
This child came at an inopportune time, and if their marriage could not continue, should the child be kept?

author:Zhizhi excerpt
This child came at an inopportune time, and if their marriage could not continue, should the child be kept?

The picture comes from the Internet

"Jingle bell...... Jingle bell ......"

The newly bought mobile phone is not familiar with it, and even this ringtone is unfamiliar.

Wu Youyou was frightened by this ringtone, and she hurriedly rummaged through her mobile phone in her bag, for fear that the continuous ringtone would disturb others.


"Youyou, where are you, Master Wu...... Wrestled. ”

On the phone, Aunt Luo's voice was full of trills.


"Aunt Luo, don't worry, you say slowly, where did grandpa fall, is it serious?"

Wu Youyou comforted Aunt Luo while looking at the clock on the wall.

There was still almost an hour before she got the test results.

"Wu Ye broke his leg, and now in the First People's Hospital, the doctor said that he would have to have surgery, and he needed to sign by his relatives before he could arrange the operation."

"Surgery? Okay, I'll be right here! ”

Wu Youyou ran out and casually intercepted a taxi, "Please go to the First People's Hospital now, thank you!" ”

"Okay, please buckle up, thank you for your cooperation!"

The driver glanced at her in the rearview mirror and made sure she was seated before starting the car.

Wu Youyou turned on his mobile phone and dialed Fan Xingyun's phone, but the other party's mobile phone kept showing that he was on the call.

"What are you busy with, why don't you answer the phone?" Wu Youyou looked at his phone and muttered to himself.

Except for his grandfather, Wu Youyou has no other relatives.

So when something happens, Fan Xingyun is the first person she thinks of.

Even if Wu Youyou is sometimes unreasonable, Fan Xingyun doesn't pay much attention to her, but if grandpa has something, Fan Xingyun will basically be the first to rush to the scene.

His affection for his grandfather is no less than that of his parents.

Therefore, half of the reason why he married Wu Youyou was because he didn't want to live up to his grandfather's expectations of him.

When I arrived at the hospital, Aunt Luo was waiting anxiously outside the operating room, and when she saw Wu Youyou coming, she immediately greeted her.

"Yoyo, you've got it, I'm really in a hurry."

Aunt Luo pulled Wu Youyou to the doctor, and the doctor comforted them.

"The patient is not life-threatening, but he broke his leg bone and needs surgery, the family can read these materials first, if there is no opinion, sign it, and we will arrange surgery immediately."

"Okay, good work, doctor."

Wu Youyou picked up the pen and quickly signed his name.

Outside the window, it was raining heavily.

Thunder and lightning raged wildly in this dreary summer night.

Outside the house, the branches rustled in the wind.

Master Wu was woken up, and he turned his head to look at his granddaughter who was sleeping on his stomach, with one hand still on his wrist.

The old man gently put down her hand and raised his eyes to look at the air conditioning display, twenty-six degrees, okay.

"Grandpa, you're awake, how do you feel, does it still hurt?"

Wu Youyou slept unsteadily, and when her grandfather moved slightly, she woke up, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she wanted to cry, and her eyes were red.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt, don't you see grandpa."

The old man laughed and patted his arm and chest.

Alas, people are old and useless.

Not only did it not help the juniors, but it became a burden to them.

"You've got a smile on your face! If Aunt Luo hadn't called me, I would have been kept in the dark. ”

"I didn't intend to hide it from you." Master Wu said sincerely.

When the accident happened, he called Wu Youyou, but it showed that the phone was turned off.

(At that time, Wu Youyou hadn't bought a new phone.) )

Considering that the Fan couple are busy with work again, and Fan Xingyun has also had a lot of worries recently, so he called Aunt Luo.

The old man turned his head to look out the window, "It's raining so hard outside, let's call Xingyun to come and pick you up tonight, I have a nurse here, so I don't need you." ”

Not only is the place deserted, but it doesn't smell good.

Besides, his precious granddaughter doesn't even have a proper bed here, how tired she is.

Wu Youyou pouted, "I won't go back tonight, and you don't want to drive me away, anyway, from the moment I was born, our grandparents and grandchildren are destined to be tied up for a lifetime." ”

"You're still young, you have a long way to go, don't you bury me as an old man?"

"Then you kick me out of the country."

Wu Youyou stood up, crossed his hands on his hips and said deliberately angrily.

Outside the restaurant, Fan Xingyun was drunk and drowsy, holding on to a pillar at the gate to close his eyes and recuperate.

Jiang Meiqi held the mobile phone for him, and a call came at this time.

The caller ID was "Xiao Sakusai Youyou", and as soon as she rolled her eyes, she pressed the answer button and slipped her phone into her collar.

Then he reached out and hugged Fan Xingyun, but he raised his hand and slapped it off.

Her voice was coquettish, "Nebula, don't do this, you're hurting me." ”

Fan Xingyun heard it inexplicably, but he still said to her, "I'm sorry! ”

Wu Youyou heard this sound like five thunderbolts, what happened?

The woman who spoke just now was Jiang Meiqi?

Are the two really resurrected?

Or have you been fooling around for a long time?

Therefore, the divorce that Fan Xingyun said was not a whim, but a long-planned plan?

"Fan, where are you? Whoever you're with, you ......"

Wu Youyou didn't finish speaking, but found that the phone had been hung up, and when he called again, he was busy.

She has known Fan Xingyun for so long, no matter how busy he is, he will not hang up her phone, even if he can't answer it at the time, he will call back later.

Since she cheated on her marriage, Fan Xingyun's attitude towards her has plummeted.

As the saying goes, a twisted melon is not sweet, but it quenches thirst.

But now I can't quench my thirst, but I quench Jiang Meiqi's thirst.

Wu Youyou returned to the ward in despair, and the old man saw through her thoughts at a glance.

"Nebula didn't answer the phone?"

"Yes, I'm busy."

Both children were grown up by the old man, and he knew them.

Although Fan Xingyun didn't like to talk when he was a child, he protected Yoyo everywhere, and Yoyo has been sticking to him since he was a child, and he can even be described as dominant.

The elders often joked that when they grew up, they would have a wedding.

Fan Xingyun did not refuse, and everyone took him as acquiescing.

"Yoyo, people live for a lifetime, the most important thing is to be happy, you have to learn to explain yourself, and stay away from those people and things that make you unhappy."

Fan Xingyun returned home with the support of Sun Xiaobing and Jiang Meiqi.

The room was pitch black, and there wasn't even a single figure.

"Yo-yo, yo-yo? Wu Youyou!! ”

"Where did this girl go at night?"

Fan Xingyun took off his suit jacket, threw it on the sofa casually, and went upstairs angrily while untying his tie with one hand.

A nail household that has annoyed him for more than three months, today under the persuasion of Jiang Meiqi, he finally signed the contract.

He was as happy as if he had pulled out a thorn in his heart.

The project does not need to be changed, and the investor does not have to withdraw because of the increase in costs.

As soon as the construction party starts tomorrow, they can start preparing to hold the investment conference, and then some large shopping malls, branded clothing, shoes, mobile phones, and even brand schools will settle in.

Guanren Real Estate is enjoying appreciation.

Jiang Meiqi followed him upstairs.

Fan Xingyun turned on the light in the room, saw the broken floor at a glance, and a thought flashed in his mind, the house was robbed?

You don't have to pry the floor to rob, right?

You don't have to pry the floor to rob, right?

"What's going on? Who did it? ”

This is their wedding room!

Jiang Meiqi frowned, "Youyou is young and temperamental, I believe that in a few years, she will be more mature." ”

In and out of his words, he was hinting at Fan Xingyun, which was the consequence of his anger at Wu Youyou.

Fan Xingyun's face was very bad, he reached out and touched his handbag, but he didn't find the phone.

"Sun Xiaobing!"

"In!" Sun Xiaobing stood up, listening to this tone, he might be furious.

"Where's my phone?"

"Here." Jiang Meiqi returned the phone to him, and took the residual warmth on her body.

Fan Xingyun twisted his eyebrows, wiped it on his clothes, and when he opened it, he saw Wu Youyou's missed call, and he called back.

The bell rang for a long time, but no one answered.

"Maybe it's in the air."

Jiang Meiqi patted Fan Xingyun's shoulder, looking understanding.

"Sun Xiaobing, you send Meiqi back, it's raining, pay attention to safety."


Sun Xiaobing took something and was about to go out, but Jiang Meiqi said embarrassedly.

"Can we leave later, the customer asked me for information, I want to borrow your computer and send information to the customer, my computer has a malfunction."

Sun Xiaobing nodded, naturally he is the biggest customer, Miss Jiang loves work so much, it is really rare.

is much better than those little girls who can only chase stars and buy everywhere, she can not only socialize, drink, but also be kind when circling with customers.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Fan Xingyun hesitated for a while, then pointed to the laptop computer on the side and said, "I'll sleep first, you can do whatever you want, remember to close the door for me when you go out later." ”


Sun Xiaobing watched Fan Xingyun enter the study.

The rain became louder and louder, and Sun Xiaobing woke up from the sofa, only to find that the computer in front of Jiang Meiqi was still on.

In the past few months, everyone has been busy with the project, and they haven't had a good night's sleep at all.

Unexpectedly, last night, when he lay down on Fan Xingyun's sofa, he fell asleep unconsciously.

He lit up the phone screen, "Mom, it's almost six o'clock." ”

At this moment, Maggie is sleeping on the lazy sofa.

It was selected by Wu Youyou personally in the furniture market, and she usually likes to nest here to brush her mobile phone and do her homework.

"Xiaobing, you're awake, I see you slept too soundly last night, and I can't bear to wake you up."

Staying overnight at Fan's house was part of her design.

I hope to go straight to bed next time, and it is better to be the hostess here.

In this world, there are not many people who can make her envious, jealous and hateful, and Wu Youyou is one of them.

She struggled for more than ten years, but she couldn't get to Rome, and some people have been in Rome since birth.

Therefore, the only way she can think of to change the fate of the rest of her life and even the next generation is to get married.

To marry a rich man, it is best for the other party to have good looks and ability.

And Van Xingyun is the best candidate.

Twelve years ago, Fan Xingyun was still a milky child, and the Fanjia family was just a foreign entrepreneur.

Today, Fanjia is the largest real estate developer in Yongzhou.

Twenty-seven-year-old Van Xingyun, since taking over the business, has acted in a bolder and more courageous style than his parents.

The entire Yongzhou, and even the real estate people across the country, know this person.

"It's okay, shall we go back then?" Sun Xiaobing stretched.

"No, it's time to go to the construction site after breakfast, and we have to get there earlier than usual to start work today."

Jiang Meiqi closed the computer and walked to the kitchen to open the refrigerator.

"There are dumplings Piye, why don't I make dumplings, Xiaobing please go to the vegetable market, buy some fresh meat, corn, carrots, let the boss mix together and stir into foam, and then buy some fresh onions and garlic."

Sun Xiaobing got up, "Okay." ”

The big beauties of the people have made dumplings during their menstrual periods, and he has nothing to complain about as a big man.

After a hangover, Van Xingyun slept until dawn.

He picked up his phone, but found that there was not much battery on the phone, and there was no call reminder from Wu Youyou.

Annoyed, he took out the charger, put it aside to charge, and then got up and prepared to go to the master bedroom to get a set of clothes to change into.

As soon as he went out, he saw Jiang Meiqi standing outside the door, which startled him.

"Why are you still here?"

Fan Xingyun's face was displeased, he had always disliked others staying at his house, and Sun Xiaobing was not good.

So when he first chose this villa, he only made four bedrooms.

There is a master bedroom, a study room, a children's room, and a room for Wu Youyou to doodle.

There are no rooms left.

But each room is very large, and the master bedroom alone is more than 70 square meters, and Wu Youyou once joked that going to the toilet is a long-distance relationship.

"I, I was too busy last night, Xiaobing slept deeply, I can't bear to disturb him......" Jiang Meiqi's expression was very embarrassed.

"Wait, Sun Xiaobing is also there?" Fan Xingyun poked his head downstairs, but he didn't see Sun Xiaobing.

"He's gone out to buy vegetables, I'm going to make dumplings for everyone to eat in a while, and you are also going to have breakfast together in the next moment."

"And what are you going to do now?" Van Xingyun gathered the pajamas on his body.

"I want to borrow your bathroom to take a shower, I was sweating yesterday, and I still smell of tobacco and alcohol on my body, it stinks."

Jiang Meiqi carried her collar and sniffed with a wrinkled nose.

Van Xingyun went out sideways, leaving the study to her.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Meiqi entered the house and saw that Fan Xingyun's mobile phone was charging on the bedside table, and she quietly locked the door.

Fan Xingyun was looking for clothes in the cloakroom and saw a whole row of Wu Youyou's clothes in the closet.

He wanted to call Wu Youyou, but found that the phone was not on him.

When I came to the door of the study, the door opened, and Jiang Meiqi poked her head out of the room and said loudly, "Xingyun, can you get me a change of clothes?" ”

"I don't have any clothes you can wear here."

Fan Xingyun replied, at least she can't wear leisurely clothes, otherwise the little girl will make trouble.

"Okay, I'll wear yours then." After Jiang Meiqi finished speaking, she closed the door.

“嘟…… 嘟……”

The phone hung up again, and Wu Youyou only heard Jiang Meiqi's voice, which seemed to come from a relatively distant place.

But I can still hear it clearly.

If there is no mistake, Fan Xingyun and Jiang Meiqi were together all night and slept in their house.

Otherwise, Jiang Meiqi would not have said that she would wear Fan's clothes.

But she still didn't want to believe that Fan Xingyun was such a person, so she dialed Sun Xiaobing's phone.

"Hey, Miss Wu, are you looking for me?"

Sun Xiaobing holds a dish in one hand and answers the call with a mobile phone in his arm.

"Xiaobing, no one answered Fan Xingyun's phone, are you with him now?"


Sun Xiaobing struggled to pull money out of his wallet and pay it to the vegetable stall owner.

"And who is he with?"

Wu Youyou believed that Sun Xiaobing would not lie easily, so he asked the other party directly.

"This ......"

Sun Xiaobing hesitated, this will be when he comes out, won't there be Mr. Fan and Jiang Meiqi left in the family?

This can't be said, isn't it just used to cover up for good brothers?

He believes that Mr. Fan and Jiang Meiqi are absolutely fine, but there is no lower limit to a woman's sensitivity, who knows what Miss Wu will think.

Seeing that the other party hesitated for so long, Wu Youyou became even more determined that there was a ghost in it.

After all, she heard Jiang Meiqi's voice twice with her own ears, and it was still the kind of voice that caused people to reverie.

"Don't you know?"

"I know, of course I know, I left after I sent Mr. Fan home last night, Mr. Fan shouldn't have woken up yet, no one is with him."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure, 100% sure!"

"Thank you!" Wu Youyou hung up the phone in frustration.

If Sun Xiaobing told the truth, she might not think in the worst direction.

But Sun Xiaobing lied so blatantly, so she can't be blamed for being cranky.

"Yoyo, you're tired, aren't you?"

When Aunt Luo got out of the elevator, she saw Wu Youyou standing in the corridor with a gloomy face.

"No, I'll come out and answer the phone." Wu Youyou tugged at the corners of his mouth and smiled reluctantly.

Aunt Luo carried two lunch boxes and took her hand and walked to the ward.

The old man barely ate all day yesterday, so he should be hungry too.

"Let's go in, I've made delicious food for you and the old man this morning, and when you're full, go back to rest, and I'll watch here."


Wu Youyou was not polite to Aunt Luo, she had to go to the Women's and Children's Hospital to get the examination report.

The grandparents and grandchildren chatted while eating, and the atmosphere in the ward was relaxed and lively.

"Your Aunt Luo's craft, I really don't have to say it, Youyou has been eating for more than ten years, and I haven't eaten enough."

The old man watched his granddaughter eat cleanly, and his heart suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Wu Youyou was also surprised, was she so hungry?

When I was so sad last night, I seemed to have eaten a lot.

It was only a few o'clock, and in the past, she slept until three o'clock in the morning before getting up, and breakfast was free.

In the past two days, how can you eat like this, is it really pregnant?

"It's just that Aunt Luo's cooking is so delicious that I can't stop at all."

"If it's delicious, you can eat more." Aunt Luo pushed a box of vegetables in front of her.

"Aunt Luo, you can't raise me like a pig." Wu Youyou hugged Aunt Luo affectionately and smiled with satisfaction.

"It's good to be a pig, how easy it is to raise pigs, and next year there will be a little piglet, and I will raise you the same as white and fat."

"Eat dumplings, eat dumplings!"

As soon as Fan Xingyun put down the magazine, Jiang Meiqi ran over with a large plate of dumplings.

She was wearing a black T-shirt that Wu Youyou bought for him, two couples, and a heart pierced by an arrow in front of her.

She was low, and the hem of her dress hung under her thighs.

Fan Xingyun didn't wear this dress on weekdays, he was naïve, but when he wore it on Jiang Meiqi at this time, he felt very uncomfortable.

Jiang Meiqi's sense of no boundaries made him very uncomfortable.

"It's coming, it's coming!"

Sun Xiaobing came out with several small plates, which were filled with aged vinegar, soy sauce, peanut butter, chili sauce, etc.

The three of them sat down around the table and enjoyed a meal together.

Fan Xingyun put down his chopsticks without eating a few, "It's seven o'clock, we arrived before eight o'clock, and you still have fifteen minutes to eat breakfast at most." ”

Looking at the back of Fan Xingyun going upstairs, Sun Xiaobing and Jiang Meiqi looked at each other, not knowing where they had made him unhappy.

The two ate silently, and after a while, Jiang Meiqi also put down her chopsticks.

"The last man to eat washes the dishes."

Jiang Meiqi smiled charmingly at Sun Xiaobing, Sun Xiaobing surrendered, he raised his hands, "Got it, Jiang Da Beauty." ”

Jiang Meiqi is very satisfied with such a title, she doesn't like other Sister Meiqi, Sister Meiqi calls her old.

If it weren't for Fan Xingyun knowing her age, when she entered this company, she would have wanted to report her age younger.

She nestled back on the lazy sofa contentedly, leisurely crossed Erlang's legs, and then winked at the phone, occasionally pouting.

The clock on the wall went to seven twenty-five, and the Van Nebula strode down.

Jiang Meiqi immediately greeted her, "Xingyun, I'll return this dress to you tomorrow when I wash it." ”

Fan Xingyun glanced at it lightly, "No need." ”

Jiang Meiqi lowered her head and smiled secretly, so to speak, send me?

In the car, Jiang Meiqi sat in the co-pilot, holding her mobile phone and happily closing her mouth.

Van Xingyun sat in the back seat, closing his eyes and resting.

Wu Youyou came to the hospital, took out the barcode and scanned it, and the machine "Didi" sounded.

"The report is being printed, please be patient."

"Drops...... Drop......"

"After printing, please take the inspection report in time, welcome to use it next time."

Wu Youyou took away the report and was about to find a place to take a good look, when a dialog box popped up on his phone.

"Miss Wu, hello, I have accepted the plan given by Guanren Real Estate, thank you for your proposal, and we will meet again in the future."

Wu Youyou saw the news and smiled with relief.

Sun Xiaobing's 100,000 yuan has already been obtained, this ungrateful guy!

Wu Youyou hugged his mobile phone and replied to the other party.

"Mr. Hu, I just came up with an idea, it is Guanren Real Estate that really implements this plan, you will contact Xiaosun later, and he will actively cooperate with you."

"Contact Xiao Sun? Isn't it with Miss Jiang? ”

Miss Jiang?

Maggie Jiang?

Wu Youyou doesn't understand, why is there Jiang Meiqi everywhere?

Isn't it Sun Xiaobing who offered the plan, why, this guy has taken a back seat?

In other words, he is now in the same camp as Jiang Meiqi.

"You mean, Miss Jiang contacted you?"

"Yes, I also confirmed with her, do you know Miss Wu Youyou, she said, you are friends."

Friend, what kind of friend is this?

It's obviously the third sister!

Wu Youyou replied angrily, "I don't know any Miss Jiang. ”

Thinking about it, she deleted the message, then put away her phone and leaned back in her chair, waiting for the doctor's summons.

Why did Jiang Meiqi take all the good things?

The more Wu Youyou thought about it, the more unwilling she became, she picked up her mobile phone, ready to ask clearly.

A message ran out again.

She clicked on it and saw that it was a screenshot of the circle of friends.

Hu Youwei sent it.

Wu Youyou looked at the background on the picture and was a little familiar.

After the picture was enlarged, she found out that Jiang Meiqi was wearing a couple outfit she bought for Fan Xingyun.

Jiang Meiqi sat on the lazy sofa she carefully bought, pouting at the camera and selling cuteness.

On the other picture, there is a pile of bandaged cash, a full ten.

Picture caption: Thank you for the clothes someone sent, and ten dozen meal tickets, I like it very much, love attack...

Wu Youyou was furious.

She changed her hand and sent the picture to Fan Xingyun, waiting for a long time, but did not receive a reply.

So, she called again.

Van Xingyun was receiving customers on the construction site, and when the phone rang, he nodded at the customer, and then turned his back to answer the phone.

"Fannebula, what do you mean? The two of us haven't divorced yet, so you can't wait to move in with another woman? ”

As soon as the phone was connected, Wu Youyou crackled and output.

But Fan Xingyun just frowned and said lightly, "I have a clear conscience." ”

It's very well-informed!

I disappeared all night, and the first phone call I made turned out to be to ask him about his teacher.

I'm afraid I didn't eat the dynamite bag, and my temper is so big.

Wu Youyou sneered, "If there is no public order and good customs, how can you feel guilty, only those who have a conscience will feel guilty." ”

Fan Xingyun listened to her more and more excessively, and her temper also came up.

"Wu Youyou, if you don't want to pass it, just say it early, don't go crazy all day long, where did you fool around last night, I haven't asked you yet, you still have the face to ask me!"

Wu Youyou was so angry that he almost rolled his eyes, and he questioned her.

Who the hell is it with my first love, you and me.

Who brought home his first love?

Wear his clothes, sit on her couch, and maybe even sleep in the bed she slept in.

"Wu Youyou, please come to the second consultation room."

Wu Youyou heard the sound of the radio and immediately hung up the phone.

The doctor took the list and looked at it carefully.

"The report shows that you are 48 days pregnant, and you are currently low in progesterone, so you need to pay attention.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to avoid strenuous exercise, avoid mood swings, and avoid eating spicy, frozen and other irritating foods. ”

The doctor said a lot, but Wu Youyou only understood the word forty-eight days.

How did she get pregnant in a daze?

Obviously, the two of them have only done it once.

Also, why forty-eight days?

They have been in sex for thirty-five days to this day.

The doctor looked at her confused, "Is there anything else you don't understand?" ”

Wu Youyou pointed to the report and said, "Is this pregnancy time mistaken?" We ......"

The doctor interrupted her, "Make no mistake, this time is from the time of your last menstrual period, and it has nothing to do with when you have intercourse." ”


Wu Youyou took the list prescribed by the doctor, took some medicine, and walked on the way home with no reluctance.

In her state, she definitely can't go to her grandfather, and when her grandfather sees it, she has to worry about her.

Besides, she didn't sleep well all night yesterday, and the child probably had to protest.

She touched the child in her belly, as if this was the way to truly feel her presence.

This kid couldn't have come at a better time.

She thought of Jiang Meiqi's circle of friends.

remembered that Fan Xingyun proposed divorce to her yesterday.

Remembering his indifference and neglect to her for the past three months.

If their marriage cannot continue, should the child not be kept?

But if she wants to kill the child, how can she be ruthless?

But if she really kept the child, would Fan Xingyun rob her?

Four or five miles away, Wu Youyou walked for more than two hours, and when she returned home, she was exhausted.

Looking at everything in the house, it seems that Jiang Meiqi is everywhere.

Wu Youyou pushed open the children's room, and it was empty.

She didn't know if she would have the opportunity to decorate the children's room with Van Xingyun in the future.

She lay on the ground, curled up in her sleep, tears rolling down the corners of her eyes.

At the moment of landing, it shattered into many petals.

Just like her heart, it has long been broken.

As soon as Fan Xingyun finished his work, Sun Xiaobing walked in, and he wanted to say something.

Fan Xingyun kneaded his temples with both hands, and looked at him with a cowering look, "Something?" ”


"Give me the keys, I'll drive myself today."


Sun Xiaobing put the key on the table and mentioned, "Mr. Fan, Miss Wu called me this morning to check on the post." ”

"Chagang?" Van Xingyun glanced up at him.

Sun Xiaobing immediately panicked, "Yes, but you believe me, how can I betray you?" ”

Fan Xingyun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Sun Xiaobing gave full play to the spirit of human spirit.

"Mr. Fan, have you been a little neglected Miss Wu recently, causing her to be cranky, I will teach you a trick, and I will let you govern people well."

"Tell me about it."

Fan Xingyun pillowed his hands behind his head and lay on his back on the chair, looking careless.

Sun Xiaobing was next to his ear and said sneakily.

"The passage to a woman's heart is xx."

"What the hell?"

Fan Xingyun raised his foot and kicked him, "Get out of the way!" ”

It's really not very old, and there are a lot of tricks.

Sun Xiaobing covered his ass and ran away.

Jiang Meiqi followed in, she was still wearing the T-shirt she had fished from his house, swaying all the way.

Van Xingyun packed up his things and got up to leave.

"Nebula, where are you going?"

"Go home." Van Xingyun didn't reply.

"Do you want me to send you?"

Without Sun Xiaobing following today, there may be a chance to go to bed.


When Van Xingyun came home, he was already tired, and it seemed that he had drunk too much last night.

When he entered the door, he saw Wu Youyou's shoes parked at the entrance, and he knew that she was back.

He went upstairs to look for it.

I didn't see it on the first floor, no one was in the master bedroom, and there was no one in the study.

Finally he pushed open the children's room, which he didn't often set foot in.

In the room, on the wooden floor, Wu Youyou was rolling up and sleeping.

Her delicate little face still has two lines of tears, a slightly upturned nose, fleshy, pink.

The little mouth is stubbornly pursed, just like the aggrieved little expression when I couldn't finish my homework when I was a child.

Fan Xingyun walked over and reached out to wipe the tears from her eyelashes, and he laughed angrily.

"I'm the one who should cry on such a small thing as you, right? You've been wronged first. ”

Fan Xingyun gently picked her up, and as soon as his little head touched his warm chest, he immediately pressed it over, and his little mouth was still muttering.

It's like in a dream, scolding people eight hundred times back and forth.

Fan Xingyun carried her into the study, put her on the bed, then turned on the air conditioner, and after pulling the quilt for her, he got up and went into the bathroom.

Wu Youyou woke up with a burst of water, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the small bed in the study of Fan Xingyun.

His head was down for a few seconds, and he immediately jumped up from the bed and slapped his clothes hard.

Fan Xingyun came out with a bath towel around her, and saw her slapping her body.

He sat next to the table and lit a cigarette.

"What, you think my bed is dirty?"

Wu Youyou smelled the smoke, wrinkled his nose and took a few steps back, looking up to see his exposed chest muscles and slender neck.

The red spots on the neck that are the thickness of a few fingers are particularly conspicuous.

This man, for the sake of divorce, is enough, but he doesn't hide it at all.

Fan Xingyun saw that she was just staring at herself, but she didn't speak, thinking that she was frightened by herself.

He turned around and put on a white T-shirt.

But Wu Youyou's attention was all on the scratches on his back, so bright red, so terrifying.

Tears rolled down again.

"Yes, the bed that the third sister slept in, I was dirty, and the man that the third sister slept on, I was even dirtier!"

Van Xingyun turned around and pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray.

He can't tolerate his women not trusting him, or even insulting him, which is a violation of his personality.

"Wu Youyou, make it clear, what do you mean by this?"

What third sister?

What is the third sister?

Who the is the man who the third sister slept with!

Wu Youyou smiled bitterly, "Mr. Fan is really a noble person who forgets things, last night's battle was so fierce, Mr. Fan actually lifted his pants and forgot the well he dug himself, I really feel sad for the third sister, you are such a man who dares to do not dare to be." ”

Wu Youyou shook off his cruel words and was about to go to the direction of the master bedroom.

The doctor told her not to exercise vigorously, not to get angry, not to smoke, and certainly not to smell secondhand smoke.

How could Fan Xingyun let her go, he finally came back, but he was half angry with this woman.

He stepped forward in three or two steps, grabbed her arm, and dragged her over.

"Wu Youyou, in your eyes, I'm such a person?"

Wu Youyou stared at his scarlet eyes, "Does it matter?" If you had cared what I thought, you wouldn't have done such a thing. ”

"You're unreasonable!"

Fan Xingyun was furious, and as soon as he copied his hands, he stopped the person by the waist and picked him up.

Her body was instantly taken into the air, Wu Youyou couldn't help but be scared, she writhed her limbs and struggled, "Fan Xingyun, you bastard, let me down, let me down!" ”

Van Xingyun threw her on the bed and saw that she was about to jump up like a hedgehog.

Thinking back to her abnormality in the past few days, as well as Sun Xiaobing's clever tricks, he immediately ripped off the bath towel around his body and threw it aside.

Wu Youyou put his hands around his chest, his eyes vigilant, "What are you going to do?" ”

Fan Xingyun didn't speak, so he bullied and pressed the person under him, then grabbed her two tiny wrists with one hand, pinched her chin with the other, and kissed her.

"The fetus has just implanted and cannot exercise vigorously, otherwise there is a risk of abortion."

Wu Youyou's brain went blank, and the doctor's advice sounded in his ears.

But her mouth was blocked, and it was difficult for her to breathe, let alone speak.

She shook her head desperately, a muttered sound coming out of her mouth.

However, Fan Xingyun only cared about how to attack the city, and didn't give her a chance to breathe.

Wu Youyou was ruthless, and used all his brute strength to bite his wet lower lip.

Fan Xingyun was in pain, raised his head and glared at her, "Wu Youyou, you've been making trouble for so long, what are you going to do?" ”

I always pestered him a while ago, didn't I want his favor?

Fan Xingyun raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the next second he reached out to strip her clothes.

Wu Youyou struggled desperately, and roared loudly, "Fan Xingyun, stop, you stop quickly, Fan Xingyun, I'm pregnant!" I said I was pregnant!! ”

"Are you really?"

Van Xingyun distanced himself from the two, squinting at her, and touching her flat belly with one hand.

Wu Youyou felt a strong sense of oppression, and her voice trembled, "Yes, the doctor said that I am forty-eight days pregnant and cannot ......."

"Forty-eight days? Wu Youyou, do you think I'm easy to deceive? ”

It has only been thirty-five days since the two had one and only one, loving exchange.

On this day, Wu Youyou may have forgotten, but he didn't forget.

After all, it was his first time as a man.

The hand on her lower abdomen slowly tightened.

Then before Wu Youyou could react, he got into her shirt.


After a period of tossing, Wu Youyou broke free from Fan Xingyun's arms, and there was a sticky wet under her, and she reached out to touch it.

Blood, stains,

"No, no,"

Wu Youyou's sudden scream frightened Fan Xingyun.

He sat up and saw the blood on the sheets.

Fan Xingyun thought that she had reached her menstrual period, or because Fang Cai's exercise was too intense and she was injured.

"Yu Yu."

He felt guilty and was about to wrap her up.

"Don't come here!" Wu Youyou pushed his hand away and scolded loudly.

"Yoyo, I'm sorry, I'll take you to the hospital."

Fan Xingyun took the blanket and wrapped Wu Youyou, and then went to the wardrobe to take a random piece of clothing and put it on.

Wu Youyou took this opportunity to run to the master bedroom and change his clothes.

When I opened the door, I saw Brahma Xingyun guarding the door.

"Yu Yu......"

Wu Youyou took out a pair of scissors from behind him, "Don't come here!" ”

Now she just wants to get out of here as soon as possible, and she needs to go to the hospital right away.

Fan Xingyun was afraid that she would hurt herself, so she had to persuade her with good words, "Yoyo, it's okay, put the scissors down, be good, I'll take you to the hospital." ”

Wu Youyou saw that he was still standing and refused to back down.

If it is delayed any longer, the baby in the belly will not be saved.

She closed her eyes and didn't hesitate to stick to his arm.


Van Xingyun snorted in pain, pushed her away casually, and then leaned against the wall with one arm in one hand.

He looked at Wu Youyou, he couldn't believe that this woman would be cruel to him.


The moment the scissors hit the ground, blood gushed out.

Wu Youyou covered his mouth, his face pale with fright.

Fan Xingyun hurriedly covered her bloody mouth, and was about to open her mouth to reproach her, but when she looked up, she saw her frightened eyes.

He couldn't bear it.

Don't blame her, she's just angry, she definitely didn't mean to!

She must have been terrified.

Fan Xingyun endured the pain and stretched out his hand to greet her, just like when he was a child, "Yoyo... Come to me......"

Wu Youyou shook his head, and there were two lines of tears hanging on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

She ran out barefoot, her white, loose dress and long hair hanging down like ink, flying in the wind as she ran.

in the hospital.

Wu Youyou was lying on the bed weakly, her eyes were red and swollen, and her lips were white.

A female doctor in a white coat walked over with her examination report.

"Doctor, my child ......"

Looking at the doctor's frowning brow, Wu Youyou grabbed her hand in a hurry.

"Alas!" The doctor lowered her hand, reproachful in his tone.

"You young people really don't know the severity, this is so intense when you are just pregnant, now it's okay, threatened miscarriage."

Threatened miscarriage?

She had a miscarriage??

Wu Youyou suddenly felt that her scalp was numb, she held her forehead and shook it hard, why did she miscarry?

She didn't believe it!

She didn't believe that this child's fate with her was so shallow.

"Doctor, doctor! Please save her, save my child! You can spend as much as you want, please ......."


The doctor raised his hand to comfort her, "Don't get excited, if you want to save the child, you have to be hospitalized for a few days." ”

"I live! I live! Wu Youyou nodded obediently, don't say a few days, a few months.

"Then you have a good rest, the doctors and nurses will come over from time to time."

"Okay, thank you, doctor."

After the doctor left, Wu Youyou touched his little belly and burst into laughter.

When she first learned of her pregnancy today, she was still hesitant to keep the child.

Now that she almost lost her, she no longer hesitated.

When Sun Xiaobing arrived, Fan Xingyun was struggling to bandage his wounds.

He wrapped the gauze around his arm with one hand, wrapped it around a few times, tied a knot at random, and then bit the other end of the gauze with his teeth and pulled it tight.

The white gauze was stained with blood, and there was a pair of bloody scissors outside the door.

The anger on Fan Xingyun's face was obvious.

Sun Xiaobing hurriedly ran over, but he didn't know how to start.

Fan Xingyun's physique is taller than him, and the princess will definitely not be able to hold it, and it seems that she can't carry it.

He stepped forward and grabbed his arm, resting it on his shoulder.

"One, two, three, let's go!!"

"Come, one, two, three, let!!"

"Well, why don't you move? Mr. Fan, would you like to move? ”

Fan Xingyun stood up and stared at him inexplicably, "What are you doing?" ”

"I'll help you up!"

Otherwise, what do you think I'm doing?

Do you dance tango with your arms in your arms?

Sun Xiaobing explained anxiously, and then looked him up and down.

"Otherwise, I'll carry you, and I'll take you to the hospital now."

Fan Xingyun lowered his arm and sat back on the bed, "I can walk by myself!" ”

Lao Tzu hurt his arm, not his leg, and besides, you're as thin as a hemp stick.

Not to mention making legs for Lao Tzu, making a pair of crutches is disgusting.

"Huh? Then Mr. Fan, why didn't you say it earlier? ”

If you can walk on your own, why don't you go directly to the hospital? Even if you can't drive, you can call an ambulance.

When he came, the blood was running dry.

Fan Xingyun held his breath and rolled his eyes at him: You didn't ask.

"Ah what? Give me the phone! ”

He called Wu Youyou a few times, but he kept showing that he couldn't get through.

It's a big night, and I don't know where she went, how is her body?

Therefore, I can only call Sun Xiaobing over.

He wanted to see for himself if Wu Youyou had blocked his phone.

When the phone was dialed, Fan Xingyun's face became even more ugly, and he reminded Sun Xiaobing, "Be clever in a while." ”

As he spoke, he turned on the amplification and casually put his phone on the bedside table next to him.


Continued from the next part:

Her husband questioned whether her pregnancy was fake, and she was arrogant and wanted to divorce, with a baby in her belly, and went to study in another country

If it is invaded and deleted