
Why do many women "not refuse to come" in the face of old men? Someone has told you 3 reasons

author:Cheerful and generous, I'm Amin

What is a woman who is dating an old man thinking?


In real life, we can often see some couples with a large age difference, especially some women will choose to date with men who are much older than themselves, and even enter the palace of marriage. Among them, some women will choose to associate with old men, and they are "not refused", no matter what the other party's appearance is, as long as it is an old man, it can attract their attention. Why is that? What is it that makes women so fond of older men? Today, let's explore this topic and see what women who are dating old men are thinking.

Why do many women "not refuse to come" in the face of old men? Someone has told you 3 reasons

1. The attractiveness of old men

1. Mature and steady

Perhaps because of age, old men tend to appear much more mature and stable, whether it is speech and demeanor or attitude, they will give people a very reliable feeling. In the eyes of women, this kind of mature and steady man is easy to make people feel dependent, making women feel that even when they encounter difficulties, they can have someone to rely on, so it will make them have an inexplicable attraction.

Why do many women "not refuse to come" in the face of old men? Someone has told you 3 reasons

2. Experienced

Compared with young people, older men have much more experience and experience, whether it is work or life experience, they can give women a lot of useful advice and help. It is undoubtedly a very happy thing for women to have such a person who knows how to listen and give advice by their side, so it will also make them more willing to associate with old men.

3. Wisdom is profound

Old men tend to have a deeper view of feelings and life, and they also know how to manage a relationship. Their profound wisdom and breadth of knowledge are undoubtedly valuable assets for women, and they can benefit them a lot. Not only that, but it can also provide women with more inspiration, stimulate infinite conjectures, and lead them to a broader world of thinking. Many women will feel that with older men, they can have more profound exchanges and communication, and get more emotional nourishment from them.

Why do many women "not refuse to come" in the face of old men? Someone has told you 3 reasons

Second, the advantages of old men

1. Know how to love people better

As a result of going through many things, older men tend to know more about how to love and tolerate women in terms of feelings, and they will also have more patience and understanding. By their side, women can feel more sincere and deep emotions, both in life and emotionally, and can be cared for and cared for.

2. Be more responsible

When it comes to family and the future, older men tend to be more responsible and more aware of what kind of life they want. They can give women more security and make them feel that even if they enter into marriage, they can have someone to rely on to bear all kinds of challenges and difficulties in life together.

3. Know how to manage feelings

In a relationship, old men tend to know how to manage and maintain more, and they will cherish the person in front of them more. Whether it is in life or in emotional communication, they will treat it with their hearts and give women more companionship and warmth. Such maturity and stability can make a woman feel unprecedented happiness and satisfaction.

Why do many women "not refuse to come" in the face of old men? Someone has told you 3 reasons

3. Respect the choices of others

For everyone's emotional choices, we should all have a tolerant and respectful heart, whether it is choosing to date with an old man, or choosing to be with someone of the same age, we have our own reasons and considerations. What matters is not age, but whether both parties can truly understand, support and respect each other, and when they are together, they can support each other and create a better future together.

Why do many women "not refuse to come" in the face of old men? Someone has told you 3 reasons


Everyone's pursuit of feelings is different, and they also have their own preferences and orientations, which is a very normal thing. Both men and women should learn to respect and understand the choices of others on the road of affection, instead of judging and interfering with colored glasses. Only when everyone can have a tolerant and kind heart can they reap their own happiness in this world full of love.