
There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

author:Sports and entertainment
There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

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Text: Sports and Entertainment Record

Editor|Sports and Entertainment Wind Cloud Record

Chen Lijun, actually lost?

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

It seems that everyone is very confused about this result.

Is victory or defeat a common thing, or is there something else behind it?

Recently, the new season of "Sister Lang" has come to an end temporarily, but the popularity has risen rapidly.

What continues to hang on the hot search list is: Why did Chen Lijun lose?

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

Netizens believe that whether it is strength ranking or popularity data, Chen Lijun is the first in the fault line, and it seems that Chen Lijun should win the game.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

When the official announcement was made, Mango TV invited Chen Lijun to participate with great fanfare, and it was more or less due to the popularity of Chen Lijun's fire, which was publicized from all walks of life to attract attention and increase ratings.

Chen Lijun's voice on the scene was also the highest.

I thought that there was no suspense in the result of the game, but in the end, the truth was:

Chen Lijun failed with 0 votes.

There is a way that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

According to insiders, the on-site voting machines all failed in those tens of seconds, and they could not vote for Chen Lijun, but they could vote for other sisters.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

This led to the fact that after dozens of seconds, Chen Lijun's "Chivalrous Yin" score could not be displayed.

The result came out: Sa Dingding won.

But the audience in the audience was in a mess, they all questioned that the program team had a shady scene, and shouted Chen Lijun, for this result, Sa Dingding was also surprised and embarrassed; "I also love Chen Lijun very much."

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

originally wanted to throw this pot to Sa Dingding and incite fans on both sides to tear each other apart, but fortunately, Sa Dingding resolved it on the spot with high emotional intelligence, not only sincerely thanking her former captain Chen Lijun, but also shouting Chen Lijun Chen Lijun with the audience who were out of control and shouting angrily.

At the same time, Liu Yan was also shouting for her throughout the whole process.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

After the incident, in order to cover up the audience's restless voice, the official reversed the video released later.

Some listeners who have been to the scene said that the original clear and elegant sound has become out of tune after secondary processing, which is outrageous.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

This practice of covering their ears and stealing the bell caused many netizens to be indignant, and they ran to the official blog to ask for an explanation.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

Even Yang Ma appeared and released the original video of the live broadcast, strongly supporting Chen Lijun and directly slapping Mango's official sound repair behavior in the face.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

But the wood is already in the boat, and winning or losing is a foregone conclusion.

In this era of capital operation and flow is king, is decency really worthless?

All this is no accident.

As early as when Chen Lijun participated in Sister Lang, there were already signs.

Chen Lijun's super popularity is mostly inseparable from her personal charm.

Dare to ask, who hasn't been moved by this scene?

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

Her appearance makes people really feel that handsomeness is not a gender, but a feeling.

The refreshing and handsome little student looks extraordinary, graceful and suave, and you can see the skills behind it with just one look.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

Mo Shangren is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

As the saying goes, one minute on stage, ten years off the stage.

The same is true for Chen Lijun.

As an outstanding young actor of Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe, Chen Lijun's main works include "Step by Step, A Light", "He Wenxiu", etc., because of the popularity of "New Dragon Gate Inn" with her partner Li Yunxiao some time ago, bringing the Yue Opera that was gradually forgotten by young people to the screen.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

At first, Chen Lijun specialized in Hua Dan, but after several years of hard practice and performance, she has accumulated rich stage experience, and originally thought that it would be good to take the Hua Dan route all the time.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

However, it is gold that always shines.

may have seen Chen Lijun's talent, her teacher Mao Weitao, who is a three-time winner of the Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theatre, has proposed to her more than once-

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

"Lijun, do you want to try Xiaosheng?"

For this proposal, at first, Chen Lijun refused.

Because, every industry needs years of support, and if you become a monk halfway, you will have to face the situation of starting over.

She didn't realize that she might be better suited to the business of a small student.

But the discerning Mao Weitao realized.

Under the third persuasion, Chen Lijun finally seriously thought about and accepted it, and soon threw herself into purgatory-like training.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

During the day, the practice room was open until 6 o'clock and closed, so Chen Lijun jumped in the window and continued to practice until 12 o'clock at night.

just persevered day after day, and finally became a shining little student on stage.

is the Jarting who amazed everyone on stage.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

In addition to her rich acting experience and profound acting skills, Chen Lijun has won numerous awards and gained many fans because of her popularity.

But even so, she still did not have the slightest fatigue in the flowers and applause, and always insisted on practicing her skills hard and participating in various programs, just to carry forward the traditional Yue Opera.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

She is not an internal entertainment star, but she has unparalleled popularity and profound performance strength.

What's more, Chen Lijun's live performance in "Sister Lang 5" is really impeccable.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

However, the end result is punctual -

Chen Lijun, actually lost?

What's the problem?

Many viewers and fans expressed puzzlement about this result, and the audience was not so easy to fool.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

Chen Lijun has her own popularity, but she is a member of the system, and she can't sign a contract with Mango Channel, so she will return to her own troupe.

Perhaps out of this consideration, Mango TV is more inclined to choose artists with higher commercial value, which is also an inevitable trend.

Of course, part of the reason may be that Chen Lijun is not a group, but because of these, is it too ugly to eat after such a malicious operation?

Perhaps, Chen Lijun herself has already seen through the injustice.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

Therefore, in the self-introduction of the later issues, Chen Lijun repeatedly mentioned that she was a member of the Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe, and she was very attentive to promoting Yue Opera.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

Especially during the competition, in the only canvassing time, Chen Lijun did not canvass for herself, but sincerely thanked all the people who accompanied her along the way.

It seems that the results have been seen a long time ago.

Chen Lijun no longer cares about winning or losing, but sincerely promotes Yue Opera, hoping to let more people feel the charm of Yue Opera, which is the original intention of Chen Lijun to participate in Sister Lang.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

encountered such unfair treatment, Chen Lijun did not cry and grab the ground, her emotions were out of control, and she did not make any accusations, and she behaved calmly throughout the whole process.

is like a sentence in "Chivalrous Yin": After the incident, you will go to the clothes, and hide your merit and fame

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

Such a plain and watery attitude and broad pattern make people can't help but admire.

Pull out the radish and bring out the puree.

In addition to this incident, the suspected unfair black-box operations of many variety shows were also mentioned.

For example, Lantai also went from explosive to infamous back then, and the shady scenes behind it were outrageous.

Could it be that Mango Terrace should also follow the old path of Blue Terrace?

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

It's hard not to be confused by the piles stacked on top of each other—

How many injustices are still condoned?

With the strength that everyone can see, can it really break through the "insider"?

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

Of course, this also sounded the alarm bell for us, while trying to do our own work, we should not forget our original intention and be calm and open-minded.

The storm of this live broadcast of the game has not stopped, and viewers and fans are eagerly awaiting, waiting for a reasonable explanation.

I also hope that the entertainment industry can truly respect art and talent, so that more people with strength and dreams can be seen, and set a fair and positive benchmark for the society.


The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

There was chaos in the audience! Chen Lijun's 0 vote fiasco caused public anger, and Sa Dingding made a move to save the scene

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