
The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

author:Listen to the clouds

Listen to the clouds

"People are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong", this sentence is really suitable for Jiang Ping. Jiang Ping was shortlisted for the finals of the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition with her own efforts, but because of her identity as a "secondary school student", she was suspected and unfounded speculation by some netizens.

What's more, Jiang Ping's mathematics results in the high school entrance examination were also announced, and Jiang Ping's mathematics scores in the high school entrance examination were indeed not too high, only 83 points, and this was confirmed by the local education department.

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

Immediately afterwards, many netizens questioned Wang Runqiu, and a large number of netizens questioned Wang Runqiu for participating in the competition through the account of student Jiang Ping. The most critical thing is that there have been rumors recently that Jiang Ping has been illegally detained.

In the face of this series of variables, the majority of netizens can only Aite the relevant departments of Lianshui County, hoping that they can reply as soon as possible. The official response of Lianshui County was: An investigation is underway......


Jiang Ping is actually just a 17-year-old secondary school student, and she is not yet an adult. But her life has suffered so many setbacks dramatically, first participating in the global mathematics competition and ranking at the top, winning many honors and praise from netizens.

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

Then there was a scene of being "hacked", and some netizens questioned why Jiang Ping, who only scored 83 points in the high school entrance examination, was suddenly "worlds apart" with her mathematical talent.

You must know that advanced mathematics is only studied in college, and many college students feel that the most difficult thing to learn is advanced mathematics, but Jiang Ping can participate in the top mathematics competitions in China, and can also sweep a large number of competitors and become one of the top 12 in the national mathematics competition, which is indeed incredible.

Of course, it is not excluded that some people are not good at math in junior high school, but they are better at math in college, which is probably what the ancients often said "late bloomers".

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

Jiang Ping did not major in mathematics at Lianshui County Secondary School, but fashion design, and she usually had relatively few opportunities to contact advanced mathematics.

So, how did Jiang Ping learn advanced mathematics? Perhaps we can find some clues from Wang Yanqiu.


What kind of character is Wang Yanqiu? In fact, he is a mathematics teacher at Lianshui County Secondary School and Jiang Ping's mathematics teacher, so it can be said that he guided and released Jiang Ping's huge mathematical potential.

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

In fact, the relationship between Jiang Ping and Wang Runqiu is one of mutual achievement and mutual attraction, because Jiang Ping is very good at thinking, especially for advanced mathematics problems, as soon as she can't figure it out, she will take the initiative to ask Mr. Wang Runqiu for solution ideas.

Teacher Wang Yanqiu saw that this 17-year-old girl knew everything and was more talented than other students, so Wang Yunqiu passed on all her experience and experience to the student Jiang Ping, and Jiang Ping also participated in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition at the suggestion of Wang Yanqiu.

You must know that Wang Yanqiu, a mathematics teacher, is not ordinary, because he has also participated in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition many times before.

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

In the latest Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition in 2024, Wang Yanqiu's score is ranked 125th, and his student Jiang Ping is among the top 12 this time.

But this is also because of this, which led many netizens to suspect that Wang Yanqiu may have borrowed the account of student Jiang Ping to participate in the competition, in order to brush up points and improve his popularity.


For many questions from the outside world, Wang Runqiu also had to come forward to respond, but Wang Runqiu quoted a sentence from the Tang Dynasty educator Han Yu's "Teacher Said": A disciple does not have to be inferior to a teacher, and a teacher does not have to be better than a disciple.

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

This sentence can be said to be very convincing, although the student Jiang Ping's global mathematics competition score ranking is higher than Wang Yanqiu's, but who stipulates that students must not be better than teachers? Only by being blue is better than blue, can we promote the progress and development of society.

However, Wang Yanqiu wants to seal Youyou's mouth with just one sentence, how easy is that? There are still many netizens who suspect Wang Yanqiu, thinking that he is engaged in "black-box operations", privately using Jiang Ping's account to participate in the competition and earn points, seeking improper benefits.

Seeing that there are more and more doubts, Wang Yanqiu, a math teacher, has to be investigated by the authorities accordingly.

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

Of course, most netizens hope that there is no "shady" in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, Wang Yanqiu's math teacher is innocent, and the student Jiang Ping is really a math genius, which has to wait for the official announcement and come up with convincing evidence.


This is not the most important thing, because the news of the illegal detention of 17-year-old student Jiang Ping was recently exposed on the Internet, which immediately attracted the attention of the majority of netizens.

At this critical juncture, student Jiang Ping had an accident, how could there be such a coincidence? This news has also cast a thick fog over the whole incident, and we can only understand the truth of the matter by waiting for the official investigation and response.

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

However, there are a few facts that can be determined, that is, Jiang Ping's high school entrance examination results, especially the mathematics score of 83 points, have been confirmed by the relevant departments.

Another point is that the computer used by Jiang Ping during the competition was borrowed, not her own, and the last point is that the official is still asking Alibaba DAMO Academy about the situation.

This global mathematics competition is mainly carried out by the Alibaba DAMO Academy, and the specific situation will not be known until the official asks the Alibaba DAMO Academy about the situation.

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

Of course, from a legal point of view, some people on the Internet exposed the results of student Jiang Ping's mathematics high school entrance examination, which is actually an illegal act that violates the privacy of others, and it is absolutely undesirable.

Jiang Ping is just a 17-year-old girl, who is not deeply involved in the world, where do people have so much effort to fight wits and courage with the "old driver" on the Internet?


Of course, there are still many netizens who support Jiang Ping, because with the guidance and cultivation of famous mathematics teachers, a student's mathematics performance can really get a qualitative leap.

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

It can be said that for a poor student, mathematics is the fastest and most significant subject, much faster than English and Chinese.

Therefore, although Jiang Ping's mathematics score in the high school entrance examination is not particularly excellent, this does not prevent the full development of people's mathematical talent in the future.

Especially under the guidance of the famous mathematics teacher Wang Yanqiu, it is not surprising that Jiang Ping's mathematical talent has been fully explored.

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

However, at present, the majority of netizens are most concerned about whether Jiang Ping has been illegally detained? Is Jiang Ping safe now? Will Jiang Ping be cyberbullied?

I hope that the official can investigate the truth of the matter in a timely manner, so that many rumors on the Internet can be self-defeating. The truth is not far away, it beckons to us in the distance.

The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came

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The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came
The truth is not far off! Wang Yanqiu was investigated, was Jiang Ping illegally detained? The official response came