
Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the tenth volume of Wendeng Literary and Historical Materials (December 1995), written by Zhou Yixin and Hou Xianchun, with the original title "Zheng Weiping and His People"

The following Zheng Weiping's information is transferred from Du Niang (there are discrepancies with the text):

Zheng Weiping (1887~1954) was born in Nancangmen Street, Yongnian County, Hebei Province. He graduated from Yongnian Middle School at the age of 17. In 1915, he was admitted to the Beijing Army Model Regiment founded by direct warlords. After graduating in 1917, he served as the platoon commander and company commander of the fourth company of the first regiment of the fifth mixed brigade. In 1929, he served as an inspector of the Henan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and director of the District Governor's Training Institute. He joined the Kuomintang in September. In July 1930, he served as the deputy of the major regiment of Han Fuyu's army. In January 1938, he was appointed Acting Commissioner of the Weihaiwei Administrative Office and Chief of Police. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Zheng Weiping organized local armed resistance to the Japanese army, and later organized the "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army" to destroy the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army organization. In 1942, Zheng was defeated by the Japanese army, and Zheng Weiping fled to Chongqing alone. After living in seclusion in Beijing, he was arrested and arrested by the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau of the Communist Party of China in September 1949 and executed in 1954.


When it comes to Zheng Weiping, the elderly in Jiaodong may still remember it vividly, while the young people rarely know about it. During the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the administrative inspector and security commander of the 7th District of Shandong Province, and was one of the several Kuomintang diehard guerrilla commanders in the East China Sea in Jiaodong. He once resisted the war and engaged in anti-communist friction, but later he colluded with the Japanese and the people and became a sinner in history. Based on interviews with people who had worked under his subordinates, and a review of his archives and other relevant materials during his detention, the author has compiled this article on the occasion of commemorating the 50 th anniversary of the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression for the benefit of readers. Despite this, there is still little perception of Zheng Weiping's person, and the person under investigation is not an upper-level person who has worked with Zheng, so some facts cannot be verified. Therefore, in order to restore the original historical face of this figure in this period, this article is only used to throw bricks and stones, and it needs to be supplemented by scholars and colleagues in the know.

Zheng Weiping's main political career can be roughly divided into three stages. The first stage is from the 5th Mixed Brigade to the Lushan Special Training Class; The second stage is from the main government of Weihai to the defeat of Cuixiakou; The third stage was to sell bean sprouts from the Senate of the Executive Yuan of the Kuomintang in Chongqing to the streets of Beiping. The focus here is on the second phase of the war, that is, what was done in the East China Sea, especially in the Wendeng area. Among them, it can also be divided into three periods: the period of defending the territory and resisting the war, the period of active anti-communism, and the period of merging with the enemy and the people as enemies.

1. From the Fifth Mixed Brigade to the Lushan Special Training Class

Zheng Weiping (1887-1953), whose name is Youpan, was born in Nancangmen Street, Yongnian County, Hebei Province. He attended private school at the age of 6 and graduated from Yongnian Middle School at the age of 17. After a few years in business. In 1915, he was admitted to the Beijing Army Model Regiment of the direct warlord's office, graduated in 1917, and served as a platoon commander and company commander in the fourth company of the first regiment of the Fifth Mixed Brigade. When the warlords of Zhiwan were fighting, they went home and lived idlely. In 1919, he went to Beijing again and served as a company commander in the 8th Company of the 2nd Battalion of the 30th Regiment of the 9th Division of the direct warlords. After the war, he left the army and was introduced by Cheng Shaobang to the Zhuping Railway Bureau as a clerk in the police and general affairs department in February 1924. In November of the same year, Tang Deying, director of the Tianjin Railway Bureau, was introduced to the port department of the bureau as a clerk to manage the ferry. In June 1926, he was transferred to the General Affairs Office of the Jingsui Railway Bureau as a chief clerk to manage construction projects. In September 1928, the director of the bureau was replaced, Tang resigned, and Zheng also resigned and lived idle. In 1929, he was introduced by Li Shuchun to the Henan Civil Affairs Department as an inspector and director of the district chief training center. In September of that year, he joined the Kuomintang en masse. In July 1930, Han Fuji, chairman of Henan Province of the Kuomintang, fought with Wan Xiaocai in Henan, Han was defeated and retreated to Jinan, and Li Shuchun followed Han to Jinan to serve as the director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. Because Zheng and Li were fellow villagers, they also followed Li Shishan and served as a major and deputy in the 87th Brigade of the 29th Division of the Kuomintang Third Route Army. In May 1935, he was recommended by Li to serve as the director of public security in the Weihaiwei Administrative Region Management Office. At that time, in addition to the headquarters, the Public Security Bureau also set up four public security sub-bureaus in the city, Liugong Island, and the suburbs, with a total police force of more than 300 people. In June 1936, Chiang Kai-shek held a special training class in Lushan, and Weihai went to participate in the training: Zheng Weiping, Zhang Baoshan (Wendeng, then the principal of Weihai Middle School), and Lu Zhendong (head of the education unit of the Commissioner's Office). During his training, Zheng Weiping also joined the reactionary organization of the Kuomintang, the "Registration Office for Graduates of Central Military Academies." When Lushan was trained, Zheng Weiping worked very hard and was appreciated by the Kuomintang reactionaries. At the time of graduation, it was the time of the "Seven. VII. "Incident." In August, Zheng Weiping and others returned to Weihai.

2. From the ruling Weihai to the defeat of Cuixiakou

(1) Before the fall of Weihai

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

The former site of the office building of Weihaiwei Management Office

During Zheng Weiping's tenure as the director of the public security bureau in Weihai, he had a close relationship with Sun Xifeng, the commissioner of the Weihai Health Administration Office, and Sun's daughter recognized Zheng as her godfather, and Zheng also assisted Sun in managing Weihai at first. Later, however, Zheng became more and more involved in the Kuomintang reactionaries, especially after returning from training in Lushan.

In October 1937, the Japanese invading army attacked Shandong on a large scale, Han Fuzhu's Third Route Army was defeated and retreated, and the contradiction between the anti-Japanese army and the people in Jiaodong and the Kuomintang surrender faction became increasingly acute.

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

Shandong Province of the Communist Party of China appointed Sun Mingguang, the head of the provincial "Chinese National Liberation Vanguard" (a peripheral organization of the Communist Party of China, referred to as "Minxian"), to come to Weihai to do united front work and persuade his brother and commissioner Sun Xifeng to pull a team to resist Japan. Sun Mingguang's actions aroused Zheng Weiping's hatred, and he sent people to secretly monitor and put pressure on Sun Xifeng on the other hand, in a vain attempt to expel Sun Mingguang from the country. Once Zheng Weiping said to Sun Xifengxi in a threatening tone: "Your brother is suspected of being a Communist Party, and the outside public opinion is very big, you have to tell him to leave!" And in the documents submitted to the Public Security Bureau to the Public Security Bureau, Sun Mingguang's name was named twice, accusing Sun of misconduct.

In January 1938, Sun Duanfu, the head of the Weihai Health and Political Training Office of the Kuomintang (then a member of the "Minxian"), talked to Zheng before the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China launched the Weihai armed uprising, hoping to win him to participate in the uprising and carry out the War of Resistance. At that time, Zheng said: "I must absolutely obey the leadership of the Nationalist Government and Chairman Chiang, and it is my responsibility to defend the territory and resist the war, but the situation is changing, and I will talk about it then." ”

On January 14, the Weihai Uprising was held as scheduled. On the same day, in order to sabotage the uprising, Zheng Weiping instigated the Chamber of Commerce to gather a group of thugs to make trouble at the gate of the office, and threatened Sun Xifeng not to hand over the guns in the warehouse to the rebels, in an attempt to stifle the uprising. This was a counter-revolutionary signal of action, which immediately attracted the attention of Li Qi, secretary of the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, and other leaders, who immediately took emergency measures to disperse the mob. Zheng Weiping was also intimidated by the anti-Japanese armed forces of the Chinese Communist Party and the anti-Japanese prestige of the people, and did not dare to act rashly. Escorted by the rebels, Sun Xifeng left Wei by boat on the afternoon of January 16 and went to Hong Kong. Soon after, the Kuomintang Shandong Provincial Government appointed Zheng Weiping as the acting commissioner and director of the Public Security Bureau of the Weihaiwei Administrative Office.

After the fall of Yantai, the Japanese sent Zhao Lengwen, the former chief writer of the "Huanghai Chaobao", from Qingdao to Weihai to persuade Zheng Weiping to surrender; Yantai also sent traitors to persuade Zheng to defect to the enemy. At this time, a Japanese ship sailed into Weihai Port and sent personnel to land to find Clark, the manager of the British Thai & Foreign Company, to move Zheng Weiping to surrender. Sun Xintian and Qi Renting of the Kractaw Chamber of Commerce negotiated with Zheng on the following terms: (1) the Weihai Navy and Police were disarmed; (2) Due to the anti-Japanese resistance of all teachers and students of Weihai Middle School, the school will not be opened temporarily; (3) Weihai does not hang the blue sky and white sun flag. If Zheng Weiping agreed to these three conditions, the Japanese army would not enter Weihaiwei.

At that time, Zheng Weiping wanted to be friendly with the Japanese, but also did not want to betray the notorious reputation of traitors, so he compromised with the Japanese on the grounds of agreeing to the first two conditions. Due to the lack of confidentiality, the news was leaked to Zhang Baoshan by his subordinate Teng Pinsan (Zhang Baoshan's cousin). Zhang Wenxun went to question Zheng, but Zheng was red-faced and denied it.

In February 1938, when Weihai Middle School opened, Zheng Weiping anxiously went to Zhang Baoshan and said shamelessly: "Weizhong can't open school, this is what the Japanese mean." He also made a letter of appointment on the spot, asking Zhang Baoshan to serve as the chief of the public works section of the office. Zhang Jian refused to accept it, and accused Zheng of going on like this, and he wanted to sue the Central Committee of the Kuomintang. Zheng was indignant at the pressure of the people's war of resistance and public opinion in society, and did not dare to surrender to the Japanese invaders.

In March of that year, Zhang Chucai, the chief of the Kuomintang Navy's Third Fleet Naval Teaching Team stationed in Weihai, and his wife and son, saw that Beiping and Tianjin had been lost, North China was dying, Han Fuyu had fled without a fight in Jinan, and Zhangdian, Weifang, Yantai and other places had fallen one after another. In the early morning of March 7, guided by Zhang, the Japanese warships sailed from Yantai into Weihai Port. At that time, Zheng Weiping led five or six hundred people from Weihai Weizheng and the police to evacuate the city in panic and fled to the mountainous areas around Yangting, Hot Spring Tang and Wulin; An Tinggeng of the Weihai Navy Teaching Team led more than 100 people and also withdrew to Liulin Village with Zheng. In the afternoon, the Japanese puppet army landed at the Weihai pier.

(2) Defending the territory and resisting the war

The first battle against Weihaiwei

Zheng Weiping had just received the title of acting commissioner for just over a month, and the territory was occupied by the Japanese invaders. The loss of territory means the loss of status, how can you be willing! At that time, under the impetus of the Communist Party of China and the Eighth Route Army to the Kuomintang and its army, he put forward the idea of "cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the United War of Resistance", and under the influence of the torrent of the people of the whole country rising up to resist the war and save the country, especially in the "Third Army of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese Salvation Army" just formed by the Communist Party of China, on February 13, the first Muping City, captured more than 100 people under the puppet county magistrate Song Jianwu, and swirled in the "Thunder Temple" to fight fiercely against the Japanese invaders, and fired the first shot of the Jiaodong War of Resistance. Then, together with the Weihai Naval Training Brigade An Tingeng Division and the Wendeng Security Brigade Cong Jingyue Division, taking advantage of the opportunity of the puppet army to invade Weihai and gain a stable foothold, under the personal command of Zheng and Cong, on the night of March 11, they carried out a surprise attack on the Japanese invaders in an attempt to recover Weihai. Zheng and Cong Yi were familiar with the terrain and commanded their troops to advance from the south and southwest of the city respectively, and soon attacked the enemy-occupied northern camp. They fought until dawn, killing and wounding 20 or 30 Japanese puppet soldiers. At this time, with the cooperation of four planes sent by Qingdao, the Japanese invaders poured out of their nests and counterattacked. Zheng's army was defeated, and Zheng led his troops to quickly withdraw. Congbu could not retreat in time, and was covered by the second captain Zhao Shanzhai in the rear, surrounded by the enemy, with more than 40 casualties, and Zhao Shanzhai was also stabbed to death with a bayonet by the Japanese invaders.

On March 17, Zheng Weiping commanded troops to attack the dock area.

In these two raids, Zheng Bu dared to go deep into the urban area, which had a great impact at the time, and also became Zheng's political capital for boasting and being promoted. On the one hand, he used An Yangeng to report his merits to Shen Honglie, chairman of the Kuomintang Shandong Province; On the one hand, Zhang Baoshan was asked to telegraph Chiang Kai-shek to commend him in the name of "the head of the Weihai Communications Group directly under the Investigation and Registration Office of Graduates of the Central Military Academies." Chiang Kai-shek replied to Zheng Weiping. At this time, Zheng Weiping became an anti-Japanese figure in the East China Sea.

"Triptych" War of Resistance

After the Japanese invaded and occupied Yantai and Weihai, the situation in Jiaodong became increasingly tense, and the national contradictions further intensified. In order to unite all the forces that can be united and fight together to resist the war, the East China Sea Border Working Committee of the Communist Party of China contacted Zheng Weiping, Wang Xingren, Cong Jingyue, An Tinggeng, Yan Lianli and other Kuomintang security forces and local miscellaneous armies, and held a meeting of representatives of the Wen, Rong, and Wei anti-Japanese coalition forces in Wendeng City in late March 1938. In accordance with the spirit of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the higher-level party organizations that "when the country and the nation are in danger, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party should donate their suspicions, share the same hatred of the enemy, and fight together to resist the war", it is advocated that the three counties (districts) should be divided into defense areas, and all parties should be stationed to jointly resist the war. This initiative was in line with the intention of the Kuomintang Central Committee at that time, so Zheng Weiping agreed and reached an agreement: the three counties (districts) formally established the "Anti-Japanese Allied Army" to defend the territory and resist the war. At that time, Zheng's troops were stationed in the Yangting area, which was the left road, called "Lianyi"; An Tinggeng's department is stationed in Liulin, which is the front, and is called the "United Two" The three armies and three anti-Japanese armed forces led by the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China are stationed in Jiajiao, which is the right road, called "Lian Three".

At the same time, the garrisons of all parties in Wendeng County followed suit. Wang Xingren's salt police force stationed in the waterway, called "Lianyi"; The security forces of Cong Jingyue stationed in Wencheng are called "Lian Er"; The armed forces of the Chinese Communist Party (leaders Tianzhuang and Yu Niang) stationed in the vicinity of Tianfu Mountain and Da Shui Po are called "Lian San". Mr. Zhao Xin, then the magistrate of Wendeng County and a calligrapher, was also publicly elected as the commander of the coalition forces, and Cong Jingyue was the deputy commander. Since then, all ministries have been called "Lian 1", "Lian 2", and "Lian 3", not the original number. For a period of time, people were accustomed to calling the "Sanlian" War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, which was deeply supported and loved by patriots from all walks of life and the broad masses of the people.

The Battle of Weihai dealt a blow to the arrogance of the Japanese invaders; The establishment of the coalition army stabilized the people's morale, boosted morale, and further boosted Zheng Weiping's confidence in "defending the territory and resisting the war". As a result, Zheng Weiping reported to the Kuomintang Central Government to approve the establishment of the Weihaiwei Administrative Region Security Command, with Zheng concurrently serving as the commander. The headquarters consists of: the Political Department, the General Staff Office, the Secretariat, the Adjutant General's Office, the Economic Office and the Military Judge Advocate General's Office.

At this time, Zheng Weiping rectified the administrative organization and merged the eight autonomous regions of Weihaiwei to form the "District Mayor's Office", urging all departments to resume work; On the one hand, the army was reorganized and expanded. First, the four public security bureaus of Weihaiwei and nearly 400 policemen were formed into four security brigades, and then new recruits were actively recruited. He asked his henchmen Wang Xinfu and others to use the anti-Japanese signboard to recruit troops and expand their strength. By the autumn of that year, it had been expanded into eight infantry battalions and technical battalions, a guard battalion, two special units, and a plainclothes unit, totaling more than 2,400 men and more than 1,500 long and short guns. In addition, there was a clothing factory, a repair shop, and a wartime hospital.

Since March 11 and March 17, after the Japanese puppet army was attacked, they frequently dispatched and continued to attack Nanxiang, and successively entered Liulin, Yaojiao, Songjiafa, Changfeng, Zhikou, Zhanggezhuang, Duobudian, Beishan and other places on March 28, Zhongdian in April, and April 22 to sweep up, all of which were severely attacked by Zheng Bu; On May 5, the Japanese puppet army rushed from Weihai to the direction of Liulin, and when they reached Leopard Tiger Mountain, they were blocked by Zheng Bu, killing dozens of enemies and killing the enemy chief Sakai. Zheng Tu created a pseudo-Japanese and played a role in skin work. According to his "Military Report of the Weihai District Security Command" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") to the Central Committee of the Kuomintang: "All the police officers were organized into four teams and began the war of resistance. From 11 March to the end of May, he fled to attack Weihai seven times, and fought more than 20 battles in Songjiawa, Changfeng, Baohushan, Yekou, and other places. ”

On May 14, 1938, he was ordered by the Shandong Provincial Government to establish the Weihai Office of the Seventh Administrative Region of Shandong Province, and appointed Zheng Weiping as the Inspector and Acting Commissioner of the Seventh Administrative Region and the Commander of Security, with jurisdiction over five counties including Wendeng, Rongcheng, Muping, Fushan, and Haiyang, as well as the cities of Yantai and Weihai (then Rushan Weizhi County). Zheng reorganized his subordinate unit into the 1st Security Brigade of the 7th District, and concurrently served as the brigade commander (the brigade consisted of regiments, battalions, and companies); commanded seven "commanders" such as Wang Xingren, Qin Yutang, and Ding Ningting; Wang Xingren's salt police force was also reorganized into the 2nd Security Brigade of the 7th District, with Wang as the brigade commander, stationed in Wendeng and Rongcheng; The Ding Ting unit was reorganized into the 3rd Security Brigade of the 7th District, with Ding as the brigade commander and stationed in Muping; Qin Yutang's troops were reorganized into the Fourth Security Brigade of the Seventh District, with Qin as the brigade commander and stationed in the Rushan area; Zhang Jianxun's unit was reorganized into the Fifth Brigade of the Seventh District Security, with Zhang as the brigade commander (deputy brigade commander Zhao Hanqing), stationed in Muping; Hu Shouheng's department was assigned to the Second Brigade of Security in the Seventh District, with Hu as the deputy brigade commander and the county magistrate of Rongcheng County, stationed in Rongcheng; Cong Jingyue Department was assigned to the Third Brigade of Security in the Seventh District, Cong served as the deputy brigade commander, the county magistrate of Wendeng County, and was stationed in Wendeng; Miao Zhankui's department was organized into the Fifth Security Regiment of the Seventh District, and Miao served as the head of the regiment and the police chief of Muping County, stationed in Muping; An Tinggeng's naval training team was reorganized into the 6th Security Regiment of the 7th District, with An as the head of the regiment and stationed in Muping; Chen Yu served as the magistrate of Fushan County. The total number of troops reached 4,000 at the time of the increase.

Since then, Zheng Weiping has also fought more than a dozen small battles, winning and losing. Such as Erlong Tiger Mountain, Soap Mountain, Li Jiatuan and other battles. But he exaggerated the results of the war and lied about the military situation. In Zheng Bu's "Report" to the Central Committee of the Kuomintang, he said: "In 1938, it fought 33 battles against the Japanese invading army, killing and wounding more than 1,300 enemies. "The actual situation is that at that time, the Japanese army invaded Wei with less than one squadron, less than 100 people, and three brigades of the puppet army, more than 400 people, a total of more than 500 people. Even if all these Japanese puppet troops were killed and wounded, they would be killed and wounded at least twice.

Bloody battle against Xiangyang Mountain

In the frequent battles of the puppet army on the same day, Zheng Weiping knew very well in his heart that the vast majority of his own troops of more than 2,000 people had no formal training, lacked experience in fighting, had very poor military and political quality, and their weapons and equipment were extremely backward and incomplete, and more than one-third of the soldiers had no guns in their hands. It is quite difficult for such a unit with very poor combat effectiveness to successfully resist or take the initiative to attack the enemy. Therefore, in addition to the Seventh District Security Command, he urged all counties under his command to expand the security brigade into regiments on the original basis, actively raise weapons and equipment, strengthen military and political training, and rapidly improve the quality of military and political affairs, so as to meet the needs of defending the territory and resisting Japanese aggression.

At this time, the local armed forces in Haiyang County, in addition to the police officers of the police station, mainly included eight standing units under the county security brigade. Comparatively speaking, in terms of weaponry, quality of personnel, training and discipline, the seventh sector is second to none. Zheng Weiping is very concerned about this. However, at that time, the counties and districts were in their own ways, and the local conservatism was an intractable knot.

At a meeting of the Senate, Senators Jiang Chunting (from Haiyang County) and Wang Xinfu (chairman of the Weihaiwei Finance Committee) actively suggested that Zheng, in his capacity as acting commissioner of the Seventh Administrative Region of Shandong Province, order the local military and police units of Haiyang County under his jurisdiction to fight in Weiwei. This is exactly what Zheng Yi wants. In order to achieve this goal, Zheng envoy Jiang Chunting and others went to Haiyang many times to mediate. After obtaining the consent of all walks of life in the county, Zheng Weiping officially issued the order.

After the military and political authorities of Haiyang County received Zheng Weiping's order for them to form a team to fight in Weiwei, acting county magistrate Jiang Shixun convened a joint military-political meeting attended by Li Jianwu, head of the security brigade, Ji Suizhi, chief of the police, and other dignitaries of the government, associations, districts, and standing captains. At the meeting, it was decided to merge the eight standing units into a single security regiment, which will be organized according to the three-three system, with three brigades under its jurisdiction, three squadrons under the brigade, three detachments for each squadron, and three more squads for each detachment, with a total of 700 personnel. Li Jianwu is the head of the regiment, and Ji Suizhi is the deputy commander. He also established the "Military Police Former Enemy Command" in Haiyang County, and publicly recommended Jiang Chengjiu, the fifth standing captain, as the commander-in-chief.

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

Jiang Chengjiu is a native of Qiukou Village, Jiangjia, the former fifth district of Haiyang County (now Xujiadian Town), a young man who practiced martial arts, was admitted to the Shandong Military School, and after graduation, he followed Chen Tiaoyuan to serve as the battalion commander of the major in Anhui, and was invited to return to his hometown, and cooperated with the county authorities to expand the armed forces, defend the land and resist the war, and was a well-trained, well-governed, wise and brave commander, and won the appreciation of people with lofty ideals from all walks of life.

The military and political authorities of Haiyang County have concentrated the best guns and ammunition in the county to equip this team, so that each soldier has a gun and a big knife. In order to avoid their worries, the county government paid double salaries to the soldiers who went to Weiwei, and also gave their families preferential treatment in many ways.

On the morning of November 21, 1938, the troops going to Weihai set off from Haiyang Xia Village, and under the personal leadership of Jiang Chengjiu, they marched to Weihai District. They traveled 180 miles day and night, and on the 22nd, they successfully arrived at the villages around Wolong and Xiaohuang in the fourth and sixth districts of Weihaiwei.

At that time, Zheng Weiping's leadership center, with the continuous expansion of the jurisdiction, from spring to autumn, has been gradually transferred from Yangting, Wulin and other places to the area of Xiaohuang Village. In addition to the troops stationed in Hanjiashan, Wulin, Qikuo and other places, the rear units are Gongweichang Daotou, Yangjia Wolong, Moshan, Duobudian and other villages.

Before the arrival of the Haiyang troops, Zheng Weiping specially invited the leaders of the garrisons around the jurisdiction: Wang Xingren, An Tinggeng, Hu Shouheng, etc. to come to greet them; Wang Jingwu, chief of staff of the Ludong Branch, also attended the meeting on the spot, and sent the heads of various districts to be responsible for the reception.

At this time, the Japanese puppet army stationed in Weiwei had received information and hurriedly dispatched troops to various battlefields to Weiwei in an attempt to annihilate this force.

The arrival of this unit has greatly encouraged the officers and men of Zhengbu and the local people, and has been welcomed by the local government and people from all walks of life, who have constantly expressed their condolences to them. Zheng Weiping also deliberately squeezed out the non-staple food and daily necessities that were originally supplied to the soldiers of the headquarters to supply them; and held a banquet to wash the dust for the commanders at all levels, and Jiang Yanjiu was also promoted to the colonel and chief of staff of the Security Command.

After arriving at the defensive position, the Hai Duong troops took a short break and threw themselves into various preparations for war, such as intense observation positions, familiarization with the terrain, reinforcement of fortifications, and drawing up combat plans. In these activities, Zheng Weiping said to Jiang Chengjiu many times: "Now the enemy is outnumbered, dare to be strong and I am weak, and we must not fall in love with war," but Jiang Chengjiu repeatedly said: "We are soldiers, and it is our duty to defend the land and resist the war; When the survival of the country and the nation is in danger, we have already promised the country with our bodies, put life and death outside the degree, and will not destroy the Japanese and philosophers; This time, the enemy will fight to the death! And in the name of the former enemy headquarters of the Weihai Anti-Japanese War, the "Declaration of the Military Police of Haiyang County to Weihai Anti-Japanese War" was issued.

On November 26, when Jiang Zhoujiu led a part of the team to observe the terrain in the area of Leopard Tiger Mountain, he encountered the Japanese invaders, fought fiercely for more than an hour, repelled the enemy, and won the first battle. In this battle, more than 20 Japanese puppet soldiers were killed and wounded (30 or 40 according to Zheng Zhanbao), and Jiang suffered only one casualty.

The first battle of Leopard Tiger Mountain severely damaged the enemy and greatly strengthened the military might. However, it also made the enemy chieftain angry. They transferred reinforcements from Qingdao and Yantai, gathered more than 1,500 people, and divided their troops into two routes late at night on the 28th: the east road marched south along Yekou; The west road was inserted from Ludaokou and Xiaoruan Tong to the east, and carried out a joint encirclement and sneak attack on the areas of Huangshan, Wulin, Xiaohuang, and Wolong, the garrisons of Zheng (Weiping) and Jiang (Chengjiu), in a vain attempt to wipe out this armed force. In the early morning of the 29th, the vanguard of the enemy army on the west road marched to the east mountain of Yaokuo, and accidentally set a shack on fire, which was discovered by Zheng Bu's Yuhuangdian outpost in the north mountain of Huangshan, and Zheng Weiping immediately ordered his troops to enter the position. At the same time, Jiang Yanjiu also obtained information on the movement of enemy troops on the eastern route to the west. After he keenly judged the intention of the Japanese puppet army, he decisively led the third brigade to meet the enemy in Qikuo Nanshan, and wrote a message to Gao Xingyuan, the captain of the brigade who temporarily left the headquarters, in a hurry, asking him to lead the rest of the troops to the high ground around Xiangyang Mountain to arrange the second line of defense.

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

At about 2 o'clock in the morning, the rampant Japanese puppet army, after forming its encirclement posture, divided its troops into six routes, fiercely pounced in the direction of North Huangshan, East and West Wulin, Xiaohuang, Wolong, and so on. At this time, the Haiyang troops and some officers and men of the 5th and 6th battalions of the Zheng Department who had withdrawn south from the northern front held their positions on Xiangyang Mountain, heroically blocking the enemy, and the battle raged. At dawn, the enemy launched a more fierce attack on the Xiangyangshan position from the east and west flanks.

Xiangyang Mountain, located in the northwest of Wendeng County, the main peak is Heishi Boron, the altitude is 272.8 meters, the lower one is also 197 meters, the mountain position extends more than 1,000 meters from east to west, and continues more than 2,000 meters to the north. Jiang Yanjiu's field command post is located on the top of the Buddha on the north side of Heishi Boron. After he moved back to the Xiangyang Mountain position from the northern front, he personally commanded the mountain troops to counterattack the enemy, and he was extremely brave. Wearing a military coat and holding a shell gun, he went back and forth to the east and west mountains, supervising the formation and commanding, and shouted from time to time: "Brothers, we are the sons and daughters of China, in order to save the country and the people, we must bravely kill the enemy, and we must never be a misseeder!" Zhou Shaoxian, the secretary of the army, and others sang the "March of the Big Knife" - "The big knife cut off the heads of the devils......" and other war songs to kill the enemy. Under the influence of Jiang Chengjiu's heroic battle, the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice, and the encouragement of the battle song of killing the enemy, all the officers and men always maintained a vigorous fighting spirit. Everyone hated the same enemy and fought hard. The enemy used modern firearms such as steel cannons, grenadiers, and light and heavy machine guns to bombard the hilltop positions, and sometimes planes took turns in the air. The soldiers who held the hilltop position used broadsword firearms, "earth pressure five" rifles, pole guns and ox leg guns to counterattack the enemy. The only small steel cannon of the 5th Battalion of Zheng Bu in the forward position was jammed after a few shells were fired; There was also a corbel cannon that exploded after a few sounds, killing and injuring more than a dozen of his brothers. However, the soldiers were undaunted and became more and more courageous the more they fought. In the course of one morning, the enemy, suppressed by heavy artillery fire, launched four or five consecutive charges at the hilltop position, but all of them were counterattacked. In the white-knuckle fighting, thirty or forty soldiers in the Haiyang army who were proficient in martial arts, wielding broadswords, killed many devils, and there was a warrior who knew martial arts, after hacking to death many enemies, he was shot and bulleted, and his stomach was pierced, and his comrades-in-arms persuaded him to go down, and he insisted on refusing to say: "I have been hating for many years, and I want to kill the Japanese invaders, and I am willing to give up today!" "I continued to fight, and finally died of excessive blood loss. Detachment leader Sun Wenhua, seeing that several brothers were in danger, held a grudge to save them, but unfortunately was shot and martyred. In this repeated rush and killing, Dare Chieftain Imamura, the junior official Shiro was killed, and the enemy officers and soldiers suffered heavy casualties. The battle is in a stalemate. Suddenly, on the hillside of the eastern flank of the position, a heavy machine gun of the enemy frantically fired at the hilltop position, posing a serious threat to the officers and men holding the hilltop position. In order to snatch this machine gun and eliminate the danger, Jiang Yanjiu immediately organized the warriors of the special service platoon and personally led the charge. At the moment when this machine gun was within reach and was about to play Kai, Jiang Yanjiu was knocked down by a bullet fired by the enemy on another hillside and died heroically for the country at the age of 35.

The death of Jiang Chengjiu, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, gave a great shock to all the officers and men in the fierce battle, and the military was alarmed. So, the troops were assembled to launch a charge and break through the ravine on the east side of the hilltop position. At about 5 p.m., the commander gave an order, and hundreds of warriors jumped up and roared angrily, "Rush! "Kill!" Rushing down like a Russian tiger pounced. The Japanese puppet army lying in wait on the hillside was frightened by the sudden crowd and roar, and by the time the enemy woke up, most of the officers and men of the Haiyang Army had rushed to the foot of the mountain and retreated south along the east ditch of Majiakou Village. However, at this moment, the enemy's machine guns on the northern slope and the high ground on the right side of the hill simultaneously opened heavy fire on the southward retreating crowd, causing many officers and men of this anti-Japanese war team, which had suffered few casualties, to fall on the way back. The heavily damaged Japanese puppet army did not dare to fight, and hurriedly withdrew to Weihai.

In this battle, the Japanese puppet army suffered more than 200 casualties, and the coalition forces also suffered more than 130 casualties (including 85 officers and soldiers of the Haiyang military and police).

The battle of Xiangyang Mountain dealt a heavy blow to the invading Japanese invaders, making it a big city. According to the rumors of Weihai citizens, the Japanese puppet army held a memorial service for its dead officers and soldiers at that time, and at the meeting, a puppet army commander (Changweiren) was executed on the spot on the charge of incorrect military information.

It should also be mentioned here that the fathers and elders of the villages near the battlefield vigorously supported the troops participating in the battle from all sides. At that time, the Zhengbu Forward Hospital was set up in Ximagezhuang, 14 miles away from the battlefield, and many people used door panels and stretchers to rush back and forth to transport the wounded, and some buried the fallen soldiers on the spot. A few days later, Wang Xinfu, the new head of Haiyang County, sent a working group headed by Song Yuxian to carry the bodies of the martyrs of Haiyang, and the local people helped raise 85 coffins and 85 sets of mule and horse carts to form a spirit transport team to transport the coffins of the fallen soldiers. On the day of the spirit, the surrounding people gathered in groups, comforted each other with food, sacrificed to the heroic spirits, and said goodbye with tears.

Zheng Weiping also held a memorial meeting at the battlefield to praise the patriotic spirit of the fallen soldiers who were loyal to the nation and served the country, making them famous for thousands of years; In addition to holding a memorial meeting, the Haiyang military and political authorities also built a martyr's shrine in Fa Cheng; Jiang Chengjiu was also posthumously awarded the rank of major general by Shangfeng, and Xiangyang Mountain was named Qijiu Mountain. In March 1985, Jiang Yanjiu was officially posthumously recognized as a revolutionary martyr by the Shandong Provincial People's Government.

Passive resistance

After the battle of Xiangyangshan, under the large-scale attack of the Japanese puppets, Zheng Weiping's troops were defeated and retreated. When Zheng retreated to Longhu Mountain in Yangting, Weihai, Songjiadian in Rongcheng County, and Wendeng County, the officers and soldiers had no fighting spirit and fled in embarrassment as soon as they saw the Japanese puppet army.

In order to defend the territory and preserve his strength, Zheng Weiping convened a plenary military and political summit and decided: to establish a base area in the Kunyu Mountains, prepare to implement the "curve to save the country", and fight the war of resistance for a long time. In addition to readjusting the defense of the troops, it also moved the military and political leadership center to the Gutou area, and set up a military factory and a clothing factory in the mountains to manufacture 79 rifles, grenades, and sewing clothes to supplement the troops' weapons and equipment. It also issued the "Weihaiwei Circulation Coupon", which was circulated in the market within its jurisdiction.

He also instructed all counties and garrison units under his command to stick to their areas and carry out anti-Japanese resistance. Take "If the enemy does not advance, I will not fight; If the enemy attacks, we will attack" and guerrilla tactics (after that, the masses called the recalcitrant troops everywhere "guerrillas"). In essence, this is a passive resistance to war, and to guerrilla without attacking. At that time, it was widely circulated among the people: "The oil cake team (because Zheng's troops forced the common people to cook oil cakes wherever they went, so the masses called them oil cake teams), ate and slept to their heart's content, and retreated when they saw the devils; Today's donation is in vain, tomorrow's tax is a scourge, and the people are full of crimes".

According to the needs of the struggle situation, in April and May 1939, the CCP divided Jiaodong into five regions: East China Sea, West China Sea, North China Sea, South China Sea and Weibei. Among them, the Donghai region has jurisdiction over the current Weihai, Rongcheng, Wendeng, Muping, Rushan, Haiyang and other counties and cities.

In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang was relatively politically enlightened and had a relatively "good" relationship with the CCP. However, after the stalemate phase of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression arrived, because Japan changed the focus of its policy toward the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, in addition to fighting the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army with its main forces, it also stepped up its political inducement activities against the Kuomintang and did its utmost to disintegrate China's anti-Japanese national united front. In this situation, the Kuomintang capitulated and anti-communist activities intensified day by day. At the end of 1938, the Wang Jingwei clique publicly surrendered to Japan and became a shameful traitor and traitor. Although the Chiang Kai-shek clique did not openly surrender to Japan, it changed its domestic and foreign policies. From the relatively active anti-Japanese resistance and cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, to the policy of eliminating anti-Japanese resistance and actively opposing the Communist Party and the people. From the winter of 1939 to the summer of 1943, the Kuomintang set off three anti-communist upsurges. During this period, Zheng Weiping also followed closely behind, and embarked on the road of active anti-communism step by step from the passive anti-Japanese war.

(3) Actively anti-communist

Wang Tuan meeting

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

In the summer of 1939, Zheng Weiping convened a high-level military and political conference attended by all brigades, regiments and county magistrates of the Seventh Administrative Region in Wang Tuan, Wendeng County, to convey and implement the spirit of the Fifth Central Committee of the Kuomintang and Chiang Kai-shek's policy of "first securing the interior before attacking the outside."

Zheng Weiping, adhering to Chiang Kai-shek's anti-communist and anti-people will, demanded that no Communist Party organizational activities should be allowed in the Seventh Administrative Region, let alone open institutions. At the meeting, according to Zhao Hanqing's proposal: "Now is the extraordinary period of the Anti-Japanese War, and the first of all aspects of the Seventh Administrative Region, that is, the participants this time, should be good friends with Jinlan and go to the national disaster together." Everyone agreed. They are: Zheng Weiping, Wang Xingren, Ding Weiting, Qin Yutang, Zhang Jianxun, Zhao Hanqing, Cong Jingyue, Hu Shouheng, Miao Zhankui, An Tinggeng, and Chen Yu. The meeting also approved the renaming of the "Anti-Japanese Allied Army" as the "Anti-Eighth Allied Army," the establishment of the "Anti-Eighth Allied Army" headquarters, and the public promotion of Zheng Weiping as commander. At this point, the "Anti-Japanese Allied Army" formed by the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in the East China Sea, which was deeply supported by patriots and people from all walks of life, broke down, and within a day the local recalcitrant troops became veritable anti-communist and anti-people "Anti-Japanese Allied Army." Zheng Weiping also completely gave up the original intention of "defending the territory and resisting the war", and turned the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army. He commanded the recalcitrant troops everywhere to besiege, attack, intercept, and massacre the Communist Party, the Eighth Route Army, their families, and the anti-Japanese people. The following is written in chronological order around several "tragedies" caused by it, although it is a glimpse, it can still get a glimpse of the whole leopard.

The tragedy of the Ge family

On December 24, 1937 and January 14, 1938, the anti-Japanese armed uprisings in Wendeng Tianfushan and Weihai led by the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China respectively established the "Third Army of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army", and established anti-Japanese base areas in Xishanglian (Lai), Huang (county) and Ye (county). On September 18, 1939, the "Three Armies" were reorganized into the "Fifth Detachment of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Column of the Eighth Route Army" (referred to as the Eighth Route Branch). In order to unite all the forces that can be united and fight together to resist the war, the special representative of the Communist Party of China and Zheng Weiping agreed to set up an anti-Japanese joint office of the five detachments of the Eighth Route Army (referred to as the Gejia Office) in Gejiaji, Wendeng County, which was approved by Zheng. The director of the office was first Tian Zhuang (Tian Xiangting), and then Li Weichuan took over. After the establishment of the office, it actively publicized and mobilized the masses to carry out anti-Japanese and life-saving activities, and won high prestige among the people.

Zheng Weiping confessed while in custody: In the autumn of 1939, he instructed Qin Yutang to send troops nearby (at that time, Qin Yutang's troops were stationed in the Qujiakou area of Kunyu Mountain and Banzikou on the southern slope of the mountain) to enter Lujiaji, Wendeng County, and take action against the camera of the Eighth Route Army Office in Gejiaji. Qin often sent plainclothes agents to the Ge family's office to spy on or provoke trouble. At about 8 o'clock in the evening of August 1, 14 plainclothes agents rushed to the gate of the Gejia office, shot and killed Lin Zhitian, a staff member, and then immediately rushed into the courtyard and shot Cai Xiuying (Li Weichuan's wife), the deputy director of the office, and at the same time tied up Li Weichuan, the director of the office, Liu Guoheng, the secretary, and Jiang Shun, the traffic officer, together with Cai Xiuying, who was injured and fell to the ground, and took them to a field in the northeast of the village and shot them to death. At this time, Cai Xiuying was several months pregnant, and the bandits shot Cai Bulge in the abdomen, declaring: "We must cut the grass and eradicate the roots, and leave no future troubles!" Then he fled in a southeasterly direction. Cai didn't die at that time, she rolled in the ditch next to her, and an hour later, some people came and carried her to Teng Shusheng's small pharmacy for rescue, and she died in the middle of the night.

After the Gejia tragedy, the five detachments of the Eighth Route Army returned to Kunyu Mountain from the west and east to garrison, and the commander Sun Duanfu sent a representative to Gutouji to negotiate with Zheng Weiping: to investigate and punish the murderers who caused the tragedy; requested that a memorial meeting be held in Gejiaji to mourn the martyrs; Ask Zheng Weiping not to repeat similar incidents. These demands for justice were all rejected by Zheng Weiping. Zheng He immediately convened a military meeting of the headquarters of the "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army" and formulated a plan for fighting the five detachments of the Eighth Route Army. In order to prevent the overall situation of the War of Resistance and avoid a head-on conflict with Zheng, the latter five detachments took the initiative to withdraw, and a civil war was avoided.

Lin Cun tragedy

In mid-February 1940, the Japanese invaders concentrated their forces and launched a "hair-combing" sweep in the entire Jiaodong area of our country. At that time, in the East China Sea District, Zheng Weiping's "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army" and the local miscellaneous teams pulled up were everywhere. There are no less than a dozen commanders, big and small. Under the banner of "defending the territory and resisting the war", they pulled forces to "occupy the mountains as kings", and they did not want to sincerely resist Japan at all. At present, some of them defected to the enemy and treason, aiding and abetting; Some abandoned their spears and fled, scattering as birds and beasts. In the face of this situation, the East China Sea Committee mobilized party organizations at all levels, the vast number of party members and the masses of the people to act quickly, pick guns and pull arms, and set up the "Ninth Army of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army", with Yu Kegong concurrently serving as commander; Each county set up another brigade, which was later converted into a battalion and belonged to the Ninth Army, which soon numbered more than 1,600 people.

In mid-March 1940, the Jiaodong District Party appointed Lin Maohai from

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

Penglai came to Lin Village and organized Lin Xuewen, Lin Fengkun, Lin Huazheng, and other members of the Communist Party of the village to secretly set up a small arsenal at Lin Pengzhen's house to renovate and manufacture guns and ammunition for the troops. Soon, he was detected by Zheng Bu's spies. At about 11 o'clock in the morning of April 14, Wang Xingren and more than 500 people from Zhao Hanqing's department suddenly rushed from the Gejia area to surround Lin Village, and rushed straight to the arsenal to arrest Song Ganqing, military minister of the prefectural party committee, Lin Shan, a cadre, and Lin Hai, the person in charge of the factory, as well as Lin Xuewen, Lin Huazheng, and Lin Pengzhen, who were guiding the work here. The recalcitrant army escorted Song Ganqing and others to the village ancestral hall and tortured them to extract confessions. The enemy first dragged Song Ganqing, Lin Guishan and Lin Maohai to the street and cut them in two with guillotines; He also hacked the other three to death with knives.

On April 18, the prefectural party committee and headquarters received a report from Lin Fengkun in Wen and Rongbian, and Yu Kegong and several leaders studied and decided: leave the three battalions in place, concentrate the strength of the four battalions and move westward, crusade against Wang Xingren's troops, and consolidate and expand the anti-Japanese base area in the area of Lincun.

On April 19, after a day's rapid march, he rushed to the area of Wendeng Jianggezhuang and Qinglongkuo in the evening. In the evening, Yu Kegong convened a military meeting to study and decide on the battle plan for the crusade against Wang Xingren's troops. The front line is commanded by the chief of staff Yu Xin.

In the middle of the night, the 1st and 2nd Battalions moved to the northeast and southeast of Lincun, forming a semi-encircled posture, and at the same time attacking the recalcitrant army; The three battalions were ambushed in the vicinity of Daying Village in the northwest, trying to stop the fleeing enemy or enemy reinforcements; The Fifth Battalion stayed in Caobu Village to guard the organs and headquarters of the local committee, and also served as a reserve.

After the battle began, he was desperately resisted by the stubborn enemy, and by dawn, he could not end the battle on time. In the early morning of 20 April, Yu Kegong led his staff officers to the front line to observe the fighting situation. The fighting was fiercely fought, with heavy casualties on both sides. At about 7 o'clock, the enemy transferred more than 600 reinforcements from the Shangli end from Gejia. The enemy rushed straight to Lin Village from the northeast, and the attack was fierce. The three battalions were not supported and retreated to the south. The enemy then caught up. On the west bank of the Sow River, Yu Kegong encountered the enemy, was shot in the abdomen in the fierce battle, and was stabbed by the enemy with a bayonet, and he and the guards died heroically; Gauden, the head of the reconnaissance section, was captured and taken to Ge's house where he was brutally killed.

After the arrival of reinforcements, our army suffered from the enemy, and the two sides started a battle in the village with one lane and one courtyard, and the battle became even more fierce. At about 9 o'clock in the morning, Yu saw that the disparity between the strength of the enemy and us was too great to fight for a long time, so he ordered his troops to withdraw eastward to the east bank of the Sow River.

In the Lincun tragedy, more than 30 soldiers and staff members of the CPC East China Sea Committee, commander of the East China Sea Division, commander of the Ninth Army, Song Ganqing, military minister of the East China Sea Committee, and Gao Dengzhi, chief of the reconnaissance section of the East China Naval Division, were killed. 3 innocent people were killed by the recalcitrant army; More than 60 people were arrested; He also robbed the equipment and materials of our arsenal and the property of some people such as Lin Fengkun and Lin Huazheng, who were staff members of the arsenal.

Create friction

In February 1940, the Japanese invaders carried out a sweep of Jiaodong, and occupied Wendeng City on February 18, and successively established more than ten strongholds in Dashuibo, Gaoli and other places, controlling the important towns and traffic arteries of our four townships. At this time, Zheng Weiping was afraid of the enemy like a tiger, not only did he not organize the troops to counter-sweep, but the enemy was present, letting the troops do their own thing, scattering and fleeing for their lives. What is even more serious is that some of the officers and soldiers of the Zheng Department surrendered to the Japanese in rows and turned into puppet troops. The officers above the battalion level who surrendered to the enemy in Weihai were: Wang Shufang, commander of the Guards Battalion, Ju Weijian, deputy of the captain of the 4th Battalion, and Li Qingzhong, deputy of the 8th Battalion; Company-level officials Li Fengqi and Xia Yuanhong, as well as Teng Pinsan, deputy of the captain battalion of the guard battalion who surrendered in Rongcheng.

After the Japanese puppet sweep, Zheng Weiping broke up the troops that did not surrender to the enemy, and gathered in the Kunyu Mountains. After that, they rarely came into direct contact with the Japanese puppet army, but instead created friction with the muzzle of the gun, concentrating their forces on dealing with the Communists and attacking the Eighth Route Army. The patriotic soldiers of the Zheng Department were very dissatisfied with this and demanded to leave the unit and go to the real anti-Japanese troops to fight the Japanese invading army. Zheng Weiping was very angry, carried out suppression, instructed his cronies, and assassinated Shao Yunqin and a group of patriotic soldiers. Zheng's despicable methods even caused some officers and soldiers to defect from their relatives, and desertions continued to occur.

At the same time, Zheng intensified his efforts to sabotage the CCP organization against the massacre of Japanese soldiers and civilians. According to Zheng Weiping's "Report" to the Kuomintang Central Government: "After the Japanese puppet sweep in 1940, the lurking elements of the road (i.e., the three armies and three anti-Japanese forces) took the opportunity to rise...... The headquarters to prevent its growth, and sent the technical back and the fifth battalion to eliminate it in the seventh and eighth districts (Weihaiwei), and the momentum has been reduced. In recent months, Shi sent a team to cooperate with the coalition forces of the 7th District to divide and suppress in various parts of the country, and won the most people. ”

Zheng himself confessed in the report that he was the culprit who undermined the CCP's party organizations at all levels in the East China Sea and hunted down and killed anti-Japanese fighters. And that's exactly what happened.

In August 1939, Yin Shaoxin, Lin Qiao, and other responsible persons of the Weihai Special Economic Zone Committee of the Communist Party of China organized primary school teachers to set up the "Anti-Japanese Salvation Association" in Qiaotou, Yagezhuang, and Hebeizhuang, so as to extensively mobilize the masses and carry out anti-Japanese activities. Shi Zhaolin, commander of the 5th Battalion of the Zheng Department, ordered Yin and Lin to be arrested. Fortunately, he was saved from being killed under the cover of Liu Yulin, the head of Qiaotou Village.

On March 25, 1940, when the Weihai Special District Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting in Xishanhou Village to rectify the "Weihai District Team" of Weihai's anti-Japanese armed forces, Zheng's special forces Zhang Peiwen and Zhang Peixu led more than 20 soldiers, disguised as the Eighth Route Army, stormed the venue, severely beat the crowd, confiscated their guns, and arrested Yue Dong, a member of the Special Administrative Region, and Wang Zhai, a member of the democracy movement, and then took them to Wendeng County to be killed, causing serious losses to the anti-Japanese forces in Weihai.

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

In the autumn of 1940, the anti-Japanese armed forces in the East China Sea developed rapidly, and Zheng Weiping saw that the situation was not good, so he repeatedly complained to Li Xianliang, director of the Jiaodong Agency. At Zheng's instigation, Li Xianliang organized the "Suppression of the Communist Coalition Army," with Li Qin as commander-in-chief, Hong Biao as deputy commander-in-chief, Zhang Baoshan as director of the Political Department, and Yu Weilian as chief of staff. The "coalition forces" gathered more than 1,500 troops from Zhao Baoyuan, Jiang Lichuan, Cong Jingyue, Wang Xingren, Zhang Jianxun, Zhao Hanqing, Cong Fangshan, and Zheng Weiping, and stationed them in eight villages near Gejia and Changjiatuan in Wendeng County. Later, under the command of Hong Biao, he attacked the Huilongshan Liberated Area, but was severely attacked by the troops of the East Naval Division of the Eighth Route Army, and fled one after another. In this battle, the technical battalion, one of the main forces of the Zheng Department, was destroyed, and the battalion commander Shang Liduan was killed.

At the end of 1940, Zheng Weiping commanded his troops to attack the troops of the Eastern Naval Division of the Eighth Route Army four times at Armor Mountain; In January 1941, Zheng attacked the Eastern Naval Division of the Eighth Route Army at Armor Mountain and was defeated; After that, Zheng Bu ambushed the anti-Japanese forces under the leadership of the Eastern Naval Division at Armor Mountain and robbed eight rifles.

From the spring to the winter of 1940, more than a dozen cadres and soldiers of the Eighth Route Army and underground members of the Communist Party of China were killed more than a dozen times. At the same time, Zheng also cooperated with the Japanese puppet army to tightly seal the Eighth Route Army and the anti-Japanese base area, so that the people of Kunyu Mountain were in dire straits.

The main forces were annihilated

At that time, the East China Sea Committee of the Communist Party of China and the troops of the military sub-division were stationed in the area of the Purple Mountain in Songcun, on the southern shore of the sea, and were in the predicament of fighting on three sides: the same day, the puppet, and the stubborn. Although the East China Sea Committee organized the Ninth Army and developed nearly 2,000 troops, it was blocked by the "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army" entrenched in the Kunyu Mountains and could not be connected with the main force of the Eighth Route Army that insisted on the Daze Mountains. Therefore, opening up the Kunyu Mountains is not only of great political significance, but also the key to reversing the situation of military struggle in the East China Sea.

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

Kunyu Mountain, located at the junction of Wen (Deng), Mu (Ping) and Ru (Mountain) counties on the Jiaodong Peninsula, is hundreds of miles in radius, and the highest peak is 923.2 meters above sea level, which is one of the famous mountains in the east of Jiaodong. This mountain is rocky, densely wooded, the terrain is very dangerous, it has an important strategic position in the military, and has always been a battleground for soldiers.

At that time, my favorable conditions were: the main force of the 5th Brigade and 14th Regiment had been transferred to the East China Sea District; The Donghai Independent Battalion has been reorganized into five 17 regiments, and on the basis of the battle in Lincun, the morale of the troops has been high and their combat capability has been greatly improved. The people of the East China Sea have a high level of consciousness, a good foundation for work, and relatively abundant manpower and material resources to support the campaign. However, with the change of the war situation, the anti-Japanese base area in the East China Sea was relatively smaller than that in the early stage of the anti-Japanese war, so the burden on the masses increased. The troops are highly concentrated in several thousand troops, highly mobile, have many logistical supply difficulties, and the difficulties of war are aggravated.

In view of these favorable conditions and unfavorable factors, the East China Sea Committee, in accordance with the instructions of the Shandong Column and the Jiaodong District Party Committee, has made serious analysis and study, actively made preparations, and adopted a series of measures to lay the foundation for the annihilation of the stubborn enemy.

In order to cooperate with the Japanese invaders in implementing the "cage" policy in our anti-Japanese base areas and to achieve the goal of cutting off the east-west connection of the Eighth Route Army, the "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army" in the Kunyu Mountains also strengthened fortifications, pillboxes, and sent additional heavy troops. They brazenly said: "We will drive the communists to the East China Sea to feed the fish and shrimp," and their reactionary arrogance was extremely arrogant. However, after being attacked by the Eighth Route Army several times, its morale and combat effectiveness began to decline, internal contradictions rose, and it was isolated in the mountainous area, making it difficult to supply. These are Zheng Jun's Achilles' heels. Although Zheng still had considerable military power, he was already under siege by the Eighth Route Army and the people at this time, and it was difficult to realize his intentions.

In order to completely eliminate the "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army" in the Panhe Kunyu Mountains, liberate the people of the Kunyu Mountains, and open the passage of the East China Sea area, on the morning of January 7, 1941, the East China Sea Committee and the Military Sub-district of the Communist Party of China held a military meeting in Songcun to study the campaign arrangements, and the battle was scheduled to start on the evening of the 7th.

On the evening of the 7th, the units set out separately from the Songcun area according to the battle plan. At about 2 o'clock in the night, the 14th Regiment had reached Huanglong and immediately launched an attack. The 1st Battalion first occupied the North Mountain of Huanglongxian, controlled the favorable terrain, prepared to block the enemy, and covered the actions of the 2nd and 3rd Battalions. At about half past two o'clock, the regiment commander Yu Deshui and political commissar Yu Qing issued an order for the whole regiment to attack: the 1st Battalion continued to control the favorable terrain, and the 2nd and 3rd Battalions simultaneously attacked the enemy in the northwest and southeast directions of Huanglongliang; The regimental mortar company dragged the shock troops on the one hand and bombarded the enemy along the ditch east of Hoang Long Hyeon. After Cong Jingyue's division was suppressed by the powerful firepower of the Eighth Route Army, it suddenly collapsed in all directions. The 2nd and 3rd Battalions took advantage of the situation to rush into the village and engage in street battles with the enemy. At this time, at the intersection in the southeast corner of the village, the enemy used the engineering department and the pillbox to shoot in a row, and resisted stubbornly. In order to avoid casualties, Yu Deshui ordered a halt to the attack. According to the changes in the battle situation, the enemy fortifications were destroyed by means of heavy fire cover and explosives blasting in front of the enemy's fortifications step by step. The battle lasted until 10 o'clock on the morning of the 8th, and all the enemy was annihilated around the fortifications.

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

Huanglongxian is the gateway to Kunyu Mountain, and it is also the forward position of the Zheng army, here is the third brigade of Cong Jingyue's strong force is stationed, and the captain Yang Yuzhou saw that the general trend has gone, and the breakthrough cannot be achieved, so he ran to an alley to pull a gun and kill himself.

The first battalion of our 17th Regiment, led by battalion commander Zhang Huaizhong and instructor Xin Guanwu, seized Fujijiazhuang; After the third battalion was led by battalion commander Cong Rongzi and instructor Xu Bin to quickly capture the top heights of Dingtuan South Guanzi, and then two companies led by deputy battalion commander Ju Wenyi to capture the Beishan Heights in Donghuadong, forming an encirclement posture against the east and west Yutuan. Cong Jingyue's headquarters is located here. After a fierce battle, one enemy was annihilated, and most of the Cong Belt broke through and fled into the mountains.

After completing the first phase of the combat mission according to the combat plan, the two regiments quickly assembled and stood by. The East China Sea Committee and the Military Sub-district of the CPC held an emergency meeting in Huanglongxian to make specific arrangements for attacking the mountains and destroying the enemy.

At this time, Zheng Weiping learned that Huanglongxian and Yu Tuan had been lost, and most of Cong Jingyue's troops were annihilated, and felt that the Eighth Route Army was not good this time, so he organized a death squad of about 1,000 people in his headquarters to attack from Taohuaxian in two ways, wanting to have a decisive battle with the Eighth Route Army, trying to recapture Huanglongxian and Yu Tuan.

Faced with the ferocious Zheng army, the Eighth Route Army immediately organized forces to counterattack. The 17th Regiment was at Purple Mountain, and the 2nd and 3rd Companies of the 1st Battalion of the 14th Regiment fought fiercely with Zheng's army at Bible Mountain. The Zheng army of the Purple Mountain was annihilated by the 17th Regiment and suffered heavy losses. Wang Ziheng, commander of the 1st Battalion of the 14th Regiment, led the 2nd and 3rd companies directly into Bible Mountain and violently attacked the right side of the Zheng army, and the Zheng army was routed and fled back to the mountain.

After the end of the counterattack. The East China Sea Committee and the Military Sub-district of the CPC continued to hold meetings to further study and analyze the situation between us and the enemy, and finally decided to leave the reconnaissance team to observe the movements of the Zheng army in Kunyu Mountain, and to move the large force to Beiyan and Cuixiakou for a short period of rest and recuperation.

At this time, Zheng Weiping knew that he had encountered the main force of the communist army and that a major battle was imminent, so he ordered all units to stick to the defensive ground and prepare for war as soon as possible. On the morning of January 9, seeing that the communist army was not moving, he ordered all troops to hold the ground and rest, and only sent a small number of troops to guard the hill and observe the movement of the communist army; In addition, a small group of scouts was sent to the bottom of the mountain to grab food and arrest people, but in fact they were spying on the military situation.

At dawn on the 10th, the Eighth Route Army began to advance towards Kunyu Mountain. The 1st Battalion of the 14th Regiment rushed up the mountain from Huanglongxian to the west, occupied Liyangou South Mountain, attacked north from Bible Mountain and Taohuaxian, controlled the northeast hill of Taohuaxian, and captured Taohuaxian and Liulinzhuang in the northwest; The 2nd Battalion penetrated from the Purple Mountain to the north, joined the 1st Party at the head of the North Mountain in Dongtaohuaxian, controlled the favorable high ground for attacking Chuxian, and surrounded part of the enemy; The third battalion captured the characters from Phoenix Mountain and Changjia Shangkou West Mountain in the dark of the day, and Zheng Weiping's headquarters was located here. Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, Zheng fled to Chu Xian. Therefore, the 1st and 2nd battalions divided their troops into two ways to pursue, completely annihilated the enemy, and occupied Chuxian. The two pillboxes of the Zheng army in the soft jujube forest and the tiger's nest were also conquered by the first battalion, which controlled the traffic arteries leading to the front and back of Kunyu Mountain. Except for a few Zheng troops in this area, most of them were annihilated. After heroic battles at Yingshan and Gutouji, the 17th Regiment also annihilated most of the enemy. Subsequently, the two regiments of the Eighth Route Army searched for the remnants of the enemy in various parts of Kunyu Mountain and expanded the results of the battle.

On the morning of the 10th, Zheng Weiping learned that the Eighth Route Army was coming to attack the mountain, and he came out of the headquarters with a cane to look west, and the main figures of Cong Jingyue were also beside him. At about three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the grenades on the top of the west mountain were smoking, and the Eighth Route Army had already attacked the top of the mountain, and the Zheng army retreated one after another. Zheng saw that the general trend had gone, so he fled to Chu Xian's mouth. At that time, he thought that his troops and Cong Jingyue's troops together had 4,000 troops, and it was impossible for them to be lost in the West Mountain, so his rear personnel and various materials, except for the arsenal machinery that was buried, were all left to the Eighth Route Army. He muttered as he fled: "Paralyzed, paralyzed!" ”

While fighting with the main force, the local armed forces of various counties actively cooperated in launching an offensive around the Kunyu Mountain, blocking the fleeing enemy and effectively supporting the main force in the operation.

The battle of Kunyu Mountain, which lasted three days and nights, was annihilated by more than 3,000 people of the "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army", which severely damaged the main force of the Zheng army, and captured more than 30 machine guns, more than 1,500 rifles, and other weapons, ammunition and various materials.

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

On the evening of the 10th, Zheng Weiping and Cong Jingyue escaped from Chu Xian's mouth. At this time, they "married each other, and each took care of each other". They each counted the number of people, and Zheng and Cong each gathered five or six hundred people. In order to narrow down the target, Zheng and Cong said goodbye to each other and parted ways.

Cong Jingyue led his troops straight to Muping City, and when it was dark, he had dinner in a village in Muping County. After the meal, the captain Li Yutang led more than 200 people to turn east to Wencheng to surrender to the enemy, and recognized the thief as his father (later set up a stronghold in Huilongshan for the Japanese invaders, and was annihilated by the Eighth Route Army on October 31 of the same year); Some civilian officials who lived in Wencheng also went to their hometowns in twos and threes, and Cong Jingyue couldn't stop them. On the morning of the 11th, Cong led the remnants to escape from the interception circle of the Eighth Route Army and rushed to Huangcun, the station of Ding Weiting in Muping Nanxiang.


After Zheng Weiping broke up with Cong Jingyue, he was very sad. In the past two years, he has been extremely thoughtful, dismal and dismal, and after several battles, he has only had more than 2,000 troops, which is almost lost. He knew very well that in the Kuomintang, if he had a gun, he was the king of grass, and if he wanted to maintain his position, he had to engage in a gun to pull the team. So, he convened an emergency meeting to arrange his next steps. He wanted to take advantage of the defeat of the troops and sent Li Hongchen, the plainclothes captain, to lead his team of more than 30 people to Liugong Island in Weihai to deceive the Japanese invaders and gain trust. The purpose was to get weapons from the Japanese and re-equip themselves. Because Zheng had already detected that the Japanese invaders had an ordnance warehouse on Liugong Island, and there was only one squad of puppet soldiers guarding it; In addition, Wang Ying, the leader of the special forces, was sent to the suburbs of Weihai to lurk in the area of Qijiatuan, Gujiatuan, and Sun Jiatong, and used them as liaison stations to carry out secret activities. One can get in touch with the inside line planted in Weihai City, watch the movements of the Japanese puppet at any time, and transmit information; Second, Li Hongchen, who can enter the island in time, can contact him. In this way, from an overall point of view, it is also possible to divide the troops into parts, narrow the targets, disperse and escape from the encirclement circle of the Eighth Route Army, and preserve the forces. After the arrangement was stopped, Zheng asked Li Hongchen and Wang Yingxin respectively to explain the tasks, precautions and contact methods. Then, he hurriedly took the remaining remnants of the defeated generals and headed west, including the incomplete ranks of Wang Xingren and Zhao Hanqing. After the noon pole of Rushan, Wang Xingren led the remnants of the army to Haiyang City to take refuge in Qin Yutang.

Zheng Weiping and Zhao Hanqing, like fish that slipped through the net, rushed to the Jigezhuang area of Laiyang County to stay temporarily. This is Zhao Baoyuan's territory. On the third day, January 12, he was surrounded by the 5th Brigade of the 8th Route Army, which was following him for 48 days. The grain and grass were exhausted, and the people's livestock were all killed to satisfy their hunger. They are like roosters before they are slaughtered, desperately struggling, trying to break through and survive. Later, it was Zhao Baoyuan's 12th Division and 13th Detachment who rushed to attack from the outside, forming a situation of attacking the Eighth Route Army from inside and outside. In the repeated battles, Zheng Weiping's troops were in disarray, and none of them were formed. Only one of Zhao Hanqing's guard companies suffered small losses, the weapons were still excellent, the combat effectiveness was also strong, and the company commander Zhang Xiufeng was also very capable. Zhao Hanqing discussed with Zheng Weiping and others, and he led the team and the 13th detachment to attack and break through in the direction of Laiyang with all their might, attracting the Eighth Route Army to the past, while Zhang Xiufeng took the opportunity to protect the commissioner and fled for his life in the direction of Haiyang.

This plan worked, and finally broke out on March 1, 1941. The thirteen detachments ran back to Wandi Zhao Baoyuan; Zhao Hanqing led his troops to flee to Yinggezhuang and settle down; Zheng's remnants fled to the southwest of Laiyang to rest in Jiang Tuan; Zheng himself led the guards under the protection of Zhang Xiufeng's company, and panicked to settle down in the west gate of Haiyang County. Zhang Xiufeng was stationed in the south of the street, and Zheng and the guards were stationed in the north of the street. The soldiers who have been hungry and cold for a long time and are exhausted, once they relax, the scene can be imagined. In the middle of the night, Qin Yutang sent troops to surround Zhang Xiufeng's company and quietly collected all the weapons. Zhang Xiufeng and others ran to the north of the street with their bare hands to report Zheng Weiping. Zheng felt that Qin Yutang had bad intentions, so he ordered to prepare for battle and mount machine guns at the streets and alleys. In fact, Qin Xia Zhang Lian's weapon was to test Zheng Bu's hypocrisy. Zheng Weiping didn't dare to stay here for a long time, and scolded Qin Yutang for being an unrighteous villain, taking advantage of the danger of others and falling into the well. Then, at dawn on March 2, the pre-drive troops returned, and went to Yinggezhuang to station in the same village as Zhao Hanqing. Zhang Xiufeng returned to Zhao Hanqing's department with the soldiers who had lost their weapons in panic, and Zhao comforted them.

After only staying here for one night, he found that the Eighth Route Army was chasing after him, and he hurriedly moved again. In order to narrow down the target, Zhao Hanqing led the remnants to Zhao Baoyuan in Laiyang Wandi. Then Zhao Baoyuan ignored Zhao Hanqing's lack of people and horses, and sent his troops to Laoshan in Qingdao to rush to help Zhao Baoyuan's regiment, which had been besieged by the Japanese for many days. After rescuing this regiment, Zhao Hanqing thought to himself that he had no deep friendship with Zhao Baoyuan and was unwilling to send someone under the fence. Therefore, with the approval of Li Xianliang, then director of the Ludong Administration and mayor of Qingdao (after the fall of Qingdao, he insisted on fighting guerrillas in Laoshan), he stayed in the Laoshan area to fight guerrillas. Half a month later, in April 1941, he was told by traitors, and the Japanese invaders surrounded the village where they were stationed, and the whole army was martyred. Zhao Hanqing was shot several times in the breakout, and was escorted by more than a dozen guards to escape from the encirclement, and died soon after. The guard Chen Ziyuan led the guards to carry Zhao's body back to Laiyang Yinggezhuang to buy a coffin for burial. After the event, several of Zhao's guards also went their separate ways, and Chen Ziyuan returned to his hometown, Chenjia Village, Yingnan, Wendeng County.

(4) Enemies of the people and merging with the enemy and hypocrisy

During the Anti-Japanese War, the stubborn troops of the Kuomintang reactionaries cooperated with the Japanese invading army and the puppet army to deal with the anti-Japanese armed forces under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. In order to survive, Zheng Weiping relied on his survival and preservation of his power, and also joined forces with the puppet army to invade the anti-Japanese base area. However, although Zheng "merged" and hooked up with the puppet army, he flowed but did not surrender, and never publicly surrendered to the Japanese as a traitor.

Zheng Weiping has been colluding with traitors and puppet soldiers for a long time. In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, although he withdrew from Weihai, he has always maintained close contact with the traitors in Weihai, and there were frequent messenger exchanges with Qi Renting, the president of the puppet Chamber of Commerce. Qi also donated money and cloth to Zheng Bu to express his friendship. The traitor Miao Tingren was the head of Zheng Weiping's secret probe in Weihai City in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, and the former soldiers of the Kuomintang, Cong Shumei and Chen Xueqing, also transmitted information to Zheng. After Zheng Weiping's old subordinates, such as Wang Shufang and Teng Pinsan, surrendered to the Japanese invaders, they still maintained a certain relationship with Zheng Ministry. Zheng Weiping colluded with the puppet army, exchanged intelligence, and took care of each other.

On March 1, 1941, Zheng Weiping led the remnants to flee to Jiang Tuan, southwest of Laiyang, to join the remnants of the Communist Party who had settled here. Here I finally took a breather for more than three months. One day, he received information from Wang Yingxin, the captain of the Weihai Qijiatuan Special Movement: "The team has secretly gained a foothold in Yidi; Li Hongchen has successfully entered Liugong Island; The main force of the Eighth Route in the East China Sea moved westward, and the local armed forces all fought guerrilla attacks around the Japanese strongholds. ”

According to this, Zheng Weiping's spirits were lifted. He consulted with Chief of Staff Zhang Guohang and others and decided to return to Wendeng. He said: "For months, I have been displaced, exhausted, and have nowhere to stay, and I have to go back to my 'hometown'! He then ordered to return to Wendeng on June 23, 1941. The scattered troops also gathered more than 600 people and more than 500 guns at this time.

Zheng Weiping was frightened by the Eighth Route Army, and acted very carefully, he felt that it was safer to rely on the coastal area; And constantly sent plainclothes detectives to the military intelligence in the direction of the advance, like a blind man crossing a river, trying to walk slowly, only thirty or forty miles a day. When he arrived at Haiyang Fengcheng, he stopped for a few days to listen to the wind. The returns of the various convenient agricultural detectives sent out were the same as Wang Yingxin's intelligence statement. So it was decided to rush forward in two ways. One route, Yang Defeng (from Yangjia Village, Houjiahe, Wendeng County) led his spy battalion of more than 100 people to set off one day first, as an outpost, through Rushan Xia Village, directly into Zetou and Houjia on the southern coast of Wendeng, and Wanghai Qujia in the south of Gao Village; The east to Chai Chengbian Datuan, and then turn back to the west to reach Wendeng Wanjiazhuang, its destination is to settle down after the pier, in order to wait for Hou Zheng's follow-up troops to arrive. The reason why he went around in a big circle was also to spy on the reality of the Eight Roads. Why did you get to the back of the pier? First, because the terrain behind the pier is favorable to the army and there are ready-made fortifications, the important thing is that Jin Xiuwu, the big landlord behind the pier, is Yang Defeng's close friend, and Yang's daughter Yang Zhan is Jin Wei's nephew and daughter-in-law.

The other road is the headquarters, which was personally led by Zheng Weiping to advance inland and pass through Muping Nanxiang to Wendeng Guanshan Village to set up a stronghold. Wang Tixuan, the big landlord of this village, is a member of the Weihaiwei Management Office, and he is very close to Zheng in the past and can be relied on.

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

The village is located on the east bank of the Sow River, the terrain is complex, suitable for garrisons, and it is not far from Weihai and Wencheng. When I arrived at Guanshan Village on June 29, 1941, it was raining heavily. Zheng Weiping ordered the troops and villagers to brave the rain to repair the fortifications overnight, because Zheng had already detected that the 2nd Regiment of the 5th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army had arrived from the southwest and stationed in the weak head set on the other side of the Sow River, which was less than ten miles away.

The next night, the heavy rain did not stop, and the commander of the Fifth Brigade, Sun Duanfu, personally led the Second Regiment to cross the Sow River in the rain, hoping to take advantage of the unstable foothold of Zheng's army to attack it suddenly. Unexpectedly, the heavy rain for several days caused flash floods, the river water rose sharply, and the troops withdrew halfway through. At this time, Zheng Weiping was shocked for a while, in order to survive, the dog jumped over the wall in a hurry, and completely tore off the mask of "defending the land and resisting success", and openly implemented the merger of enemies and hypodicaries. He hurriedly sent Wang Yingxin, the plainclothes captain who came to meet him from Xianjiatuan soon (after Li Hongchen's plainclothes team went to Liugong Island, Wang Yingxin's special team was changed to a plainclothes team) to Weihai to contact the Japanese puppet army; Zhang Guohang, chief of staff, went to Wencheng to contact Xu Ruiqing, the puppet county magistrate, and was scheduled to dawn on July 2, 1941, and the troops were divided into three routes to jointly attack the Eighth Route Army of Gutouji. On that day, due to the heavy rain, the Eighth Route Army did not move. In this passive situation, they could not meet the enemy, so the troops broke through in two ways: one way to the direction of Mishan Village smoothly; The other road broke through to the southwest of the village, and when it rushed to Yu Jiaying (Yu Jia Lanzi), it encountered the heavy machine gun position of the Japanese puppet army. Originally, he could have used the power of a row of grenades to rush over, but unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the grenades popped out of the problem, and either they blew themselves up early or did not make a sound, giving the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of them, causing our troops to suffer heavy casualties. This is another bloody tragedy created by Zheng Weiping in Gutou.

It was later found out that the person in charge of the batch of grenades produced by the Fifth Brigade Arsenal was sabotaged by spies sent by the enemy.

Entrenched in Yingnan Village

After the battle of Gutou, Zheng Weiping said proudly: "In this battle, we are in the active position, and the Eighth Route Army is in a passive position; Whoever holds the initiative wins! He added, "We must get out of here as soon as possible, so as not to be attacked by the Eighth Route Army." "Send Zhang Guohang to Wencheng to find Xu Ruiqing again, and ask him to help talk in front of the Japanese chieftain, and let Zheng garrison near Wencheng, so that they can cooperate with each other and deal with the Eighth Route Army together. Xu Ruiqing didn't dare to venture to find Gong Qi stationed in the "New Town" (the former residence of the warlord Bi Shucheng, now the Wendeng Normal Office), because he didn't understand Zheng Weiping's true intentions, and he didn't come to surrender after listening to the meaning of Zhang Guohang's words, he couldn't explain it clearly to Gong Qi, and he was even more afraid that something would happen in the future and take responsibility. Therefore, he had to go to the translator Hou Lianzhang first to discuss and ask Hou to help speak. Hou Lianzhang said: "Zheng Weiping came to find a refuge, he was beaten by the Eighth Route Army and cornered, so he came to find the imperial army!" Xu said: "No matter what he comes, anyway, if the Eighth Route Army fights him, we will pull him, even if he doesn't really come to surrender, it's good to help us fight the Eighth Route Army." As for whether to come down or not, I'll talk about it later! ”

At this time, the invading Japanese army was doing everything possible to lure the Kuomintang troops to surrender as their accomplices in "using China to contain China." Zheng Weiping's arrival, Gong Qi thought that it was in line with the new strategy of the imperial army, and Xu Ruiqing and Hou Lianzhang persuaded him, Gong Qi agreed to Zheng garrison Wendeng camp.

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

After Zheng Weiping received the reply, he was extremely happy, so he moved to Wendeng Camp overnight on July 2, 1941. On the 3rd, he went to the vicinity to observe the terrain and believed that the geographical location of Chenjia Village in Yingnan was conducive to the stationing of troops, so he ordered the troops to fortify in Yingnan Village, and prepared a generous gift for Zhang Guohang to go to Wencheng to thank Xu Rui and Hou Lianzhang.

After Zheng Weiping occupied Yingnan Village, he felt that it was indeed an ideal place: it was only more than ten miles away from Wencheng in the west; There are Caomiaozi Japanese puppet strongholds in the north that can be relied on (when the Japanese puppet strongholds such as Da Shuibo, Gaocun, and Shuidao have been removed), the Eighth Route Army can't help me. Since they have secretly betrayed their sincerity to Gongqi, Ming has joined forces with them to attack the Eight Routes, and let us garrison here, so they will not take any action against themselves. Therefore, you can recharge your energy here with peace of mind and stand by!

Therefore, he ordered the headquarters to supervise the troops to repair the fortifications, and at the same time strengthen military training; The Political Department organized plainclothes teams to implement a system of armor protection for the masses in the garrison area, check the household registration, and eliminate the Communist Party and its suspicious elements in and around the garrison area, so as to ensure the safety of the garrison area; ordered the Economic Department to step up the collection of grain and rice to ensure the supply of troops; He also asked the regiment commander Shi Zhaolin to personally lead the soldiers disguised as the Eighth Route Army to go to Gutouji in Kunyu Mountain on August 15 to move back the stored arsenal machines.

In view of the fact that Cong Jingyue had fled west and the Kuomintang Wendeng County Government had been dissolved, Zheng Weiping immediately ordered Zhang Guohang, chief of staff, to concurrently serve as the county magistrate of Wendeng County, Chen Zhengxu as the head of the education section, and Chen Caoting as the head of the Wendeng Camp District...... At the same time, a group of ruffians and gangsters were found in the local area to act as accomplices of the plainclothes team. Like a pack of vicious dogs, they sniffed around with their noses outstretched, spying on the activities of the Communist Party, the Eighth Route Army, and the anti-Japanese people.

As mentioned earlier, the home of Chen Ziyuan, Zhao Hanqing's guard, is Yingnan Village. After burying Zhao Hanqing in Laiyang three months ago, he returned home. Because he rescued Zheng Weiping at the critical moment of the breakthrough of Laiyang Jigezhuang, he was regarded by Zheng as a "benefactor". On the second day after Zheng arrived in the village, Chen went to see him. When Zheng Weiping saw Chen Ziyuan, he was very surprised, so he asked, "Where did you come from?" Chen gave a detailed report to Zheng about Zhao Hanqing's situation and talked about the process of returning to his home. After hearing this, Zheng sighed; "Zhao Hanqing is a loyal and benevolent elder!" Then he asked, "Who else is in your family?" Chen replied, "Single." Zheng thought to himself: "This person is deeply righteous, loyal and reliable, which is really rare." He stayed by his side as a personal guard, inseparable, and regarded as a confidant.

On August 16, 1941, Zhu Peizhen, chairman of the Agricultural Rescue Committee of Fenglin Township, Songshan District, went to Liu Guigui's house (underground liaison station of the Communist Party of China) in Songpo Village to hold a meeting of CPC members, and was informant by Yu Yiming, the chief of Xiquge Village. Zheng Wei sent a plainclothes team to Songpo Village, but was discovered by Liu Shuyuan, a member of the Communist Party of China who was arranged to stand guard at the entrance of the village, and rushed to the venue to report. While directing everyone to disperse and evacuate in the southeast direction, Zhu Peizhen wrapped the documents around his waist and rushed out of the village to the southwest. Because the enemy came from Yingnan Village, four miles away in the northwest, Zhu Gang was discovered by the enemy when he left the village seal and chased after him like a swarm of bees. Zhu hurriedly ran to the riverbed of the shop in front of him. Due to the delay in sorting out the documents, Zhu Peizhen was stopped by the enemy, but the enemy did not find the documents and other party members.

The enemy exhausted all kinds of torture, but also failed to bring Zhu Peizhen to his knees. The ferocious enemy was furious, and finally nailed Zhu's arms and hands to the wall with a four-fluted iron nail more than half a foot long, and then used a sharp knife to cut the flesh down on the chest piece by piece, cutting a piece of it and asking a question, until all the chest muscles were cut, out of the Sen Sen ribs, and died heroically! It was the evening of August 17, 1941, and Zhu was only 39 years old.

On August 20, 1941, more than 50 people led by plainclothes captain Wang Yingxin disguised themselves into the Eighth Road, and Zheng Weiping went to Zhang Qingtang, the puppet head of the fourth district of Weihai, to ask for food and money. On the way, when she was resting in Jidong Village, Qiaotou, a woman about 40 years old a year, mistook it for the Eighth Route Army and handed over the 100 rounds of rifle ammunition she had picked up to Zheng Jun. After that, Zheng ordered Wang Yingxin to pull the woman outside the village and bury her alive. When he walked to the border of Wei (Hai) and Chai (Cheng), he ran into an intelligence officer (about 50 years old) of the Weihai Seventh District Squadron of the Communist Party of China, who also mistook Zheng and others for the Eighth Route Army, and reported: "Zheng Weiping's team of nearly 100 people set off from the Wendeng camp and went to the northeast. Zheng immediately ordered Wang Yingxin to be dragged to the roadside ditch and hacked to death with a knife. On the way back to Wendeng Camp, he met three women about 20 or 30 years old, asked what they were doing, and replied, "Go to a meeting", but they were also hacked to death by Wang Yingxin on the side of the road. In less than a day, Zheng killed five innocent people in a row.

At that time, Yang Defeng led the spy battalion from Dunhou Village to move closer to the Wendeng camp. When passing through Zoushan District, I found out that the squadron had just been established and was training in Songjia Village. At dawn one day, Yang surrounded the village and carried more than 30 cadres and soldiers of the squadron. After torture, seven people were killed that night and two more the following night. The remaining younger ones were taken to Yingnan Village, where Zheng Min forcibly incorporated them into Teng Shize's youth camp (also known as the martial arts camp).

On September 9, 1941, according to the report of the secret agent, Zheng Ling Yang Defeng led his troops to suddenly surround the Songshan District Squadron of the Communist Party of China in Chenjiabu Village. After being taken to Yingnan Village, they tortured them for two days, and the enemy, who had not received any confession, killed them on September 11 and cut off Zhang Quan's head and hung it on a tree in the south of the village for public display. According to incomplete statistics, during the 217 days that Zheng occupied Yingnan Village, a total of more than 30 Communist Party members, commanders and fighters of the Eighth Route Army, and innocent people were killed.

To build the fortifications, Zheng Weiping also cut down all the trees in the surrounding villages. From the southeast to the east, Nanzhuang, east and west canals to Songpo; Linjiadian, Beiwa, Shali, Hejiadian, Fanjiadian to the east; Then to the northeast of Yu Xian Zhuang, Mu Jiazhuang, Du Lihua Village, etc., all the mature trees are swept away, and the non-mature ones are used for firewood, only the northwest and southwest Wencheng aspects have not been moved.

Zheng Weiping surrounded Yingnan Village, digging trenches and building walls, the trenches were one zhang wide and one zhang deep, and the wall was seven feet high; It also built eight bunkers and eight hidden forts, destroying more than 100 acres of fertile land; Forcibly occupied more than 100 civilian houses as barracks. His troops of nearly 600 men were forcibly expropriated from more than a dozen surrounding villages for food and firewood, which brought great disasters to the local people.

Night attack on Liugong Island

More than 30 people, including Li Hongchen (renamed Li Xuwu at this time, also known as Li Huichen), who broke into the Japanese naval training camp on Liugong Island, have won the trust of the Japanese invaders in the past year. On November 24, 1941, Li took a leave of absence from Liugong Island to Yingnan Village, reported to Zheng Weiping all the circumstances of entering the island, and reported in more detail the troops, weapons, terrain and features of the Japanese puppet army garrisons on the island, especially the location of the armory, and the number of guards, and also drew a brief topographical map. Zheng Weiping was very satisfied with appreciating Li Hongchen's resourcefulness and ability, and even specially set up a banquet to reward Li for this.

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

Zheng held a meeting overnight to study in detail the operational plan for entering the island and seizing weapons: (1) Personnel who were familiar with the terrain and water characteristics of the coastal area around Liugong Island and the island were selected to form a commando force of about 70 people together with plainclothes troops; (2) Establish a command center for entering the island; (3) requisition of 14 sailing boats and 28 boatmen; (4) disguised as the Eighth Route Army; (5) Departure location: North Village, Chengzigou, Weihai; (6) To the island location: the east coast of the island; (7) Time: 1 January 2 6 evening; (8) Contact code; (9) Write slogans. Wang Yingxin was immediately appointed as the conductor, Li Hongchen, and Liu Yuxuan as deputy commanders. Li Hongchen returned to Liugong Island on the 26th with a contact code, and arranged the island according to the plan. The various matters here are organized and implemented by Wang Yingxin and Liu Yushui.

Liu Yuxuan is the company commander of Shi Zhaolin's regiment, and his family lives in Beigou Village, Chengzigou, Weihai. He was very familiar with the geography and personnel of this area, and before he became a soldier, he fished at home and was an expert boater. Liu Yuying, Liu Yuhua, and Liu Xinhai, a native of Wangdao, who led him were all from fishing, and more than a dozen people, including platoon commander Ruan Xueqin, who was familiar with the situation on the island, sneaked to Chengzigou on the 25th to transfer people to the village in the name of the Eighth Route Army. Count: Chengzigou Village and Haibu Village each levy 4 boats and 8 boatmen; Beigou Village recruited 6 boats with 112 people. There are 14 boats and 28 boatmen. He also explained the tasks and precautions to the boatmen.

At the same time, a mobilization meeting was held in Yingnan Village for people entering the island. On the morning of 26 July, the officers and men who fled from the island and their subordinates also went to the north temple of Wendengying Village to burn incense and worship to bless the island of escape and return victoriously. At noon, Zheng Weiping held a banquet to entertain the officers and soldiers who entered the island. In the evening, the whole team arrived at Beigou Village. At about 8 o'clock, Liu Yuxuan led the two boats of Liu Yuxiu, the expert of Beigou Village, to carry a total of 20 people as outposts, followed by the other 12 boats marching together. At about 11 o'clock, the first two boats arrived at Donghong and landed, and Liu Yuzhuan immediately contacted the follow-up fleet with a flashlight wrapped in red silk. When all the flotilla landed, Wang Yingxin immediately ordered Ruan Xueqin to lead the sharp knife squad to move to the joint site according to the predetermined route. After that, 14 men were left to guard the ship and the crew, and no matter what happened, the ship was not allowed to be moved, and then according to the signal of the previous communication, the whole team advanced.

After meeting with Li Hongchen and other personnel who had originally entered the island, Li commanded the troops to divide into two routes: one was led by Wang Yingxin and arranged in the direction of the enemy's garrison as a guard and cover; One route was led by Li Hongchen and went straight to the armory. They hacked to death the Confucian guides on duty with broadswords; Then he infiltrated the dormitory and killed all the more than 30 puppet soldiers in the sleeping team. When the door of the warehouse was opened, two Maxine heavy machine guns, three light machine guns, and more than 300 rifles were taken out, as well as their ammunition and military supplies. At the same time, the pre-written slogan: "Down with Japanese imperialism!" "Hell, get out of China!" "The Japanese invaders will be defeated, and our army will win!" and other slogans were posted everywhere, and the payment was made by the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army. Then, carrying and carrying, they quietly disappeared into the night and smoothly withdrew to the coast of the East China Sea. In addition to the 30 men and women from Li Hongchen's plainclothes team that had entered the island, a total of more than 100 people returned to Beigou Village at about 3 a.m. without firing a single bullet or damaging a single person. They gave each boatman two pieces of ocean, and then they looked for a vehicle to pull the mouth overnight, pull the pull, and carry the pack, and hurried back to Yingnan Village, when a hearty breakfast was ready.

Zheng Weiping stayed awake all night and waited eagerly. Seeing this, he was very excited, this is what he has dreamed of. Immediately ordered: block the news and keep it secret; All officers and soldiers who have fled the island will be upgraded to one level. Li Hongchen made the most meritorious contributions, and was promoted to company commander, and King Yingxin of Jin was given the rank of major. In order to celebrate the victory, they also sang for three days in Yingnan Village and Zhongquge Village.

When the Wendeng County CPC Committee and the democratic government learned that Zheng Weiping had attacked Liugong Island in the name of the CPC and the Eighth Route Army, killed the Japanese puppet army, and surrendered guns and ammunition, they thought it was a great thing, and immediately convened a meeting of the county-level organs and guard units to convey it to everyone and analyze Zheng Weiping's intentions. In any case, as long as we do something to resist Japan, we will support it; Confidentiality is also requested.

Yingnan tragedy

On January 24, 1942, Zheng Shi Zhaolin Regiment Supplementary Company Lieutenant Company Commander Chu Zenghuan (Hou Jiashang Guojia Village. He went to Taiwan in April 1949, and returned from Taiwan on April 27, 1991 to settle in Houjia Dashijia Village, when he first arrived at Baojia's house, he led eight soldiers to Xidu Lihua Village to ask for firewood and grass. After arriving at the village, a soldier was sent to set up a sentry in the south of the village to prevent the Eighth Road in the direction of Nanshan from attacking. The rest of the people went to the Li family ancestral hall and waited for the village head, Li Changxu. At about 10 o'clock in the morning, Wang Qirui, the second captain of the Dadao Society, who had already taken refuge in the Japanese invaders, led more than 20 members, suddenly went straight to the village from the northwest, blocked the gate of the Li family ancestral hall, first seized the guns of the two soldiers at the gate, and then rushed into the house.

The two soldiers who were first shot at the gate felt that the situation was not right, so they ran out of the village, called the brothers who were on guard, and hurried back to Yingnan Village to report to the regiment commander Shi Zhaolin.

The remaining six people with bare hands did not dare to return to Yingnan Village, and some said that they wanted to go home; Some people talk about Wencheng as two devils. Chu Zenghuan persuaded everyone not to be afraid, I am the company commander, and all the responsibilities are borne by me, and it has nothing to do with the brothers! So, the six of them returned to Yingnan Village together and reported to Shi Zhaolin the details of the seized gun. Shi said: "The matter is already known, the commissioner ordered you to be detained, you go to the military justice department first, don't be afraid, I will bail you out after a few days!" "And inform the Judge Advocate General's Office and give preferential treatment.

Zheng Weiping was very annoyed by the loss of the gun. He had already known that Qiao Guimao, the leader of the Great Sword Society, had publicly surrendered to the Japanese invaders, and he had won the trust of the Japanese chieftain Gongqi. He was most afraid that Joe would give the gun to the Japanese invaders, and the Japanese would find out the secret and be retaliated against, and the consequences would be unimaginable. In a fit of rage, he ordered Chu Zenghuan to be shot immediately! After Shi Zhaolin received the order, he first sent someone to the Military Justice Department to find Director Wei Hu to stop the execution, and then ran to see Zheng Weiping and asked Zheng to withdraw his order and release Chu. He said: "Qiao Guimao often comes to us, he is very affectionate with the commander, and the whole army also knows that we have a good relationship with the Broadsword Society, who knows what is going on with them, and his subordinates suddenly changed their faces and grabbed our guns!" It would be unfair to put all the blame on the junior company commander. Besides, Qiao Guimao is not the Eighth Road, if he sends someone to negotiate and come back, it will be over, and he doesn't need to kill people for this bit of! Although Zheng Weiping was speechless, he still shook his head and refused to release Chu. Seeing that Chu Zenghuan's life was difficult to protect, Shi was also anxious, he turned his face over and said: "We are all brothers who change posts, we are all friends in trouble, we are all people who climb on the muzzle, and we all have three relatives and two thicknesses, the first company commander and I have been with me for so many years, born and died, but it can be regarded as a friend of life and death!" Isn't all this for you, Commander Zheng! He didn't die on the battlefield, but he died at the hands of his own people, which is so chilling! What kind of face do I have to go to my brothers! The more he spoke, the more angry he became, he smashed the teacup to pieces, slammed the table to the sky, and said, "Without the brothers, you have no conscience today with your commander!" He threw his pistol on the table and threatened to quit and go home to farm!

Chief of Staff Zhang Guohang saw that something was wrong, and the two froze, and hurriedly came forward to persuade them; Secretary Feng is Zheng Weiping's brother-in-law, and he also came up to intercede, and said that what the deputy commander said (Zheng originally had three regiments, Shi Zhaolin was the deputy commander and head of the first regiment, and the strength was the strongest, and the second regiment commander Li Zifeng was weak, and the third regiment had become an empty shelf) made sense. He saw that everyone was interceding, Shi Zhaolin was the deputy commander, and he relied on him militarily. Besides, what he said makes sense! Don't say that Chu Zenghuan shouldn't be punished, what's the use of really killing him? Thinking of this, he sighed and said, "It's not that I don't have a conscience, the first company commander has a big disaster this time, and we will all die without a place to be buried!" The crowd was stunned. In order to step down, he asked Secretary Feng to write an order: "On the fourth anniversary of the fall of Weihai, release Chu Zenghuan, revoke his position as company commander, and demote him to a soldier." (But soon, Shi Zhaolin was restored to the position of company commander and promoted to the rank of captain) and said to Zhang Guohang: "You send someone to Wencheng secretly to inquire about the news, and you must send additional sentry posts, pay special attention to the vigilance of Weihai and Wencheng, and don't be slack!" ”

As Zheng expected, in order to curry favor with the Japanese invaders, Qiao Guimao dedicated the guns he had surrendered to Wencheng Ri Chieftain Gongqi. When Miyaki saw that these guns were new, he became suspicious. He recorded the number of each gun and reported it to the Japanese army in Weihai by telephone. The Japanese army in Weihai discovered that this was the gun lost in Liugong Island! With Yantai Ri Chief Jishan, Wendeng's Gongqi Research decided to retaliate against Zheng Weiping. After planning and preparation, it was scheduled that on February 10, 1942, the Japanese troops stationed in Weihai and the Japanese army in Wendeng jointly took action against Zhengbu.

Wendeng pseudo county magistrate Xu Ruiqing and Zheng Xianghou. On February 9, when Xu Tan heard the news that the Japanese army was going to punish Zheng, he immediately sent people to Yingnan Village to tell Zheng. Zheng Weiping's expression changed greatly when he got the news, and he said in great horror: "The thing I worried about has finally happened!" He immediately ordered to move north to Caomiaozi and Huangshan in the rain that night, and to arrest the young people and livestock vehicles from Yingnan Village and send them off. In order to block the news, Zheng deceived the masses and said: "Don't be afraid, we are going to fight the Eighth Road, you just go home and sleep!" He also sent troops to drive the people home to prevent rumors from going out.

On the morning of February 10, the people in the south of the camp felt that the situation was not right, and some people began to move things out and prepare to hide. At this time, the Dadao Club suddenly came, drove the crowd to the east end of the street to gather, and listened to the speech of Qiao Guimao, the leader of the Dadao Society. Joe said, "Don't be afraid, don't move anything, if there is anything we will protect you." In this way, the masses were deceived.

After breakfast, a large number of Japanese puppet troops suddenly surrounded Yingnan Village, and when they saw that Zheng Weiping had fled, they were even more angry, and ordered the masses to be driven to the playground on the east side of the village. Then the Japanese puppet army searched house to house and looted all the valuable things. Subsequently, the house was set on fire from the southwest corner of the village. Because the southwest wind was blowing on this day, the wind helped the fire, and suddenly the smoke was billowing out, and there was a sea of fire. The fire continued for a day, and all but a few temples in the northwest of the village were destroyed. The men, women and children of the village sat on the playground in the east of the village, grieving as they watched their homes be reduced to ashes.

After dark, the Japanese puppet army withdrew to Wencheng, and the masses were about to flee, but unexpectedly, Qiao Guimao, who had lost his conscience, led the Dadaohui to surround the village again, saying that no one was allowed to leave. The hungry and cold crowd sat on the rubble of their houses crying all night......

At dawn on the 11th, the Japanese puppet army came again, and after driving the masses together, they set fire to the unburned houses. At 3 p.m., the Japanese drove the crowd to the west of the east trench. The head of the day said to the masses through an interpreter: "Your conscience is greatly encircled, and the imperial army does not want you at all!" Then he swept the crowd with a machine gun. After the masses were all defeated, the Japanese army was afraid that some people would not be killed, so they threw all the dead and wounded people into the trenches and buried them! The situation is so miserable that I can't bear to see it!

In this tragedy, a total of 163 people were killed, including 128 people from Yingnan Village and 35 family members of Zheng Bu. The most killed family in Yingnan Village was Chen Zongchang, with a total of 16 people; An adjutant surnamed Zheng fled with the team, leaving behind his wife and 5 children and was killed. 43 tiled houses, 965 straw houses, and other furniture, farm tools, food, clothing, daily necessities and other materials were burned down with a total value of 759,2734 yuan.

On the surface, the Yingnan tragedy was caused by the contradictions and conflicts between the Japanese invaders and Zheng Weiping, but in fact they were caused by the contradictions and conflicts between the Chinese people and the Japanese fascists, Kuomintang reactionaries, and reactionary Dadaohui. Facts have proved that the three forces of the Japanese invaders, the Kuomintang warlords, and the reactionary Taoist sect are all mortal enemies of the people. Although there is a dog-eat-dog struggle between them, they are completely consistent in their anti-communist and anti-people aspects. The "tragedy" also educated the people from the opposite side, aroused the people's hatred for the enemy, and promoted the development of the revolutionary struggle. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, in addition to continuing to intensify the crackdown on the Japanese and the Kuomintang reactionaries, it also dealt a resolute blow to the reactionary broadsword society! On May 6 of the same year, the county brigades of Wen, Rong and Wei counties coordinated their operations and launched an attack on the Dadaohui in the area of Wendenglan's house and the northwest fork, killing more than 10 members of the congregation including its leader Qiao Guimao and capturing more than 20 people alive; On July 8, our army conquered the Nantai stronghold of the Dadao Society, killed Xing Shenzhi, an instructor sent from the Beijing Dadao Association, and killed, wounded and captured more than 30 people. From then on, the reactionary force of the Great Sword Society became strong and collapsed.

Hyosui Gorge

On the morning of February 10, 1942, when the Japanese invaders surrounded Yingnan Village, they found that Zheng Weiping had fled closer, except for a part of the troops left here to rob things and burn houses, most of the troops tracked down. At noon, the Yellow Mountain was surrounded by water. The battle was extremely fierce at the beginning, and more than 100 people from Yang Defeng's special service battalion, which had the strongest combat effectiveness in Zheng's department, rushed and fought fiercely in front. At about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, he withdrew to a ravine and was held by the enemy. Under the fierce sweep of the enemy's heavy machine guns, more than half of them were killed and wounded, and the remaining 40 or so people fled with Yang in the gap between the enemy's guns and bullets to take refuge in several small mountain nunnery in the area of Hanjiashan for a night. The next night, sneak to Daobei Dianzi Village to stay. At noon on February 12, the Japanese invaders tracked down to the south mountain of Daobeidianzi, and Yang Defeng immediately led the remnants to flee to the northeast of the village. Except for two soldiers who were stationed outside the village and one soldier who was slightly wounded in the leg, who found the enemy and escaped first, the remaining 38 people, including Yang Defeng and his nephew, were all killed in this way.

On the afternoon of the 10th, when the Japanese invaders concentrated their forces to attack Yang Defeng's troops, the Weihai Brigade of the Eighth Route Army rushed to the top of Huangshan Mountain to flank the enemy in order to jointly fight the foreign invaders. The remnants of the defeated army, who had fled for a day and a night, and had fought for another day, were hungry and thirsty, and when they saw this, they devoured them desperately. After a full meal, he pulled the team away in a panic without thanks.

Zheng Weiping didn't dare to stop, and ran to the area of Shuangjiao Mountain and Wang Jiakuo in one go, and the Japanese invaders chased after him and surrounded Shuangjiao Mountain. The Japanese were determined to eliminate Zheng Bu, and specially transferred two planes from Qingdao to cooperate. When the plane flew to Shuangjiao Mountain, regardless of whether it was green or not, it threw bombs around the artillery tower of the puppet army, and the two devils and wolves rushed to rush. Seeing this, the Japanese chief Jishan was extremely annoyed, not only did he not hit Zheng Weiping, but instead injured many puppet soldiers.

Taking advantage of the Japanese plane's bombing of Shuangjiao Mountain, Li Zifeng led the second regiment to rush from Wangjiakuo Village to the southeast hot spring soup. When they ran to Wuli Temple after dark, two heavy machine gun shooters, one carrying the body of the gun and the other carrying the leg of the gun, did not know where to go, and the other troops were also crushed. The head of the regiment, Li Zifeng, saw that it was difficult for the team to gather, so he asked everyone to escape and find their own way out! Later, Li Zifeng's whereabouts are unknown.

Zheng Weiping also ignored the shrapnel flying sideways by enemy planes and withdrew westward with a group of Shi Zhaolin and Wang Yingxin to the foot of Shuangjiao Mountain when the enemy planes bombed the Japanese army and suspended the attack. He knew that the puppet army stronghold on the mountain was garrisoned by Li Qingzhong, and Li was Zheng's subordinate, and he also knew that he would not come down the mountain to fight him. In the evening, I stayed overnight at the nearby Hanjia Mountain and several small mountain nunnery. On the 11th, the scattered team gathered less than 500 people and withdrew southwest to the village of Wangtuan Cuixiakou to stay. He was in constant fear, and although he was tired of running for days, he could not sleep at night, and from time to time he went out of the house to look, for fear that the enemy would suddenly attack! On the 12th, he took the team aimlessly and traveled to Mishan Xinfazhuang for a night. Wherever he went, he didn't dare to stay long. On the afternoon of the 13th, he hurriedly led the team back again. At this time, the army's morale was dispersed, and his henchman, plainclothes captain Wang Yingxin, also lost confidence in his boss, so he secretly led nearly 200 people to the suburbs of North Weihai.

Zhou Yixin: Zheng Weiping is his person

Zheng Weiping had less than 300 people left, and returned to Cuixiakou at dusk on the 13th. An underground traffic officer of the Chinese Communist Party in Cuixiakou Village sent his son Wang Xude to the East Naval Division to report overnight. After study, both Commander Yu Deshui and Political Commissar Yu Zhongqing believed that it was time to completely annihilate this reactionary force! They immediately deployed combat missions: ordered the Wenxi County Brigade to move to the southwest mountain of Cuixiakou Village to ambush and cooperate with the main force to fight; Yu Deshui and the political commissar personally led the second regiment with Wang Xude as a guide, set off in the middle of the night, surrounded the Cuixia Pass before dawn, and suddenly launched an attack! The Zheng army, who woke up in a dream, was in a mess, unable to resist, scurrying everywhere, and most of them surrendered. The guard Chen Ziyuan hurriedly ran to the street with Zheng Weiping and mixed in the chaos. When the soldiers of the 18th Route Army saw that Zheng was tall and fat, they pointed a gun at him, Zheng lied that he was Zheng Weiping's secretary, and handed over the pistol at the same time as Chen Ziyuan. However, he took the opportunity to hide in the alley with more than ten people, and fled to the ravine in the south of the village to hide in Wangjiachan Village. On the evening of the 14th, he changed into civilian clothes and led people towards the ravine south of the village.

Chen Ziyuan no longer went with Zheng Weiping, and immediately fled home in chaos, and when he saw that his home was destroyed, he cried and left, and joined the Eighth Route Army.

The battle lasted about an hour and ended at dawn. A total of more than 200 Zheng soldiers were captured; More than 30 people, including the so-called Eighth Division Chief, were killed, and four light machine guns, more than 200 long and short guns, two war horses, and all the military supplies of the Zheng army were seized. Zheng even lost his own Kuomintang card, the certificate of the director of the Weihaiwei Public Security Bureau, and the seal of the Weihai Public Security Office of the Seventh Administrative Region and the seal of the Weihaiwei Public Security Bureau. Since then, Zheng Weiping's "Anti-Eighth Coalition Army" in the East China Sea has been completely wiped out.

After that, it was falsely rumored that Zheng Weiping was killed in the service. After receiving this news, the Kuomintang Shandong Provincial Government announced in November 1942 that the Weihai Office of the Seventh Administrative Region would be abolished.

3. From Chongqing to Beiping

At the end of one's resources

Zheng Weiping fled alone to Zhao Baoyuan's 12th Division defense area in Laiyang, hoping to get in touch with the Shandong Provincial Government. However, due to the Japanese invasion of Lunan, the Kuomintang Shandong Provincial Government had retreated to Fuyang, Anhui Province, and was not contacted, so it went to Chongqing instead, and arrived in Chongqing at the end of February 1943. When the Shandong provincial government was contacted, it became known that Zheng Weiping was not dead. In May, Zheng entered the 25th Party and Government Class of the Kuomintang Central Training Corps and graduated in June. When Zheng first arrived in Chongqing, he was not accustomed to the water and soil, and suffered from dysentery for half a year. Later, in early 1944, he was recommended by Zhang Lisheng, secretary general of the Executive Yuan of the Kuomintang, to be a senator of the Executive Yuan. However, there is no business. In September, he was introduced by Li Shizhen, director of education of the Central Police Academy of the Kuomintang, and entered the senior research class of police administration of the Central Police Academy for training, and graduated in December. In July 1945, the Kuomintang Hebei Provincial Government was reorganized, with Sun Lianzhong as the chairman. He was also introduced by Zhang Lisheng as a member of the Hebei Provincial Government and recommended for the second level. Zhang Lisheng introduced a total of three people, including Li Xijiu and Shi Kuiling. Zheng left Chongqing in August and went to Xinxiang, Henan Province in September. At that time, the Hebei Provincial Government appointed Zheng Weiping to lead the staff of various departments and departments to march north into Beiping with the 40th Army of the National Party; The other departments, division chiefs, and committee members flew from Xinxiang to Beiping. However, the 40th Army was routed by the PLA in Handan Ci County and could not advance. Zheng immediately led all the staff to stay in Xinxiang and served as the director of the left-behind office. Subsequently, more than 100 people were transported to Beiping by plane; In addition, more than 10 people transferred from Xuzhou to Qingdao and took a boat to Tianjin to go to Beiping; There are still more than 100 people. At the beginning of 1946, Zheng led these people from Xinxiang to Shanghai by train, and stayed for more than a month before they went to Tianjin to turn flat.

In May 1947, the Kuomintang Hebei Provincial Government was reorganized, Zheng Weiping and Li Xijiu were dismissed, and Shi Kuiling resigned. Zheng then hid in the third place of the Huanghuamen Neisi Li Jian in the back gate of Beiping City, changed his name and surname, and then opened a bean sprouts workshop to weave straw bales and sell bean sprouts to make a living, until September 1949, when Hua was seized by our public security organs and arrested. In January 1954, he was executed by the people's government in Wendeng Gejiaji at the age of 66.

Appendix: Postscript

This historical material is the result of Comrade Zhou Yixin's painstaking collection of more than five years, and after Comrade Hou Xianchun's repeated verification, several changes of drafts, and careful collation.

Comrade Zhou Yixin was born in 1923 in Dashijia Village, Houjia Town, Wendeng City. In 1940, he joined the martial arts team of the Wendeng County Public Security Bureau, and on the 11th day of the first month of 1942, he went deep into the tiger's den with Chu Keji and Qiao Tingde, and killed the heinous traitor Bi Qi in Wencheng; On the night of the Yingnan tragedy, he was at the scene to witness the tragedy; I have also heard and witnessed some of Zheng Bu's activities back then; And pay attention to the collection of some historical materials about Zheng Weiping. After the liberation of the country, he worked in the Wendeng County Court, and later served as the deputy director of the Chengguan Taxation Branch of the Wendeng Municipal Taxation Bureau.

After his retirement in 90, the comrade was hired by the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference as a cultural and historical worker, and he was determined to sort out Zheng Weiping's materials and provide more valuable historical materials for the society and relevant departments. Therefore, from 90 to 94, through the organization, he went to the Yantai City Public Security Bureau twice to access Zheng Weiping's archives during his detention, including interrogation records, self-reports, and circumstantial evidence; He also went to Weihai four times to find insiders for interviews; In this urban area, he rides a motorcycle, braving the freezing heat and heat, and he has lost count of the number of interviews. He has interviewed Zheng Weiping many times in all the places where he has been stationed and the insiders related to Zheng Weiping. What a preciousness this is for an elderly man who is almost old!

However, because of his shallow cultural foundation and difficulty in systematically sorting out, he took the initiative to ask Comrade Hou Xianchun, the old director and researcher of the CPPCC Culture and History Committee, to help sort it out. The two worked closely together, and after more than a year of hard work, the first draft was finally completed. After further processing and collation, this draft was affirmed and praised when soliciting the opinions of relevant departments and some veteran comrades.


July 1995


Wendeng Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 10 (December 1995)