
"Procuratorial Enterprise" - the Municipal Procuratorate and the Dainan Town People's Congress held a symposium for business people

author:Beautiful new Taizhou
"Procuratorial Enterprise" - the Municipal Procuratorate and the Dainan Town People's Congress held a symposium for business people

On the afternoon of June 28, the Xinghua Municipal People's Procuratorate and the Dainan Town People's Congress held the "Procuratorial Protection Enterprise" Procuratorial Open Day and the Symposium of the People's Congress and the Business Circles to Ask the Needs of the Enterprise and Solve Problems for the Enterprise, and the heads of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Procuratorate, the Bureau of Justice and other relevant units attended the meeting. The purpose of this event is to build a bridge of communication between the inspection and the enterprise through face-to-face communication, gain an in-depth understanding of and solve the legal problems and business difficulties faced by the enterprise, escort the development of the enterprise, and jointly promote the high-quality development of the regional economy.

Brief description of the event

At the meeting, the basic situation of criminal and administrative cases involving enterprises in Dainan Town was reported, and the working mechanism of tripartite cooperation in the compliance construction of enterprises involved in the case and the list of "procuratorial and protective enterprises" services of the Taizhou Municipal Procuratorate were introduced.

At the event site, a number of people's congress deputies, CPPCC members and well-known business people from Dainan Town gathered together to have in-depth exchanges with the leaders and business backbones of the Municipal Procuratorate. Weng Liping, a member of the Party Group of the Municipal Procuratorate and a full-time member of the Procuratorial Committee, introduced in detail to the participants the achievements made in optimizing the business environment under the rule of law and serving the development of enterprises in recent years, as well as the measures taken by the procuratorate to promote the compliance operation of enterprises and protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises.

"Procuratorial Enterprise" - the Municipal Procuratorate and the Dainan Town People's Congress held a symposium for business people

At the forum, people from the business circles spoke one after another and offered advice and suggestions to the procuratorial organs on the legal problems and policy confusions encountered in the operation of enterprises. They said that in the process of development, especially in the increasingly fierce market competition, enterprises need more legal support and protection. The Municipal Procuratorate answered the questions raised by the business community patiently and meticulously, and promised to further strengthen communication with enterprises, understand the needs of enterprises in a timely manner, and provide more accurate and effective legal services.

People from the business community who participated in the event generally reported that through this open day activity, they not only had a deeper understanding of the procuratorial function, but also had a clearer understanding of how to deal with legal issues in enterprises. Everyone expressed their hope that there will be more similar opportunities for interaction and exchange in the future, so that enterprises can move forward more steadily on the track of the rule of law.

The deputies to the National People's Congress believe that this is an important measure to strengthen communication, enhance understanding, and promote cooperation between inspection and enterprises. At the same time, the deputies hoped that the procuratorial organs would continue to deepen their ties with enterprises, give full play to their functions, and create a better legal environment for the development of enterprises.

"Procuratorial Enterprise" - the Municipal Procuratorate and the Dainan Town People's Congress held a symposium for business people

Dai Nan Town Party Committee Propaganda Committee, Xinghua High-tech Zone Management Committee Deputy Director Liu Yu said that Dai Nan Town's economy is more active, industrial development started earlier, is the "grassroots economy" representatives, business people legal awareness, rights awareness is not strong, optimizing the rule of law environment is very important for local economic development, he has long been the city procuratorate in promoting the legal and compliant operation of enterprises in Dai Nan Town, protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises to make efforts to express gratitude. As an enterprise itself, it is necessary to pay more attention to it and enhance the awareness of compliance management. He hopes that in the future, we will continue to strengthen such activities, improve the communication mechanism between government and enterprises, and escort the development of enterprises.

The successful holding of this event marks that the Municipal Procuratorate and the Dainan Town People's Congress have taken a solid step in serving and ensuring the development of the private economy. In the future, the two sides will further strengthen cooperation, carry out such activities on a regular basis, support the development of enterprises with practical actions, and contribute more legal forces to the high-quality development of the local economy.

Contribution丨Dai Nan Town People's Congress Office