four times, I realized which one is better, ordinary toilet or smart toilet! Did you choose the right one?

Well, do you have your own answer to the question of how to choose between a smart toilet and an ordinary toilet? Your family has chosen a kind of toilet, continue to communicate in the comment area!