
The election debate is for Biden! Musk's words were shocked, and Biden was helped off the stage by his wife

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The presidential debate between Trump and Biden is over, and this is the scene of the final end: Trump turned his head and walked away, striding and striding with a blistering pace. Biden couldn't get off the stage when he stood on the stage, and his wife hurriedly came to the stage to help him go down. Needless to say, what will American voters think when they see this contrast?

The election debate is for Biden! Musk's words were shocked, and Biden was helped off the stage by his wife

On June 28, Elon Musk, the world's richest man, said that the presidential election debate in the United States is a preparation by the Democratic Party to replace the incumbent President Biden as a presidential candidate.

That is, this was deliberately arranged?

The election debate is for Biden! Musk's words were shocked, and Biden was helped off the stage by his wife

Biden's first debate with former President Trump was held on the evening of June 27 local time. CNN, citing sources, said Biden's performance had caused panic within the Democratic Party. One user posted on social media X that CNN commentators were "stabbing Biden in the back."

Biden's performance, even Musk couldn't stand it, he responded on X: "They're just puppets talking, this is to prepare for a replacement." ”

House Republican Congressman Marjorie Taylor Green believes that the Democrats will try to replace presidential candidate Joe Biden, and the debate is specially scheduled for this. Earlier, the famous journalist Seymour Hersh also said that if Biden loses to Trump in the first debate, he may be replaced.

The election debate is for Biden! Musk's words were shocked, and Biden was helped off the stage by his wife

CNN, a well-known left-wing media outlet, hosted the first televised debate of the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

Despite the inherent lack of an advantage in the debate venue, the Republican candidate Trump still had a chance to face off with the Democratic presidential candidate Biden, and was able to shine and mercilessly "stampede" Biden.

The election debate is for Biden! Musk's words were shocked, and Biden was helped off the stage by his wife

During the debate, Biden and Trump exchanged views on inflation, taxes, Ukraine, and the future of democracy, so much so that personal attacks on their opponents also appeared, and the "war of words" of nonsense drowned out their party's policies.

The election debate is for Biden! Musk's words were shocked, and Biden was helped off the stage by his wife

The two even compared whose golf game was better, and the level of "nonsensical" was so "nonsensical" that even Stephen Chow didn't dare to make it up.

Throughout the debate, however, Biden's poor performance contrasted sharply with Trump's relatively steady and measured performance.

In many cases, Biden's attacks on Trump are really unstoppable, let alone able to substantively lash out at Trump's policies themselves, and the situation is very, very unoptimistic.

The election debate is for Biden! Musk's words were shocked, and Biden was helped off the stage by his wife

And the instant poll conducted by CNN after the debate also shows this intuitively.

CNN asked debate attendees online: "Who won the debate?" ”

The answer is resounding and unanimous: Donald Trump!

The poll results showed that 67 percent of viewers thought Trump won tonight's debate, while only 33 percent thought Biden won.

The election debate is for Biden! Musk's words were shocked, and Biden was helped off the stage by his wife

Compare the data on what audiences expect before the debate begins: 55% think Trump will win the debate, 45% think Biden will win the debate.

Judging from the final result, the audience's perception changed considerably as the debate ended. A number of Biden's supporters "defected" on the spot.

The election debate is for Biden! Musk's words were shocked, and Biden was helped off the stage by his wife

There are two reasons for this:

On the one hand, although the American people were generally not optimistic about Biden before the debate, they did not expect that after a week of Biden's "retreat and practice", the debate performance was even more disappointing than they originally expected. This also shows from the side that Biden's poor physical and mental condition, confused thinking, and poor concentration of elderly symptoms are prominent, which is a catastrophic fact.

On the other hand, Trump's performance in this debate is more gentle, restrained, and mature than in 2020, and he did not show rude behavior, let alone cause chaos, and his down-to-earth performance is refreshing.

Undoubtedly, after the debate, Trump will inevitably win the favor of more voters in the middle, expand the range and sources of votes, and then achieve the first time to break through the watershed in the number of votes.

The election debate is for Biden! Musk's words were shocked, and Biden was helped off the stage by his wife

Judging from the current situation, Trump's return to the White House can be said to be a certainty and just around the corner.

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