
The urban village was demolished, and the woman faked a divorce to let her mother marry her husband, but the husband and her mother-in-law did a fake show


The mother-in-law has been widowed for half her life, and finally found her true love, and she is unwilling to give up this hard-won happiness.

This is a true story, due to the fall in housing prices in a certain city, in order to save the market, the plan for the imminent demolition of urban villages was launched by the government, and it is said that construction will start in eight months.

When the young couple in the urban village heard the news, their eyes lit up, and they all lived at the bottom of the society, and ordinary workers wondered in their hearts that this kind of opportunity could not be missed, and how they could get an extra piece of the "big cake" of this demolition.

After some "careful consideration", the two actually came up with a "trick" - fake divorce.

The urban village was demolished, and the woman faked a divorce to let her mother marry her husband, but the husband and her mother-in-law did a fake show

Hey, don't say it, this trick is really "absolute"! Through divorce, the household registration is first separated, and then the man finds a "partner" to do a fake marriage and move the household registration.

In this way, two people become three people, and if there is one more account, one more share of the demolition money.

But the selection of this "partner" made it difficult for them. Who wouldn't help without money? After thinking about it, the fertilizer and water do not flow into the fields of outsiders, and the young couple feel that their own family is the most reliable.

So, they set their sights on their mother-in-law. The old man passed away many years ago, and the mother-in-law lives alone in her hometown, no one here knows her, and the mother-in-law gave birth to her daughter early, and now she is only in her early forties, and she looks younger than her actual age.

The young couple made a move when it was time to make a move, found their mother-in-law, moved them with affection, knew them with reason, and proposed that she and her son-in-law get a marriage certificate and move their household registration over, so that the family could share more of the demolition money.

Doing this is a matter of face if it is said in a small way, and it is an ethical issue in saying it in a big way. The mother-in-law was naturally reluctant in every way, thinking that this was simply nonsense and insulting.

But the daughter and son-in-law took turns to persuade and persuade them, saying that this was for the interests of the family and for the future of their daughter. This society laughs at the poor and does not laugh at prostitutes, and it is not shallow to earn money by labor.

Under the persuasion of her daughter and son-in-law, the mother-in-law finally failed to resist the temptation, and the resistance in her heart gradually weakened.

Finally, the mother-in-law relented, and she agreed to her daughter's and son-in-law's request. So, the mother-in-law and son-in-law immediately went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate, and the household registration was successfully moved to the village.

In order to avoid arousing suspicion and discussion among the villagers, they decided to live together and live together as husband and wife. In this way, a plan that seemed absurd, full of drama, and violated ethics was actually staged in reality.

The urban village was demolished, and the woman faked a divorce to let her mother marry her husband, but the husband and her mother-in-law did a fake show

The mother-in-law originally simply helped take care of the children, but she didn't expect to lead to an unexpected relationship.

She and her son-in-law, the two are connected by fake marriages, and in their daily interactions, they actually have no emotions in secret, and silence is better than sound at this time.

The care and understanding of each other gradually goes beyond simple family affection. In their daily lives, they find that they share many common interests and topics.

The son-in-law felt that she was more virtuous and considerate, and more emotionally valuable, and when the two were together, they seemed to have found each other's soul mates, and a year-old love and things that shouldn't have happened happened.

It wasn't until one day that the woman came back by chance and accidentally discovered the matter between the two, and the matter was revealed. The woman was calm and just asked her mother to quit.

However, by this time it was already too late, and the two were already deeply in love. A widow who has been widowed for half his life has finally found his true love and is unwilling to give up this hard-won happiness.

The son-in-law couldn't extricate himself and didn't want to let go, saying, "Young people don't know how good a young woman is", but the son-in-law asked the woman to leave. And the mother said unto the woman, Thou shalt fulfill me. Faced with such a reality, her daughter had mixed feelings in her heart and wanted to cry without tears.

The urban village was demolished, and the woman faked a divorce to let her mother marry her husband, but the husband and her mother-in-law did a fake show

According to the law, there is no such thing as a fake divorce or a real marriage. Once the divorce certificate is obtained, it means a real separation; Once a marriage license is obtained, it means that a new family relationship is established.

Therefore, it is impossible for a woman to use force. In the end, the daughter also moved back, and the man did not refuse.

Soon the demolition came as scheduled, and because of the addition of the ex-mother-in-law, they shared hundreds of thousands more.

In order to avoid being recognized by others, the three simply went to a city where no one knew them and started a different life.

Happiness blooms like a flower.

Cow man!