
【Health Promotion】The weather is hot, pay attention to heat prevention

author:Heze Luxi New District


Summer is coming

An unexpected summer

As soon as we enter the summer

The high temperature is in a hurry

And with the change of the extreme climate of the earth

In recent years, the high temperatures have been extreme

The temperature rises rapidly and lasts for a long time

Orange and red high temperature warnings are frequently issued at the Meteorological Observatory

People are living, working

If you don't pay attention, strengthen precautions

It can easily lead to heat stroke and even life-threatening

Learn more about heat stroke prevention

It's summer to yourself

Increased security

【Health Promotion】The weather is hot, pay attention to heat prevention

In a high temperature environment, headache, dizziness, thirst, sweating, weakness and soreness of limbs, lack of concentration, uncoordinated movements, etc., when the body temperature is normal or slightly elevated, it is the beginning of the symptoms of heat stroke, at this time we must take immediate measures to start treatment, otherwise the symptoms gradually worsen, and even life-threatening.

【Health Promotion】The weather is hot, pay attention to heat prevention

Precautionary measures

1. In the hot summer, it is advisable to wear loose, light-colored and breathable clothes. When active in the sun, wear a wide-brimmed hat and use umbrellas, sunscreen, etc.

【Health Promotion】The weather is hot, pay attention to heat prevention

2. Minimize outdoor activities in hot weather, and avoid exposure to sunlight for too long at 11:00~15:00. Do not stay for a long time in a closed environment with high temperature and humidity.

3. Improve the living environment of the elderly, frail, chronic disease patients and puerperal women, and keep the room cool.

4. Pay attention to water, salt and minerals. Drink plenty of heatstroke salts that contain potassium, magnesium and calcium. Drinks such as fruit juice, cola, and sprite soda contain more saccharin and electrolytes, and drinking too much will cause adverse stimulation to the stomach and intestines, affecting digestion and appetite, so it is not recommended to drink. In a high temperature environment, whether you feel thirsty or not, you need to replenish water, do not wait for thirst to drink water, it is recommended to drink more plain water or salt (sugar) boiled water.

5. Pay attention to adjusting living habits, maintain sufficient sleep, do not eat too light, and eat more nutritious foods such as chicken, duck, lean meat, fish and eggs to meet the needs of human metabolism; You can also drink more mung bean soup and chrysanthemum tea with the effect of cooling off; Eat more fresh vegetables such as lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc., and fresh fruits such as peaches, watermelons, melons, etc. Arrange exercise time reasonably and avoid exercising for too long.

6. In daily life, you can always prepare medicines to prevent heat stroke, such as Huoxiang Zhengqi water, cool oil, etc.

【Health Promotion】The weather is hot, pay attention to heat prevention

First aid for heat stroke:

1. Quickly get out of the high temperature and high humidity environment, and transfer the heat stroke patient to a cool and ventilated place;

2. Take off or loosen the clothes and make the patient lie down and rest;

3. Give the patient a salty cool drink or cold boiled water with a salt content of 0.1%-0.3%;

4. Wipe your body with cold water or alcohol;

5. Patients with severe heat stroke should be sent to the hospital immediately for first aid.

Indications for emergency (120).

1. Body temperature as high as 38 °C or above, accompanied by flushing, heavy sweating or clammy limbs and paleness;

2. Tachycardia, rapid pulse, and decreased urine output;

3. Symptoms such as syncope and coma;

4. Sudden dizziness, headache and fatigue;

5. Nausea and vomiting;

6. Self-feeling of inattention, uncoordinated movements, muscle pain and other manifestations.

When the above symptoms appear, you need to call the 120 emergency number in time.

【Health Promotion】The weather is hot, pay attention to heat prevention

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