
The thief shouts to catch the thief! The DPP has done whatever it takes to create an "anti-China" sentiment, fabricating facts and lying one after another!


Text: Zhang Youhua

Lai Qingde has been in office for a total of one month and eight days since his inauguration in 520 to June 28, and during this month and eight days, he has fought against the opposition parties internally and cut off exchanges with Chinese mainland externally, two themes that have run through his term of office for one month and eight days.

The thief shouts to catch the thief! The DPP has done whatever it takes to create an "anti-China" sentiment, fabricating facts and lying one after another!

Recently, an incident caused an uproar in the Taiwan region, because Taiwan's "Mainland Affairs Council," which claimed to be the official media of Chinese mainland, intervened in Taiwan's political discussion programs, saying that this was a one-stop operation. In fact, his accusation is equivalent to Lai Qingde's reckoning after the autumn, because in the process of the "general election", this TV station did not fully support Lai Qingde, and now Lai Qingde finally opened his mind to him. As a result, there is a reason to say that mainland media have entered Taiwan's political discussion programs. How to intervene? The first theme, the second guest, the third topic for discussion, and the fourth for some ideas to be in line with the mainland.

As a matter of fact, the reporter he was talking about was from the "Xinhua News Agency" and had already been transferred back to the mainland. Since the DPP said that they got this information two months ago, that the program was probably launched in mid-March, and that this reporter returned to Beijing on May 22, since you have such obvious facts, may I ask why you didn't make an appointment with him through legal relations, but let off the cannon after he left? Apparently you simply don't dare to detain him. Detaining a journalist is a very big deal, and since you don't dare to let him "leave the country" freely, what is your purpose in exposing this thing at this time?

The thief shouts to catch the thief! The DPP has done whatever it takes to create an "anti-China" sentiment, fabricating facts and lying one after another!

In fact, it is very difficult for China to control media politics in Taiwan, and no similar incident has occurred in the past. You said that the mainland's official media have infiltrated political programs in the Taiwan region, and now the three units, the "Mainland Affairs Council," the "Ministry of Culture," and the "NCC," still need to be investigated. This is an issue related to Taiwan's security, and the DPP really wants to investigate, and it is impossible to find only the "NCC," the "Ministry of Culture," and the "Mainland Affairs Council." You said that you knew about it two months ago, but why didn't you check it, and when he left, he "died" and said that he wanted to check it, what does this mean? This is called "smearing and smearing the red", and the immorality of the DPP is in this place.

Frankly speaking, it is very difficult for the official media to intervene in political programs in the Taiwan region, and since you say that he intervened and paid money, etc., you can come up with evidence. At present, the DPP is not doing good things, and it is chasing after the wind every day, and as a result, it does not dare to transfer it to justice. So it can be seen that he just wants to "wash people's hearts" through this incident. The so-called "washing people's hearts" means that you see that the mainland actually intervenes in Taiwan's political discussion programs, and the relevant guests, related issues, and related statements must be agreed to by Chinese mainland.

Looking back, will everyone on the show follow his theme, his topic, and his way of speaking? Everyone is an adult, and they all have many years of experience in political discussion programs, how can they listen to the instructions of a reporter who is only thirty or forty years old? This is humiliating the TV station. Now he is settling accounts after the autumn, because this TV station did not fully support Lai Qingde, which is the first one. Second, if the evidence is clear, why not send these people to the "NCC" for evaluation, this is the second. The third how to agree with this journalist to go. Besides, he left on May 22 and you are June 28. With the most lenient standards, at least he was in Taiwan until April 28, so why didn't he take action then? Isn't it very strange to ruin people's names afterwards?

The thief shouts to catch the thief! The DPP has done whatever it takes to create an "anti-China" sentiment, fabricating facts and lying one after another!

Fourth, you said that you want to investigate now, in the case of death without proof, just like the "Kinmen 214 incident", there will never be an answer, and there will never be a truth, and the purpose is to fish in troubled waters. The so-called fishing in troubled waters means that people are not at the scene, and there is no way to verify this matter. You beat the gong and drum and say that you want to investigate, and in the end there is a reason for it. The DPP is now deliberately raising the spiral of cross-strait malice, and he will always pay his political price for this matter.

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