
The spleen pill is so good, it is not easy to get angry, and it can also calm the nerves and help sleep, and the liver and spleen are in harmony

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Li Mengyang

Gui Spleen Pill is a Chinese patent medicine that nourishes qi and blood, strengthens the spleen and nourishes the heart, which can regulate various small problems caused by deficiency of heart and spleen, qi and blood, such as shortness of breath and palpitations, insomnia and dreams, dizziness, fatigue and fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms, but some people use a Gui Spleen Pill alone The conditioning effect is not very ideal, and it is even easy to get angry, and the heart is the official of the monarch, the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow, and qi and blood are also very important to our whole body viscera, limbs and bones. Therefore, when a person's heart and spleen are deficient and qi and blood are insufficient for a long time, it is easy to cause a lot of implicated symptoms, so the appropriate collocation is particularly important.

The spleen pill is so good, it is not easy to get angry, and it can also calm the nerves and help sleep, and the liver and spleen are in harmony

First: Gui Spleen Pill with Tianwang Buxin Pill

Both of these are commonly used Chinese patent medicines for the treatment of insomnia, Gui Spleen Pill focuses on invigorating qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the heart, and is mainly used for insomnia with heart and spleen deficiency; If a person is deficient in qi and blood, and the heart is not nourished, there are symptoms of shortness of breath and palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, dizziness, fatigue and weakness, accompanied by dry mouth and thirst, hot hands and feet, irritability, dry stool and other symptoms of insufficient heart yin, you can refer to the two of them, which can not only nourish yin and nourish blood, but also nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and the Tianwang tonifying heart Danzhong salvia, Tiandong, Mai Dong, Shengdi, cinnabar and other medicines have the effect of clearing heat and calming the nerves. It can prevent the spleen pill from being warm and dry.

The spleen pill is so good, it is not easy to get angry, and it can also calm the nerves and help sleep, and the liver and spleen are in harmony

Second: Gui Spleen Pill with Chai Hu Shu Liver Pill

In addition to insomnia, many people are now accompanied by impatience and irritability, inner irritability, depression, poor mood, excessive thinking and other problems, such people generally have liver qi stagnation, we say that the liver and spleen, liver qi stagnation will also over-restrain the spleen and stomach, aggravate the symptoms of heart and spleen deficiency, in this case, we not only need to strengthen the spleen and nourish the heart, but also need to soothe the liver and regulate qi, and relieve the restraint of liver depression on the spleen and stomach, so that the spleen and stomach can normally produce qi and blood, and nourish the heart and spleen. At this time, you can refer to Gui Spleen Pill with Chai Hu Shu Liver Pill.

The spleen pill is so good, it is not easy to get angry, and it can also calm the nerves and help sleep, and the liver and spleen are in harmony

Third: 归脾丸搭配保和丸

In addition to palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia and forgetfulness, people with heart and spleen deficiency are also prone to indigestion, loss of appetite, loose stools and other spleen deficiency, and the spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood metaplasia, and the spleen and stomach will aggravate the lack of qi and blood in the case of spleen deficiency, so if a person has the situation of food accumulation and internal heat, accompanied by food stagnation, abdominal distention, belching and acid swallowing, and not wanting to eat, etc., at this time, the effect of strengthening the spleen is very slow, and we have to treat the symptoms in a hurry to solve the problem of food accumulation and stagnation. You can refer to Gui Spleen Pill with Bohol Pill.

The spleen pill is so good, it is not easy to get angry, and it can also calm the nerves and help sleep, and the liver and spleen are in harmony

In addition to the 3 situations mentioned today, there may be other more changes, so there is no fixed prescription, you need to be flexible and differentiated, if you are unwell, do not blindly use medicine, please seek medical attention offline in time, and use symptomatic medicine under the guidance of professional doctors, I am Li Mengyang, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.