
It's graduation! 3,653 Chuankang students are about to start a new journey

author:Zigong observes

Zigong network reporter Bu Yishan

"On the occasion of parting, I would like to tell you three words: always keep the feelings of the family and the country, shine in the 'fiery years', always burn the passion and dreams, and achieve the 'hot and hot', always dare to act, experience the 'flying life', and become a practitioner, participant and promoter of building a healthy China." On the evening of June 28, at the 2024 graduation ceremony held by Sichuan Provincial Health and Rehabilitation Vocational College, Huang Xiaochun, Secretary of the Party Committee, sent an affectionate message to 3,653 students who were about to step out of school.

It's graduation! 3,653 Chuankang students are about to start a new journey

With the theme of "Pursuing Dreams and a New Journey of Health, Standing Up and Taking Responsibility for the Future", the party was divided into three chapters: "Youth Celebrates and Lives Up to the Years", "Life is at the Right Time, I Do Not Slack Off", and "I am Proud to Strengthen the Country". Teachers and students gathered together to share the joy of graduation, the reluctance to part, and the high spirit of departure.

It's graduation! 3,653 Chuankang students are about to start a new journey
It's graduation! 3,653 Chuankang students are about to start a new journey

In a warm atmosphere, the leaders attending the event presented honorary certificates to the representatives of outstanding university graduates of Sichuan Province in 2024, and awarded graduation certificates to the graduate representatives. This paper certificate means that they have completed their studies, gone to society, rushed to the future, and started a new journey in life.

In her speech, Wang Xinyi, the representative of the outstanding graduates, thanked her alma mater and teachers for their hard work, and was determined to use the knowledge and professional skills she had learned to show new responsibilities on the new journey, achieve new achievements, and contribute to the development of medical and health services with full passion and high spirits.

It's graduation! 3,653 Chuankang students are about to start a new journey

At the party site, teachers and students also presented wonderful cultural programs such as singing and dancing, sketches, and poetry recitations, sending the most sincere blessings to the students who are about to bid farewell to the campus.

For a long time, Sichuan Health and Rehabilitation Vocational College has always been committed to cultivating high-quality technical and skilled talents, strengthening graduation ceremony education, focusing on building a "three-dimensional education" work pattern, and has successively cultivated more than 40,000 health talents. In the future, the college will adhere to the development path of medical and educational coordination and school-enterprise integration, deepen the reform of education and teaching, focus on cultivating more outstanding skilled talents, and contribute to accelerating the development of new quality productivity.

Editor: Peng Yanzhang

Editor: Wu Shanguan