
It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

author:Liuyun said ancient and modern
It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

In the midsummer of 1993, in a hospital ward in Beijing, Shi Xin, a 38-year-old national first-class composer, was lying on a hospital bed, breathing weakly. He clasped the hand of his wife Li Xiang, and his eyes flashed with love for music and reluctance to give up on life.

This seemingly simple wish has become unattainable due to the high cost of medical care. At this moment, an unexpected noble person appeared. When the famous singer Li Shuangjiang learned of this, he did not hesitate to lend a hand, bringing a turning point to this moving story.

Before becoming a well-known composer, Shixin's life trajectory had an unexpected turn. Born in a scholarly family, his original name was Liu Zhi, and he had the dream of becoming a pilot when he was a teenager.

With full of enthusiasm, the young Liu Zhi resolutely stepped into the barracks, hoping to soar in the blue sky. However, as fate would have it, the dream of flying could not be realized for various reasons.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

Just when he was feeling lost about the future, a chance chance changed his life. Liu Zhi was assigned to join an amateur propaganda team, where his musical talents were gradually revealed.

When he saw the soldiers proudly singing the songs he had written, he felt a sense of accomplishment that he had never felt before. At this moment, he seemed to have found a new direction in life.

The seeds of music took root in Liu Zhi's heart, and he began to devote himself to music creation. In order to further improve his creative ability, in 1983, he resolutely decided to apply for the Central Conservatory of Music.

At this top music school in China, Liu Zhi eagerly absorbed music knowledge, and his creative talent was fully developed and tempered.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

It was during this period that he changed his name to "Shixin" to express his love and determination for the creation of military themes. This new name not only represents his change of identity, but also symbolizes his loyalty and dedication to his music career.

During the three years at the Central Conservatory of Music, Shixin's musical path became wider and wider. His works began to attract widespread attention, and he was awarded many military merit awards, including third-class merit and one second-class merit.

However, for the young musician with a dream, this is just the beginning. He firmly believes that he still has more potential to be explored, and more musical treasures to be created.

From the barracks to the conservatory to the professional composer, Shixin's life has undergone a huge transformation. This experience not only exercised his will, but also enriched his life experience, and laid a solid foundation for him to create many popular works later.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

The story of Shixin is a vivid portrayal of the artist's perseverance and pursuit of dreams.

After marriage, with the full support of his wife Li Xiang, Shixin was full of creative inspiration. His musical compositions began to be sung throughout the country and became a mandatory repertoire for countless singers.

Among them, "Say a Word from the Heart" and "Little Poplar" stand out and become well-known classics.

"Little Poplar" was born out of a chance reading in the middle of the night. On that day, Shixin read the poet Liang Shangquan's poem of the same name in the newspaper, and his heart was deeply touched.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

Even though it was late at night and exhausted, he couldn't suppress his inner urge to compose the melody immediately. With the encouragement of his wife Li Xiang, he mustered up the courage to make the song public.

Surprisingly, the song became a sensation upon its release and became an important milestone in his musical career.

However, success often comes with tremendous pressure. The pursuit of perfection and the continuous need for creation have placed a heavy burden on Shixin. In search of inspiration and creativity, he began to indulge in tobacco and alcohol.

Thinning figures, violent coughing, and even the occasional coughing up blood have become commonplace. Despite the persuasion of his wife Li Xiang, he has never been able to let go of his dedication to music, as if creation has become an indispensable part of his life.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

During these difficult and glorious years, Shixin composed a large number of popular songs. His musical compositions are full of passion and power, and have deeply touched the hearts of countless listeners.

"Say a Word from the Heart" was born in this context, and this song won a number of music awards for its sincere and moving lyrics and beautiful melody, further establishing Shixin's status in the music industry.

Shixin's creative inspiration comes from a wide range of sources, and he is good at capturing the subtle emotions of life and sublimating them into moving melodies. His works have both affectionate memories of life in the barracks and delicate portrayals of the emotional world of ordinary people.

This kind of creation that goes deep into life and is close to the hearts of the people makes his music works have a strong appeal and lasting vitality.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

However, just when Shixin's music career was at its peak, fate played a cruel joke on him. The long-term excessive smoking, alcohol and work pressure finally gave him a heavy warning at the cost of his health.

When he finally went to the hospital for an examination at his wife's insistence, he got a diagnosis like a thunderbolt from the blue - advanced lung cancer.

This cruel diagnosis not only shattered the peaceful life of Shixin and his family, but also cast a shadow on his brilliant music career. However, even in the days of battling illness, Shixin still did not give up his love for music.

He continued to compose with the only remaining energy, as if he wanted to compose his most moving music in the last moments of his life.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

The diagnosis of advanced lung cancer is like a hammer, shattering the peaceful life of Shixin and his family. In the face of a menacing illness, the talented musician has shown admirable tenacity.

Despite his declining health, he continued to compose and use music to comfort his soul, as if he wanted to complete his musical mission in the last moments of his life.

During this difficult time, Shixin quit his long-standing habit of smoking and drinking, but the side effects of the drug and the torture of illness made him thinner and paler.

He endured unimaginable pain and went through a difficult chemotherapy process, but he never gave up his love for music.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

The final chapter of his life is coming to an end, but Shixin still has an unfulfilled wish in his heart - to publish a solo song album. However, the high cost of production makes this wish seem out of reach.

At this moment, Li Shuangjiang, a master in the music industry, learned of Shixin's predicament. He did not hesitate to donate the more than 30,000 yuan he had just received to the Shixin couple to help them complete the publication of "Say a Word from the Heart - Selected Songs of Shixin".

When Li Xiang brought this precious gift to the ward and gently placed it on the head of Shixin's bed, the musician, who had suffered from illness, finally showed a smile of relief. He stroked the album cover with a trembling hand, as if touching his lifelong musical dream.

With this satisfaction, in June 1993, the 38-year-old Shi Xin closed his eyes peacefully and left the world he loved forever.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

Although his life came to an abrupt end, Shixin used his persistence and love to compose a moving song of life. His departure has been a sad departure for the entire music industry, but his musical spirit has remained in people's hearts forever.

The death of Shixin brought an unbearable blow to Li Xiang. However, this strong woman chose to bury her grief deep in her heart and took on the burden of the family alone.

Facing his young son Liu Zimu and elderly in-laws, Li Xiang supported this family that had lost its pillar with endless love and a sense of responsibility.

The burden of life did not crush Li Xiang, but inspired her inner strength. Not only does she have to take care of her daily life, but she also has to pave the way for her son's future. Under her careful cultivation, Liu Zimu gradually grew up and inherited her father's talent and love for culture.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

Eventually, Liu Zimu successfully founded a cultural communication company in Beijing, inheriting his father's legacy in his own way.

Over the years, relatives and friends have often persuaded Li Xiang to remarry, but her answer has always been the same: "I do!" Behind these three simple words is her deep and eternal love for the soldiers.

Although their marriage was only ten years, this relationship transcended the boundaries of time and space and became an eternal belief in her life.

Li Xiang's perseverance is not only reflected in her loyalty to her husband, but also in her inheritance of Shixin's music career. She insisted on visiting Shixin every few days, sharing the bits and pieces of life with him and telling him about her son's growth.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

In her heart, the image of her husband who is talented and passionate about music has never changed.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Shixin has left for 30 years, and Li Xiang has also entered his twilight years. However, time has not erased her longing for her husband and her love for music.

She still maintains the habits of the year, carefully keeping every manuscript of Shixin, and cherishing every moment spent with him.

Li Xiang's perseverance touched many people. When her son Liu Zimu asked why she had never considered remarrying over the years, Li Xiang's answer was simple and firm: "Because I always have your father in my heart."

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

This persistent love is not only a commitment to her deceased husband, but also a loyalty to the most sincere feelings in her heart.

In the past 30 years, Li Xiang has not only guarded a deep love, but also guarded the spiritual heritage of a musician. Her perseverance has allowed the musical spirit of Shixin to continue, and also allowed the world to witness a sincere relationship that spans life and death.

Li Xiang's story has become the embodiment of love and perseverance, touching the hearts of everyone who hears it.

Although Shi Xin has passed away for 30 years, his musical spirit is still being celebrated in the world. His works continue to be sung by countless singers, touching generations of listeners.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

Classics such as "Little Poplar" and "Say a Word from the Heart" are still sounding on major stages and have become immortal treasures in the Chinese music industry.

In order to commemorate this music master, the famous singer Yan Weiwen held the "Forever Little Poplar" - Yan Weiwen's national vocal master class Shixin work concert at the National Center for the Performing Arts.

This concert not only reviews Shixin's classic works, but also highlights his profound influence on the Chinese music industry. In this way, Shixin's musical spirit was passed on, and his love and dedication to music continued to influence later musicians.

Shixin's musical spirit was also passed on to his son. The cultural communication company founded by Liu Zimu is committed to promoting excellent music works and passing on his father's ideals.

It turned out that he had been dead for many years, and he had become popular with many singers, and Li Shuangjiang also gave him money to publish a song collection

This kind of intergenerational spiritual transmission has allowed Shixin's musical dream to continue, and has also injected new vitality into the development of China's music industry.

Although the spirit of the warrior has left us, his music is like the sun that never sets, forever shining in people's hearts. As sung in "Little Poplar": "Snow Mountain, my relatives, you are the sun that never sets in my heart", the musical spirit of Shixin will always live in our hearts, and continue to warm and inspire countless people who love music.

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