
Dampness and heat are not terrible, what I am afraid of is yin deficiency and dampness and heat, whether to nourish yin or dispel dampness, this article is clear

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Wang Yaofeng

In summer, many people are troubled by problems caused by dampness and heat, such as heavy limbs, burning stomachs, and sticky stools. Why is it difficult to reconcile yin deficiency and dampness and heat?

Dampness and heat are not terrible, what I am afraid of is yin deficiency and dampness and heat, whether to nourish yin or dispel dampness, this article is clear

Because while clearing dampness and heat, it is easy to injure the fluid, and if it nourishes yin and generates jin, it may aggravate dampness and heat. So, how should this question be adjusted?

Generally, it is divided into two situations to analyze the syndrome, one is damp heat caused by yin deficiency, and the other is yin deficiency caused by damp heat.

Dampness and heat are not terrible, what I am afraid of is yin deficiency and dampness and heat, whether to nourish yin or dispel dampness, this article is clear

The first is yin deficiency and dampness and heat

In this case, yin deficiency is the main thing, and dampness and heat are the result of further development. When the kidney yin in the body is insufficient, it cannot nourish the kidney qi, and the vaporization and metabolism of water and liquid are affected, it is easy to stop the water and liquid, and then it is affected by the void fire, and it is easy to develop into yin deficiency mixed with dampness and heat.

Dampness and heat are not terrible, what I am afraid of is yin deficiency and dampness and heat, whether to nourish yin or dispel dampness, this article is clear

This kind of person is mostly upset, dry mouth and throat, hot palms and feet, difficulty falling asleep, and dreaming when sleeping, in addition, it is also accompanied by frequent urination and urgency, poor urination, burning sensation when urinating, sticking out the tongue to see, the tongue is red, and the tongue coating is yellow and greasy. At this time, it is necessary to nourish yin, with the scorching dampness and heat under Qingli, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Zhuling soup.

Dampness and heat are not terrible, what I am afraid of is yin deficiency and dampness and heat, whether to nourish yin or dispel dampness, this article is clear

The second is the development of damp heat, which injures the fluid

When it comes to dampness and heat hurting yin, most of the dampness and heat in the body are not cleared in time, and the heat evil is too heavy, which burns the jin fluid, resulting in a deficiency of the jin liquid, which cannot restrain the yang qi, and there is a situation of yin deficiency and fire.

Dampness and heat are not terrible, what I am afraid of is yin deficiency and dampness and heat, whether to nourish yin or dispel dampness, this article is clear

Like this case, it is mainly damp and hot, so the manifestations are mostly dizziness, like a cloth, heavy limbs, indigestion, often burning sensation in the stomach, sticky and burning stool, and at the same time, there is also irritability, poor sleep quality, etc., which need to be mainly damp and hot, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Qingzhong soup

Dampness and heat are not terrible, what I am afraid of is yin deficiency and dampness and heat, whether to nourish yin or dispel dampness, this article is clear

When damp heat and yin deficiency exist at the same time, it is necessary to grasp the damp heat and nourishing yin according to the situation, so as not to hurt the fluid and not to regenerate damp heat.

If you feel unwell, please find a professional doctor to guide the syndrome differentiation, and do not blindly use the medicine to avoid delaying the condition.