
Regretful! Paris Olympics torchbearer "Yang Zi" regretted missing Magnolia, and the comment area fryer!

author:Happy every day
Regretful! Paris Olympics torchbearer "Yang Zi" regretted missing Magnolia, and the comment area fryer!

May every step of Yang Zi be full of sunshine and hope, and every attempt she makes can reap success and joy.

May her gentleness and efforts be warmly responded to by the world, and may her torch illuminate the path of more people.

Yang Zi, we applaud every moment of you and cheer for your every leap.


There is always a person in life, such as Yang Zi, who makes us feel that the world is worth it. Her gentle dedication, we are willing to respond with affection, the spring breeze is proud, we just happened to meet her.

Yang Zi, our proud confidence, cheers for the Olympic athletes with her, and our hearts are full of joy.

Yang Niao, you are the best, let us applaud the Olympic spirit and your torch relay.

Regretful! Paris Olympics torchbearer "Yang Zi" regretted missing Magnolia, and the comment area fryer!

Yang Zi, as the torchbearer of the Paris Olympics, your beauty and vitality are heartwarming, we are eager to see you a few more times, but it is always too fast.

Your figure, as warm as the sun, illuminates our world and makes us feel the beauty of mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars.

Regretful! Paris Olympics torchbearer "Yang Zi" regretted missing Magnolia, and the comment area fryer!

Magnolia and the regret of the torch relay, we believe that there will be better compensation in the future.

Regretful! Paris Olympics torchbearer "Yang Zi" regretted missing Magnolia, and the comment area fryer!

Yang Zi, your future is full of infinite possibilities, and more honors and works are waiting for you.

We're with you every moment of the highlights. Promise us to find a better photographer next time to record every wonderful moment of yours, so that we can enjoy your style for a longer time.

Regretful! Paris Olympics torchbearer "Yang Zi" regretted missing Magnolia, and the comment area fryer!

Yang Niao, we will always support you, work together to create brilliance.

Regretful! Paris Olympics torchbearer "Yang Zi" regretted missing Magnolia, and the comment area fryer!

Fryer in the comment area!

"Torchbearer No. 44 Yang Niao, you are my pride"

"Paris Olympic torchbearer Yang Zi ❗, you are the best ❗ to tell her"

"It's so beautiful!! Energetic Yang Niao is amazing, you are our pride"

Regretful! Paris Olympics torchbearer "Yang Zi" regretted missing Magnolia, and the comment area fryer!

"Yang Zi, you are our pride and confidence! Cheer for the Olympic athletes with Yang Zi! So happy."

Regretful! Paris Olympics torchbearer "Yang Zi" regretted missing Magnolia, and the comment area fryer!

"Paris Olympic torchbearer Yang Zi Yang Niao is superb"

Regretful! Paris Olympics torchbearer "Yang Zi" regretted missing Magnolia, and the comment area fryer!

"It's so beautiful!! Energetic Yang Niao is amazing, you are our pride"

Regretful! Paris Olympics torchbearer "Yang Zi" regretted missing Magnolia, and the comment area fryer!

Yang Zi, as a torchbearer, illuminates people's hearts with her vitality and beauty, and becomes our common pride and support.

The picture and video come from the Internet, if it is infringing, please say thank you to me!

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