
Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

author:The story chatters
Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

In February 2013, the night in Beijing was enveloped in an upscale bar. In the VIP private room, Li Tianyi and his fox friends raised a glass and drank freely, carnivaling wantonly.

Little did they know that this seemingly ordinary night would be a turning point that would completely change their fate.

A heinous rape case not only destroys the life of an innocent girl, but also drags this once illustrious family into the abyss. Li Shuangjiang, an artist who once dominated the music scene, is now facing the dilemma of having his sky-high pension cancelled and his wife and children leaving Europe.

From the pinnacle of art to the bottom of his life, how did this former master get to where he is today? Let's peel back the layers of this family and find out.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

At the age of four, the young Li Tianyi began to learn piano with the famous pianist Han Jianming. Only four years later, at the age of eight, he practiced calligraphy under the master of calligraphy and painting Fang Zhiwen.

Not only that, Li Tianyi also showed his athletic talent and successfully joined the Chinese junior ice hockey team. Under the careful arrangement of his parents, Li Tianyi seems to have become an all-round "prodigy".

However, in this seemingly perfect environment for growth, there are hidden seeds of danger. Li Shuangjiang and Mengge's love for their son is almost to the point of losing their minds.

Whenever Li Tianyi made a mistake, they always chose to cover him up and even excuse him. This practice made the young Li Tianyi gradually lose his basic judgment of behavior and develop a character of no one in his eyes.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

As he grew older, Li Tianyi's behavior became more and more unscrupulous. When he was in elementary school, he pushed the other party down the stairs because he coveted his classmates' game consoles.

What is even more shocking is that not only did he not repent afterwards, but threatened his classmates not to speak out.

After entering junior high school, the situation deteriorated. Li Tianyi befriended a group of delinquent teenagers and ran rampant and domineering on campus. In the face of the teacher's kind persuasion, he not only disagreed, but became even more rebellious.

There are even rumors that he has been asked to parents for assaulting teachers.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

In the face of their son's increasingly serious problems, Li Shuangjiang and his wife have always adopted an evasive attitude. They would rather transfer their son to another school than face up to the root of the problem. This practice is tantamount to quenching your thirst and will only make the situation worse.

In this golden cage, Li Tianyi lost his correct values and code of conduct. Although his parents gave him generous material conditions, they neglected to cultivate his moral character.

This deformed way of education laid the groundwork for future tragedies. Li Tianyi's story has become the best annotation of the ancient adage "A darling is like a murderer".

In 2011, Li Tianyi's life ushered in a key turning point. This year, he was involved in a driving assault incident that shocked society.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

This should have been a wake-up call to the seriousness of his actions. However, due to the protection of his parents, this incident became a rehearsal for an even greater tragedy in the future.

On the night of the incident, Li Tianyi and a group of fox friends and dog friends were going for a ride in a residential area. The drunken teenagers got into a heated argument with a private car owner. The young and vigorous Li Tianyi not only took the lead in beating the other party, but also arrogantly threatened: "If you dare to call the police, be careful and bear the consequences!" This sentence not only exposes his arrogance, but also reflects his distorted psychology formed by living under the protection of privilege for a long time.

After receiving the news, Li Shuangjiang and his wife immediately rushed to the hospital. Faced with the anger of the victims' families, their first reaction was not to reflect on their son's mistakes, but to try to settle the matter with money.

However, they soon realized that this time the victim was not eating this set. Faced with the victims who insisted on resolving the matter through legal means, Li Shuangjiang and his wife, who had always been on the top, felt both panicked and helpless.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

Eventually, 15-year-old Li Tianyi was sent to a labor camp for a year of rehabilitative education. It was supposed to be a chance for him to recognize his mistakes and mend his ways. However, the opposite is true.

Far from repenting of him, this experience became his capital for even more unscrupulous misery in the future.

A year later, Li Tianyi ended his life in re-education through labor. What is unbelievable is that Li Shuangjiang and his wife not only did not give their son a strict education, but instead held a grand "celebration banquet" for him.

This banquet not only did not make Li Tianyi realize his mistake, but made him more convinced that he could escape any punishment. This misconception laid the fatal foreshadowing for the 2013 case that shocked the whole country.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

From the drive-through beating incident to the celebration banquet after the end of the re-education through labor, Li Tianyi's behavior has slid into a more dangerous situation with every step. And his parents, who were supposed to be the guiding lights in his life, became the driving force that pushed him to the abyss because of blind doting.

This series of events clearly shows how Li Tianyi has gradually lost control of his own behavior, and also exposes the serious flaws in the education methods of Li Shuangjiang and his wife.

Their connivance and cover-up not only did not protect his son, but instead fueled his arrogance, making him less and less concerned about law and morality.

It was from here that the tragedy of this family began to deepen. Li Tianyi's youth, under the doting of his parents and the connivance of society, completely lost control, and finally made an irreparable mistake.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

In February 2013, the bitter winter in Beijing had not yet faded, but a storm capable of destroying a family was already brewing. 17-year-old Li Tianyi, the once high-profile "pride of the sky", once again carnivaled with fox friends in the VIP room of the bar.

With the dual effects of alcohol and hormones, a heinous crime is about to be staged.

That night, a young and beautiful girl was brought to their private room. The girl came to the bar to work part-time to earn a living expenses, but unfortunately became their target.

Li Tianyi, relying on his background and status, tried to forcibly take this girl away. However, she was born in an upright family, and she resolutely rejected Li Tianyi's unreasonable request.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

Li Tianyi, who was rejected, was furious. The privileged mentality he had cultivated over the years made him unable to accept the fact of rejection. He forcibly dragged the girl into a nearby hotel and committed a heinous act of rape despite her fierce resistance.

What's even more terrifying is that his friends are also involved in this crime, taking turns to assault the victim girl. Afterwards, they even left a mere 2,000 yuan as a "reward", as if this would erase the heinous crimes they committed.

After the case, Li Tianyi's attitude was even more outrageous. He insisted that it was just a "deal" and completely failed to recognize the seriousness of his actions. This attitude not only exposes his moral degradation, but also reflects the consequences of a long period of spoiling.

He seems to think that with his family background, he can get away with any punishment.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

After learning of this, Li Shuangjiang was so angry that he even fell ill in bed. Years of doting and pampering finally erupted at this moment with the most tragic consequences.

However, it is strange that Dream Pigeon reacted very differently. She seemed to be in a state of denial, unable to accept that her son would do such a bad thing.

Dream Pigeon begins a series of despicable behaviors. She not only made public the private photos of the victim girl, but also maliciously attacked the other party, claiming that the girl took the initiative to seduce Li Tianyi.

She even slandered the victim for mental illness in an attempt to exonerate her son. This kind of behavior not only did not help Li Tianyi, but caused strong public disgust and plunged the whole family into a larger whirlpool of public opinion.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

However, the justice of the law will not be blinded after all. After a rigorous investigation and trial, the court finally made a verdict: Li Tianyi was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

This result was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Li Shuangjiang and his wife. They have had to face the utter failure of their own approach to education, and the public skepticism and accusations that come with it.

This disaster not only ruined the life of an innocent girl, but also completely changed the fate of Li Shuangjiang's family. The once prominent family of artists became the target of public criticism overnight.

They had to face the spurning of society and the difficulties that came with it.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

The tragedy of this family is the inevitable result of excessive spoiling and privileged thinking. It not only destroyed Li Tianyi's future, but also made Li Shuangjiang and his wife pay a terrible price.

This disaster has become a profound wake-up call in Chinese society about family education and privilege.

After Li Tianyi was imprisoned, the lives of Li Shuangjiang and his wife seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss. The glory of the past is gone, and they have to face the doubts and accusations of society.

Li Shuangjiang, an artist who once dominated the music scene, is now almost unpopular. The sudden drop in invitations to perform, and the cancellation of even the high pension they had been enjoying, was undoubtedly the hardest blow to them.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

This disaster not only ruined Li Tianyi's future, but also brought unbearable psychological pressure and economic losses to Li Shuangjiang and his wife. Their lives have fallen from the clouds to the bottom, and they have to start thinking about how to rebuild their lives.

In this difficult process, Li Shuangjiang and his wife finally began to reflect on their mistakes. They realize that it is excessive spoiling and indulgence that is at the root of this tragedy.

However, this reflection does not change the fact that it has happened, and they still need to take their responsibilities.

Faced with huge pressure from public opinion and economic difficulties, Li Shuangjiang and his wife had to re-examine their lives. They began to think about how to get back on their feet after this disaster and how to find a new way out for themselves and their son.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

What was once a prominent family now has to start from scratch and relearn how to face life's challenges.

Time flies, and Li Tianyi finally ushered in the day of release from prison. In order to give their son a chance to start over, Li Shuangjiang and his wife made a difficult decision: the family moved overseas.

They renamed their son Li Guanfeng, hoping to wash away the haze of the past and start anew.

However, this decision means that they will lose everything in the country. Li Shuangjiang had to give up his pension of nearly 30,000 yuan and start living in a foreign country again.

Li Shuangjiang, who was canceled from his sky-high pension and his wife and children went abroad, is enough to show that he has reached the end of his rope

This once prominent family now has to leave the country and start from scratch.

Facing an unknown future, can Li Shuangjiang's family learn from this disaster and truly start anew? Will they be able to change the way they were educated and help Li Tianyi reintegrate into society? The answers to these questions may only be given in time.

And this family story will also become a profound lesson about family education in Chinese society.

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