
Liu Qiangdong, an alumnus of Renmin University of China, scored 712 points in the college entrance examination, and his personality and emotional intelligence problems were lying flat

author:The Lord of the Breeze and the Moon Pavilion

Her name is Wu Jihong, and in 94 the college entrance examination scored 712 points, and she was successfully admitted to the Department of Archives Management of Renmin University, becoming the first person in the village to be admitted to a prestigious university. She is a top student at Chinese People's University and an alumnus of boss Liu Qiangdong. But as a high-achieving student with high scores in the college entrance examination in the 90s, Wu Jihong, the proud daughter of the sky, finally chose to "lie flat", perhaps more precisely, she completely gave up her life, married a mountain village bachelor, and gave birth to 6 children in two marriages, living on the government's subsistence allowance.

Liu Qiangdong, an alumnus of Renmin University of China, scored 712 points in the college entrance examination, and his personality and emotional intelligence problems were lying flat
Liu Qiangdong, an alumnus of Renmin University of China, scored 712 points in the college entrance examination, and his personality and emotional intelligence problems were lying flat

On the eve of graduation in 98, Wu Jihong took the Beijing civil service examination, and there was no problem with the written test results, but he was eliminated in the interview process. After failing the public examination, she could only work in a factory, but because of her introverted personality and unsociability, coupled with the sudden death of her father, Wu Jihong and her colleagues had interpersonal difficulties, and finally ended in resignation. Too many losses and setbacks, standing in the middle of the crossroads of life, she is confused in front of her. In addition, after her father's death, there was something wrong with her psychology, and she seemed to have some tendency to be depressed, and when the media interviewed her mother's family, they sighed: "She is like this, she is stuffy in her heart, and her character has harmed her." ”

Liu Qiangdong, an alumnus of Renmin University of China, scored 712 points in the college entrance examination, and his personality and emotional intelligence problems were lying flat

Maybe she has excellent academic performance for a long time, has a relatively introverted personality, has not experienced the reality of human affairs, has low emotional intelligence and does not know how to communicate with people, it is difficult to integrate into the group in real life, and she will be knocked down if she suffers a little blow. This is what many students will encounter after they leave the society and only pay attention to their studies and do not pay attention to the overall development of their personal quality. In the final analysis, the society will still eliminate many people who can only study to death, and in order to gain a foothold in the society, it is necessary to have communication skills such as communication and coordination, perseverance in the face of failures and setbacks, and not just high learning ability!

Liu Qiangdong, an alumnus of Renmin University of China, scored 712 points in the college entrance examination, and his personality and emotional intelligence problems were lying flat

Wu Jihong is indeed a character problem, but it is also a failure of education itself! Education should cultivate not afraid of setbacks, persistent beliefs, tenacious character, even if there is no high IQ and emotional intelligence, do not retreat when encountering difficulties and difficulties in life, and eventually move forward step by step! Introverted and sensitive retreat when they encounter problems, and in the end they can only retreat step by step until they lie flat!

Liu Qiangdong, an alumnus of Renmin University of China, scored 712 points in the college entrance examination, and his personality and emotional intelligence problems were lying flat

A high-achieving student's belief and will and emotional intelligence are too low, and he can't withstand setbacks and tests, and no matter how good his academic performance is, no matter how good his major is, it's useless! Life is like a reverse journey, if you don't advance, you will retreat, only you are the ferryman of fate. The road of life is inherently thorny, and there is no need for a road to go to the dark, you can take a detour or change the road. Only the original remains the same, firm belief is not extinguished, and it is a sad thing to have no faith.

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