
Tomorrow, May 25 is a "dangerous day", if you are free or not, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat

author:Mr. Yuan's first lecture

Introduction: Tomorrow's May 25 is a "dangerous day", if you are free or not, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat

Tomorrow is June 30th, the twenty-fifth day of May of the lunar calendar, in the old tradition, this day is the "dangerous day" in the twelve construction, the danger has the meaning of uncertain factors, so this day will pay more attention, the end of May is in the "poison" stage, we had better pay attention to some. Tomorrow, May 25 is a "dangerous day", if you are free or not, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat! Let's see what the older generation pays attention to!

Tomorrow, May 25 is a "dangerous day", if you are free or not, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat

Tomorrow, May 25 is a "dangerous day":

What is the Twelve?

The 12 construction and division is a method of the ancients to choose auspiciousness, according to the lunar calendar and astrological phenomena, respectively: "build, divide, full, flat, fixed, persistent, broken, dangerous, successful, harvested, open, closed".

These 12 words represent the 12 states of people, so we can also tell whether they are good or bad!

Tomorrow, May 25 is a "dangerous day", if you are free or not, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat

Tomorrow: Jiachen year Geng Wuyue Yi Chou day. According to the comparison between the daily and lunar branches, this day is a "dangerous day"

The older generation often says: "Build a full level to collect black, except for the danger and the yellow; It can be used when it is opened, but it is not appropriate to close it. ”

We can see from this that the "dangerous day" is an auspicious day of the zodiac, so it is suitable for marriage, opening a business, sacrifices and other things.

But that doesn't mean you can do everything, and some things are still not suitable.

Tomorrow, May 25 is a "dangerous day", if you are free or not, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat

The ancients wanted to spend their day smoothly, so even if it was a good day, they would pay attention to some things and make life as perfect as possible. Tomorrow, May 25 is a "dangerous day", if you are free or not, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat! Let's see what to say about this day!

1. Don't go: Don't go to high places

"Dangerous days" should not go to high places. The ancients said: "High-risk places, be careful not to climb lightly". On the day of danger, try not to go to high places, "dangerous" has the meaning of "dangerous", generally high places will be more dangerous, so the ancients paid attention to this day not to climb high, which comes from the ancients' awe of nature and love for life.

"The Book of Songs, Xiaoya, Che Zhi" mentions: "The mountains look up, and the scenery stops." "Although the mountains are majestic, they are also dangerous and cannot be easily climbed. The meaning of this day is not good, and people will not do dangerous things!

This is also a reminder that in today's society, although life is convenient, we still need to pay attention to safety, after all, accidents are unpredictable, and we can only avoid them by being cautious. Therefore, it is not recommended for everyone to climb the mountain and climb the heights tomorrow!

Tomorrow, May 25 is a "dangerous day", if you are free or not, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat

2Don't speak: Don't say anything unlucky

"Dangerous day" does not say unlucky words. "The speaker is the cardinal of the gentleman", the ancients realized the power of language at a very early age, so they advocated "be cautious in words and deeds", in order not to find trouble, especially on days with bad meanings, we should pay more attention to what we say, and try not to say unlucky words.

As the old saying goes, "a word prospers the country, a word loses the country", good words can bring us nobles, opportunities and surprises, etc., while bad words can affect our mood and even interpersonal relationships, making life worse and worse.

So tomorrow, don't say unlucky things, but say more good things!

Tomorrow, May 25 is a "dangerous day", if you are free or not, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat

3. Don't eat: Don't eat overnight dishes

It is not advisable to eat overnight dishes tomorrow. Tomorrow is the 10th day of the summer solstice, the last day of the summer solstice, according to the solar term cycle of the small summer is coming, the old saying "small summer and small heat, steaming and cooking", which means that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, at this time it is also accompanied by humid air and sudden rainstorms, overnight food is more likely to deteriorate, it is easy to cause food poisoning, and put yourself in a dangerous situation, so the ancients will not eat overnight meals on this day.

Confucius once said: "If the fish is hungry and the meat is rotten, it will not be eaten." "The ancients realized the importance of eating fresh food at a very early age, and even though there was a shortage of food in that era, people often did not have enough to eat, but they still paid attention to not eating stale food.

Tomorrow, it's best not to eat overnight dishes for the sake of saving, eat some fresh vegetables and meat, so that the body is healthy!

Tomorrow, May 25 is a "dangerous day", if you are free or not, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat

Tomorrow, May 25 is a "dangerous day", if you are free or not, remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't say, 3 don't eat!

Some of these old traditions are considered from the aspect of meaning, some are considered from the aspect of health, and some are considered from the aspect of life, no matter from which aspect, they are the symbols of the ancients in order to make their lives better and better, so for these old traditions, we can also abide by them, but also to seek a good omen, do you think it makes sense?