
In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat

author:Chronicle of great people in history
In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat


In 1945, someone found a floating corpse in the Huangpu River, the body had been in the water for 1 week, it had begun to decompose, the face was no longer recognizable, and there was a desperate book in her pocket, who was this woman?

In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat

Yu Nong does a great job, but he is very

Regarding Dai Li, Chiang Kai-shek once commented: "Yunong has done an excellent job...... It's just that he is very lustful, which has become a major shortcoming in his personality. Chiang Kai-shek's evaluation of him can be described as hitting the nail on the head, Dai Li has served Chiang Kai-shek for a long time, and half of his life has been engraved with the word "spy", and wherever he goes, he plays with women.

In 1938, Dai Li went to inspect his first spy training class, and during the days of his residence, Dai Li talked with female comrades many times, and in a short period of time, he hooked up with Zhou Zhiying.

Dai Li is a very flirtatious person, Zhou Zhiying didn't say a few words to him, Dai Li said that he felt happy from the first time he saw her, and he didn't know if she had the same psychology.

In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat

Zhou Zhiying looked at the person in front of her, a little excited in her heart, looked up at him, his eyes were full of "hunting" light, she hurriedly lowered her head, Dai Li saw that she was silent, and it was this posture again, he hugged Zhou Zhiying's waist, leaned over, and pressed down on her, Zhou Zhiying did not refuse, let go of the other party's every move, and it didn't take long for the two to come to fruition.

After that, Dai Li went to the training class a few times and talked with the female students as usual, and Zhou Zhiying was the one who had the most times.

Zhou Zhiying followed Dai Li's side after graduation, as his "secretary", in the process of getting along, Zhou Zhiying was moved by Dai Li, and even began to dream of being the future boss's wife, so, in a chat, Zhou Zhiying asked Dai Li, if he loved himself.

Dai Li is a master of love, and he loves her as soon as he opens his mouth, if he doesn't love her, how can he transfer her to his side.

Zhou Zhiying was overjoyed when he heard this, and he had already begun to discuss marriage with him.

In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat

As a result, Dai Li's words changed the subject, and after that, Dai Li's people sent someone to take her to prison, and she didn't know that she had been fooled until the door was closed and the person who brought her stretched out a criminal hand to her. Since then, Zhou Zhiying has been washing her face with tears during the day and being a "bride" at night, she still thinks that Dai Li is confused for a while, and one day she will "summon" herself, however, there are more and more women who play after Dai Li, and they don't care about her anymore, and they are even more reluctant to let her go.

From Zhou Zhiying's ending, it is enough to see Dai Li's attitude towards women, and it can also be seen that the woman who followed him did not end well.

The real identity of the spy "Queen of Spades".

As we said above, Dai Li not only played with women, but also cultivated a group of female spies, the "Queen of Spades" is one of them, but no one knows what the identity of this "Queen of Spades" is. Until the end of the 50s, a person who had served her revealed the mystery for everyone.

In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat

It turned out that the famous "Queen of Spades" turned out to be Dai Li's sex slave, however, the difference is that she has not participated in the military organization, naturally, her name is not on the roster, but she is loyal to Dai Li.

Since arriving in Shanghai in 1939, the "Queen of Spades" has been in the business of coloring, and since then she has not been short of a penny.

Perhaps, many people can't understand that a beautiful woman who has not been entered into the military command agent and has no salary has nothing to do, she has to work hard for Dai Li, after all, she is not on the list, and she doesn't have to worry about being found out. Could it be that Dai Li's last life saved her life? I have to say that Dai Li really saved her life, but not in the previous life, but in this life.

The Queen of Spades' mother was a prostitute, so she was a child of an unknown father, and her mother only named her Ali, who could not end well in this business, and Ali's mother finally died of syphilis.

In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat

After the death of her mother, the trajectory of Ali's life changes, she is taken away by a thief and learns the art of stealing. Seeing that Ali Qing is out of the blue, her heart is full of excitement, she can finally repay "Abba" (the thief who took her), as a result, a bad luck directly befell her, as she grew older, she became better and better, when she was 14 years old, this Abba directly raped her, since then, she has been in dire straits every day, and there is no way to escape.

In order to save herself, Ali directly found the boss of the thief gang and recognized the other party as her godfather, so she escaped the sea of suffering and continued her career as a thief. The godfather didn't wait for Ali to retire to the end, so he was arrested and sent to the bureau. Eighteen or nineteen-year-old Ali has a small amount of savings, and she is also at the age of falling in love.

Ali falls in love with a poor college student, and the two quickly fall in love, and it is at this time that Ali's father finds her and asks her to take him in, and if she doesn't want to, he stabs her boyfriend for everything.

In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat

Ali was obedient to the other party, but in fact she was secretly thinking about how to get out, she wanted to stand in the sun with dignity and not be dragged into the swamp. So, she first pretended to agree, and then stabbed seven times in a row and killed the other party.

Before Ali could escape, she was arrested by the police who were tracking down her father, and after a police investigation, Ali's previous crimes were found out, and she was put on death row. The incident quickly made the newspapers, and everyone lamented Ali's life.

Coincidentally, this newspaper was seen by Dai Li, who just wanted to find a female agent with special skills, and Ali was the best candidate, and Dai Li directly used special means to bail Ali out of prison.

Dai Li's mastery of stealing skills is very satisfying, and he is very happy with her intelligence and good looks, but there is still some way to go before she becomes a qualified agent. Dai Li regarded her as a special talent training, personally taught her gun, photography and other related skills, and named her Li Lili.

In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat

In 1939, Dai Li gave Ali an order: to go to Shanghai Beach as a courtesan, and the person who contacted her was Dai Li.

Ali's task is to get information from the military and political dignitaries in Shanghai, whether she is stealing or betraying her hue, as long as she achieves her goal.

Ali, a person with no identity background, broke into Shanghai Tang, and with such a big goal, there was no choice but the latter, but if she became a dancer and a prostitute, there was no way to get out for a while, and Ali chose the safest way - secret prostitution.

In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat

Secret prostitutes are also divided into three, six, nine and so on, Ali saved Bai Lina, a courtesan on the beach, and took the opportunity to let Bai Lina find a godfather for herself, Bai Lina's resources are really good, her previous godfather was the famous Du Yuesheng in Shanghai, and now Du Yuesheng has left Shanghai, Bai Lina introduced Ali to Zhang Xiaolin, who is in the middle of the day, Ali has completed the class leap through Zhang Xiaolin, Ali is among the upper classes, and the information in Dai Li's hands is becoming more and more valuable.

However, Ali is so hardworking, did Dai Lian let her die well? No.

One day, someone found a floating corpse by the Huangpu River, the body has been in the water for 1 week, has begun to decompose, the face is no longer distinguishable, but the valuables on her body are not missing, and there is a desperate letter in her pocket, specially wrapped in oiled paper, which reads:

In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat
My name is Li Lili, a native of Suzhou, and I used to mingle with Orientals and traitors, but now I regret it...... Please bury me for me.

After the news was published in the newspapers, it did not cause much sensation, and everyone was celebrating the victory of the anti-Japanese resistance. However, would someone with such a strong psychological quality really commit suicide?

It's just nonsense, it must be Dai Li's unloading and killing the donkey.

In 1951, the police caught a military commander agent, and the other party confessed, he once received an order to disguise himself as a countryman and kill a courtesan, and the person who gave the order revealed that the other party was a traitor courtesan.

In 1945, a female corpse was found in the Huangpu River, and her identity was revealed six years later, and it was actually the Queen of Spades who wore a hat

It's not hard to guess that Dai Li did this, it's just that Ali knows too much, and Dai Li kills it in order to protect herself.