
There is 1 function that the smartphone must turn on, which can save lives at critical times, and many people don't know it

author:Xiaoyu talks about technology

Smartphones are a tool that we all use every day and are an integral part of our lives. In the process of using smartphones, many people use basic daily functions such as making calls, taking photos, playing games, watching videos, and shopping. In fact, with the continuous development of digital technology, smartphones have become very rich and practical, and there are some functions that are not very interesting except for some basic operations in daily life, but they are very practical.

Today, Xiaoyu shares with you a hidden function that a smartphone must turn on, which can save lives at critical times, and 99% of people don't know it. So, what exactly is the feature? Next, Xiaoyu will give you a detailed introduction.

There is 1 function that the smartphone must turn on, which can save lives at critical times, and many people don't know it

In this society, we will face a variety of people and things every day, and it is inevitable that there will be some different levels of safety risks in the process, such as traffic accidents, natural disasters, criminal incidents, etc. In these emergencies, we often need to get help quickly. In response to this situation, many mobile phones have a built-in SOS emergency rescue function when leaving the factory, through which users can send help information to pre-set contacts with one click and automatically share the user's real-time location information in case of emergency, so as to ensure that help information can be delivered in a timely and effective manner in an emergency.

Therefore, the "SOS emergency rescue" of smartphones is such a little-known but extremely important function. Through it, we can quickly send a message for help to family, friends or professional rescue agencies, so that they know where we are and what is going on, so that we can provide us with timely help and support.

So, how do you turn on and use your smartphone's Emergency SOS function? Next, Xiaoyu will give you a detailed introduction.

Open your phone to enter the settings, find options like "Security" or "Password Security" here and click to enter, you can find the "SOS Emergency Rescue" function entrance. By default, this feature is turned off, click on to turn it on.

There is 1 function that the smartphone must turn on, which can save lives at critical times, and many people don't know it

On this page, the mobile phone introduces the "SOS emergency function", when you press the power button 5 times in a row in an emergency, the system will send a rescue SMS with location information linked to the emergency contact you added. Directly click the switch on the right side of the function to turn on this function.

There is 1 function that the smartphone must turn on, which can save lives at critical times, and many people don't know it

After turning on the "Emergency SOS" function, there will be an entrance to add emergency contacts at the bottom, and you can add the phone number of one or more relatives and friends according to your actual needs.

In addition, the SOS emergency rescue function is also set up with the function of automatically dialing the emergency number, which can be turned on to call the emergency contacts in order when the function is triggered, and play the pre-recorded help recording, and automatically hang up after the playback. During this process, if there is no contact call, the system will automatically dial the next contact until someone is connected.

Overall, this function is still very practical, although it is not usually used, but it can really save lives at critical times, it is highly recommended that you turn on this function and turn on your family's mobile phone.

The above is the 1 function that Xiaoyu shares with you that the smartphone must be turned on, I hope it will help you.

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