
How on earth are you going to believe me? Do you want me to rip out my heart? Your heart, not interested



How on earth are you going to believe me? Do you want me to rip out my heart? Your heart, not interested

Chapter 1: The Wedding Night Horror

"Miss, how can you lift your hijab yourself on the wedding day, the Nine Emperors haven't come yet!" Nan Qing exclaimed, she couldn't believe that her young lady, who had always been quiet and polite, would tear off her red hijab on her wedding night.

The bright dragon and phoenix candles on the candlestick reflect the beautiful and flawless face of the bride. The bright wedding dress reflects the bride's skin and snow, Chu waist grub collar, the gold ring silk tortoiseshell phoenix crown is brilliant, and the huge east pearl on the top of the phoenix crown is a symbol of grandeur and luxury.

Gu Lingzhao looked at the golden silk red silk hijab in his hand, his eyebrows were slightly twisted, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes that were as clear as water, "I didn't know that this was not in line with etiquette." ”

"And what is the young lady?"

"Something may have happened to the Hou Mansion." Gu Lingzhao held a crumpled note in his left hand, with a few sentences on it: Xuanping Houfu, collaborating with the enemy and treason, dangerous!

The happy room was as bright as day, and Gu Lingzhao could see the content on the paper clearly under the hijab before, and just one glance made her heart plummet.

"Someone else who came near me before except the two of you?" This note was suddenly stuffed into her hand when she entered the door.

Nanyu Nanqing hesitated, after worshipping heaven and earth in front of the hall, she was surrounded by people and walked back along the way, but there were too many people around her.

"That's right, those maids and grandmothers just now are gone." Nan Qing said in hindsight, when the prince of the dynasty got married, how could the surroundings be so quiet.

Nanyu's personality was more calm, and seeing that Gu Lingzhao's face was not good, he immediately lowered his body and whispered with relief, "Miss, don't mess up, the Hou Ye is upright, and the Gu family is a duke for generations, how can he be accused of such a crime." According to the slave maid, it must be someone who wants to make trouble at the time of the young lady's wedding. ”

Gu Lingzhao could naturally judge that the person who sent her this note was friend or foe, and the abnormal situation around her would not make her lose her temper, but the four big words of "collaborating with the enemy and treason" really shook her head, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt her scalp tingle, she tried her best to stay calm, but her slender fingers couldn't stop trembling, she couldn't wait!

"I'm going to find Ah Jun!" Gu Lingzhao raised his hand and removed the heavy crown on his head, "If you worship heaven and earth, it will be considered a ceremony, I will only be willful this time, Ah Yan will not blame me." ”

When people are panicked, they will look for the person who they can rely on the most.

Gu Lingzhao is so engraved, what is the intention of the person behind a secret letter, she has no heart to reason. At this moment, she just wanted to see Ye Yan urgently.

In the study room in the middle of the house, the strategist who came in a hurry was standing in front of the bookcase with a heavy face, carefully considering his words.

"Your Highness the Nine, do you know what happened to the Xuanping Marquis Mansion tonight?"

"I've got the message." Ye Jun was sitting on a mahogany chair, and the red wedding dress on his body hadn't had time to change out.

"His Royal Highness sent me to come late at night, it was for this matter, the will of the palace came suddenly, and it was a felony of treason and collaboration with the enemy, Your Majesty's mind is really hard to guess."

"What did you want to convey when you directly said that your brother sent you?" Ye Yan's eyes were dark, and his gloomy expression was extremely contrary to the happy clothes on his body.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Lu Qin's heart, the current situation was indeed too sudden.

The Gu family is the most loyal supporter of the Three Princes.

And back then, he asked Ye Jun to get close to Gu Lingzhao, but it was just Ye Zhang's casual joke, and his original intention was just that Ye Jun, who had just come back from Cangsu Mountain, was too idle, and he was in trouble in Beijing every day, which gave him a headache.

Ye Jun, who didn't want to be young, really took it seriously, and happily accepted the task, with a look of excitement that he wanted to share his brother's worries.

Ye Jun has such an idle temperament, and he really followed the eldest lady of the Gu family for five years, accompanying others to enjoy flowers and snow, cooking tea and rain, and doing all the impulsive things to protect the shortcomings for the beauty, and the appearance of deep love is almost difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake.

Even if it is their own people, they dare not guarantee that Ye Yan will be able to get out of this matter.

This is also the reason why Ye Zhang sent Lu Qin overnight, it is a pity that he couldn't borrow the strength of the Gu family, and he must not cause trouble again because of this matter!

Thinking of this, Lu Qin gritted his teeth and lowered his head, and then said, "This time, the Gu family is afraid that they will suffer some hardships, and please don't act recklessly with Your Highness the Nine." His Highness has already instructed that he will find a way to deal with it, as long as you keep a low profile during this time, the sins of the Gu family will never touch your body. ”

Seeing that Ye Yan didn't make a sound, Lu Qin remembered His Royal Highness's fiery and uncontrollable temper, and his heart felt weak for a while, and he really didn't dare to retire like this.

"Your Royal Highness, your marriage to the Gu family is also to weigh the power of the Gu family, don't forget what you promised Your Highness back then. This is a grim situation, and Your Highness wants you to be prepared and make a decision if necessary! ”

Ye Jun glared at him violently, his eyes were full of cold light, just when Lu Qin thought that Ye Jun would smash the teacup on the table on his head, but he heard the other party suddenly laugh, "I said back then, it's just a woman, the imperial brother needs me to marry, I will marry, for the great cause of the imperial brother, these are not difficult things." Mr. Lu doesn't have to be nervous, I know how to be measured, it is not easy for the imperial brother to deal with Ye Tang and Ye Xuan, and I will not add to the chaos. ”

Lu Qin really breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and even his voice was a lot lighter: "Your hard work over the years, Concubine De and His Royal Highness have seen it in their eyes, and after the outlet, Concubine De Niangniang will definitely find a good fate for Your Highness, and will not let you be wronged in vain." ”

Ye Jun lowered his eyes, his fingers gently twisted the delicate patterns on his sleeves, a pair of phoenix eyes were less bright than before, and the whole person was shrouded in a sense of silence and coldness.

"Your Highness doesn't have to worry too much, the Third Highness and the Fourth Highness have been fighting for a long time, the suffering of the Xuanping Marquis Mansion is obviously the means of the Fourth Highness, the two of them will inevitably have a fight, and it is not yet known who will lose and who will win."

"I will keep in mind the instructions of the imperial brother, it's not too early, Mr. Lu will go back."

Lu Qin heard Ye Jun's impatience, and saluted playfully, "Your Highness, please take care of your body and rest early, the lower official has retired." ”

Ye Yan didn't have any expression, just nodded.

He could hear Lu Qin's footsteps leaving the study, at the moment when the door was pushed, it seemed that a cold wind suddenly poured into the room, Ye Jun's bookcase was obviously not opposite the door, but the cool breeze still blew his cold hair on end, May was the beginning of summer, but the sudden coldness around Ye Jun suddenly felt whether the world was out of order.

"Gu ...... E, grass man Lu Qin participated in the princess. Although Lu Qin's voice was respectful, there was no fear.

The red lanterns decorated for the newlyweds under the eaves exuded warmth to the outside, while the bride standing outside the door in a wedding dress had empty eyes at this time, and the red wedding robe reflected Gu Lingzhao's face was pale, and at first glance it even looked a little infiltrating.

Chapter 2: Questioning

She has always adhered to etiquette, ignored Lu Qin's courtesy, and stepped into the door of the study with stiff steps.

Gu Lingzhao met Ye Yan's gaze as soon as he entered the door, and the man sitting behind the bookcase had a very calm face, and his indifferent eyes did not dodge at all.

Gu Lingzhao opened her mouth, but she couldn't make any sound, her heart was cold, and the silence around her was terrifying, but she felt that there was a harsh murmur in her ears, as if her soul was wailing.

She must have been in a nightmare, otherwise how could she hear such terrible words in Ye Yan's mouth? In order to get her father's approval, she stood in the martial arts arena at the age of seventeen, fighting with a broken arm to win the championship, he saved her many times, treated her well for several years, and cared for her. Now on the day of the wedding, she was told that everything was fake, just a trap for the long run, and the person she loved with all her heart was just for her life experience.

Ye Yan was silent, in the end, it was Gu Lingzhao who opened his mouth first, "What did you mean by what you said just now?" What does it mean to weigh the power of the Gu family? ”

The voice was fragile and helpless, and it had no confidence to question the wrongdoer. Even though she had already understood Ye Yan's expression, Gu Lingzhao still didn't want to believe it, she desperately hoped that the man in front of her would give her an explanation, as long as it was the bitterness that came out of his mouth, she could convince herself to forget the conversation she had just heard.

"Why don't you speak? Ye Jun? ”

"That's what you heard." Ye Jun closed his eyes and took a deep breath, either he had no worries now, there was no need to bother thinking about reasons, or he didn't want to continue to lie if he had a clear conscience, in short, in front of Gu Lingzhao, he really couldn't make up any nonsense.

"Therefore you marry me, pretend to like me, and coax me to rejoice day by day...... Just to paralyze my father and brother and make them take it lightly, and then use me to transfer the relationship between the Gu family and the third prince, so that you and your own imperial brother can benefit and enjoy the success? Gu Lingzhao stood firm, and tears washed her eyes very clearly. Faced with such a pair of clean eyes, Ye Yan couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

"Your liking for me and love for me at first sight are all fake, all these years, all of us are just playing on the spot......" Gu Lingzhao hated his rational thoughts for the first time, those terrible facts, and the truths that he had not paid attention to in the past, all appeared in his mind in an instant.

"Actually, in your eyes, it's just a task assigned to you by your eldest brother, right?"

"Yes." At a certain moment, Ye Yan didn't want to answer, as if something in his heart jerked, and a voice told him not to have a showdown. However, Gu Lingzhao's bloody questioning did not leave him room to deal with it. That's the daughter of the Gu family, with her talent and knowledge, as long as she has a clear mind. In fact, hearing those few words is enough to deduce the original situation of the matter.

"You ......" Gu Lingzhao had already burst into tears unconsciously, and she pressed her heart with her hand, as if this would make the pain of heartbreak come more slowly.

Ye Yan stood up with a cold face, and said in an undulating voice: "Since you marry me, I should protect you thoroughly, as long as you are obedient, no matter what happens outside, it will not shake your identity." ”

Gu Lingzhao seemed to have heard extremely ridiculous words, and she asked distractedly, "So, should I still be grateful to you?" Your Highness is really a good means...... Do you want to be enshrined by a statue after doing evil deeds? ”

"Zhaozhao," Ye Jun frowned and looked at her deeply, "You have no other choice. ”

Gu Lingzhao closed his eyes weakly.

Yes, she has already married Ye Yan and married into the royal family, where else does she have any other choice. Her father and eldest brother will indeed stand behind her unconditionally, but now the situation of the Xuanping Marquis Mansion is unknown, and it is difficult to protect herself......

Gu Lingzhao wanted to smash the vase on his side and smash it into Ye Jun's head, she wanted to ask him if he had a heart, they had known each other for many years, and during that period, they were born and died, and they had been with each other for those years, he kept saying that he liked her, and swore that he would only marry her alone in this life, and the sincerity in his eyes was still in front of him.

How could he tell her that it was all fake? How could he hurt her so rightly!

But at this moment, she couldn't even scold the other party's behavior, she didn't dare, she didn't dare to completely tear her face with Ye Jun.

At the most difficult moment for the Hou Mansion of Xuanping, she couldn't push Ye Zhang and Ye Yan to the opposite side of the Hou Mansion, and she couldn't make the situation of the Hou Mansion worse because of her own willfulness. A breath of resentment came back to his heart, Gu Lingzhao could feel the overturning of his chest, and the pain spread from his internal organs to his limbs, and he could feel pain even with his fingertips.

A shadow fell, and before he knew it, Ye Jun was already standing in front of Gu Lingzhao, he raised his hand to wipe away the tears on Gu Lingzhao's face, this action was familiar and natural, but this time the other party turned his face directly to avoid his touch. Ye Yan's arm stiffened, and then he neatly withdrew his hand.

"Isn't it too early, do you want me to accompany you back to your room?"

"No need!"

Gu Lingzhao took two steps back, and then blessed Ye Jun, she had already collected her emotions in the midst of the changes, she lowered her eyebrows and said: "Your Highness is busy with affairs, and the concubine is inconvenient to disturb, so she will retire." ”

Ye Jun nodded and said hello. He stood calmly and watched Gu Lingzhao step out of the door of the study, her wedding robe still shining in the light of the lanterns at night.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Yan always maintained a posture, he couldn't feel the soreness in his legs and feet, he just calculated silently in his heart, at this time, Gu Lingzhao should have returned to Mingzhao Pavilion, and Lu Qin should have left the prince's mansion a long time ago.

Ye Jun moved his legs and walked to the bookcase, the change of mood was only in an instant, without any warning, Ye Jun suddenly slapped at the pineapple wood bookcase, and the strong internal force instantly made the bookcase fall apart. The next moment, Ye Jun turned around and kicked down the Bogu shelf full of antique porcelain bottles on one side, and the sound of the wooden frame falling to the ground and the porcelain vase cracking was thrilling. The guards outside the study listened to the loud noises coming from the study, and no one dared to make a sound to enter the door to dissuade them.

"Mu Shui!" After a long time, an order finally came from the study.

Mu Shui quickly pushed the door and entered, "The subordinates are here!" ”

Ye Jun stood alone in the room, and the mess everywhere made Mu Shui's heart skip a beat.

"From today onwards, all the guards in the palace are not allowed to leave, all of them are on standby in the palace, and without my orders, the queen mother and my brother cannot enter and leave at will."

"Yes, my subordinates understand."

"Well, go ahead. Wait a minute! ”

"Does Your Highness have any other orders?"

"Just ...... When she went out......"

"The imperial concubine really cried a lot just now, why don't your highness go and take a look?" Mu Shui replied cautiously.

Ye Jun looked at his most trusted henchman seriously, and his voice was flat and indifferent: "It's nothing to see, we have expected this kind of scene for a long time, haven't we?" ”

Chapter 3: My name is Ye Jun

Ye Jun was sent to Cangsu Mountain since he was a child, and he was raised until he was a teenager before being taken back to the capital.

At that time, there were three hot princes in the capital.

Among them, the third prince Ye Tang was born in a beautiful scenery, the most popular among the people, and he was famous at a young age, and there were not a few people of all ethnic groups and factions in Beijing who secretly bet on Ye Tang.

And the fourth prince Ye Xuan, is the concubine left by the first queen, because of his identity as a concubine, he was supported by a faction of old ministers in Beijing, and at the same time, the emperor's liking for this son far exceeds others, and excessive connivance has led to the four princes' temperament is perverse, cold and ruthless, and he is used to looking up at all beings and looking down on these brothers and sisters around him.

The last is the eldest prince Ye Zhang, as the eldest son of the emperor, Ye Zhang has always acted steadily and does not leak, but he is a little mediocre in this battle for succession

He is inferior to Ye Xuan in terms of status, he is inferior to Ye Tang in terms of style, and there are very few in the DPRK who are willing to support him.

As the brother of a mother's sibling, Ye Jun naturally didn't want to let Ye Zhang fall into the inferior, and thought about how to contribute to his brother all day long.

So he set his eyes on the concubine of the Gu family, who was the most popular in Beijing at that time.

The Gu family was originally a noble family, and its head Xuanping Hou Gu Yi was an official at a young age, with outstanding political achievements, and his protégés were all over the place, so he could be called the head of the civil officials of the scholar family. Gu Hou's younger brother Gu Sheng was the Weiyuan general of the imperial court, in charge of the military power in the southeast, guarding the border.

At that time, all the provinces in the capital had a cognition in their hearts that the eldest lady of the Gu family was not inferior to Princess Wangsun.

It can be said that when Ye Jun first returned to the capital when he was young, the first stranger name he heard was Gu Lingzhao.

"Since the daughter of the Gu family is so important, if I marry her, can I help my brother?" Ye Yan was still young at that time, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Ye Zhang.

"Haha, we Ah Yan are young, and we are already thinking about sharing our brothers' worries, which is really good! Gu Hou's daughter marrying the third child is indeed not good for me. You reminded me, if she can marry you......" Ye Zhang's expression became serious, "If you can marry Gu Lingzhao, no matter how you look at it, it will be beneficial to us, Gu Lingzhao is Gu Hou's only daughter, even if she can't get the help of the Gu family, when the sword is shining, Gu Hou will definitely not completely ignore this relationship." You are the same age as her, and now you don't want to see the Gu family marry Ye Tang is not the only one of us, maybe it is a good opportunity. It's just ......"

"But what?"

"The relationship between the Gu family and the third child is too deep, Gu Hou was the mentor of the third child, and the eldest son Gu has the same brother as the third child, I am afraid that Gu Lingzhao has already ...... with the third child."

"What's this? My father didn't decree marriage, and the deeper their relationship, the more helpful the eldest lady of the Gu family would be to us. ”

Looking at the eagerness in Ye Yan's eyes, Ye Zhang kindly reminded: "The eldest lady of the Gu family is known as the first beauty in the capital, Ah Yan, you don't want to be taken away by that daughter's family in the end." ”

"How is that possible? Just a woman. Ye Jun didn't think so, he didn't like the pretentiousness of the infatuated man and the woman.

Today's Ye Yan still thinks so, the royal people are destined to be cold-blooded and cold-blooded, and flesh and blood relatives may face each other with swords. All kindness and compassion can become a sharp stab back in oneself. What love is, he has never thought deeply about it, and he really can't understand the meaning of those things that his little daughter's family is ashamed to desire.

Gu Lingzhao straightened her back and walked back to Mingzhao Pavilion, the corners of the eaves were red silk and red lights on the way, she was in a hurry and didn't want to feel the difference, but she only stopped and looked up when she walked to the door of Mingzhao Pavilion, this is Ye Jun's name, at that time he was holding her behind him, bowing his head and discussing softly in her ear, his voice was nice and excited, and the shallow breath blew her ears red, at that time she felt that the three words "Mingzhao Pavilion", each word contained Ye Jun's love for her.

Tears slipped silently, Gu Lingzhao gradually couldn't see the road ahead, and after entering the gate, she waved her hand to let the subordinates in the prince's mansion retreat. When he stepped into his bedroom, Gu Lingzhao couldn't hold his body at all, and he stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Miss!" Nanqing and Nanyu said in unison, and hurriedly went over to help Gu Lingzhao up.

"I'm fine." Gu Lingzhao sat on the ground, looked back at Nanyu and cried red eyes, she stretched out her hand to wipe away her tears, and then stretched out her arms to hug the two together, these two maids who grew up with her have long been inseparable relatives in her heart.

Nanyu, who used to talk a lot, didn't dare to say more than half a word if she was sensible.

"Don't cry, it's okay, everything will pass." Gu Lingzhao repeated in a low voice, her heart was as bitter as a yellow lotus, she wished it was just a nightmare, but unfortunately the heartache made her unable to deceive herself.

This night, Gu Lingzhao didn't let anyone accompany her, she changed out of her wedding clothes and sat quietly on the bed with her knees crossed, her eyes were numb in the dark, she didn't want to cry anymore, she also had her own arrogance. Tonight, she ran back to Mingzhao Pavilion with tears on her face, and I don't know how many people will become a joke after tea and dinner in the future.

Gu Lingzhao had a headache, and all kinds of thoughts flew in his head, Xuanping Marquis Mansion, Ye Yan ...... Everything made her feel cold, and she wanted to calm down, but the bursts of pain that came to her heart like a tide made Gu Lingzhao unable to find her past calmness.

In a daze, the sky was nearly five watches, the faint light penetrated through the window, and the endless exhaustion made Gu Lingzhao feel that her body was getting heavier and heavier, and in a trance, she actually dreamed of the scene of meeting Ye Jun for the first time.

Back then, Gu Lingzhao was framed and caused rumors, and during that time she seemed to be haunted by bad luck, and bad things happened one after another. At that time, Gu Lingzhao was only twelve years old, and when he first encountered the dangers of the world, he was bored in the house all day long, unwilling to see the living, and even went to the temple to pray for blessings, he had to avoid places where incense was strong.

It was because she wanted to keep a low profile that when she went to Shangxiang, she only brought two family members and a maid, and Wushan Temple was too remote, so when they encountered mountain bandits in a bad year, the group did not have the slightest power to fight back. The carriage was destroyed, Nan Qing pulled Gu Lingzhao and ran desperately, but seeing that he couldn't run, he wanted to lure the mountain bandits away alone. But even so, Gu Lingzhao was still surrounded by a group of people. In the wilderness, she sprained her ankle and fell to the ground, and in front of her eyes were all vicious people with lewd smiles, for a while, her eyes were full of despair, and her mind was blank.

"Whoosh", the feather arrow with the wind was in the middle of the wicked heart, the young man in the ink-colored power suit, like a god descended from the sky, the longbow was held in his left hand, and the thin blade of the right hand Qingfeng was out of the sheath and saw the blood, the weapons clashed, the silver light flew, and the mountain bandits saw that they fell one by one, and there was no power to fight back.

"Scared silly? Whose little lady are you? ”

Gu Lingzhao suddenly came back to his senses and stared at the person squatting in front of him with wide eyes. The man's phoenix eyes were extremely bright, his facial features were handsome, the silver crown raised his black hair high, and even though he raised his eyebrows and asked questions, even if he collected his momentum, it was still difficult to hide the rebelliousness between his eyebrows.

"I am the daughter of the Marquis of Xuanping! I am grateful for the grace of the son to save his life, but my maid is probably still in danger, and the son of the laborer is helping to save her, and the Xuanping Marquis Mansion will definitely send it to the daughter in the future! ”

"The daughter of the Gu family?" Ye Yan's expression fluctuated slightly, and the corners of his mouth pursed and looked at Gu Lingzhao carefully.

"Childe, my maid ......"

"Oh, don't worry, it was your maid who pointed me in your direction, she had been rescued earlier. How are you, can you still walk? ”

Gu Lingzhao looked at the other party's outstretched hand slightly, and hesitated in his heart, but the next moment he put his hand into the other party's palm, and the contrast between the hand that had not yet recovered from the fright and the heat of the young man's palm was too obvious, like holding a small stove.

After Gu Lingzhao got up with the help of his strength, he immediately withdrew his hand, "The little woman is grateful for the great kindness of the son, and she hasn't asked the son's name and surname, I don't know where the son lives?" ”

"My name is Ye Jun."

"Ye Yan!" Gu Lingzhao suddenly woke up and grabbed the void suddenly, but even the trace of temperature in her dream could not be retained in her palm. She finally couldn't hold back, covering her eyes and whimpering. She didn't know what she had done wrong, how she ended up in such a situation, obviously she was still looking forward to her big wedding the day before, and she was still looking forward to her and Ye Jun's long life in the future.

Chapter 4: Do you want to continue to lie to me?

Turning his head to look out the window, it was already completely light.

Gu Lingzhao rubbed his eyes, touched his face, and called Nanqing Nanyu in a hoarse voice.

"Nanqing, try to contact the people of the Shanghou Mansion today, just ask about the situation in the mansion, don't spread the news of yesterday."

"Nanyu, you don't have to accompany me, you walk outside the courtyard more, if someone talks to you or gives you something, you will come back to me immediately." Gu Lingzhao thought about the note in her hand yesterday, if someone was lying in the dark, it shouldn't be the only one action, she could only wait and see what happened before making plans.

Nanyu frowned and asked, "Miss, my sister and I are gone, so what should you do." ”

"It's okay, there is no shortage of attendants in the Prince's Mansion, and others are the same, and now he won't take my life." But not necessarily in the future.

According to common sense, the first day after marriage was to go to the palace to serve tea, but the Gu family suddenly had an accident, and the emperor was furious, Ye Yan was not treated by the emperor, so no one dared to mention this matter in front of the emperor, everyone tacitly ignored the matter, but it also made Gu Lingzhao less tossed. She stayed in her room until the end of the day, and there was no one to look for her except for the maid who brought her food.

Gu Lingzhao sat quietly alone, the silence of the entire Mingzhao Pavilion was panicked, now she has no time to take care of these wedding numbers, she and Ye Yan didn't even drink wine, she didn't care whether the ceremony was successful or not.

There was a rush of footsteps outside the house, and Nan Yu stepped into the door quickly, looking at Gu Lingzhao eagerly.

"You all go out." Gu Lingzhao waved his hand to let the other maids out, and at this moment, the subordinates in the Mingzhao Pavilion were still obeying her orders.

When there were only two masters and servants left, Nan Yu approached Gu Lingzhao and said in a low voice: "Less than fifty steps out of the gate of Mingzhao Pavilion, it is at the rockery in the west. A little maid with a raw face suddenly slipped the letter into my hand, and before I could ask, she disappeared. ”

Gu Lingzhao took the envelope handed by Nanyu, different from yesterday's note, a very formal letter sent today, the paper material is excellent, and the small characters on the seal of the fire wax are written with the words "Gu Lingzhao personally opened".

"Go and lock the door."

"Yes." Nanyu moved quickly, and after carefully locking the door of the house, she turned around and saw that Gu Lingzhao had already torn open the envelope, she walked to Gu Lingzhao's side and asked her doubts. "Miss, this is a haunted person, and I don't know if it's friend or foe?"

Gu Lingzhao didn't say anything to answer Nanyu, but her trembling hand still told everything, and the thin piece of letter paper between Gu Lingzhao's slender fingers seemed to be like a heavy mountain pressing on the top, directly bending her straight back. Gu Lingzhao has been smart since he was a child, and he never forgets ten lines at a glance, such a letter, half a cup of tea is enough to read it twice.

But at this time, she didn't seem to be able to read the content of the black and white words, she repeatedly recognized word by word, a face was already as white as paper, a pair of beautiful eyes were bloodshot, and she didn't realize that her teeth were biting the corners of her mouth.

"Miss, what's wrong with you, miss?" Nan Yu held Gu Lingzhao's shoulders in fear, she swore that she had never seen her gentle and kind young lady show such a terrifying expression.

"But the situation in the Hou Mansion is not good?"

“...... There is no mention of the Hou Mansion here, it is talking about some old things, let's take it and burn it first. ”

Nan Yu nodded hurriedly, took the letter and turned around to look for the fire fold, just lit a corner of the letter, only to hear a loud bang, the door was suddenly kicked open, Nan Yu was shocked, and the paper with fire floated directly to the ground.

"What are you doing with the door locked in broad daylight?" Ye Yan stepped into the door of the house and saw something strange at a glance, his eagle-like eyes stared at Nanyu, "What are you doing?" ”

Nan Yu was so frightened by Ye Jun's coercion that she didn't dare to move, and the whole person seemed to be frozen in place. In the quiet time in the past, Ye Jun adhered to Gu Lingzhao day by day, Ye Jun at that time seemed to have no temper, even if he was offended and joked by Nanyu, he just smirked at Gu Lingzhao, looking indifferent. But at this time, Nan Yu had no doubt that Ye Jun would kill himself lightly.

"Why is Your Highness here?" Gu Lingzhao was still sitting in place, looking up at Ye Yan's face, and his voice was unusually calm, "Nanyu, put out the fire." ”

Ye Jun came back to his senses and looked at Gu Lingzhao, he felt that her face was a little paler, and the whole person looked even thinner, he was not surprised by Gu Lingzhao's face, she knew these things, if she could be in a good mood, it would really be a hell.

"This is the Prince's Mansion, and I don't need to ask for other people's opinions when I step here. Zhaozhao, the situation has been unstable lately, and you and your maid had better not make your own decisions, there is no safer place than this mansion. As soon as Ye Yan waved his hand, Nan Qing was tied and pushed in.

Gu Lingzhao looked startled, got up suddenly, and looked at Nan Qing's body without injuries, before he breathed a sigh of relief. When he looked at Ye Yan sideways, there was anger and hatred in his eyes that could not be concealed, and the resentment was even heavier than yesterday.

"You haven't said yet, what were you just burning?" Ye Jun looked at Gu Lingzhao's expression, his heart was inexplicably depressed, and he stubbornly turned his face away and didn't want to look at her eyes. Turning his head, he stared at Nanyu again.

"Your Highness, I have something I want to tell you alone, let them go down first." Gu Lingzhao's voice was full of exhaustion. In the habit of several years, when facing many things at the same time, Ye Yan will definitely be the first to hear Gu Lingzhao's voice. Although the formation of this habit is not based on the intention of mixed interests, it cannot be corrected for a while.

"All out."

At the moment when everyone retreated and the door closed, Ye Jun keenly felt that the person in front of him had changed his momentum.

Gu Lingzhao looked straight at Ye Xuan, and said straight to the point, "In the eighteenth year of Zhengwu, Du Yufu framed me for pushing her into the water, and the subordinates present at that time were all bought by him, and they joined forces to reverse right and wrong, confuse black and white, making me speechless. Later, rumors spread in the capital, saying that I was bullying and arrogant, and for a time I became a notorious existence in the capital, and everyone shouted and beat me. ”

"Why do you talk about this?" Ye Yan looked at Gu Lingzhao steadily, his eyes were like a cold pool, and he was bottomless.

Gu Lingzhao's eyes were not afraid, and his words were clear and calm, "At that time, the rumors came too turbulently, and dirty water was poured all the way from the Gu Mansion to the third prince, and the Gu family had no choice but to dissolve the marriage contract with him." ”

"What are you trying to remind me of by saying this?" Ye Yan's inky eyes suddenly ignited a nameless anger.

"What is Your Highness angry about?" The corners of Gu Lingzhao's mouth were hooked, revealing a helpless chuckle, "Your Highness should know how much that incident hurt me." Speaking of which, my encounter with His Highness was also after this. ”

"Ye Tang is now married, even if you have regrets, it is useless. No matter how strong the Gu family is, it is impossible for you to marry two princes. Ye Yan spit out a few words coldly, like a bamboo gun with barbs, and the roots were stabbed in Gu Lingzhao's heart. She also knew in the past that this person had an angry personality, and his mouth was as poisonous as a sharp blade, but at that time, she didn't know the pain of watching the fire from the other side.

Gu Lingzhao forcibly endured the choking in his throat. Continuing his train of thought, which was almost disrupted, "I just want to ask Your Highness, the first time you saw me, was it really at the foot of Mount Wu?" ”

Ye Yan's eyes flashed with a look of emptiness, and his tone softened a lot, "Why do you ask like that?" ”

"Are you going to lie to me again? Gu Lingzhao closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and big tears slipped silently at the end of his eyes, "Ye Yan, when Du Yufu jumped into the water by herself in Jiang's Mansion, were you on the spot?!" ”

Chapter 5: The culprit is around

Ye Jun was suddenly stunned, and his expression was even more empty than when the two faced off last night.

"Not only were you present at the time, but you also saw the whole process of my being framed, and then you also had a share of the overwhelming rumors in the capital, right?"

Gu Lingzhao stared at Ye Yan deadly, his dark brown eyes full of sadness and pain.

Ye Yan was inexplicably afraid of her eyes and didn't dare to look at her.

“...... In the entire capital, there are only a handful of people who are really willing to see you and Ye Tang marry. ”

"Slap", a slap finally hit Ye Yan's face.

"Do you know that I was about to live at that time, and I was scared every day, and I couldn't sleep well...... How embarrassed are you to comfort me with an innocent face! ”

"Do you have a heart?" Gu Lingzhao's voice was hoarse, as if all her strength had been drained, and she finally fell to her knees weakly. The pain that was suppressed last night came back today with the strength of Wan Jun, and it intensified to completely crush Gu Lingzhao's true heart. She covered her face helplessly, and her crying was incoherent in pain.

Ye Yan lowered his eyes and looked at Gu Lingzhao silently. He wasn't surprised by this slap, he even felt that she should have done it yesterday. Gu Lingzhao's body has been weak since he was a child, and the slap under his anger made Ye Yan not even feel hot pain.

Everything in front of him, he had expected it many years ago, but for some reason, Ye Yan was very uncomfortable, like a thorny vine growing under his feet, crawling all over his body from the bottom up, every time Gu Lingzhao cried, these vine thorns stabbed him. The pain does not reach the depths, but the pain points are dense and he can't find the crux of the problem.

He finally attributed these unexpected emotions to shame, after all, he is a living person, and it is reasonable to feel a little guilty in his heart by using conspiracy and trickery to deceive other girls so painfully.

Ye Jun had one reason after another in his heart, and he persuaded himself without any obstacles.

"During this period of time, you can only stay in the mansion, no matter what the original purpose was, now that you have become my wife, I will not treat you badly."

Ye Jun also wants to say, if you want, we can still go back to the past, and he can still be good to her as before...... It's just that when the words come to his mouth, he feels powerless.

That's it, Gu Lingzhao is not a person who can drill the horns of the bull, give her more time, she will definitely be able to figure out what is the most beneficial choice for her.

"Ye Yan, I just want to ask you, does this matter have anything to do with you and the eldest prince?"

Ye Jun replied very happily this time: "No." ”

He was afraid that Gu Lingzhao would not believe it, so he went on to explain: "This time it was the fourth brother and Du Xiang who suddenly made trouble, and the elder brother was also caught off guard by this matter. ”

"Zhaozhao" Ye Yan squatted down and kept his eyes level with Gu Lingzhao, although the other party didn't want to look at him, "You are angry, it doesn't matter how angry you are at me." It's just that I said ugly things in front, you don't try to contact people outside, I can't do anything to you, but your maids, if there is a next time, I will definitely not spare them. The current Xuanping Marquis Mansion can't take care of you, but there are countless gangsters waiting for you to enter the net. ”

"Then when will I be free again?" Gu Lingzhao still had crystal tears on her eyelashes, and at this moment she had no strength to cry, just staring at the floor blankly.

"When the dust settles on this matter, and the Xuanping Marquis Mansion survives this crisis, everything can be restored to the beginning."

"Is it really the same as ever?" Gu Lingzhao asked softly to himself, then turned his head and raised his eyes to stare at Ye Xuan: "In your heart, do you really want the Gu family to survive this catastrophe?" ”

Ye Jun avoided her gaze and replied loudly: "Naturally, the Gu family is a century-old family, with countless loyal ministers, and Gu Hou is the pillar of the country. Everyone in the court knew that the Xuanping Marquis Mansion was framed and wronged. In fact, you don't have to wash your face with tears for the Gu family every day, the third brother will not let the Gu family have an accident. ”

"Ye Jun, no, His Royal Highness the Ninth ......" Gu Lingzhao suddenly changed her attitude, she pulled the hem of Ye Jun's clothes, knelt on the ground on both knees, and lowered her posture, "Can you ask His Highness to help my father." At this time, if the Gu family falls, it will also be unfavorable to His Highness. The fourth prince has a perverse and irritable personality and acts unscrupulously, but he is favored by His Majesty...... When it is really time for life and death to fight, the Third Highness will definitely fall into the inferior. As long as the Gu family can survive the catastrophe safely, I can cooperate with you, I can act as if nothing bad has happened, and we can still be a loving couple in front of others! ”

"You ......"

Ye Jun pursed the corners of his lips, and he admitted in his heart that what Gu Lingzhao said was very reasonable. Ye Tang once said that if Gu Lingzhao is a man, he must have the talent of a military advisor. She was exactly as he thought, and she was quick to come up with the best countermeasures for her.

It's just that these truths he wanted Gu Lingzhao to figure out, when they really came out of her mouth, when she heard her easily connect the relationship between the two with interests, Ye Yan felt a nameless hardship in his chest.

“…… Don't kneel to me. Ye Yan took a deep breath, only to feel that this place was oppressive and made him unable to breathe, "I can't do my brother's idea." ”

"I can go and convince His Highness that you take me to meet him. It's okay to pass the word, or let me meet Lu Qin. ”

"Lu Qin? Are you so afraid of death? Ye Jun almost sneered, "The most important thing you should do now is not to let anyone remember your existence." ”

Ye Yan didn't want to tell Gu Lingzhao at all, now outside for the case of the Xuanping Marquis Mansion, it can't be said that there is a river of blood, but there are not a few people who fall to the ground for this. The Gu family will definitely be greatly injured, and yesterday she was hit by Lu Qin again, and in the eyes of his brother, she was already a waste chess piece. Among Ye Zhang's many strategists, Lu Qin was the most ruthless, last night Gu Lingzhao was able to hear their conversation all the way unimpeded, if he didn't have this person's handwriting, he would never believe it.

She is hiding in the deep house, it is better to have less sense of existence, but the dispensability makes Ye Zhang not think of her, no matter what the result of the Gu family is, he can ensure that she has no worries about food and clothing.

"Zhaozhao, what I'm doing now is for your good."

"If you really care so much about my life and death, how can you set up such a dead situation to blame me!"

“...... So you can hate me and hate as much as you want" Ye Jian stood up and stopped looking at Gu Lingzhao's expression, no one could predict this catastrophe, but he knew very well that everything he was doing now was seen by others, and the slightest carelessness might send Gu Lingzhao to death.

He would rather Gu Lingzhao resented him, he was not wronged, whether Gu Lingzhao loved or hated him, those ethereal feelings, he never cared.

No matter how far he will go in the future, but at this moment, he must at least save Gu Lingzhao's life.

"You stay in Mingzhao Pavilion well, I will send someone to send some supplements over, your body can't help but toss, if you starve to death in my place, your eldest brother will not be able to eat me when you turn around." Seeing Gu Lingzhao's eyes silent, Ye Yun didn't care whether the other party wanted to or not, he directly pulled her arm and hugged Gu Lingzhao back to the bed, "It's autumn, the ground is cold, what do you need, just let people go to the housekeeper, no one will snub you." ”

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